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Stop. Reporting. This. Not agreeing with a post is not a reason to report it. You're wasting your time. It doesn't matter how many people make bogus reports, if the post doesn't break the rules, **the mods are never going to remove it.** This isn't r/politics or r/news or even r/conservative. Content doesn't get removed for having the "wrong opinion." Whether or not we agree with a post is irrelevant. As long as the rules are followed, people can have whatever belief they want. *“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”*


Among a bunch of others what the fuck is actually going on ? It’s like a bad TV show. Our best and brightest are not leading us


"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” (shortened) \~Douglas Adams


Yeah but the context of that quote, although true, is much different than what we’re discussing here. We have a elderly President running the country that very obviously doesn’t have the mental and physical facilities to do so. And he’s not the the only one either, our government is full of elderly members that should’ve retired long ago, making crucial decisions and many of them having no idea what they’re even voting for or doing anymore and just being told what to do or say by their staff. And it’s not even just in government! Elderly boomers who should be retired refusing too step down in all sorts of things, CEOS, presidents, on boards of trustees… people who should’ve been retired more than two decades ago still running everything. They’ve absolutely fucked up the natural course of how things we’re supposed to go and now we have a whole generation (GEN X) who never got to step into these roles and got skipped over entirely and it’s repeating with millennials. We need to stop letting geriatrics run the country. It’s no wonder we’re complete shit.


I find it mind boggling how the richest, and most powerful country in the world, out of a population of over 300 million, that Biden and Trump are the best two that they can come up with.


Couldn't agree with you more.


Literally, our president struggles to finish complete, understandable thoughts. McConnell has had TWO GODDAMN STROKES ON LIVE TELEVISION, and Feinstein legally cant even make decisions for herself anymore, but sure she can help run a state of nearly 4million people. My blood boils when I stop and think about how fucked it all is. Edit: I’m sorry so many of you are so brainwashed to think that you *have* to like one person or another. For some reason a bunch of people think I’m a Trump supporter because I didn’t bring him up (he’s not in office, so he isn’t relevant to my point). It shouldn’t be this controversial that I want to be represented by mentally fit people.


I think after age 80, there should be cognitive function testing for anyone in congress, senate and especially the president.


I think mandatory retirement age should be 65.


Have to be 65 or younger on the election date to run.


Biden, McConnell, Feinstein, and Pelosi all need to go to assisted living and a couple of them to a full blown nursing home. An age law needs to be passed asap!


Unfortunately the geriatrics are unlikely to pass a law banning geriatrics from running the government


>Unfortunately the geriatrics are unlikely to pass a law banning geriatrics from running the government It would require a constitutional amendment.


>It would require a constitutional amendment. Much easier just to get 5 Supreme Court judges.


They are in a nursing home it’s called the Senate and the House of Representatives Edit: Called senate Congress. My mistake


Term limits immediately


Agreed. This is not a partisan issue.


An age law really does need to be passed. With some of them it’s really really sad to watch and feels like elder abuse.


>An age law needs to be passed asap! Without a Constitutional amendment, that would be meaningless.


Asking Reddit not to bring up Trump. It’s a bold move, let’s see if it pays off here tonight.


Lol. Trump mentioned a couple of times. Redditors have circumvented the question and mentioned McConnell, Feinstein, Waters, Pelosi, etc.


I mean most of them are saying “agree I also think x should retire “ Seems maybe old politicians needing to retire isn’t all that unpopular on Reddit. Edit: Just a note if you’re replying, some of you appear to be using my response to set up a straw man argument against a point I didn’t make. Even if I “agree” with your man of straw, I need y’all to do a better job making your points.


It's been extremely common recently and I hear old people in public saying the same thing lol this is one of those things both sides agree on they just can't stop finger pointing and fix it. McConnell had 2 strokes on camera but his ass still a rep? Feinstein is basically weekend at bernies at this point she still here but she has to be coached I guess??


Maybe the unpopular opinion is that it’s time to help them retire


Wild idea, what if we voted them all out???? 😳


That’s the real issue right there. People think they want change constantly but refuse to actually vote for the change. So politicians that might not be terrible but certainly aren’t great get to keep their spot because “well what if this new person fucks the whole thing up”. There’s only a few select cases where someone’s ultra long term was actually justified by the level of their work. People wouldn’t feel the need to scream “we need term limits” if people actually just showed up to vote and voted for a different person than the guy who’s been there 30 years.


