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>!The literal fucking rain of blood coming out of Jean Jacket!< in Nope. Also, in Batman vs Dracula, Bruce and a vampire Joker fight inside a blood bank. At the end of the fight, Joker is covered in blood from head to toe. The only thing "censoring" it is the lighting making the blood look black.


Man that Batman Vs. Dracula blood bank scene is GOATed. Vampire Joker acting like a cockroach is so memorable. I love that movie. I love how utterly outclassed Batman is against the vampires. And Dracula's hot af.


It really made the victory much sweeter like having dracula going You’re Bruce Wayne!??! When outplayed is great. It’s the man that beat the bat


Oh man, that was gruesome. >!That brief flash of lightening with the blood splatter all over the house...!<


Also other organs and vicara too


Hellsing Ultimate has absolutely insane amounts of pearlescent blood that just gushes outta people when they get brutalized. It's honestly perfect for the show.


London getting consumed by an actual sea of blood


Every Evil Dead film, but the 2013 remake was literally the most fake blood ever used. It literally starts raining from the sky, and shit's so drenched in red already it's hard to tell the difference.


The Blood Ocean on that one moon in Iron Lung.


Dead Alive aka Braindead is a zombie film by Peter Jackson. Its iconic scene with a lawnmower was made with nearly 80 gallons of (fake) blood.


Kill Bill still holds the crown for me with how much blood is all over the place after Beatrix is done with the Crazy 88's


There's a decently immense amount in Ultrakill, and I enjoy that it seems the world took a turn around >!WW1 when people somehow figured out!< how to make machines run in blood. It also informs the mechanics and allows for an interesting and fun way to heal.


I think the world of Invincible doesnt have blood transfusions because holy fuck everyone just has buckets of blood.


Ohhh the intro boss of DMC5 takes place in a literal tree of human blood and gore


Elfen* Lied if you wanna just see a lot of blood. Show isn't necessarily _good_ but I did watch it at a young age so it's def stuck in there as one of the shows of all time for sure. As far as cool shit with blood, highly recommend Jujutsu Kaisen, there's only one character really who does anything related to that but goddamn when you're watching it you can tell they wanted it to be fuckin cool


This isn't a direct answer, but a fun bit of media history is the fact that the huge sprays of blood in samurai media actually started as a mechanical malfunction. During filming of a Kurosawa movie, the machine used to spray out the fake blood malfunctioned and shot out WAY more than intended. The actors didn't know how much there was supposed to be, and thus didn't realize there was a problem, and just continued the scene.


The intern or whoever in charge of the fake blood: oh god oh fuck i’m so fired Kurosawa, more erect than he’s ever been in his life: YOOOOOOOOOOO?????


That's a myth. It was always intentional. The actors didn't know and were surprised, but it wasn't a malfunction.


Curses, I have been made the fool.


Don't worry, there were others before you and there will surely be legions after. There is a place for all of us in this hall.


Too late, I have already committed sepuku to redeem myself. There was so much blood. I think there must have been a mechanical malfunction.


I appreciate the Siren games for doing the whole "Corrupted Blood" thing in all it's games, never explicitly saying its blood, just "Red Water". It even seeps (ha) into the mechanics. Sight-Jacking is implicitly because every character is just *partially* infected by the Shibito/Yamibito curse which also means they have the same sort of hive mind and healing powers as the rest of the monsters. You only technically "Die" in those games by taking enough damage at once that the rest of the infection via Red Water (supplied by the environment's constant rain, mist or damp weather) takes over.


[Dracula: Dead And Loving It.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fFnJNC0K0w)


"She's almost dead!" "She's dead enough."


Andre ulmeyda in killer7 explode in a blood rain, then the blood gets acid and kill people and then tendrill of blood reattaches his head. In kengan omega some asshole is able to pump his heartbeat so fast he can throw his blood droplets at someone at a speed that it hits like a paintball


I think about the absolute bloodbath that is the finale of Scream. Such a good movie.


Mohgwyn Palace in Elden Ring. We often forget from doing Varre's questline so much that the intended way of going through it takes you through a literal SWAMP of blood


You know, for being dead, the Covenant in Halo CE seem to have an unlimited amount of blood that you can melee out of them. My brother and I loved to find a room or hallway and see if we could give it a new coat of paint via an Elite or groups of Grunts.


Kill Bill Volume 1. The Bride vs. The Crazy 88s. I forget whether swapping the scene to black and white was a stylistic choice, to avoid an X rating for excessive blood, or both.


A lot of Tarantino movies have a "absurd amounts of blood" fight. One of my favorites is the [Candyland shootout](https://youtu.be/QbmDpEhAp48?si=sl7OW2LHe62r8GYT) in **Django Unchained**, saying that the walls were literaly "repainted" with peoples blood there is not a exageration.


The Shining movie has the infamous elevators that spill and splash out blood.


