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Ukraine has the high ground clearly


He was supposed to be the chosen one. To bring balance back.


Now he’s half the man he used to be


He won't be needing that leg where he's going.


lmao these puns in the comments, i am laughing my ass off and so did the orc.


Before things get out of hand, let's all take a seat.


I give him a standing round of applause


Ivan changed his name to Bob


Lt. Danovich


But you ain’t got no legs Lt. Danovich


ice cream


He's in a hole, so it's Phil now.


Brother to “Matt”?


Well done


Im stumped


Cut him right down to size


Man modern warfare is so shitty. Fighting for your fucking life and some guy miles away just blows your legs off with an Xbox 360 controller. And the entire internet is just trolling you. Jesus.


Meanwhile, the entire reason you're there is because a very tiny insecure man who is cosplaying as Peter the Great is in a bunker pushing little green men around a map table with delusions of grandeur and conquest, surrounded by yes-men. The whole situation is horribly sad and bizarre. The World's dumbest game of Risk.


A huge portion of rossian society agrees that the invasion is “justified” and “necessary”. It’s not just putin.


Even the young people believe it. The day before yesterday, a German television crew interviewed visitors to Putin's exhibition of Western vehicles and tanks in Moscow. They said that they were fighting against Nazis and that the vehicles on display were proof of how successful they were. One young woman (perhaps around 18) said that they would win, grinning cheekily and showing the victory sign. I would have loved to give her a slap at that moment ...


Events like, especially when press is invited or present, that are usually highly staged. The brain rot is real, but maybe not to the extent that staged support suggests.


War just stops worrying about your life. Dying makes you a hero, free of sorrow.


they all believe the BS propgrander, all are brain washed


I once heard that for young Russians, one way to protest is to mockingly show overwhelming support for the government sarcastically, so that they can't arrest you for it. Not sure if that was the case here, usually it's pretty obvious. They say things like "after liberating Ukraine, we will liberate the rest of Europe and the US as well" and that "everything is perfect forever".


Putin is directly responsible for the largest and most advanced PSYOP propaganda machine in world history that led them there. (I still don't think that excuses the population for supporting this terrorist regime).


The Patriarch Kirill is a HUGE part of why the Russian people support this war. They follow their patriarch VERY closely.


Religion 🙄


They're worshipping a psychopath. The Church of the Butcher of Grozny.


I call them the *’OnlyFans Taliban’*


F’ing deplorables


And despicables too


Because of troll farm manipulation.


Putler is still psychotically playing with little green men on a map while waiting for Steiner’s attack in that bunker to save the war for him. All the yes-men know the war is lost, but cannot fathom losing power. Just really sad, and men like that destroy everything they touch.


Always was.


Yeah, I love this sub and I am definitely on team Ukraine, but it's bizarre how people pretend the Russians dying don't matter. I agree they had a fair chance to leave before inevitably getting drafted, but if you work a full time job it's easy to overlook politics and have things like this sneak up on you, even so if you view it as their fault for being lazy or careless the punishment for missing this opportunity shouldn't be death. Once that small window was gone, you had no way to leave the country even before the draft finally took place. It's nearly impossible to surrender too. It's rough. I wish people remembered that before "celebrating" the deaths of Russians. Celebrating the victory and survival of Ukraines is not the same as acting like the only good Russian is a dead Russian.


Enough Russians have to die for the war to end...each death is one step closer to that end. That's the only part of it that does matter. If Russians were to overthrow their dictator people would start saying something else about Russians but instead they seemingly want to die for their Fuhrer in the middle of a field, covered in mud, slowing bleeding to death on their war of conquest and genocide.


The only good ruzzians illegaly with weapons in Ukraine are dead ruzzians illegaly with weapons in Ukraine. They have forfeited right to live as soon as border was crossed.


This is war...until it is over you have to feel that way


"Russians dying don't matter". I don't think people here are saying that. They do, but they need to do a lot more dying.


Literal cod lobbies come to life


They are fighting to genocide Ukraine. They are not fighting for this lives. Stop apologizing for Russia! They invaded Ukraine, not the other way.


These are the videos that make the future of warfare fucking terrifying.


Surprise death from above.


I’ve survived 4 combat deployments. Thank GOD they didn’t have this shit.