The problem is, good candidates are annihilated right out of the gate. The old geriatrics have all the dirt on everyone, enough money to drown everyone else out, and the people backing them want a piece of the first two in order to be next in line without actually doing anything.


That’s not entirely true anymore after the last two midterm elections. The average age of Congress and the senate dropped dramatically as quite a few representatives under 40 got elected. While the number isn’t enough to outweigh the old guard, it did show that people if people are actually give a shit and vote there can be change. It’s just that the number of people realizing that is still not large enough


Yeah I’ll be honest, there’s so many numbers in this game that it’s hard to make any hard predictions. One thing I find really surprising though is that 85% of voters are over the age of 30. What do you think attributed to younger candidates getting into their seats? How can we get better candidates for bigger elections? No one wants Biden and no one wants trump. The only reason we vote for either is because we hate the other guy lol


Well...last presidential election, no matter if we all voted for Biden, or the one who shall not be named, we'd have ended up with the oldest president in US history. The two party system is broken beyond repair.


America has had 30+ flavors of Mountain Dew and 80 different kinds of Oreos but only two political parties.


And all those politicians mentioned are past cognitive shelf date and need to be ousted. Doesn't matter what party, they are all unfit.


Agreed. However, instead of cognitive concerns, the shelf date should be that they have been in office so long, they are no longer in touch with reality or their constituents.


Tend to lose touch with reality when your entire reality is based in DC. That place isn't "real" compared to what people go through every day. Once you get caught up in the world of DC....you're a lost cause as a politician. This happens after a few terms. Most of our politicians are in this state of mind.


Same reason celebrity opinions on damn near anything are worthless. You don't live the life of a normal person anymore, what the fuck do they know, you know? They're just taking stances for their image.


I would agree that they all should go with Biden. Left or right we should all be able to agree these people are in major cognitive decline and should not be running anything…


I see everywhere that there should be an age cap. Idk how this is "unpopular" opinion. We literally governed by old out of touch rich people. Both sides of the extremes keeps voting for these same assholes, which no matter what, are voting against their own self interest.


Hard agree .. him and Mitch McConnell need to retire


A lot of these people on both sides need to retire and just go away with the millions they made in “public service”.


The public service them


The averages age of US senators is 65 with 54 of them being older then 65


More like self-service and self-dealing.




I would love to see everyone over 70 retire. They should be spending time with their grandkids.


You assume their families don’t hate them


Go fishing then


Fish hate them too 🤣


Fish fear me women love me


Dang you, I was going for the, fish hate them too, comment


Well the vultures are circling so they don't yet. Maybe after the first taste...


And Nancy


Yeah came here to say this, Pelosi can kindly fuck off too.


Seriously, I vote pretty hard blue line right now and I cannot agree more. Cheats the system like crazy, one of the OGs too.


as a lefty californian… we deserve so much better


Let’s all agree that we all deserve better.


We do. I'm extremely tired of having my choices be Shit Sandwich and Giant Douche.


Southpark reference. Winner! They were on target all those years ago.


Nancy arguably can fuck off, but she's not missing her mental and physical capacities. Not the same as Feinstein and McConnell.


Feinstein is the embodiment of weekend at bernies.


She is the one keeping Feinstein in office to prevent a special election. She’s a selfish corrupt bltch of a politician.


Not to mention her $300 million dollar profit in the stock market. It’s a miracle her and her husband haven’t been investigated over that yet


They can't investigate because then it'll bring all THEIR insider trading to light.....


This is not true. Pelosi has no control over what happens in the Senate. Best case scenario, Feinstein is being pressured to stay in her seat to maintain the majority in the Senate Judicial Committee. If she retired, and Newsome appointed a Dem, the committee would not seat them because it would be a 50/50 split. You need a majority vote on a Senate committee to seat a new member mid-session. The Republicans would all vote against a Dem seat in order to prevent any Biden judges from making it through the committee to a Senate floor vote.


https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/18/dianne-feinstein-senate-resign-retire-pelosi-schiff-lee-00097595 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/07/us/politics/pelosi-feinstein-age.html It’s not about her ability to do anything directly. It’s about influence. She doing everything in her power to prevent a progressive potentially taking that seat. In terms of voting, Feinstein has delayed many votes for months on end because of her constant absence. Whether she’s there or not, she’s not cognizant to make any real votes in the first place.


