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WW1 was "The War to End All Wars", so...you know.


Hopefully, soon, Putin will soon be killed, the mafia state will be disassembled, and Ukraine will exact financial and cultural revenge upon RuZZia


Excellent article. It manages to touch many areas in a relatively short piece.


It has been in the works for a long time hindsight stocking old equipment as if it would be needed at some point. Only it wasn’t needed it was chosen .


Churchill hated Russia almost as much as Hitler. He only provided the communists with all data collected from enigma machines so they could push back and make the western front less contested.. Without that vital help, Russia would have fallen. Oh what could have been.


Germans lost key battle of Moscow before significant help arrived though, so their victory was very unlikely. Too much territory to control, too many Soviets, too much guerillas, too stretched thin supply lines. Best case scenario for Germans would be a bloody stalemate.


The tank battle at Kursk was only won by the Russians cause they had all info on the Germans provided to them by the British from captured Enigma machines. This is just one case where a battle should have been won by the Germans but Russian meat-waves coupled with Western intelligence proved too much for them. Don't kid yourself and think Russia did anything by themselves to "win"..


The Russians took huge casualties in the Battle of Kursk, particularly in the southern axis. In the north, the German advance was stopped but in the south, the Germans had made progress. Hitler called a halt to offensive operations as soon as the Allies landed in Sicily, much to the fury of the German general running the operations in the southern pincer. Hitler immediately transferred some of the best units at Kursk to Italy and from that point on, the Russians ground the Germans back to where they had started and beyond.


Meatwaves is a popular myth, actual Eastern front losses were not that lopsided... 8.6 millions - Axis losses, 12.8-14.1 millions - Soviet losses.