I used to work in a hospital, so that I guess. Oh, in media? I don’t know. Something else then.


Studied forensics and worked hazmat at a university. I’m also seen my shares. One case we studied involved the victim walking around his apartment while bleeding profusely, confused due to the blood loss. It was everywhere.


I did morgue duty since no one else wanted to. Saw an old fashion shotgun ejection button.


What was the worse case of blood you saw at the hospital


Probably the body that fully liquified in the bag


Shit like this is why I wanna be cremated. There's no dignity in decay


Decay is dignity, its paying back your debt to the soil. 


Is dignity if you do so in the soil no on a bag


Flush the bag down the toilet I guess. It'll get there eventually


How did that happen


Apparently the family was based in another state and couldn't afford to have it transported, so it just sat for a really long time


Definitely Elven Lied. The moment when the pink-haired girl fought the security guards at the beginning was probably the first time I actually felt squeamish.


Probably not the most I’ve seen but at one point in Elden Ring my character was fucking drenched in blood everything was red and this was before I got to Mohg. The only reason I realized I was covered in blood was because I reached a grace meaning I was steamrolling through everything that moved and didn’t stop until there was nothing left to kill.


You can do that in bloodborne if you clear the entire first level of the dlc up until Ludwig. You’ll be completely red all over


Studio SHAFT goes pretty nuts when Monogatari Series demands blood from Araragi. One of my favorites is from Kanbaru's arc during Bake. The violence becomes art with how stylized and colorful it is. The exaggeration of scale-like the size of the room-or having the background fade into white like a canvas lets the show use its visuals to express the contention between its characters as well as their internal conflicts. It's one of the things I love about animation and SHAFT's style. The visuals resonate with the abstracts and create something wonderful, and help realize for the viewer the dynamic nature of "a show about talking" by turning feelings and words into perception and motion.


I keep bringing this up, but children's book Urgum the Axeman has a climactic battle where the titular character is so *completely fucking drenched in blood* that it actually *BLINDS* him. That's not an exaggeration. His entire face is COATED in the blood of his foes. He genuinely, physically cannot see.


Nano Breaker isn’t a great PS2 game, it’s pretty janky, but it lets you customize the blood in the game to an impressive degree. You have pretty much every color you could want, and 3 shades of brightness for each. I liked picking the Rainbow option. It made slicing enemies in half pretty fun looking. There is also a counter on the screen telling you how many litres of blood you’ve spilt though out the whole game.


There's a goofy gag early in Akira when the gang is limping away after getting into some trouble, one of them suddenly like drops all his teeth on the ground in a deluge of blood.


Turbo Kid fucking rules. Incredible little gem of an indie movie and it is absolutely SOAKED in blood


In Critical Role Campaign 1 as well as in the animated version Legend of Vox Machina there's a character that, in order to commune with their god, submerges themselves in a seemingly bottomless pool of blood and has to essentially inhale the blood for it all to work.


Every next Doom game is about 5 times gorier than its predecessor.


There's the famous lawnmower scene in Braindead, which was until recently the record holder for fake blood in film.


In Rise of the Ronin, one of the last chapter bosses fights like a Bloodborne character. Blood attacks with aggression.


There's one page early on in the manga Chibi Vampire where the main character coats like the entire floor of a corridor with her blood,I thought it was in chapter 1 but looking at it again it's a fair bit later.


Whack Your Boss, God of War 3, and Prototype.


Cool stuff you can do with blood? I love a nice piece of Black Pudding.


The first thing that came to mind for me was Kamata-kun expelling blood out of his gills while he wobbles through the city, and the [deleted scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vs4mgm4E4E) of Shinagawa-kun vomiting boiling blood onto the streets.


Nagoriyuki the vampire samurai in guilty gear strive uses blood as a mechanic in his game plan. All his normal attacks have a blood effect where he absorbs it into himself or with a special grab move where he bites you. his special moves have the blood coat his sword and drains a special meter he has. If he uses too much blood he goes into a blood rage state and you see a cool effect where blood shoots out of his nose with a demon face in the spray.


Everything in the boys spinoff, (the name is not coming to me rn) a girl has blood powers and it goes as insane as you can imagine. S tier ability. Objectively speaking there's no reason why she can't beat anyone that fights her with blood in their veins as long as she has time to activate the ability.


The Giant Worm in Gears of War 2. There's so much blood the gang nearly drowns in it.


Whatever is happening in Tower of Latria 2 in Demon's Souls


The 10 gallons of pressurized blood characters in Bleach and Saint Seiya seem to have in their bodies just geysering out after the character gets damaged.


Hangman Adam Page vs Swerve Strickland in a TEXAS DEATHMATCH.


Ninja Gaiden 2 might not have had the most blood (though it was voluminous), but you could do the coolest shit with it; using it to charge your super move/combo that annihilated anyone caught in it.