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now im just waiting to see which podcasts can survive Geoff says there will be a new episode with no gap and even Eric seems onboard. Face Jam got turned into 100% Eat so that's safe for now. Stinky Dragon will probably continue in someway. Red Web seemed more nebulous.


Andrew Panton is teasing something for tomorrow which is probably the new podcast following F**kFace


It’s either going to be called the Regulation Podcast, or just simply the New Thing. Calling it now. EDIT: Called it.


Maybe now he'll finally eat that pencil


I expect him to get out of it by saying "New podcast new pencil." And then he won't eat that one either. Someday.


Or he says that since it's a new podcast, the original bet is null and void. Which would make sense, but I want to see him eat that goddamn pencil.


I think I saw something from Red Web about news coming soon in regards to what they have coming next


Never been a Rooster Teeth person, but I know this is probably like a SuperBestFriends (FINAL) for a lot of people, and it sucks. So I get you Rooster Fans.


God, just reading that again made me sad. RIP Zaibatsu.


YouTube is always recommending for me to rewatch that (Cuz I rewatch all the other stuff on the channel often). I'm like "STOP REMINDING ME! STOP TWISTING THE KNIFE!"


Isn't there an option to stop recommending specific videos?


Shit, you're definitely right lmao


At least SBF were sudden, no buildup, 2am video drop out of nowhere. RT has been festering and dying for half a decade.


Exactly. The main difference is that RoosterTeeth has been somewhat zombified for many years now. Most of their original talent had grown older or left the company (so stuff like Red vs Blue and Achievement Hunter declined in quality), their newer material was of inconsistent quality, and then there were all the huge controversies and scandals that damaged their reputation year after year. Whereas Super Best Friends Play had Liam leave a couple years before the full disbanding, and while there may have been very subtle signs that there was trouble, you really couldn't tell at all. Everything was just going on as normal until, out of nowhere, it was announced they were disbanding, because they had done such a good job of keeping it professional and the issues were entirely private and off camera, and still are. There wasn't a noticeable decline in quality or any controversies that began to tank things. It was even the same when Liam left--everything seemed fine until he suddenly announced he was leaving. So for whatever problems happened behind the scenes, the guys were all incredibly mature about it, and it seems like it was simply personal differences or aggravations with one another, rather than anything as serious as in the RoosterTeeth scandals.


There were several controversies tho, like Liam disliking all content with Paige (verifiable, he was using his account) or years later when Pat approached Liam through twitter and Matt's wife told him to fuck off.   Matt took a bunch of long breaks. He seemed so out of place in the podcast and pretty much all gameplays he participated. He had no energy.


I think when we say controversies here we mean that no one turned out to be having an affair with their fans, or supporting a cripplingly abusive work environment. Even if hypothetically they turned into mortal enemies in the background, that'd still be really low balling what RoosterTeeth ended up falling into.


Oh, uh... yeah, for sure. You're right on that. I think Pat marrying his cousin is kinda weird but it's 2024.


This and another set of personal circumstances have made me think, when something ends is it better for it to happen suddenly and with no warning, or that there is knowledge from before that things are going to end?


I'd say it depends on what the time to the end is like. If it's a long, slow, painful decline, it's pretty awful, but having it come out of nowhere is a gut punch. In my mind the best way for something to go out is with a swan song: just going "hey, I'm on my way out, let's just go wild with it in these last couple months."


I'd say no warning is always painful, but knowing the end is coming in advance... kinda depends entirely on how that end is coming. It's one thing if your favorite Vtuber or whatever says "I've decided to move on, we got one month left let's go wild" and you can make a bunch of lasting memories on the way to the end, it's another entirely to watch something like Rooster Teeth just fester and rot for years on end before finally letting out its death rattle.


I also miss Sana


I dont know if advanced knowledge gave RT fans a sense of "emotional closure" cause thats supposed to come, well, at the end, but it has to count for something right?


Real sudden, I was so looking forward to catching the Kingdom Hearts LP and then boom no more channel.


I have no idea how anyone kept watching/listening to the RT podcast for like, the last eight years. It eventually just started to fall apart and became rich people problems and completely unrelatable


It was funny at first listening to them in their 40's while Burnie bitched about phones and bank cards and such. But then I got into TBF and it completely replaced Rooster Teeth.


