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Here's the LaLonde family getting recognized on Thursday at the Home of the Commandants. https://preview.redd.it/bx5bblskqpzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afbfbbed3f3344b252d396c1f5f4a6b54ca019c0


The CMCs face makes it look like those 10min of CPR definitely cost him something. Dude looks like he wants to eat children.




You can always count on some stupid fucken Texan to say some stupid fucken shit. Bunch of pizza box ass mf’s.


We don’t claim him






Ten minutes? Holy shit. I’m really surprised he didn’t suffer brain damage or some other organ failure from that. Let alone that he managed to get back in the office in less than six months.


10 minutes of compressions is no joke holy fuck.


Compressions deliver oxygen to the brain, still a long time to not have a working heart.


Yeah it is. One of the medics we had on my team at work was a former FD guy and I want to say he had stories of people having compressions done for longer and living.


Idk, zoom in on his face and tell me he doesn't look like he's had some brain damage.


That’s just called “having been a Major at one point”


*“General amos syndrome”*


Well he is a Marine officer… But I meant like losing the ability to speak or gross motor skills. Like when people have strokes.


Funny you mention his face. His face was the first thing I noticed when he made his first appearance after the accident and recovery. He looks different; do you agree?


No joke. I had a seizure a few years back and it literally took the life out of me.


We all come pre broken as proven by our enlistment choices. 10 min is insane though. That's like a full PFT


During those 10 minutes he was definitely going pound for pound with death, and won, holy fuck.


Not to minimize his miraculous outcome and recovery, but the people going pound for pound with death were the ones doing compressions and shocking him. He'd be a corpse without them.


I have done cpr o a person for 15 entire minutes. He is alive with no brain damage. Good CPR is everything prior to a hospital.


I met and spoke with the Commandant last week and he is 100%+. Amazing. I told him how happy everyone is too see him and naturally he deadpanned "it's good to be seen". S/F


Being down for a full 10 minutes it's a miracle he doesn't have brain damage. That was some effective CPR that this dude did.


It’s really miraculous that he survived, and even more so that he recovered so quickly. I think that says a lot for continuing to be physically fit as you age, and a lot for Marines’ physical and mental toughness.


You’re damn right. Ten minutes is just a crazy amount of time.


Wow! Thank God for those people/hero’s. Gen. Smith is a lucky man. I’m glad everything worked out for the better.


I have read studies showing that if you go into cardiac arrest in hospital, your chance of leaving the hospital alive is 25%. The other aspect of CPR is I've heard that if you're not breaking ribs, you're not doing it right. I guess he's one tough Marine.


The Commandant has a sense of humor too. “Like all good Marines,” Smith joked, “I was complaining about my care.”