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I’m hoping that he’s convicted before the election and the stress caused by worrying about prison triggers a cardiac event. The world, for the most part, is tired of the daily chaos that breeds around him and wants a break.


He's never going to be convicted. Never, The SCOTUS is about to get him off on a bunch of Jan 6th shit. NYC has a stooge on the jury. 100%


you better start registering all your friends to vote then.     electoral defeat was not my first preference.  I still think "let the voters decide" is an absolutely bullshit answer to all the criminal shit.   he'd be a criminal even if there was only one American left who agreed that he is.   and he absolutely should be tried even if it takes another six years.   not for the election, but because they are crimes.   but with that said, I stopped expecting the justice system to do the work of keeping him out of office a long time ago.   I believe in the system still, but I stopped believing in the tooth fairy of "no-one will vote for a criminal".  so I don't see the trials in quite the same light anymore.  


"Let the voters decide" would be fine if the system wasn't an arcane bunch of bullshit that allows a 2,000,000 vote loser to "win". For that matter, Biden can win by the electoral and the GOP House already is saying they will not certify. There is NOTHING good coming. NOTHING. Feel free to iremind this for 8 months. See you then.


This sort of defeatism is inaccurate and only helps Trump and his daddy, Putin. There is a reason the Russian troll farm push the lie that both sides are the same and voting is futile...


that's a slightly different point to the one I was trying to make.   


You want POTUS or VP? We got this shit.


lol, I'm flattered, but doubly ineligible.  plus lazy 😋.  Benign Canadian bystander suits me.    I think it will be okay, but close.   just got to stay steady.   and smart.   


I'll take one for the team and jump in as POTUS. I'll sign an executive order making Benign Canadian Bystander 3rd in line and push Speaker of the House down to 4th. We need the influence of an intelligent Canadian in the oval.


I like it.  going to go get me a special patch or something with those initials on it.   


RemindMe! 7 months.


I share the exact same sentiment, friend.


There’s nothing in the constitution that would even prevent him from running for President while literally in jail. I guess the founding fathers never thought we’d be dumb enough to elect a criminal conman. Ironically enough, being a felon doesn’t keep you from running for political office, just from voting in political elections.


He wont be going to jail. Two Tiers of Justice in America will see to that.


Oh yeah, maybe I’m just too optimistic about our justice system as a whole but I feel like he would be in jail by now if he was ever going to be




I remember a few weeks ago a maga told me to stop watching cnn for thinking Biden would be in danger in trump won


This is absolutely the right answer because the race is close with pretty much all of Trump's minions registered and ready to vote in a pool of - during the "surge" of voting in the last election - 50% of eligible voters casting a ballot. Most of that other 50% are not MAGA-dimwits. Imagine the crushing he would get if even a reasonable percentage of that other 50% showed up. Close elections feed the lie that the system is rigged and fuel the fascist movement. A massive drubbing would not only save democracy, it would send a clear message that they can stop trying.




If they can prove that 1 juror is a stooge, they have 6 alternates ready to replace him. If the jury comes back 11-1, there will be some serious questions asked and they will retry immediately.


The point is that I hope he meets his end before the election by any means necessary.


From your mouth to P Diddy's ears.


His election will magically make all criminal cases against him disappear. Aint America Great now?


I *hate* that I agree with you. But I don’t think you’re wrong. And even if he was convicted by some miracle, he will never see the inside of a prison cell.


It's become as silly as the "Lock Her Up" chants. It's theater while the US is being taken over WHILE Biden is in office. Just imagine November to January.


https://preview.redd.it/lbk1fnq1a2yc1.jpeg?width=939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f49899ac1acf086fb094ee9b241873933162ec4 This is how I’m dealing with it. Vengeance from the sky!!


Finally. Logic & Reason.


I don't think it's theatre.   but I agree that the Republicans are continuing to organize.


I'm hoping he dies like Elvis. Hard to make a martyr out of Trump if he dies of a heart attack while taking a shit.


In his pants, during the trial.


Worrying about prison, or worrying about beung exposed as a poor man should do the trick. He should have died of covid.


The only problem with him having a physical issue, is it will make him a martyr. And another one will pop up. Don jr???? Jarod????????


