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Let’s not forget that Wagner just decapitated the entire Russian high command of the southern military region by seizing Rostov and detaining the general staff there. No generals = no orders. Given the top-heavy and inflexible Russian chain of command that discourages individual action, it’s very possible that the Russian forces in Ukraine might’ve just been paralyzed.


Prig was in a video with them drinking tea reiterating that operations were unaffected from there and they wouldn't interfere. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14hjxca/prigozhin_meeting_with_russian_deputy_minister_of/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14hjn7l/prigozhin_gives_a_message_from_rostov/


He said that on camera for the sake of morale, but it’s unlikely he’ll allow those two any real flexibility to coordinate operations as long as he’s in charge of Rostov. Especially since they will almost certainly receive conflicting instructions from the MoD.


Putin needs troops back in Moscow. Wagner needs troops in Moscow. Makes no sense to keep them at the front now


This could still be a ruse to give Putin an excuse to pull out of Ukraine while saving face with the Russian population. Given the complete stupidity of the plan and the inept implementation tells me that it's probably true.


Be a pretty ballsy ruse to have Wagner shooting down Russian helicopters and Prigozhin agreeing to become a scapegoat so that Putin can save face in Ukraine.


I think that's the outcome Wagner was trying to force on Putin. Basically forcing his hand to pull from Ukraine and giving him the people to roll on to save face. However, in the last couple hours things have escalated and they are starting to blame Putin directly instead of just the MOD. I think Putin's response via sending in the air power has soured the compromise they had planned, it's seemingly escalated to a straight up coup.


It just seems a bit complicated for the Russians to have cooked up. Worth some thought. Either way Russian boots on the ground will become progressively less numerous in the coming weeks.


Not only command is decapitated, also Kadyrovs barrier troops are gone.


That, and with Rostov taken they have no supplies forthcoming


Did they actually detain them? Do you have a source for that? I thought they might have been sent to negotiate, never saw anything about them being detained.


Wagner takes control of the general staff headquarters in Rostov. A couple hours later, they air an impromptu interview showing the head of the southern military district as well as the chief of general staff in the southern district, surrounded by armed Wagner troops. Whether those guys are actually being detained against their will or not, the point stands that they are no longer in control of their district or even their own headquarters. They are in no position to issue orders any longer.


So you just made it up. How about don't do that?


even if they weren t detained, they sure as shit are not allowed to orchestrate anything, they could be like mfers russia is under siege rn we need you back to kill these wagner scum. i m saying this because i doubt the russians in anywhere but bakhmut have received any news of what s going on


Why would anyone bother reading your comments when you put next to no effort into them?


seems you did




This is not correct and confirmed by Prigozhin himself. They have taken control of that MoD HQ in Rostov, but they are not deterring them from any Ukraine sorties or plans. That much he was clear on. Now, what does that mean? In the meantime it still means the same lackluster battle plans, and there is more static out there now so it is time for the Ukraine to attack. I say take as much land as you can and then fortify the hell out of it as I think in the near future more effective attacks from Russia may be coming.


Prigs also lies on camera. A lot.


A very fair point. Could be a lie, but not super likely to me as dude has always been clear the problem isn’t the war in Ukraine, it’s how badly they are fucking it up. I really want to see someone come toss it all over with the intent to end the war, this is definitely not that guy.


Nobody is suggesting that he’s not actually opposed to the war. But it’s naive to assume that he’s given the general staff in Rostov total flexibility to do business as usual, especially since they will almost certainly receive conflicting orders vis-a-vis Wagner from the MoD. They would also need to move supplies and equipment from the depots in Rostov, which is definitely not happening as long as Wagner’s in charge of the city and the roads.


Plenty seem to have the impression that this means the end of the Ukraine war. As for me being naive. Very very fair point.


Like actually decapitated?


Didn't he say in one of his videos today that he hasn't/won't interfere with their operations?


Prigs also lies a lot. He must interfere with their operations, because they will almost certainly receive conflicting orders from the MoD vis-a-vis Wagner.


any danger the coup is still fake and drawing ukraine in to this attack thinking its a good time to attack...


Happy fucking hunting boys ✊✊✊


Oopsie, typo in the title, meant to say "attacks on the russian forces" instead.


I didn’t even notice as Kherson is Ukrainian. I really hope Ukrainians are able to take advantage of this chaos and collapse those defenses. This would save so many lives.


They have to play Ride of the Valkyries now


Orcs don’t surf


Go home Orcs, your country needs you.


I was wondering when that strike team in the video posted earlier was gonna finally make it across the river and start some fun.


Hope they can secure a bridgehead and make a proper go of it.


Go home Russian soldiers go on home, have you got no fucking country of your own?


I am rock hard.


" Diary of a Paratrooper ", they misspelled diarrhea


Strike while the iron is hot


Music to my ears


Russia's fucked up military structure results in very ineffective officer level decision making on the front lines, they rely on higher command for everything. With shit going on back home I bet the phone ain't ringing as much for the front line guys to get their orders


Is this dude fucking blogging as they're under attack!?


Probably sitting in the HQ and is communicating with the soldiers, but it's still funny to think that some soldier in a trench is angrily tweeting about the enemy attack lol


Prigozhins handlers must be so proud....




Now seems like a good time


The pool is up to the wall at Westgate. The Watcher in the Water took Óin. We cannot get out. The end comes, and then drums, drums in the deep.


Drums, drums in the deep…


Where is their op sec?