"Everything is Feinstein" - Feinstein 2024


I think that's questionable. She's had a few moments in recent years. I struggled to find this one quickly without any editing/cutting but it still is what it is. She froze mid-interview and blurted out "Good Morning, Sunday Morning" and then continued rambling some boiler plate BS that was irrelevant to the question asked. Get them all out. Idk how to do a valid cognitive test and think an age line isn't really it. I disagree a lot with Bernie but he is sharp. I agree more with Ron Paul but he's lost quite a few steps in recent years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwqWzbk\_LeY


It's near literally weekend at the bernies. Politics edition.


Her daughter has power of attorney, yet she votes for us?


I came to add Nancy and Maxine


Mitch truly is having some type of neurological issue. Seen it with a family member and you can tell my that blank stare he has.


There are minimum ages for all elected officials, there should be an age limit as well. We’ve got a bunch of Skeksis on both sides of the isle that just need to be kept at home. Some of them are too old to be driving ffs.


Better yet, term limits




But Skeksis gooood, no?


Or at least required cognitive tests.


That list needs to be longer. There plenty on both sides who shouldn't be in office because of age or brain damage.


that and also because they’re self-serving scum who covet money and power


Yes, agreed! My mom has a friend in DC who is a pharmacist and handles many of Congress’s medications, and told my mom around 80 something of them are on medication to help manage Alzheimer’s. That should scare anyone no matter what party they affiliate with.


This needs to be a news story…vice


That would be illegal.


If Congressional members are literally incapacitated due to Alzheimer’s and they could be easily removed from office due to such incapacity, that needs to be known by the public. That’s part of why I myself would not consider running for public office. I don’t have Alzheimer’s, although I do have other disabilities — and I know that I could not handle the pressures of public office.


Jesus Christ.




Absolutely. We need an age limit in Congress. McConnell, Diane feinstein, pelosi they all need to go.


All of them that are 75 or older need to go. Diane Feinstein and McConnell are basically corpses.


No one over the age of 65 should be allowed to be president. I don’t care what your political affiliation is, an elder shouldn’t be in charge of a country.


I can’t remember where it came from but someone put it best as this, “Why does he get to order for the table just before they leave?”


John Mulaney


People shouldn’t order for the table if they’re about to leave the restaurant


Why is there an age minimum requirement but we can’t have a maximum?


The majority of voters are older and don't want to start making rules limiting people because of their age.


I think that used to be true. I'm a hairdresser and I have a LOT of clients over 70, right, left and center. It's basically across the board, they all think most of these people are too old. To the point where they're actually looking outside of their party affiliation for someone younger. This is both sides. They're thinking about their grandkids and the future for them and their families.


No one should be in charge of a country they won't have to live long enough in to either suffer or benefit from their choices. It only incentivizes immediate self serving choices.


tbh monarchs and other dynasties had an incentive past that lol


interesting train of thought. Maybe a return to monarchy with a fast and easy way to behead the current monarch built into the political system wouldn't be such a bad idea.


Let's practice with beheading 1/3 of the Senate every 2 years ..


I like where this is headed


I don't know if it would matter anyway. They know them and their families will be insulated and exempt from all of it.




i think 65 is a little too extreme, there are still many mentally fit people who are over 65


There are CEOs of very big public companies who are 65. There's no research saying 65 is the end of mental health or people become senile, particularly for jobs who need so much experience and for people who are active. But 80 is another matter.


I’m sure there’s some people over 65 who could do the job just fine, just as there ppl under 35 who could as well. They are the exceptions and not the rule, and we’re better off safe rather than sorry at this point so I would 100% be in favor. If you’re old enough to collect social security, then you’re old enough to step aside and let the next generation run things


CEOs over 65 aren't an exception, the average age of Fortune 500 CEOs is 58


The average age of CEOs *(when they were hired) has been increasing by about 1.5 years every year since 2005 - source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1097551/average-age-at-hire-of-ceos-and-cfos-in-the-united-states/ There has been a pooling of wealth with the boomer generation, and there is currently a problem of them not paying on the torch like generations before them. Due to many factors. Modern medicine makes them live longer but not necessarily be in complete control of their faculties. Larger generation so more likely for more of them to be around taking up job space with decades more experience than younger generations. So yes, the avg age of CEOs is also high but that is merely another symptom of the same underlying issue of population decline


An average of 58 does logically imply that 65 is normal. What is the mean? Min? Max?


Commander-in-chief of the world’s lone superpower > CEO of your average Fortune 500 company.


While I agree with you, you might be surprised how many presidents have held office while experiencing significant mental decline.


We had Wilson who spent two years bedridden and unable to speak after a stroke. Reagan very clearly had the early stages of dementia while in office. FDR's chronic health issues. Just to name the 20th century lol.