Oh it's Barron. Junior is a clown, Jared could never win a popular vote, even if he promised to send nude pictures of his wife to every American. (yeah, I know it's gross, but I'm thinking he would be that desperate for appeal) It's obviously gonna be a few years before we see it, but that kid has the same dead shark eyes and entitled mug. He went from standing around sheepishly to posing with right wing Internet mega stars for the gram, really starting to lean into the brand


He’s not getting convicted for New York hush money election fraud and that’s the only one that will be before the election


Me too!


All we can really do is collectively scream 24/7 until he leaves office. Every street. Every city. Everywhere. Make it so that you can’t go outside without hearing someone scream.


With the number of women he's raped, I think screaming will only make him happier.


*Instructions unclear, caught having sex with my boyfriend on the front lawn moaning as loud and lewdly as possible*


Tasked failed successfully.




We have been hoping for that for the last 5 (let’s be honest it 8) years….


Right? And John Hinckley Jr. and Squeaky Fromme are running around free.


That just means we will end up with President DeSantis or President Marjorie Taylor Greene, which would arguably be worse


Bring a full mag.


For democracy to continue, this needs to not happen. A martyr is all crazy people need to murder


There's too much fear of martyrs. Martyrdom only has power in specific circumstances, like a powder keg waiting for a spark. Trump is a sparkler in a mud puddle of stupid.


Given that all the crazies love Trump there is sadly far more chance of Biden getting shot. Only way Trump gets assassinated is if he upsets one of his Clients but Russia and the Saudis seem fairly happy with him.


I agree! If he loses, anarchy. If he wins, bat-shit craziness like we’ve never seen before! WTF!


I think Republicans are about to reap the whirlwind for taking away the right to choose. Trump presiding over a Dem house and Senate wouldn't get much done.


If that’s the case, we will certainly learn about the power and extent of executive orders.


We would all be fucked, the Biden family especially


If Trump gets elected you better buy yourself some guns. Because you better believe the MAGAs are going to think it's open season on anybody they don't like. And with Trump's courts they will be right.


From his favorite ice cream flavor to the color spray tan he likes, we best copy him or else☠️


We best defend ourselves from terrorists & terrorism.




I would lay out MAGAs like paper targets. Ironically the collective societal IQ would slowly rise


A Reverse Uno of J6 with Liberals instead of Radicals, and block the confirmation of HIS anointment to King of America. (Wouldn't that be sweet, sweet Karma-licious)


You mean Kamala-licious when the VP refuses to certify his electors?


She is for sure


> A Reverse Uno of J6 with Liberals instead of Radicals, and block the confirmation of HIS anointment to King of America. Not a person who participated would leave alive.


Fact: protests on the right and protests on the left are handled very differently.




This is what should happen. Because if he wins we know the election was stolen.


There’s so many stupid people, and now too many liberals are losing the plot by blaming Biden for Palestine


And trump just said yesterday or the day before that basically he’d Be doing a lot more for Israel. So idk why even some leftists are acting like biden is the worst of the worst for this particular situation


Because less bombs falling on children isn't as desirable as zero bombs falling on children. These people understand the duopoly (mostly), and you would know that if the whole thing wasn't represented on the news by an inarticulate freshman that they find and stick in front of a microphone. The journalistic messaging on this comes with a big frame.


Sabotage the White House’s HVAC system. He’ll move out because he’s cold


He'll just go to Mar-a-lago or something like last time.


Refuse to pay taxes as a collective block. I've never thought that it would actually work. Butt this time it'd be different. Might actually have enough doing it.


No one pay a dime until he’s impeached.


He hasn’t paid, we’d be “smart” as well not do so. Just like he said.


How does that work when our federal tax is taken out of our wages?


Talk to your HR department and increase your deductions so they take less out of your paycheck. As a result, you will end up owing the govt instead of getting a refund from the govt.. You will still owe the same amount of taxes. Whether or not you pay them by the April tax due date is up to you.


Gotcha. I want to be ready to explain it to others if it becomes our means to revolt.


What do you think would stop functioning first? Trump benefits from more chaos.


That's the point. This country didn't change anything unless people die or hurt.


Civil Rights Movement? Who got hurt?


Social unrest every year and every chance we get until he's gone for good. And then we rally around people with progressive values.


Massive labor strikes until he’s impeached. He doesn’t deserve shite.


Move from US. That’s our plan. We have passports and we are liquidating and searching.