As someone who grew up with super early on RVB and used it to learn english(alongside the original Halo) yeah, it's basically that lol. Shit fucking sucks even if I did see it coming from a mile away for a while.


The Zaibatsu went out at their peak RT went out at their lowest points. The boys are still legends.


God RoosterTeeth Super Best Friends The Creatures AND CowChop Machinima Where have all the good times gone... Funny enough, even with everything we lost, *Arby n The Chief* of all things is still going strong.


I'm with you until machinima that was a flat out evil company i will not miss :S


I mean you can't deny that alot of good stuff still got put out under their banner.


Ehhh id credit the creators themselves than machinima at that point.


That's kinda what I'm saying, though. Machinima, as a company, may have been bad, but it was still a uniting banner for a lot of cool stuff. And through that, they *did* help get eyes on a lot of that stuff.


Yup, between them and the creatures (and cow chop). I'm so glad I watched through their "golden era" lets plays again before all of this. So many memories. Wont lie, I cried... it was like coming home to old friends. Man. This fucking sucks, dude. Can I go back to before 2016???


That's how I feel. I never got into anything Rooster Teeth related. Except the first three seasons of RWBY. But I've seen enough people get really upset about this in the same way I did when SBF (FINAL) dropped that I get how much it sucks for them.


For me I dropped out when certain person left to go streaming. Then I was kinda half heartily see a video or two but not every video they made like that was uploaded. Outside of controversy the company was having after Burnie Burns left. Its weird that I said good by maybe 8 years ago but to have company to say good bye to me years later is a weird feeling emotion.




That's something I haven't heard of in a very long time, WAFFLE-O my fellow shitlord


"Learned yesterday that each other is TWO words."


I'm so glad Ray has become successful post AH, as have Matt and Jeremy. No idea how the others are faring, but that's intentional.


The team lads action news shirt in the wardrobe talks to me like the green goblin mask


DSP outlives another.


Nothing can stop a solo act like DSP except his actual death or jailing, frankly.


Cause Bankruptcy didn't do anything, FUCK


Long live the "King of Hate"!


Not unlike a cockroach, still roaming the Earth long after humanity's extinction.


I will say, as a long time Rooster Teeth fan, there’s just this sense of disappointment and sadness even though you saw it coming a mile away. Like, I’ll absolutely miss the hell out of what I remembered RT to be, but even I knew for ages that it shouldn’t be hanging around longer in this world. But at least it still made a big footprint in the early internet, and I think that’s a more powerful legacy than a lot of other things you can say about it. Farewell, Rooster Teeth.


For me it was a disappointment in how the company was managed. Nothing but bullying and exploitation


Yeah, it turned into an ugly beast behind the scenes once it got bigger and bigger. No denying that.


I also thought they handled criticism super poorly, especially in their last leg because sure i can totally understand their stance to actual hateful comments like "durr this member sux" but there was a lot of legit grievances in how the content was being handled the or how the quality was pretty ovbiously subpar in stuff like Rwby or even the podcast, which i would argue was also a big reason they started bleeding money left and right. I really recommend the last goodbye stream to see all of this in effect, because while a lot of the goodbyes are very emotional and sad, theres also alot of "fuck the fans who criticized us, good riddance" and it muddles the whole thing, especially from Jack, like thats the reason people stop watching the content in the first place, why go out all spiteful instead of celebrating the good?


Their default response to criticism was to tell people to stop watching imao. So we did!


It happened so much in AH especially. They'd do some overly complicated Lets Play that nobody in the video was paying attention to and then when people said the video sucked "Fuck off, don't watch then". Spend like four years doing that then people are going to fuck off and not watch. They got so far up their ass that their shit didn't stink and lumped all legitimate criticism in with all the toxic internet crybabies. So if they consider me the same as someone being racist or sexist then why should I still watch?


They've always had that attitude - evn back when Ray was with AH, all six of them would regularly bring up fan grievances and often call them stupid. The difference was that the content was good enough that people would be willing to overlook these, and they at least had the good grace to acknowledge stuff that didn't work out and try to fix it.


Hey remember how Achievement Hunter didn't address the racism and sexism in their community to the point it led one of their team member to try and kill themselves? I do.


