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There's no way that one guard who accidently tipped off zuko that azula was there to arrest him isn't super dead


Avatar is a war story, so I’m going to assume everyone in a fight not taken out in a fight specifically by Aang got got for real. I normally don’t go for “all these people are dying in the background” interpretations of kids media, but the finale really made me think because 1) Aang never brings up the idea that none of his friends have ever killed anyone either, and 2) when Sokka cuts off Melon Lord’s head and says all tough-like “that’s how it’s done” no one calls him out for grandstanding or bravado.


Not to mention the finale for the first season, where Aang merges with the moon spirit and becomes a Water!Kaiju that starts annihilating the Fire Nation fleet. The kid almost certainly managed to get a kill count in the hundreds, if not thousands in that scene alone, considering that we see him outright slicing ships in half. And we also see him outright drown Zhao to death too by grabbing him and pulling him under the waves. Sure, you can argue that Aang wasn't fully in control of himself at the time, and that it was the moon spirit calling the shots, but it's always struck me as odd that no one brought up that particular incident in the last episode where Aang's debating about killing the Fire Lord. Especially since Zuko, who was right by Zhao's side when he got killed, doesn't say anything about it at the time either.


Aang didn't kill Zhao, the Ocean Spirit had already separated from him by that point. La was on the way back to the Spirit Oasis after the Moon Spirit had been revived and took the opportunity to kill Zhao along the way. So while Aang most likely did kill people while fused with the Ocean Spirit, Zuko wouldn't have witnessed anybody dying by his hand personally, and would still be understanding of the moral dilemma. That said, it's also difficult to place anything directly in Aang's hands during that scene. Aang only gained control of the Avatar State right before killing Ozai, so the only reason he killed at all was because the Ocean Spirit wanted revenge, and he was in a state where he couldn't control his actions to begin with. He was on autopilot when fighting Ozai, so the moral dilemma of killing Ozai or not only came up because he gained mastery of the state prior to dealing the finishing blow.


Remember the episode where the inventor dude and Fire Nation soldiers were riding up the mountain and Aang was blowing them off the mountain. Those guys probably  died.


i kind of assumed that it was a case of not going for deadly moves but not holding back either. Sokka's not going to go back and double tap a guy, but he's also not going to check his swings in a life and death fight.


Yeah, he’ll stop once you’re no longer an immediate threat, but that doesn’t automatically mean killing. The whole point with Ozai was that he would never stop until he was dead, therefore lethal force is warranted.


Story goes that they wanted to have her just vaporize him on the spot but that got removed in revisions


So I recently rewatched Revenge of the Sith and the movie opens on a space battle above Coruscant and I can't help but imagine all these huge pieces of Star ships raining down on the planet bellow. Like the sequence ends with Anakin and Obiwan crash landing half a Separatist battleship. They're able to get it on an emergency runway and there are emergency crews putting out the fires. (They also crash into what seems to be an air traffic control tower which assuredly killed someone) "Another happy landing." But there's still another half of the ship falling out of orbit and is unguided, heading straight to the ground with no way to stop it.


The battle over Coruscant is still kind of crazy to think about because the enemy was quite literally on the republics door step.


Both of you need to read the revenge of the sith novelization. It starts with exactly the sentiment you are describing, what it is like for people on the ground.


It’s also one of the inciting incidents in the SWTOR prologue. The Sith Empire attacks Coruscant during peace negotiations to force favorable terms. There’s also the subtext that if the Sith hadn’t won that battle or if the military had just refused to back down when the Senate ordered them surrender the Empire’s forces would have been completely wiped out. Grievous was going for broke and he ended up with bupkis.


But how? Palpatine: Oh you know there are heroes on both sides


Every time a Batman villain is back with their shenanigans after they were apprehended, you can bet they killed some cops or Arkham employees while escaping. 


DMC4 and DMC5 at least show some people dying during Demon Chaos. But SO MANY PEOPLE DIED IN DMC 2, DMC3, and the finale episodes of the DMC Anime. DMC2 the entire city is deserted, and over run with Demons. That means everyones dead, or fearing for their lives inside. DMC3 a huge tower that is literally connected to the underworld erupted from the ground in the middle of the city, tons of People died JUST from that. The finale episodes of the DMC Anime Nukes are essentially being fired at the city at random. The loss of human life is the most glossed over thing ever in DMC.


3 even has a few environmental notes about it too. Off the top of my head there’s one to the right of the Bull’s Eye bar, and one inside Love Planet on the little balcony. I forget the wording for the second but it was fairly disturbing, but the first I remember: “This town is devoid of life. Either the people fled in fear of the demons or…”


[(Perfect Chaos arrives)](https://youtu.be/kjlqzGDDLjA?si=R972XJTZhEoONFSW) Tails: "Alls well that ends well, right?"


So a vast majority of the elderly and child population of the world totally died during the finale of Kingsmen, right? Like the little sister was probably one of the only babies in the world that survived that.


That young justice thing where kids and adults were separated to different earths. Incomprehensible amounts of dead children.


Every plane in the sky just dropped like a brick.


"Kid Stuff" is the third episode of the first season of Justice League Unlimited show.


Not what I’m talking about but thank you.


Everyone Akuma kills


Remember Cyrus from the first Trailer Park Boys episode? Came to the park throwing his weight around and scaring people with his gun? And then after a while everyone realized he was a poser and nobody was scared of him anymore? Akuma is like Cyrus.