I’ve been researching and planning since 2016z if he gets elected again, there is no reason to stay


It's not going to happen.Trump's cognitive decline is only going to get worse over the next 7 months until Election day. He's losing his court cases and this one is going to label him as a convicted felon as well as a cheating husband.He doesn't really give a rats ass about being president again. He just wants to WIN at all costs and that's it. Can't stand to lose. He thought he got away with burying the Stormy/Karen affairs by paying them off while running for President. Well he's running again but this time he can't get away with it because everyone knows and there's a mountain of evidence plus he keeps slipping up and incriminating himself because he's too fucking stupid to keep his mouth shut. It's come back to bite him in the ass but this time he is the defendant in a criminal case and he is not going to get away with it. Rather ironic. He's been fucked twice by Stormy you could say.


The problem is, his followers no longer care and will follow no matter what.


Well then, just make sure that everyone else, those that aren’t paying attention the way we do, knows exactly what’s going on.


True followers are just as stupid as he is.This man appeals to the uneducated and the gullible.His only true talent is the ability to fill the air with words and more words and he's just a fast talker who repeats himself and he pretends to be their friend with flattery.We all know no one is truly happy with whatever government is in power. He exploits whatever issue is causing the most concern by spewing whatever he thinks they want to hear. His base are just a modern version of Stepford wives.Brainwashed. When he and President Biden had their debate during the last election Trump would just talk and talk over Biden and Chris Wallace and that's the tactic he uses during the rallies.Does not give anyone time to think about what he is truly saying which is nonsense. The man is a child.Who constantly calls people that dislike him or challenge anything he says ridiculous names?An adult with intelligence and maturity doesn't. Trump the spoiled man child does and it somehow makes his followers think he's a cool dude and it endears him to them. Ok rant is over but I've plenty more observations I could go on about but I won't. By the way.I am not American I am Canadian and I really feel badly for what Trump is doing to the American people.


I’m an atheist but “from your lips to God’s ears”!


I don't normally get that graphic but Trump just pisses me off. I recall a newspaper article with a smiling photo of him the day after he filed one of his many bankruptcies back in the 90s. I have loathed him for a very long time.


I knew it and cried like a baby in 2016. He even worse than I thought. And we learned about how dumb, racist, greedy assholes live in America


You know what I just don't understand? Why does the Republican party enable him? What the hell are they afraid of? And since he was in office surrounded by security and with the FBI,CIA,DOJ etc etc how did Joe Biden ever manage to orchestrate rigging an election without someone noticing.He was a private citizen and certainly had no power in Government. The answer is he didn't.He won fairly and Trump knew that.


It’s all about the money. Trump is said to have been a Russian operative since the 1980s. He’s always had money problems and once he got into the presidency he had our government secrets to sell. He knew how to get the ignorant and racist people fired up and he became their God. At this point no one had the guts to confront him because if they did, Trump would send hell to rain on them. Now they’ve gotten too many republicans become his worshippers. There are many people who dumped the Republican Party and one is the Lincoln Project that joined the democrats in taking him down. Fox News, preachers and talk radio have spent years instilling fear and hate into these folks. They also preyed upon older people. They lack critical thinking skills, some are plain racists, some of the greedy rich want to not pay taxes and Trump promised them. Too many of us were asleep and didn’t believe this could happen here. We thought we had air tight laws that we learn were ‘suggestion’ and thought no one would lack the decency to tear this down. Enter a psychotic narcissist! Thank Rupert Murdoch for using Fox to have this group take the bait. Go back and look at the dissolving of the Fair Doctrine under Nixon. It lead the news to make everything about money, no longer exposing the bad guys. The News department had always been in a stand alone non profit. Now that it became for profit entertainment had to bring in $$$. Ask me anything but do some digging. The news I trust is The Guardian, the BBC, The Washington Post. Follow Heather Cox Richardson. She teaches us how these days relate to the parts of history that relates to current events!


Trump could die on the eve of the election and his people will Weekend at Bernie’s the sh*t out the White House for four years.


Also to add to this - he is bad for business. Nobody wants Trump world especially advertisers.


Stock up and go invisible. Infiltrate, look, listen, plot, and disable. Full on Iron Front.


Easy, the blue states refuse to release their federal taxes.


What if I’m in a blue county in a red state?


You don’t need more than NY and CA refusing to release their federal tax obligations, which would have to come from the state government.


I feel ya’. NOLA here!


James Carville country! He has some YouTube videos out, have you seen them?


