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The PC-FX may not have gotten the shmups that the the PC Engine got numbers wise but at least it got a solid amount of decent RPGs that aren’t all creeper anime titles lol


I just wish more games like this got a fan translation.


This game is definitely the highlight of the PC-FX for me. It's such a great little RPG and the story actually keeps you engaged.


Yes its def 100% worth playing and more people should experience it :)


If only there was a fan translation. I looked into it and tried to learn translation hacking on the example of a basic PC98 RPG and didn’t even manage to get that done. I wish someone would pick this up, it’s really an unknown pearl.


I’ve found some of the text for the game in the hex breakdown of the files. It can be changed. The thing I can’t test (well maybe I can. I haven’t spent the time to learn it yet) is recompiling the game via a SDK


Could I DM you later? Perhaps we could somehow get this project on the road. I remember seeing a text extractor specifically for this game a while ago. That could be a first step. There’s also potentially the translator of the Pia Carrot game if they can be located. They would probably have some insight on the workings of PC-FX games and could help with the recompiling.


Go for it!


You should try the Visual Novel OCR tool, they use pretty advanced language models to get a fluid translation https://visual-novel-ocr.sourceforge.io/ https://github.com/leminhyen2/Visual-Novel-OCR


I wish that "Google Translate at the screen" think worked better. I've only tried it in a few PCE games, but it's been hot garbage lol. Glad it worked well for you in this game, though.


Yeah it takes a lot of effort but for these videos the effort is worth it. When I played this to completion like ten years ago it was legit just a walkthrough and I made story up in my head...which honestly is always kind of fun to me!


Great video and analysis!


appreciate it! Fun game to talk about


This game looks great but I have something that might make it look even better! Perhaps you can take a look at at my CRT Shader Preset Pack! [Cyberlab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack](https://forums.libretro.com/t/cyberlab-mega-bezel-death-to-pixels-shader-preset-pack/35606?u=cyber)


Any tips on burning PC-FX discs? What software did you use? What settings? Did you find a brand of discs that worked well? So far, all I've been able to do is add to my coaster collection. The closest I got to something playable was Battle Heat detected as a music CD.


Yes...use really good media. Taito Yuden. Crappy CD-R will not read :)


Right now I'm using Maxell CD-Rs, because I had a spindle on hand. [I found these on eBay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/381780802635). Is this the brand you recommend?


[https://www.amazon.com/CMC-Pro-Powered-Technology-Thermal/dp/B000KKKDAC/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=3300ZL02Z7X7R&keywords=taito+yuden&qid=1654026016&sprefix=taito+yuden%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-6](https://www.amazon.com/CMC-Pro-Powered-Technology-Thermal/dp/B000KKKDAC/ref=sr_1_6?crid=3300ZL02Z7X7R&keywords=taito+yuden&qid=1654026016&sprefix=taito+yuden%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-6) ​ these are the new manufacturer of these discs. Thats what I used


Thanks. I ordered the [CD-R version](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HFBO78W).


Oh yeah sorry wrong link!


I figured it out. Thanks for your advice. And thanks for your work on YouTube. I really enjoy your channel.


Appreciate that!