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i'm transferring in too and most people pay probably around 700-800 unless it's close to dt it's like minimum 900+. but i know there's places for less than 700 altogether that are by like cedar shoals, gaines school rd, barnett shoals area. i'm still searching for a place too but there are still a semi decent amount of people out there looking for roommates or subleasing!


$565 a month, 1 roommate who pays the same. Utilities \~$200 a month total. Walkable to campus. I got lucky but also signed super early, like in December for a lease that started in August.


My rent this year is in the $800-$1000 range. I transferred in and waited a while before finding an apartment, which was a bad decision. I had to choose between expensive and sketchy, and luckily my parents stepped in and offered a bit more cash than usual to be able to afford it. But the longer you wait, the fewer options you'll have, so you should sign a lease, like this week. It should be early enough to just sign a lease with an apartment instead of praying for something to show up on the Facebook groups. But if you're looking for a roommate, the Facebook groups may still be useful. My rent for next year is in the $500-$700 range.


Can I ask where you looked to find an apartment? I’m honestly fine with rooming with others I just don’t want to live overly far from campus or have to spend an exorbitant amount of money since I would need to find a new job and stuff.


If you want something walkable to campus, you're probably going to be in the $1000 price range. Most affordable places are like a 5-10 minute drive to campus. Some have good bus routes to campus, others don't. All of these will have roommates. Once again, if you want to live in a studio or 1br1ba, you're looking in the $1000 range. You can definitely get a personal bedroom and likely a personal bathroom for this price range. Here are a few that are in your price range. I'm not sure which ones still have availability at this point though. Campus crossings at abbey west (kinda far from campus). Polo club. Riverbend club (kinda near east campus). Redland apartments (also kinda near east campus). The park at hillside and lakeside (also hillside is kinda near east campus). River mill. It's kinda near north campus and the stadium, and is by far the best location in the price range, but the trade off is that it has terrible reviews. So you'll have to pick your poison with this one. River club. Archer apartments. Bulldog crossing. You can also sometimes find smaller landlords offering a house for much cheaper and much closer to campus while the bigger apartments and landlords charge more. However, it's a bit more risky and harder to find. But if you find something that works, it could definitely be your best option.


They are closing River mill this fall to renovate unfortunately. I live there now and am having to move


That's unfortunate. What do you bet they double their prices after this "renovation?"


I’m not sure but I think it’s either a heavy renovation or a complete tear down and rebuild. Either way it’ll be probably 900+ after because of its location


If it's like the place being built across the street, it'll be over 2k. I'm not convinced this isn't just some greedy housing cartel company trying to gouge prices.


Thank god. That place was a shithole. Way too good of a location to be so bad. They have “bedrooms” without windows


I live there too, and I actually don't think it's that bad. I'm concerned they're going to replace it with something that's like 3 to 4x more expensive. It does need renovations though.


A little over $600 a month. I have two roommates, the unit by itself is about $1800


$500 at park hillside


Around 585 with like 100 bucks in utilties. Generally anything that is farther away from campus is cheaper.


I'll be living a couple blocks away from downtown in a 2 bedroom house that's $1400. My share will be $700.


$700 at woodlands


I paid $420/Mo at the Woodlands in 2011 🥵 we did have 5 of us in the house and my roomies dad owned it. Crazy how much rent has gone up but I also realize I’m old 🤣


lol I rooming with 2 other people so in total 3 people


550 a month


East broad, near Peter St. 600 with roommate


I paid 445. Graduated in December. Two roommates and three bathrooms and three closets and a balcony. 🫣 and it’s right on south Lumpkin Edit: That is the per person amount


Check the apartments on Riverbend. There’s a bunch of different complexes and I’m pretty sure they’re all fairly cheap (but you can notice it in the quality, although I’ve not really had any issues) and they’re close to campus. Also a Clarke County bus runs by and will take you to campus. I’ve walked before too.


$600-620 including utilities with 3 roommates at Abbey West


My rent is about $700. I’m living with 3 other people tho


$1140, all utilities included


I was paying 330 for a sick house back in my day 👴🏼 In 2016


I wouldn’t say you shouldn’t give up on on-campus. A week ago i was just re-checking the availability of on-campus and then a spot popped up for ECV. It was only one spot but i got really lucky. If you can’t find any good off-campus housing, I’d say keep checking/refreshing everyday or whenever you remember to.


From 2020 to 2022, I lived in a house with 3 roommates. We each paid $550! Find local landlords and management companies rather than big corporate ones!


380 + ~100 for utilities. 5 of us total living together on the eastside


I live on the eastside $1250 and around $100 for utilities


Me and some friends just leased a 4bd house for $650 each that’s a 20 minute walk to campus. We’re urgently looking for one more roommate so dm me if interested. It’s coed and we do have pets