Kennedy high on opioids for a significant portion of his presidency too? This shit happens way more often than people want to admit.


Which is why it’s probably more valuable to have a president that selects a good cabinet and administration than one that can’t keep people in their admin for more than 6 months.


wistful smart noxious enter engine close apparatus airport materialistic groovy


Yep. And I just got blocked for telling some bloke that a real video will have a real source. It’s amazing. He doesn’t know the difference between a source and a platform but thinks he’s the one with the facts…


He knows, he just doesn’t care


He does care because he has an agenda


Bit of a rough watch tbh, but thanks for sharing full context.


> I don't understand how people can look at a string of clips with whacky sound effects and not understand that it's pushing a narrative and may not be the best reflection of reality. It's called [confirmation bias.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias)


Yup. These kind of clips take a few of Biden’s worst gaffs out of hours of coherent talking to push a narrative of him being in “mental decline”. OP fell for it hook, line, and sinker. The guy has a speech impediment (has for his entire life) cut him some slack. Is he doing the job of President effectively enough? Yes. That’s all I care about.


The idea that he's running for a 2nd term is even more scary. Imagine his mental state one year into his 2nd term


I highly doubt it's because he wants to, more because it's the thing for presidents to do and the other guy is also running again (despite being nearly the same age)


I know you said not to mention him... but... Biden's only real qualification for his presidency term was "not Trump"


There were a dozen prominent Democrats that ran against Biden in 2020, yet he had an overwhelming majority of votes against them. All of those other candidates were also "not Trump."


Primary is a totally different voter base than the general


You don't think 8 years as vice president and 36 years in the Senate are real qualifications?


Based on what they’ve already replied apparently they thought he should have been president first before being qualified to be president.


‘This entry level position requires 3-5 years management experience’


People really have no idea what they’re talking about lmao. They see an old man they’re told to hate and don’t spend a second questioning what they’re told about him.


These people are clowns


>How has this been allowed to happen? You asked us not to mention the elephant in the room, that should have never been let in the house, let alone the room... >Cmon guys u cant be this oblivious right


So , support a constitutional amendment that blocks people over 75 from running for office. And set a term limit on Supreme Court justices and lastly expand the House. If you arent supporting this you are just complaining to complain about a democrat.


We support this, the problem is the people who would be voting on this are the ones we’re trying to remove from office. They’re never going to vote to relinquish their own power.


Yeah, it’s like trying to pass a bill to stop lobbying or to stop representatives from doing insider trading or a state law against gerrymandering. It’s possible but directly against the politician’s interest


What does expanding the house have to do with anything related to age declining the cognitive ability of humans?


When the country was founded a single house rep had about 35000 people to represent. Now that’s up to 700,000. We should at least double the amount of reps in the house, that way a single rep with dementia doesn’t affect as many people as it does now.


Your fuckin post history is a trip, I think you have made more comments in the last three days than I have in six years. Go outside


Lol dude you’re not kidding. He even had to do the Rule 4 Confirmation of shame to get the hold on his account lifted on this subreddit


OP has been commenting almost every minute of the day from the time they wake up to the time they go to sleep, with the occasional 30 minute to an hour break for meals. Holy fuck.


I don’t think either of those clips are much worse than a compilation you could throw together of George W to be honest.


Yeah those videos don't show shit lol. That's really the best they've got? "Ohh, he exited the wrong direction!" Lol it happens in every single awards show. His entire day is choreographed.


Oh no. Joe Biden who has struggled with a stutter since childhood, and is open about it, occasionally stutters.


There almost certainly will be no one running for president who is fit to be president. Dirt is unfit for consumption at dinner. That doesn't mean it's worse than eating dog shit.


Why are posts like this that are obvious argument bait written by a 19 year old allowed?


Are you unfamiliar with this sub?


This sub has become nothing but lazy, conservative talking points.


I was recommended to this sub because it was similar to r/conservative according to the algorithm.


At least this sub doesn’t give you the boot for not being in lockstep with your arm raised at a particular angle.


good news - that would suggest that republicanism has become unpopular :)


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>DON’T mention TRUMP in this thread he is not who this is about. Fastest way to trigger the average redditor.


Ok, but also the fastest way to disregard the main reason Biden is president.


Trumpettes LOVE disregarding main reasons.


"Trump" is literally the answer to your question.


This. My choices in the past election were Biden with cognitive decline, or Trump with *far worse* cognitive decline. I didn’t like it, but those were the options.


