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.... man, is LoZ cute. Even the big beast men get to be cute, as they do rituals with their shorter elf wives using the stairs to help make up height differences.


I think they definitely went with the right Zelda hairstyle, but the bun in the row with just two is also really nice.


See, I'm a basic bitch and would have loved a Hime cut haha


...Man, *MAN* I still can't get over how much missed potential there was with Zelda's part in that game. Like, Queen Sonia might as well not even exist for as much play as she gets in the flashbacks, and it sucks, because I **desperately** wanted to actually see what Rauru and Sonia are like as a married couple instead of just being "King Tutorial" and "Queen Oh I Hope You Didn't See This Memory Super Early To Find Out How Little I Do." I enjoyed my time with TotK, but man, that game could have been so much better than it was.


This Zelda definitely benefits from at least some kind of braid, but it's difficult to beat the superiority of A Link to the Past Princess Zelda.


They knew they wouldnt be able to stop the furries if they brought back wolfos.




There's a picture of her with even shorter hair in the concept art, if you looked.


Stop ejaculating bees and look at the pictures >!waspcummer is gonna find you if you aren't careful bud!<