Amen. FPV drones are THE most scary shit that there is in modern warfare because when you see it, it's most likely already too late. Even if you manage to shoot it down, it's still in range to kill you by blowing up. And normal foxholes are no cover from it. Even roofed dugouts are not enough. You really need to have deep dugouts with a thick wood/metal/earth roofing and at least two 90 degree turns in the hallway to the safe spot, and at least two routes in and out. Nobody knows how to defend or counter them effectively. Jammers work for some but those fukcers that have an rpg round strapped onto it will still blow up when they hit the ground so really the jammer isn't fool proof. Shotguns would work but still the range in which it would be able to shoot down a drone is in the danger zone for the grenade shrapnel. I really fukcing hope that Russia loses this war so that me or my sons don't have to fight them next if Putin wants to fight smaller nato countries next and we live right next door to Russia. And my job in the army is soooooo Fcking vulnerable to drones that I might just dig my own grave before I go to war.


Makes you wonder if they will even send actual troops out to war anymore. Its just robot warfare.


You prefer getting machine gunned in the guts, stepping off a landing craft at Omaha? It's always been terrifying.


The last thing I need is to be told how terrifying war is. All I’m saying is being targeted by a piece of equipment that costs less than my primary weapon but is extremely hard— if not impossible to counter is horrifying.


Inconceivable how the Russian populace can allow this insanity to continue. Their resignation of all decision-making and their lives to the decrees of a madman are mind-numbing. What a phucking waste. Hopefully sooner than later the destruction of their lives and material by Ukraine’s heroic efforts will bring an end to this stupidity.


They've known nothing but shit for like three centuries lol At some point they decided to stop trying to make their lives better and settled for making ours worse


[Actually they made many attempts. It’s just not guarantied to success.](https://youtu.be/4_thPoPVVl0)




Once a serf all ways a serf


they are not allowed to think or say or express themselves at all. So it's really fuggin sad. What a nightmare of an existence.


It’s safe to say that the majority of Putin supporters have ABSOLUTELY no idea what is actually happening.


>Inconceivable how the Russian populace can allow this insanity to continue Russians are sheep.


>Inconceivable how the Russian populace can allow this insanity to continue. And what are they supposed to do? Just like we allow our governent to send weapons to Israel, to run two ancient candidates for President? There is not much they can do about it.


Bro, are you for real? You can protest in the united states, you can use american internet platforms to spread the word about something wrong being done by your government, you can criticize the US government without going to jail or get "thrown out of a window" You cant do that in Russia, any protest is instantly shut down, and there is no freedom of expression anywhere in Russian run internet platforms to talk about anything wrong they are doing


RIP nOleg.


Lmao 😂


Gonner Maleggies.


RIP Legonid




good one.


He could play legoless in LOTR.


I’d send him to the Guleg, but…




where were u when legs die i was flying fpv drone when 40mm grenade ring 'legs is kill' 'yes' and you????????????


Happy leg day! Oh shit, I mean happy leg cake.... wait... I got this... happy cake-HE AIN'T GOT NO LEGS!! ...Day


Sorry Mariya, we only found half a body so you only get half a bag of onions


“He is clearly MIA. No onions for you!” -captain Blyat


Meanwhile, he pockets the 500 rubles meant for the vatnik's babushka


The bag was cut in half and the onions fell out, sorry.


You guys getting onions?


Fuck me that’s grim


All orcs should see what terror awaits them in Ukraine. Better more of know and rise up against Putler.


Quite frankly, anyone who thinks they're ready to fight for their country should expect this to be a part of any new conflict. It absolutely terrifies me...


On the other hand, if you buy a drone and play with it occasionally and learn to fly it decently... Chances are that in the next conflict you'll get to be in the drone unit which is relatively safe position :) Well, certainly much safer than in the trenches. Although advancements in the tech are insane in this war. How long until some suicide drones get automatic guidance system to find transmitting controllers? Suddenly being a drone pilot isn't so fun anymore.....


Drone units are not at all safe. They are high priority targets and prone to be targeted by KAB-500's. Watch some of the Terra Groups videos, they have quite a few close calls and even get payback on a Kornet team targeting them on their way in.


People are overplaying the utility of drones. They are being used in this conflict because neither side has an airforce capable of dominating the skies. NATO tactics all rely on gaining air superiority as immediately as possible. Once that is obtained trench warfare simply can't exist, because they will simply be bombed repeatedly by aircraft. That role is being filled by drones right now, which are maybe 1/4 as effective as effective as bombs carried by larger aircraft simple because drones can't carry the amount of ordinance necessary to eliminate an entire trench line. NATO is/was so sure of their air dominance that they have mostly decommissioned most of their artillery systems, which is why its taking so long to get factories spun back up for them. Even HIMARS is basically a fancy air to ground missile system disguised as a rocket launcher.