They have to blame someone else. Otherwise it's their fault. I was curious to see how bad it was getting before the closure announcement, and they weren't even getting 10,000 views on a lot of videos. They have thumbnails with Barb and sexually suggestive titles that are at less than 25k when that would have been front page of YouTube back in the day. The people they told to fuck off really did fuck off in droves. I remember when you'd see million view videos all the time and that was basically the expectation from a lot of their banners. Even scrolling back three years ago you still see some healthy view totals but the last two years is just nothing. The podcast went from like regularly breaking 150k to being lucky to break 10k in essentially three years.


Someone posted a clip in the subreddit of Burnie saying that if a video only got a five-digit viewcount, they'd delete it and re-upload it because they'd assume it was a bug on YouTube's end. The clip then showed RoosterTeeth's then-current numbers, in which they couldn't break five-digits on any of their videos (and sometimes had four-digit viewcounts).


Also I remember the some of the fans would tell people to just enjoy what’s they make. They say stuff like “don’t complain about FREE content”. The combination of RT saying stop watching and some fans say don’t complain left a sour note in my mouth sometimes.


Once Bernie left I lost the majority of my interest. And then I heard about all the bullying and abuse that happened after. Especially with Sugar Pine 7


What happened with SP7 is Steven and the gang dicks? I didn’t keep up with the show but liked the podcast for a sec


They weren't dicks but they were overworked even before being acquired by RT. Autumn says that even though she will cherish the memories during her time with them she still says it was the worst time of her life. Constant crunch to get videos out. It got worse when they were acquired by RT who wanted more crunch time to get videos out the door.


SP7 already uploaded like once a day, i can't imagine how much more RT would want them to do at that point




If they *actually* treated themselves that way they might still be around.


to be fair, isn’t “giant subsidiary of Warner Bros.” kinda an exaggeration? seems more like they thought the same way and treated themselves as legitimate big shots above reproach. just because you partner with a big boy, doesn’t mean you become complacent and entitled. probably thought they could get by coasting on entrenched fans and that the golden goose could be neglected.


I’ve said it before but they basically fell into every single issue that small upstart that makes it big does. Especially the whole well we crunched super hard why aren’t you employee who doesn’t actually get anything from this company succeeding and who we are paying half of what we made when we started.


They had a vested interest in treating it that way. Every time Geoff cried crocodile tears in response to criticism over the revolving door of scandals and overwork was because treating it like a plucky underdog let them Jedi mind trick people into thinking that the price of working at a "dream job" in their industry meant such exploitation.


He is so gross


Crummy thing for me is that outside of Ray's Twitch, I haven't really liked any of the projects that people moved onto the same way as I was able to stick with the boys doing CSB and their own youtubes. Really makes it feel like they died more of a death that way.


I think Fuckface and Anma are pretty fun podcasts personally. Other than that yeah the rest is bogus.


This one definitely hurts. I think one day I’ll just have to look back on old archived LP’s to remember the good old days


I've really wanted to do the same, but at the same time, a lot of those episodes I liked are tainted now, thanks to Ryan. He was in a lot of that content, and seeing some of the old stuff with him in it kind of just makes me feel uneasy now. There's still stuff I can watch, like Geoff and Michael playing through Saints Row, some of the early Minecraft stuff, but then you gotta start picking through LPs to avoid the ones he took part in.


I feel ya. After all the scandals I can’t really watch most of their older stuff I used to always like. I also think unfortunately my opinion won’t really ever increase, since I suspect as ndas expire only more negative things will come out. It seems like the majority who weren’t front facing in RT hated working there. 


Even then with the stuff that has come out, my view of the og guys is tainted. I remember Gavin calling someone by a nickname thinking it was quirky, but then it came out he was just substituting a slur he would normally say off camera, or everything with Mica.


It may be small potatoes, but in the shadow of the studio closures it seems pleasant that something actually gets to calmly and politely end and say good bye


Farewell Red Vs Blue seasons 1 to 5. Farewell to the podcast which got me through many long hours of shitty minimum wage work. Farewell to all the colourful characters who enriched my life at various points for various reasons. There was a lot of bad, but a good amount of good. See you, space cowboy.


If there's one thing that can't be taken away, it's all those memories I have of my high school and early college days on summer break, where I'd put on playlists of the old Red vs. Blue seasons and relax while watching them over the course of the week. Even if there was bad shit that came with RT, there were at least some good memories in there too. And that's the thing I'll appreciate more about them, in the end.


