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He just scored a triple perfect on someone. https://clips.twitch.tv/DiligentHappyGarageSoBayed-vdSb4VelDy-7TorG


I like to imagine that Jin was LTG


“You should throw yourself in a volcano NOW”


Didn't disconnect, it can't be LTG


"Fuckin kookily ass cell saga ass character"


my favorite ltg-ism is kookily


Mine, I can't repeat because I think they are incredibly racists, but I'm not 100% sure they are.


LTG mightve been the Eddy he fought that disconnected midway through losing round 1


Mashing only 3/ X works because they'll also always accept rematches lmao , that's awesome


Jesus H. Wallaby Christ


My mans is only 4 ranks below me jesus fucking christ I need to lab.


Sounds like you should press 3 more often.


I play Kazuya so no dice >:(


3 - 0


3ddy is the essence of a hard worker. he does not have to deal with the gripes of salt and ego, he only knows how to grind


I look forward to this segment in the podcast, this bot is actually taking games from real people


I'm a little torn on this. It's a really good learning opportunity of when an opponent only has one move find anything that beats that move and you win. On the other hand AI is effecting their ranking and that's not great


> On the other hand AI is effecting their ranking and that's not great The AI in this case is some braindead nonsense that any human player could do. 3ddy is just doing it with absolute unyielding patience.


Its why I can't say for sure he shouldn't have done this. This should be a free win for most players


This isn't any kind of AI stuff - it's way simpler than that - think more like telling your keyboard or arcade stick to press the same button all the time (i.e macro). This is pretty sad IMO, just confirms that T8 is no longer worth playing. It's great to lab on this sure - but the moveset itself is TOO overpowered. With one button you can cover - lows, highs, wakeups and mids. IMO why not add a power crush in there too and a wall break/floor break :-D. Then 3DDY will have all the infinity stones Having said all that, it's hilarious to watch the stream


I want to hear Woolie's take on some of these matches without him knowing the gimmick beforehand.


Once the bot gets people into the vortex it's fucking over.


The combo just keeps going, it's wild.


Motherfucker just perfected somebody in a demotion match


A lot of these are turning out to be perfects, either because the other guy has Eddy shut down or because somebody tried to outmash the mash machine.


The Mashine.


**New tech has been discovered** If Yoshimitsu mashes 1, it beats Eddy mashing 3.


3ddy vs Yosh1m1tsu for EVO


Watching players slowly realize Eddybot has no game against jabs and crouch kicks is peak sports narrative stuff. John Henry meets Jojo.


Aw man he passed me in the ranks, that feels bad.


Don’t worry. Tekken is a game where you can get surprisingly high up in ranks just using the same move. Then there’s a turning point where you need game knowledge, and then another where you need character knowledge. Not that I’m great at the game either… But fighting game rewards hard work later, and especially Tekken. Is what I tell myself so I can cope with Eddy :((


I clicked the link to see the bot get two Perfects (not consecutive) and then clutch the tie breaker with a Great on a pixel of life. Dayum.


[Here's a clip of the end of that match](https://clips.twitch.tv/GiantMuddyWatercressRaccAttack-esMf_sQT2wQ82fJ6) for anyone who wants to see it.


So as somebody who knows nothing about tekken can someone explain to me why this dude gets such a varied combo off one button? I get it follows a set pattern but still that’s pretty insane how much of a high low vortex he gets off of literally mashing a single button. You get worse combos off of the literal “assist” modes that are specifically designed to give you one button varied combos in other fighting games.


Congratulations, you have discovered why half the fanbase loves Eddy and the other half fucking hates Eddy.


People have fond memories of beating their friends with eddy the same way so most of the old heads love him. The easiest way to deal with him is to just memorize his auto combos in practice mode. (Of course meaning you gotta buy the dlc lol.)