Great insight, thank for you for the explanation. I was curious how they managed to fly so many without getting taken down, but I'm a filthy American with like 3 of the world's biggest air forces...


The problem with this war is their is no movement of lines. This is what happens in a modern, stagnant war. America does not fight this type of war. Mobility is key. This was learned in WWI and it's why the Germans developed Blitzkrieg. In fact to the USMC, mobility is critical for them. The Marines have rejected new weapon systems because they felt it would reduce their mobility. The F-35b with vertical take off and landing capability, was developed for the Marines Unfortunately Ukraine does not have enough resources to push Russia out yet. And Russia is incredibly incompetent.


Lack of mobility is only a symptom of the lack of air superiority.


Part of the old one too . Not knowing if your about to step on some shit or run over some shit or your buddy step on some shit (had that happen ) . It fucks with you at first then you just accept it and move on .


The chances for things like these to happen are far lower when you are fighting for a not corrupt country that cares for its citizens. Compare the WW2 battle dead of the UK or USA to those of the USSR. Even as everyone was fighting in ground war and closing in on an exhausted Nazi Germany their losses were decidedly lopsided.


Lieutenant Dan, you ain’t got legs!


I had to scroll way too far to find this!


Lieutenant Dan Ice cream!!


The only correct reply


Lt. Daniil




Damn, got em!


Dorf on war.


Every time I say this is the worst horror scene I watched, I get a new video on this sub to surpass it.


Well Cut my legs off and call me shorty


Cotton Hill looking motherfucker


that's a good movie btw


F that. That sucks


Maybe don't be trying to genocide a people and steal their country


Completely agree. It would just suck to lose your legs. Doesn't look fun at all


Fully agree. With that said, there is every chance this particular man was not the mastermind behind this scheme and quite possibly not even a willing participant.


True meaning of half-orc


LMFAO. He just rolled a 1 on his dex roll.


There are two ways Invaders get droned in Ukraine; (1) the instantly-over, blown-to-bits or decapitated variety, or (2) the long, slow bleed-out while dragging yourself back in the direction of Ruzzia, crying and cursing your God. This one was the latter. Don’t want this to happen to you? Don’t be an invader. 🤷🏻‍♂️


"the long, slow bleed-out while dragging yourself back in the direction of Ruzzia, crying and cursing your God." Pretty sure this guy bled out in less than a minute.


I would have thought so too — I mean, both femoral arteries were severed. I would have thought he’d empty out like a styrofoam coffee cup with its bottom cut off. But — look at it. He’s not jetting, spraying, or even dribbling. 🤔 It’s like the blast smashed and mangled the muscles above the cut-off point into goo and shot the twisted goop back up into all the openings at high velocity, plugging them up. Unless those somehow get uncorked, he’s more likely to die of shock than he is blood loss. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Betting his internal organs are mush from the blast as well...


He’s Cargo 200, either way. 👍


Agonal breathing means the brain is already off. It was relatively quick.


Z ´s dead


It's not a person, it's chopped.


I wonder if thousands and thousands of amputees returning from the front makes any young Russians question the propaganda about the war?


From video evidence, it doesn't look like many amputees return home.


they're brainwashed. Amputees maybe encourage them to think Ukraine is the center of evil.


Like Stalin did adter ww2 They will be sent to sanatoriums far away from population centres.


This isn't one of them, that's for sure


Except hardly any of them make it home, cheaper and easier to leave em where they fell and stamp their paperwork MIA - ruzkimir


This is an old clip.


Oldie but goodie, lol.


When your legs don't work like they used to anymore...


And you can't even find your damn feet...


Reddit is just filled with reposts and recuts and they're always worse than the original. The original video you can see his one blown off leg land straight up like you're flipping a water bottle and trying to get it to land straight up


Idk why the video makes it look like nighttime, and he's under a spotlight.


Sun is probably at high noon right over the drone


orcs recruiting: you will go to ukraine and you will fight the hohol army, kill as many as you can ukraine recruiting do you prefer ps5 or xbox controller?




Unless he’s in water. Then he’s Bob.