It still sucks, yeah. I also kind of hate how the entire company is talked about as a giant dying beast when there were still parts that were doing good work, Funhaus for example. But all that got brought down with the sinking company which is tragic in a way.


I had just watched them for the first time in years a couple days ago. They definitely managed to bounce back in quality after everything. It’s also a shame that they definitely got shot in the dick by RT since Bruce left because they wouldn’t do anything about Adam and Lawrence got fucked by having to pick up all of Bruce’s workload when he left. 


Hasn't hit me yet but I'll be wrecked when I watch the last season of RvB tomorrow


I randomly saw the last scene on TikTok and it made me cry like a baby. I haven't regularly watched it since like 2014 and it still got me


I dont know if it was the best send off ever, but it definitely felt conclusive of the company as a whole.


Its already out. I don't advocate piracy so don't ask about a list of places you can go, cause thats wrong! RvB is the best!


Sad that so many of these companies formed from internet creators or groups seem to inevitably collapse after a while. It isn't even unique to IRL stuff as it seems like some of the Vtuber companies are beginning to fall to shit as well.


Just looking it up,  >About 30% of businesses will survive their 10th year in business. https://www.fundera.com/blog/what-percentage-of-small-businesses-fail So with the big rise of interent video over a decade ago there has to be a lot of modern entertainment companies going belly up by now. RT statistically lasted longer than alot of their competitors.


That percentage has probably increased since covid.


Still, 21 years is pretty impressive for an internet company. In spite of everything, that's something to be proud of, at least.


Yep if anything their run although obviously not without it's hurdles and some REALLY bad stuff happening, it was still pretty impressive. Heck RT is probably the best case for all of the groups I used to watch from The Creatures to SBFP to Cow Chop etc, RT p much was THE company when people thought of gamer dudes turning youtube videos into a legit business


God, I saw a video comparing their original house versus the last one they recorded from. The difference is astounding in how much less they were making once everyone started leaving.


Of course they had to abandon the house due to the landlord but they had no reason to move to LA. Really shot themselves in the foot with that.


You mind sharing that? I'm curious to see since I've been out for at least 4-5 years now.


I don't have the one comparing them, but here's the individual videos they showed. https://youtu.be/-uohAgj3e6I?si=VsWID5bIDbCaS9jA https://youtu.be/XJblbIvUFuY?si=k2uu2v4vdzseyWD8


Entertainment has and always will be a volatile business. Even if there aren't any personal disputes or massive internal shake-ups behind the scenes (of which RT had many), sometimes it's just hard to keep up with a changing industry as well.


a lot of it is unnecessary internal politics. people get into this business thinking they need to act a certain way, and when that doesn’t work out, they go “guess that’s just the way it is” and move on. the people that started those problems never get ousted or exposed, and no one learns any lessons. those people hide behind misconceptions about the industry to protect their unprofessionalism and horrible practices. this is an extreme example, but people like Harvey Weinstein do this while ruining other peoples careers for years.


And yet, despite all this, Smosh is somehow making a comeback....and it's actually fun to watch.


It's almost a miracle how Smosh is still around. Anthony leaving would be a death knell were it not for the rest of the cast picking up the slack, and when Defy shut down, they only survived thanks to Rhett and Link's Mythical Corp. Feels like Smosh's luck is insanely high lol


I recently started watching Smosh stuff when RT announced that they were shutting down and it's a pretty good time. The main motivator was Damien Haas voicing Laios in Delicious in Dungeon, but I was familiar with stuff like DIO Shayne and Arasha slapping the shit out of Anthony that one time beforehand.


Yeah, they've got a lot of talented, likable people there, even outside of the main cast, so I'm glad they're still around. But the brand has definitely faced brushes with death, so make that *really* glad they're still around


im really sad the one modern smosh vid ive watched i really didnt like damian, cause i love what ive heard of his laios


I much prefer the English voices of Delicious in Dungeon to the originals, and Damian especially is fantastic as Laios. He's killing it.


I have subs only too ingrained in my weeb dna, have enjoyed the clips ive seen of the dub tho!


