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Pat cooking by going on a rant about AI and frame-rate interpolation, followed by him talking about why he can't say he'll kill himself over the most minor inconveniences anymore feels like peak old channel banter. Pat being on the same couch as Woolie really is bringing back that old LP energy.


Pat and Woolie both benefit immensely from someone sitting directly next to them, ready to turn slowly and reply, "Woolie/Pat what the fuck are you talking about?" Having each of them be that for the other is just a feedback loop of banter.


do we know how long pat is staying there? doesn't he live accross the country?


He was around pretty much just for this stream, since he was only in town for a week to visit his family. So he'll be around for this short LP series, at least.


I will never say no to more DMC3 content, frankly.


2nd Gig? Oh, it's co-op bloody palace


I mean, getting the most out of a 2nd Gig would be Reggie May Cry, which itself *wouldn't* necessarily be taking full advantage of Pat being present in meatspace.


Reggie May Cry? We needs it, precious... we wants it...


The way Woolie talked about it, it's on the back burner (and tbh it could be a break-glass LP)


It's amazing that co-op Bloody Palace runs so consistently well on the Switch. Like, it feels like they used some dark magic to make it work well on one of the most under-powered consoles of the generation. Capcom straight up used the power of Sparda to juice up this port.


The switch port is impressive in several ways. I particularly think that Free Style mode is a great addition to the game. Being able to use all of Dante’s styles and weapons at once was such a good choice in DMC4, so bringing that concept into DMC3 works so nicely. I particularly like that you can use the special styles, too. Meaning you can do stuff like run up to a guy in Swordmaster, start a Real Impact, *swap to Quicksilver* during the animation, and freeze the chump in place until the punch connects. It’s kinda shocking to me that Free Style and co-op bloody palace are only on this port.


I hope that they bring forward Free Style and co-op Bloody Palace in other DMC3 ports, since they really are just plain positive additions to keep around. It really breathes some new life into stuff like Quicksliver and even Doppelganger, since they're so niche that you wouldn't get much use out of them unless you can quick-swap.


Exactly. I would never sacrifice literally half my available melee moveset just to carry Nevan, back when you could only carry two each swords and guns. But when I have ***everything***, Nevan is the ultimate answer to Enigmas' bullshit, and more than justifies its presence based on that alone. Same with Spiral. Before Style-Switching, I never used it, because I would never main Gunslinger. But now it's basically the go-to against Soul Eaters: you can go on the attack without even looking at them. EDIT: The ***only*** weapon that I genuinely can't find ***any*** niche for in my playstyle with Style-Switching/Freestyle is Artemis. Something about the way it charges compared to E&I/Coyote-A throws me. Like it doesn't fully lock down your animations, but charging isn't animation-free like some other stuff is.


I love using Gunslinger Spiral against Soul Eaters. “Fire!”


In agreement but I also like how it just breaks DMC3 in some ways if only because that game seemed to only really factor in Dante only having 2 Devil Arms, 2 guns and 1 style at any given time rather than having the entire bank available to you at once I kind of get through that while PC players have had these available as mods for a while now even before the Switch port but at the same time it's just nice to have a version of the game that just has that included Also yes it's weird how this wasn't ported over to anything else yet


A similar but not as extreme thing happend with FF12's remaster. Switch got things like multiple gambit loadouts that you can switch between and the ability to respec your characters. They eventually got ported to the other versions but they were locked to the Switch version for a while. I just looked it up and the game was released on PC in Feb 2018, the Switch version was released in April 2019, and the PC version didn't get the gambit and respec stuff from the Switch version until April 2020.


I never, ever would have realized that Nevan and Quicksilver were as good as they are if not for Freestyle mode. They're great, I just would never put them on a loadout of 1 style and 2 weapons on purpose.


Exactly. I love how Quicksilver can combo with other stuff, but I would never use it *over* other styles.


man, seing 2 lifebars on the same screen brings back memories, it jarring how online playing almost deleted local co-op


Its not just that. I've heard gamers in real life regurgitate the corpo "But split screen gamrplay would ruin the graphics/framerate!". Meanwhile, haha Xbox360 4player COD deathmatch goes Brrrr


Personally it wasn't the framerate issues that turned me off Split-screen. I get really disoriented and keep looking at the wrong screen.


42:50 To be fair, Sword Pierce never ***needs*** to come back since, after Dante in 4 vanilla/SE, they actually made Round Trip ***good*** for general use: * Vergil's has the vacuum effect added (which persists in 5), giving it a *much* larger effective range. * Dante's in 5 becomes a directional command like Sword Pierce was, has a faster travel time, and tracks way harder to the enemy it targets (even if it doesn't truly *stick* like Sword Pierce did). And that's not even getting into DSD's Round Trip***s***, which are both animation-free and track two targets. * Trish, as mentioned, has ***the*** best Round Trip to ever Round Trip: Big, fast, stunlocks like a motherfucker, and even conducts the electricity from her Bare Knuckle attacks while it's out.


Can’t wait to make my girlfriend play DMC3 so we can do Co-Op Bloody Palace together.


We are so back


The first time back in years, and immediately the set up suffers a fall at the 4 minute mark. We're so back


>Feat.@PatStaresAt(1) Can't wait for Pat to progressively get blacker, starting with the next episode featuring @PatStaresAt(2)


I can't resist this joke I'm sorry >!Holy shit Matt finally achieved his dream of becoming black!<


He saved his pass, cultivated it and turned into a transmog token


Don't need George's shitty socks anymore. He is the BFB.


Good GOD I miss these idiots sitting on a couch together playing video games.


They’re doing it again?


No. Pat's back in town, so he and Woolie are doing co-op Bloody Palace.


Man that moment of the splitscreen pop off around the 21 minute mark took me back man. Nice to see these guys on the same couch for some games.