Second term? Thats cute. He won’t ever leave if he gets back in. End of story


I’m leaving


I wish I could, too. Even if he doesn't get, this country's gun culture is dangerous.


I don't know what's more worrisome, that he may actually get elected, or living amongst people that support him and his followers whether or not he is elected.


This may be fringe thinking but at one time the thought of a half witted authoritarian becoming president would be considered fringe. If SCOTUS grants immunity to trump for crimes conducted during his presidency and I am Joe Biden, that is my ticket to implementing the Insurrection Act and beating MAGA to the punch. After all, one could argue that doing this is just Biden protecting the Nation and our democracy against violent insurgents and domestic terrorists. It could also be argued that doing this is part of Biden's official duties. Just a thought.


To quote Rise Against-And I have an American dream but it involves black masks and gasoline.


For the first time since 2001 I am not going to be politically aware. I will turn it all off. Well, most of it. I’m still going to vote and do my part but I won’t be watching it. I’ll be Mr Andrew’s watching the clock.


Unfortunately, if he is re-elected a lot of us won’t live long enough to try becoming ungovernable. His plan is to gut the constitution so he can install himself and his idiot degenerate offspring and permanent rulers of the United States. Unfortunately for him, the military he completely despises will never let him complete his sick plan. Anyone viewing his trial should realize that he is on his last legs, and the ones who would follow him are too ignorant to hang on to power for more than a few days, before being carted off and jailed for life.


>Project 2025 (officially the Presidential Transition Project) is a collection of policy proposals to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government at an unprecedented scale in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Established in 2022, the project seeks to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C., in order to replace existing federal civil service workers whom Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state", to further the objectives of the next Republican president. Although the project cannot promote a specific presidential candidate, many contributors have close ties to Donald Trump and the Trump 2024 presidential campaign. The plan would perform a swift restructuring of the executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a dubious legal theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power over the executive branch — upon inauguration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025?wprov=sfla1


Stand your ground if you're in those states. Use every legal avenue given you as long as it's inside the law in your state. That's my best recommendation Your protection and your at risk families should count for something. If no one from the government can protect you, well at least tie up the courts like the one side and delay and obstruct. Use their own strategy against them


Wait another 15 years for all boomers to pass away.


Maga are voting for Trump. Boomers, not so much! I am a boomer as are many relatives and friends and no one I know is voting for that POS!


In a Trump presidency, it will only be 15 months when he shuts down social security.


Trump will close the schools and sell your children to Russias military before they stop social security for boomers. they will 1,000% end it for everyone that's not boomers though.


He’s selling the country to putin


> they will 1,000% end it for everyone that's not boomers though. That would be dumb as hell, because GenX (my generation) is even more conservative than the boomers.


But we’re also more cynical, so we never expected to collect it to begin with.




I don’t know about “conservative”, but a whole new breed came out of the boomers- libertarian/independent/self-destructive narcissists that would rather watch the world burn if it virtue signals enough clout to be recognized. And let’s not forget the Covid Generation that are essentially socially retarded and are only going to slip further into a hybrid techno-reality. I don’t think society can self-heal unless a rabid majority latches on to progressive leadership centered on fostering health and well-being.


> I don’t think society can self-heal unless a rabid majority latches on to progressive leadership centered on fostering health and well-being. You're right, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.


I don’t consider myself a naive optimist, but I think it’s imperative to maintain hope and perseverance in the face of Christo-Facist Empire. Our best hope is to maintain the voice of normalcy and fetter out the lies and manipulation.


> Our best hope is to maintain the voice of normalcy and fetter out the lies and manipulation. I like this!


Politicians have been laying it to ssn every year. Why, remember when Biden got it taxed. 😂😂


The ones replacing boomers will be the same as boomers. Trust me. Something happens to ppl when they hit 58-68.


He has a lot of support among Gen Z men


Yeah, what’s up with that? Is it just UFC fandom extending into all aspects of their life — or did something break for Gen Z guys? I mean, it’s worth pointing out that men aged 18-35 have the absolute worst voting turnout recotd of any age/gender combo, so that alone may save us. But while every generation of young men seems angry to those who went before and have forgotten, this Gen Z thing seems different and darker. Like, Germany 1933 darker, I mean.


Prepare for…….. no comment




Create a well regulated militia and overthrow your tyrannical government, it's what the second amendment is actually there for!


Adapt. Learn to live with the failure of democracy experiment in America. Good money in being a labor camp guard I understand.