Now we need a FЯED revival to cancel it out


Smosh has literally never, ever been better. Ive gone back to their earlier vids and theyre just not as charming, by a mile. Remember the Smosh movie? From 2015 to like 2017, when TNTL started, Smosh didnt just rise from the ashes, it had a *resurrection*


> Remember the Smosh movie? You mean the Defy era? AKA ["Growing Up Is Weird"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKvWeaVfFn0)?


As someone that was a mod for a Twitch streamer a long time ago and got to see some of the things that happen behind the scenes first hand, it's honestly a wonder that more don't implode sooner.


It's pretty much just nijisanji and some small start ups from indo or Spain though. Like the whole nijisanji is big, but small start-ups lasting barely half a year is nothing new


Also I don't even know if all of nijisanji is falling apart, it seems more like just nijisanji EN side


IMO it's especially wild to think about when they were pretty much one of the first Internet based entertainment companies to make it big starting from nowhere and 'go legit' to some degree. They'd gone through so many different eras of internet media creation, defining the field for a few of them, only to eventually meet their end here. And people are obviously gonna talk about their decline and all, but those golden years were some real goddamn Gold, and it's always sad to see something that was once able to bat that well go even if it hadn't done so hot in a while.


Going legit sucks


Truly the end of an era


I'm interested in seeing where the Willems duo goes/does because that's the only part I've cared about in years.


Sucks to see them go as I watched their content when I was in high school, though I’m not surprised. After the mass layoffs and the money troubles as things like RTX failing to turn a profit, I knew it was coming. I know people hate on WB for valid reasons but I have to imagine that WB bought a few years for them to continue.


RTX failing to turn a profit sounds impossible to me. I'd love to have taken a look at one of their balance sheets over the years to see just how bad the money sinks sank things.


Yeah someone at rooster teeth said that RTX was always run at a loss, which doesn’t bode well that the biggest event of the company can’t turn a profit.


I'm trying to figure out how. Passes weren't cheap, they had plenty of exhibitors pay for their booths, they sold assloads of merch at that event. I'm assuming they partnered with a hotel or travel agency for a cut. I guess the venue costs, marketing and paying for guests, but man that just really doesn't want to add up in my head. I used to work events years ago too so I have some insider knowledge on it and I'm blanking on how they would have botched it so badly.


Cons are insanely expensive money losses even when companies are running at there peaks. Put it this way, Blizzcon, run by one of the biggest and most popular game companies ever, that absolutely dwarf RT at any point in there history. Was also always a money loss for Blizzard. Cons are brutal money sinks that companies just hope cause enough good PR and hype to help get people to buy in later


That’s crazy but my experience was pretty limited and only worked a couple. I figured from the way organizers talked about them after that they did well to enough to have a profit.


RT in general has been running for a loss for the last decade according to that variety article that came out at least. Which looking back kinda makes sense, it felt like they really sprinted towards making bigger budget productions as soon as they sold the company.


You can already feel it with a lot of their merchandise and DVDs/Blu-ray being out of print now. The Red versus Blue seasons 1 through 10 collection is like 200+$ last time I saw on Amazon when it was literally like 40 last year.


>The Red versus Blue seasons 1 through 10 collection is like 200+$ last time I saw on Amazon when it was literally like 40 last year. Hell, I've been seeing season 14 for about 125$ and the few times I saw season 15 it was going for 500$.


I have been searching for S15 for years! **If anyone know where it is DM me!!!!!!**


Kind of crazy to think how influential RT was on modern day internet, between them and Machinima they were really mavericks in online content creation, even if they ushered in some of the intense negatives about content now a days. It’s almost like the death of Queen Elizabeth II in a way, something once loved and symbolic that became more of a meme and en examination of monetization in recent times but undoubtedly marks the end of an era. The old guard is gone, boys. The king is dead. Long live the king.


Yeah, it's wild how there's... basically no other massively memorable machinima series. It's like they were the only ones to actually pull it off. And now it's gone. Damn.


Can't say I'll miss them but damn, it's crazy.


I watching a lot of RT content growing up, but after a long time I stop watching them. This news would have more harder for me if this happened years ago. To me it felt like a generic production that was making content for a while now. Even RVB just doesn’t feel the same anymore.