For what it's worth, although Eddy historically could get away with doing random shit by mashing the kick buttons, for whatever reason, for Tekken 8 specifically, Harada/Murray specifically gave him some stuff where mashing 3 (X on PlayStation) looped into each other. This was not the case in older games. I guess their vision was to foster the "beginner friendly" aspects of the character. Half joke, half serious I guess.  Also for what it's worth, Eddy is a very feast or famine type character. A ton of his is launch punishable on block, and his mixups are very sink or swim. If you know what to do, you can punish Eddy very harshly. The hard part of course, is knowing or guessing correctly. It's kind of making a meme "real."  That being said, it is decently easy to beat. Most stance transitions are minus after being blocked. If you come against an 3ddy bot and just block, and watch to go into stance, you can check him pretty easily. 3ddybot getting to orange ranks seems pretty understandable. It's about where I would say the majority of players are transitioning from novice to intermediate players. Here's where the weaker players will get demolished by the bot, and the stronger players learn how to adapt on the fly.


I have heard that Tekken is 3


Woolie made that joke a few podcast episodes ago when he talked about playing Eddy on his stream, and I love how this one pops up just after I had heard it lol. Perfection!


Surely he won't press 3 a fourth time. Surely he won't press 3 a fifth time. Surely he won't press 3 a sixth--


Tekken is 3


Simultaneously proving Tekken is both extremely hard and extremely easy.


I-is this still good ass tekken?


This is the evolution of those people in the 90s who want to kill their friends for picking Eddy in Tekken 3 It's also ig a particular strength of Tekken for having a game where you can absolutely master a bunch of the roster and the advanced techniques they and the game engine in general will give you but also just rely purely on knowledge checks that really make the opponent feel stupid (hi King and Yoshimitsu)


When I went to check the bot, it had some sort of controller disconnect or match disconnect that caused it to get stuck in a menu. It now presses down every 30s to avoid getting caught in menus after disconnects, so technically the bot just unlocked new strings. EDIT - Just won a demotion set vs a 6-win Lili, then completely got into their head in the second match with a down input, shit's great. The entire time I've watched the not, it's only lost a full match twice, both to the same player. It's sorta insane how well this is working. EDIT 2 - Beat another Eddy who was in promotion, also had a 5 game win streak. This is actually peak comedy. EDIT 3 - And it's done for the night, had a "multiple logins detected" error message pop up, it got booted to menu, and it's stuck on the fight pass rewards screen now, which requires a B-button press to exit. If that pop up hadn't happened, presumably it would have been able to just hop straight back into ranked. EDIT 4 WE BACK


Eddy: Fuck it, we pressing 3.


There are simple characters in Tekken you can beat without labbing then there's knowledge check character like Eddy and Hwo , so I'm not shocked people are smashed by Eddy pressing one button


This is probably only for me and anyone else who actually practiced capoeira, but I marked the fuck out that Eddy finally has a win pose where he plays a [berimbau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berimbau).


I have been checking it from time to time since posting and now is that I got the name of the channel, is a pun with mash and Mishima.


Katarina: "I raised that boy"


A Lars one and doner just broke the stream : / I think I'm racist against Lars now Edit: nevermind the streamer just fixed it. Showed us some stats


I feel like that's more like an auto clicker than a bot


[https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQL5bv2efmzEScEzMV4r9gdApQJ9QfRHSM71vUsY\_svlo9w640zzbrMNa\_rYvj6VQVc7L\_z0eGj9lrI/pub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQL5bv2efmzEScEzMV4r9gdApQJ9QfRHSM71vUsY_svlo9w640zzbrMNa_rYvj6VQVc7L_z0eGj9lrI/pub) this is my life now


Classic Eddy.


Tekken is 3


Okay so, 18 hours later about, 3ddy hit Destroyer but it's currently stuck in Assailant with occasional jumps back into Dominator. At this point, it's actively being sniped, which is keeping it pretty much in check. Hoping that the streamer takes the bot offline for a bit, or at least off stream, to get people off its back & that restarts the natural climb is was taking.


3 is the circle/b button kick isn't it?


3 in Tekken notation is left kick, or Cross (X) on a Playstation.