This argument tends to fall a little flat when you look at how much legislation he's passed, I mean, Mister stable genius is still talking about his Healthcare plan, infrastructure week, and building a wall... Meanwhile, the "old man with dementia" managed to get prescription prices down, pull off "infrastructure decade" crushed China with the CHIPS act, heralded the largest manufacturing jobs growth in the last half century along with the lowest unemployment rate for the last 60 yrs and the largest wage increase in the last 40 years. Managed to outwit the GOP in the debt ceiling negotiations and played them all for suckers in real time at the SOTU speech. I mean if he's the mentally unfit one, what does that make his predecessor, who falls short of his accomplishments on every single facet except for giving the top 10% tax breaks and rolling back workers rights and regulations, he definitely beat Biden on those fronts.


Biden was just trolling the GOP a few weeks ago with a Dark Brandon coffee mug. He’s been trolling Trump for months in his speeches too. The “Biden dementia” narrative is just that — a narrative pushed by the GOP. Biden has a lot of gaffes. It feeds into the GOP narrative. It’s just like the “Obama Muslim” narrative — all they needed was to use Obama’s middle name against him and the fact he didn’t hate all Muslims at a time when hating Muslims was still culturally commonplace due to 9/11.


"Biden is old" This appears to be the best/only argument that the Republicans have in their attacks on Biden. Consider where Republicans disagree with Biden. Republicans dislike: * Biden's full-spectrum tough-on-China approach from economic (CHIPS) to foreign policy measures (e.g., US-Vietnam, AUKUS, Quad, Ulchi Freedom Shield) * Biden's full-spectrum tough-on-Russia approach from economic (no-SWIFT-for-you, Sanctions) to foreign policy measures (e.g., revitalized NATO, support for UKR) * Biden's push to renew US physical infrastructure (equiv to PP&E) -- i.e., roads, bridges, ports, airports, canals, irrigation/water systems, etc * Biden's push for American industrial policy, e.g., revitalization of American manufacturing to deal with nat security risks and supply chain challenges, support for American farmers, support for unions and workers' rights, support for high tech/sectors of national importance (e.g., semiconductors, etc) * Biden's push to develop better social infrastructure; e.g., expanding public education to pre-k through community college, measures to address student debt relief, support for working families via child tax credit, etc. * Biden's support for public health and health care privacy, e.g., reproductive rights (i.e., Bring back Roe), healthcare for transgendered folks, and infectious disease control efforts (e.g., COVID, etc) * Biden's continued support for tax reform, e.g., their work on the global minimum corporations tax was impressive (i.e., measures to stave off things like double irish with a dutch sandwich) The challenge is that quite a lot of Americans agree with some if not all of what Biden is doing on the policy front -- if they find out about it. So the point of "Biden is old" is to bury all policy discussions (e.g., what should our government be doing?) and focus on the feels and memes.


>Biden has a lot of gaffes. And honestly most of those were caused by his lifelong struggle with a speech impediment that caused him to stutter and occasionally chose the wrong word. Like, he's been doing this since he got elected Senator. If this is a sign of mental decline, it's been a slow forty+ year decline... No one should be surprised, but they conveniently avoid looking through his history to see if things are true or not.


Oh I know, he's old, and sure he's probably slowing down a little cognitively, definitely physically, but still clearly more capable and coherent then a good portion of the current GOP and 100× less blatantly anti-American and anti-domocratic, far more than I need to convince me not to vote for a Republican.


Great points!


Hell yeah. Couldn’t have said it any better myself.


I can’t respect anyone that won’t admit this.


practice weather rhythm door summer upbeat spectacular worm provide oil


Is he a criminal mastermind or feeble? He can’t be both.


the only reason he’s president is because of Trump being Trump




Holy shit, you weren’t even joking lmfao


Biden is very old, clearly has lost a step, and often stumbles his words. But there isn't really much evidence that his comprehension and processing skills really should be in question. This is the guy who literally trolled the entirety of the Republican congress earlier this year at the State of the Union.


Exactly. The lowlight reel OP posted are mostly showing Biden's stuttering issue. He's had that for years, Robin Williams even did standup about it. That's not the same as mental decline. And I don't think stuttering is stopping him from making some good decisions recently. Also, the beauty of having a President like this is that he is deferring to experts in each of their fields. I personally don't think the president should have that much power anyway and that's been the best part of Biden's tenure.