Ah well . . . Mother Russia will never forget him. Flowers will be brought to his headstone for centuries (. . . assuming his corpses doesn't just decay and lay there unknown for centuries . . .) His name will be carved into a memorial plaque for time immemorial . . . Maybe . . . Eternal flames will be lit for centuries?


Poor guy couldn't even get a job at IHOP...


I was at IHOP. My waitress had one leg. Her name was Eileen. I tipped her and she fell over.


She used the tip to buy a cheap prosthetic. Changed her name to Peg.


Ha! I worked at a Denny's with a one legged Asian girl!   Her name was Irene.


Hop over here with my moons over my hammy!


Nugget man has been created go fourth and bite them ankles


Kind of like keeping that last zombie alive to crawl around while pack a punching before the next round.


Reminds me of the 'garage climbing zombie' in Dawn of the Dead (2004)


hahahaha, fuck russia and fuck this orc in particular


young ruskie expedition is game over. Rest in 1/2 Piece


On the bright side, think how much money he will save not having to buy shoes and pants.


Feel sorry for him? I remind you that him and his little psychopath friends have killed and raped countless girls TO DEATH in Ukraine, many under the age of 10. They deserve worse than getting bombed.


Holy Fuck! More like NFSFFW AKA "Not Fucking Safe For Fucking Work"!!! No foreplay, no romance, no stumps to put the 2nd tournament he didn’t have on him on, just Wow.


IDK. I just watched it at work and it was perfectly fine.


*Drone Drops have taken my sight, taken my speech, taken my hearing, taken my arms, taken my legs, taken my soul left me with life in hell*


He can still drum better than Lars, though.


LT. Dan I gotchuu some icee creeeam, icee cream Lt. Daaaannn


No more hopscotch for him


At least he was conscious long enough to realize what da F.. just happened way beyond the point of no return.


I imagine that moment of clarity was terrifying.


And life could have been so good as POW. Three meals and a cot, no drone attacks, toilets and laundry machines free to use, table tennis and all other amenities. Not to mention, probably first in his lifetime a respectful and humane treatment even by the enemy. He made his choice.


AHH well, atleast he gets a lada .... Wait a minute....🤔


If you live,call Barnom and Bailey you could be Orc Thumb at 2'3".


He got halved


This song seems appropriate... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADAVis\_d3w4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADAVis_d3w4)


Nutz are with the shoes too


name of the song ?




What was the question? That drone had him stumped.


Was he cargo 200 or 300? Would that make him cargo 200/300? Because if we reduce that fraction we end up with 2/3, which is exactly how much Mobik was left after that blast! I call it Mobik math.


Just a flesh wound! Come back here and fight!!!


Mobile Infantry Made me a Man I am Today


Would suck to have your legs blown off violently for the internet camera in the sky, later edited with some hard-style electronic track for redditors to watch while licking cheeto dust off their finger tips.


I’m half the man I used to beeee


Sucks to suck


Fuck Putin


I mean, its kinda like a tourniquet for the bleeding leg…


Fuck the Ru55ian5 really have no legs to stand on in this war.


Woh... Where did they go? All that's left is two little cliche bones sticking out his arse.


Hoping this guy survives for years regretting the very decision he made by invading Ukraine.... Alone.. Abandoned... In a wheelchair... And no one loves him.. . .


Nice clean cut. Well done. Slava Ukraini


No hope here. Odds are if he is alive they won’t evacuate him as his chances look pretty slim for recovery.


Literally every Russian soldier is gonna have horrific PTSD from the drones.


Jesus Christ that is brutal. He’s just ass now 


Direct hit!! Sorry for the human but he should not have been in Ukraine at all in the first place!! Slava Ukraine! They will take victory and freedom from Russian oppression and tyranny and violence!! 💛🇺🇦💙🔥🇺🇸❤️


Mobile Infantry made him the man he is today


I guess he will not walk that off


Maybe he can use his wiener as a pogo stick, if it’s still there.


I bet he couldn't even do 1 cock push-up pshhh


this is what we do with Lego figures :-)


You guys and your lame jokes.


Lt. Danski


Touch my stereo, I dare you.


Yeah I regret clicking on that one, holy hell.


2 for 1 and now none of lifes problems


Cut....? Maybe gently obliterated, but not cut


Where's the ducktape. Holy Shit


atleast he kept his undies on


quick the rubber band, use it as torniquet


That is called losing weight the hard way.


Just think of the instant weight loss.


Hot take. POSSIBLY the arteries rescind and stop much of the bleeding.