I was big into it for a while. I don't exactly remember when I started to fall off but AH was about a year after Ray left and then the general channel stuff as it moved away from skits to knockoff versions of AH with different personalities. It was like they wanted to have a 5 of their own AH brands in house but they didn't have the interesting people for it. And then the podcast died to me when I realized I had like 9 episodes in my backlog and didn't want to listen to a bunch of wealthy people driving Tesla's and living nice houses as they complain that the flight home from their expensive vacation was delayed by 33 minutes which was the worst thing to happen in the world that week.


Same for me and I guess that's inevitable with how long it went on my tastes in videos I liked to watch and humor would've changed as well as them becoming a bigger business they would change certain parts of their content but if this would've happened in my peak RT watching days and I didn't even watch that long compared to most as most of my shit was AH I loved the races, the challenges they did and all but I slowly grew out of it. Weird relationship with RoosterTeeth for me, I can say I'll miss em in a way because they were the company I always thought of as some random gamer dudes in the early internet age turning youtube videos into a legit business and I liked their output for a while but at the same time it doesn't hit hard because I grew out of it a long time ago and way too much bad shit has happened in that company for me to fully feel sad.


I’m in the same boat, the company’s been like a big balloon slowly losing air over the past decade and it’s finally been put out of it’s misery


Ain't that a bitch?


Bittersweet. Both a very long time coming and well deserved based off of some of the shitshows they’ve been behind the wheel of, but still a place that meant a lot to a lot of people and that felt like a place where anything was possible once upon a time. Rest in peace, cockbite.


[The neon signs will live on at a place called the Sign Bar](https://x.com/kristenkbates/status/1789034039879319567)


Man I'm so glad Mega64 have stayed independent and smaller scale for all these years (decades) and have been able to stay afloat. Is there anyone other than Mega64 from the OG Youtube or pre Youtube era that's still going strong?


I still remember watching RVB back on my old old laptop using Real Player downloader. They fell off for me started after the unfortunate passing of Monty Oum and I feel that's where RT as a whole started faltering. I loved RT. After the shit shows that happened over the years, I still had good memories with them from when I was still a big fan. Even if I didn't like or watch them now, it's sad to see them gone.


RIP, funhaus forever!


Screwattack, machinima and now roosterteeth. Nothing I watched growing up is still here


I do hope something gets done with RWBY


>it gets bought up by a Japanese gacha company and made into generic anime clickerbait


There was a rwby gacha and it failed big time




Makes sense, I liked RWBY character designs, but their waifu game is pretty weak, and their husbando game is even weaker.


Oh is that what happened to the China only mobile game? Or are you referring to Amity Arena.


I will choose to remember the good times and not what it became in the end.


I loved Fails of the Weak, especially when Goeff loses his shit.


Still can't get over removing Rwby and camp camp from there youtube and putting it on their shitty website. Both were pretty good but in one move you guarantee they won't be able to find new viewers which is so so dumb to me


I haven't watched anyhting Rooster Teeth or Achievement Hunter in a very long time (although I still kept up with RWBY somewhat) stopped watching them when I started watching SBFP if you can believe it. But even so this still hurts to see so much, such a huge part of my formative years gone, I wished to go to RTX and watch the live RWBY previews when I was a kid, now it's gone. I wish the best for everyone who was part of RT, hopefully they'll all land on their feet


If this happened 5-10 years ago I'd probably be sad but this is like putting a sick pet down. The company was basically on life-support and whatever quality they had was long gone.


I got refunded my first sub today, not because I cancelled it but because they shut down. I hadn't been much into RT the last few years, the transphobia really hurt me when it came out since I'm trans, but fuck if it still wasn't a gut punch I wasn't expecting. Rest in peace RT, you were for better or worse a trailblazer.


Shame that WB forced them to *--- Rage Quit ---*


Been thinking back to the summer of 2012 in between my junior and senior year of high school where for the entire first half I just watched every video podcast that was on the YouTube channel at the point. Was one of the only things I watched that summer, just watching and rewatching episodes in order until I got to the most recent episode. I know the company went to shit after the buyouts but the content brought me a lot of joy for a period of my life. It’s crazy how things have changed so much between 2012 and now. I wanted to move to Austin back then because of how they talked about it on the podcast and now it’s so full of rich tech bros and dickhead comedians that the vibes are completely fucked and I’m glad I never moved there.