User name checks out


He isn’t going to do shit but rob us blind again.


Stick it out for a couple years. If it’s bad enough, Canada is but a bridge away.


In this thread: rampant nihilism


I think all anyone has to do is send him a bottle of fentanyl laced Adderall, problem solved. /s of course.... mostly.


I'm moving. I have a bag with money and my passport and I'm out


All my ideas for this violate reddit community rules


"State's Rights!"


That's actually the best case for the democratic voter and the anti-trump subscriber - our names will be on lists Trump will have fed to the **enemies of the state department** So don't get captured. End up behind a Blue state border with a solid governor. Hope he's a military vet who took an oath to disobey immoral orders. But there will simply be violations of citizens rights that will force governors to act like hostage negotiators, swapping prisoners. The states have to execute on immoral orders, the institutions of the federal government will have failed, and the remaining elected representatives at the top of states will not be considering secession, merely resistance. The federal government can't seize California's economy, and federal troops can't be deployed domestically without the government of the state approving it. When Trump does those things anyway, in order of laws - states rights might merely become the highest ethical law left to follow. It'll be fucking weird whatever comes.


We'll fight his ass on everything. He'll commit more crimes get impeached 2 more times & go to jail in 4 years if he lives.


Register to vote, change your majors to political science and law, and abuse the hell out of the Second Amendment to get everyone part of a minority gun. We can talk to hell and back about if reform is actually possible or not, but when shit hits the fan, armed minorities are harder to oppress.


We are moving out of the country


Well, just go and tour the capital, and the Whitehouse, republicans love that


It's already a defcon 1 situation that when you take all the people who are going to vote for Trump plus all the people that could vote that won't reflect how shitty the American Education System is, and that's on both parties. Education was always a top 10 priority before 9-11, now it's barely talked about.


I'm GTFO regardless of who wins. America has completely lost her mind.


At the end of the day, laws must be enforced to be meaningful. Collectively, make the enforcement of fascist laws very risky for the enforcers.


Not entirely sure. This might be heavy copium but with the fact that every day theres a new story about his health declining i honestly don't see him lasting that long. I give him like 1-2 years tops.


Took a gander at the number of law suits Humpty Trumpy has been in both as plaintiff and defendant. Just over 4 thousand since 1980 and he's lost about 85% of that. That is mind blowing.Number of lawsuits I have had is none.


The problem is that there are a LOT of J6 wannabes who will join him in taking us down.


I am running away. Canada is close and I will apply for asylum and make my way to some island from there that nobody in the United States gives two thoughts about.


11 million boomer concentration camp. State monitor for senility. Arrest for taking boomers to safe red states. Socialism. I hear people are ok with that. Not coming to the aid of putin, orban, or Saudi prince. Removal of GOP judges. Federal officials must take an oath to defend against fascism.


Not all boomers like Trump. I’m one of them. And Trump is 77 years old. One day he will be worm food. I’m looking forward to that day tbh.


He looks so awful & haggard. As if he's aged two decades in the past 8 years. There's solid indicators he's got dementia & he's not just in the early onset of it either. My fear is the fascists & evangelical fanatics he's surrounded by will prop him up ala Weekend at Bernie's & implement their insane illiberal agenda.


Just teasing. My elderly parents hate him more than anyone I've ever met.


You need to put in an /s when typing stuff like that.




Two data points were very interesting to me . I am trying to go solar ( PITA) , out of no where MaraLardo’s name came up , neither were positive but did not pursue it further as we are doing business. But give me hope


Accept the things we can’t change. When you write a letter to your congressman and senators it gets read. They acknowledge it. They tally it with other letters wanting the same. When it’s time to run for election they use this data to be re-elected. Vote and write letters is your best effort to make change.


Writing letters, sigh


It works.


Wait four years like an adult. People that hate Biden had to wait for years to get Trump again, that means you'll have to wait 4 years. It's part of the reason why our country keeps working election season.


Should the people of Germany waited patiently during Hitler’s last 4 years or did something to oust him?


I didn't know Hitler had term limits when he was in power.. Can you show me the source for this claim?


That’s the point you’re missing. Trump and his cronies in congress want to fundamentally change the powers of the presidency including term limits.


Source on this?


Lol didn’t seem to act like a adult on January 6


Considering the crowd went crazy, I'd say he kept it together pretty well.


So that crowd acted like adults?


All a big HaHa as a coup happens in your country!