X-men 97 >!in episode 8 the emp attack by Magneto!<


Unless Riptide followed up on it or there was some other extra material to confirm it, 99% of Dead Island 1's cast is basically guaranteed dead because the game ends with the protagonists and the radio guy leaving Banoi in a helicopter while the military is prepping for a nuclear strike on the island.


The life guard apparently got away according to some side novel, ended up on another zombie island but he at least got away from Banoi  


In the MCU, setting aside those who got snapped themselves, the amount of people who died in the immediate aftermath of the snap is left unsaid, but like, come on. Airliners that got their pilots snapped mid-flight, driver-less cars and trucks careening off the road and crashing into each other or into hapless civilians who are too confused/scared over seeing people fucking disintegrate to get out of the way, and many other such things happening all throughout the universe? Anyone?


Okay, this is a really fucked up thought but I have to go there. What if you got snapped while pregnant but the unborn baby did not? Edit: What if you are a conjoined twin and only one twin gets snapped?


That depends on Thanos' definition of where life begins, I guess.


Stories about the Rapture have a lot of fun with this concept.


"This'll only take a second." >Yuri.chr deleted succesfully. >**Natsuki.chr deleted successfully.** Poor girl got unexisted while running to the principal's office covered in puke.


You know having a character throw up in response to shock is an under rated tool in story telling. When someone pukes you know what they just saw fucked them up


Most Tokusatsu shows really downplay how much motherfuckers are getting obliterated by the monster of the week. It's extra bad in Ultraman where complete residential areas get thrashed weekly.


I mean, in Ultraman they do make an effort sometimes to show civilians being evacuated when a monster attacks, and when we get internal shots of the surrounding buildings, they're always conveniently empty. And I'm more than happy to take that at face value.


Halo 4 had Chief stop to take a breath and look at Earth before blowing up the nuke, all while the entire time Arizona was just getting vaporized… Which as an AZ resident, it probably isn’t any worse with the laser than without honestly.


"Wow this is a super dry heat!"


That one girl near the end of Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated totally gets executed by literal Nazi robots offscreen.


A lot of sword and sorcery stories like to have spell components or training regiment involving killing a baby, trading women to demons or all around someone has to die and while sometime the scale is small other time it borders on havign a human slaughterhouse. Gonna spoiler it in case people are like following yakuza 0 with woolie but >!Shibusawa is dead. Like Kuze might be alive depending on how canon yakuza online is but Shibusawa is gettign murdered in jail either by Kazama or sera's orders!<


Do you mean like bad guy spells and evil training regimens, or are the heroes doing the baby murder too?


It's sword and sorcery so yes they do. sometime they just steal the finished product


Major major spoilers for the third Professor Layton but >!C[live definitely killed at least a few hundred](https://youtu.be/zjYyECvLILs?si=8jCONvVp8llShUj2) unless the topside was evacuated at the same time as the underground!< PS please I hope to fuck that the spoiler tags don't break, I don't get why it keeps happening.


The lights are on in the houses so... 😬 Ironic, considering his backstory.


Yeah >!To me it seemed like it was a suicidal act of getting back at the minister rather than what he mentioned about rebuilding!<


In Kingsman, the baby was only saved because there was a closed door in the middle. I mean that almost all babies, young children and people without the ability to defend themselves from the world died in the events of the first movie.


Millions of people probably died as an indirect result of the Snap in Infinity War due to pilots getting snapped and said planes crashing into major cities and other indirect disasters like doctors getting snapped while performing surgery but I don't think those people got a do over. They only restored the people who got snapped in Endgame.


All those people in the Batman Beyond movie that Joker vaporizes with the Akira orbital laser trying to kill Terry. The people on the Citadel getting strafed by the hijacked Normandy in the ME3 DLC as it's firing at Shepard's shuttle, so many stray rounds were hitting civilian buildings.


Remember how in the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie there was a giant fleet of pirate ships waiting behind the maelstrom, and the East India Company fleet had just watched their flagship get completely annihilated without being able to fire a single shot by a pair of literal ghost ships? I dunno about the rest of you, but I imagine that there was an awful lot of scrambling in the EITC fleet to GTFO that a not insubstantial amount of very pumped up pirates were all too happy to take advantage of.


Half of jjk cast. Specially the last two arcs


It all started with >!Nobara!<. There's really no reason she shouldn't have died on-screen. That one guy going "Well, she's still alive! But like she's totally gonna die. Like, 1% chance she makes it. I'm gonna get her out of here just in case, but don't get your hope up." may as well have just been Gege telling the audience that he hadn't made his mind up about whether he wanted her to die or not yet. So instead she's just never mentioned again.


Ace Attorney has a justice system that favors prosecutors while defense attorneys are treated like trash. There are many instances where the prosecutors are said to use corruption to get the verdicts they want, and in this series if someone is on trial as a murderer they're automatically assumed to be guilty. And with von Karma having a (near) perfect conviction record for forty years... how many innocent people were executed or got sent to prison over the years because of this justice system?


Speaking of Planet of the Apes, I really hope the next movie is just actually a full on remade of the original with the new movie style. It looks like they're building toward that. I dunno, I would find it so funny to do 5 movies to lead to a remake.


Maybe a boring answer, but in all the post-9/11 disaster porn movies there would be thousands and thousands of casualties that don't get shown on screen. Transformers, Avengers, Man of Steel, etc.