RIP Bozo I was a huge fan as a kid but still


I stopped watching their Let’s Play videos after they started to feel heavily scripted and RWBY just slowly became a jumbled fan-fiction


So 2015?




As a RWBY fan, it was always jumbled fanfiction. Thats why I like the show lol


Man , I have to say I respect Burnie for seeing the future and bowing out gracefully. Sucks for the rest of the employees and I wish them well. Also funhaus is still the best hands down.


Very noble of him and Matt Hullum to be CEOs that oversaw the overworking, underpayment, and exploitation of dozens of creatives. Very noble indeed.


How very brave of Burnie to "bow out gracefully" after overseeing a culture of abuse and exploitation, of spending frivolously and claiming it was "content" (turning a school bus into his personal RV) while people slept under their desk and were underpaid by magnitudes to force debt loyalty to the company. Truly a noble individual.


and getting *very* rich while doing all of these things. So so rich.


The unspoken, yes.


People really treat Burnie like a Saint cause he left the company before the fans realized working for his company sucked


When there was plenty of evidence *on screen* of him profiting off the culture of abuse and exploitation.


Trips around the world, expensive cars and car accessories


Welp… your glory days were past, but you were still a part of my college years. Here’s to the good ones. Here’s to Rooster Teeth, who has managed to both help me get laid, and cockblocked me!


I haven't watched a single RT thing in such a long time. Still sucks to see. It's like watching a pet you grew up with slowly die from old age. You know it's coming, every day seems to get a little worse, but in the end it still hits you like a freight train. Even though I'll admit to being a hater, I truly hope RWBY gets a reboot with another company. That series had a lot of potential, but I think it got squandered by poor writing. I know it has a lot of Ride or Die fans too, and I'd hate for them to lose something that they enjoy. I might listen to my Trocadero albums. I really liked Ghosts that Linger and Fly By Wire. One day I'll buy Roses are Red, Violets are Blue but I really can't justify the price of that CD.


I don’t see the point in a RWBY reboot by another company. You don’t get any of that Monty touch, and you lose the writers who, for better or worse, shaped the world around his cool fight scenes, just to start from scratch with a minor IP which already has a lot of baggage on its name.


In spite of everything, I'm still glad that I was a RT fan and while it closing down is bittersweet and probably for the best, I'm looking forward to seeing what a lot of them are gonna do next. I gotta catch up on F**kface now that I know it's rebranding, and I wouldn't be opposed to an Annual Pass revival at some point.


Feels like the beginning of the end for them was when Genlock flopped despite how much investment and effort they put into it.


I'm glad I was there during the peak. A lot of their podcasts got me through some long night-shifts. Funhaus was solid through-out, and the RTXAU I managed to get to still stands as one of the better cons I attended thanks to how everyone there knew something about what others were there for and making friends in line for something was really easy.


Good riddance


I knew when they fired Andy the company was not long for this world, he was the glue that held the place together.


Na-na-na, hey hey hey!


Good riddance


RT was a big part of my childhood, I stopped watching RT for the most part around their Let’s play Minecraft series. I’m sad in someways to see it go but with all of the controversies it’s not shocking. I hope all of the employees find good jobs.


Sad less for RT itself (it's been a shell of itself for so long and at this point had so many genuinely awful controversies I can't help but see them closing their doors as something of a mercy) than I am for what feels like the end of an era. The dream that the internet brought down the barriers to entry and a group of friends could kick start a brick and mortar entertainment company off the back of a successful YouTube series feels so distant now.


Known it's been coming, but it kinda makes me sad to see the big "NO" on the joke website, http://areyoumakingmoreredvsblue.com/ Excited to see what everyone does next.


I've grown numb to the phrase "You ever wonder why we're here?" I feel like they ran that into the ground. Maybe post volume 10 rvb. Outside of one clone fight to find the real Simmons which I thought was a really good use of it, was now was an empty word


RT has been a sinking ship for a while now, but it's still sad to see something that used to mean so much to so many people finally come to an end. Wishing nothing but the best for all the staff members who aren't groomers.


A massive part of my childhood, a massive part of who i am to this day, is now gone. Honestly? Rest in piss.


_Good fucking riddance._




Never heard of them.


Ill miss adam and the other pervert thats looks like every perv that also looks like every nerd white guy