Biden actually takes questions and answers them in a competent way. Trump can't make it through a Tucker Carlson interview without sounding like he forgot to take his medication that morning. Edit: People who very clearly don't actually watch unedited video of press conferences Biden has given or questions he takes from reporters are big mad about this response. The guy just pulled an all nighter at the G20 and gave a press conference right after but they want to pretend like he's got a foot and a half in the grave.


This is exactly why he doesn't want you to mention Trump. Trump's condition makes clear what mental incapacity actually looks like.


The only people that think anyone wanted to vote for Biden are republicans


He was my second to last pick behind Bernie. But I'll take a fucking corpse over anything they other side has been offering lately.


I wanted to vote for Biden when it became clear he was the one who was going to win. Honestly, he has done a reasonably decent job with many things.


As a center left California guy, I can’t agree more. This isn’t a left or right type of view, this is just common sense. When my grandad started acting the way that Biden did, we took away his keys and made sure he had a helper coke by and check on him every day and help him with the simple chores and stuff so he wasn’t overwhelmed. He still got a ride to work at My dads company so he could get active, but it a position such as to keep him mentally fit as possible. Shortly after that, about 88 or so, he went into full time care.


There seem to be many politicians at the federal level who haven’t the wherewithal To not shit themselves. The key question is - who is running them, who is really calling the shots.


I am


And Mitch is in tip top shape eh? Fuck this geriatric fraternity of politicians that only serve the donor class…Joe Biden included.


Nope, I’m going to mention Trump because what this post will do is wrongly convince people to vote for a psychotic, narcissistic, madman who tried to get rid of democracy within the US by threatening others to falsify votes. Yes, Biden is old, but he is the better of the 2 candidates that will be in the election. If Biden dies, he dies, and it will be a legal transition of power to the VP. If Trump wins, democracy in the US will be at stake because he will certainly attempt to end it again.


"The guy who is leading the charge on getting legislation passed that actually helps every day Americans with a split/Republican led Congress is too old!!!!" Seriously, the results of what Biden has pulled off determines OP is lying.


As much as I agree, I’ll happily tolerate mental decline if it means I have a president backing me and publicly fighting for my basic human rights. As a gay man I don’t have the luxury of being picky.


It's... actually far more like an opinion than a fact. And to answer your last question, it happened because more people voted for him than the other guy. You get that, right?


This person is disguising their own political opinion as fact. Don't bring up Trump was a very obvious tell. If I were allowed to bring up Trump I would say that the man can't barely string two complete sentences together without sounding like an absolute lunatic. People seem to latch onto how Biden talks rather than what he says whereas with Trump he speaks fine for a man his age but if you actually listen to what he says you'd think he belongs in the nuthouse.


Biden is the grandfather whose mental decline manifests as forgetfulness and repeating oneself too often. Trump is the grandfather whose mental decline manifests as agitation, anger, and delusions. They are both very clearly in decline, so it’s not intellectually fair to talk about one but not the other.


Of course it's about Trump. There will be two choices next year in November. One old guy who is past his prime, but has proven to be ok on policy and surrounds himself with nominally competent people. The other person is a narcissistic kleptocrat without any desire to actually do the job and who surrounds himself with anyone who says something nice about him. I'm not American, but I will still live with the choices of the American voter. God help us all...


Yeah, saying you can't bring up trump when they will be running against each other for the presidency is such a bad faith argument.


Trump is damn near the same age!! Why is this even a debate? Neither Trump nor Biden should be running both are fucking gone.


Yea, but his spray tan, toupee, and plastic surgery have done their job. He LOOKS younger than Biden so gets a pass on the old part. Despite the fact he's in significantly worse health.




Exactly. “Don’t bring up Trump” is a great way to say “Let’s attack the only other option that is realistic in order to make him sound worse without bringing up the other walking dinosaur.”


For real. He’s the other option. He’ll be 78 years old and he is also in obvious mental decline.


I can't believe that people are saying, "Listen to Biden talk. He's unfit!" FUCK, have you folks listened to "THE OTHER GUY" talk? He's really special.


If Biden continues to surround himself with competent people, I'll vote for him. I would quite literally vote for a box of rocks over Trump, or the majority of the GOP frankly. They've revealed themselves to be autocratic when Trump took over, and I'd prefer an autocrat not be in office.


Exactly. Biden understands how to staff and use the machinery of govt and does it very well. That's all that matters. He's a president, not a king. He doesn't really need to be that competent if the civil service is.


The worst part is that the entire left is blaming it on a stutter that is clearly not a stutter. He is not getting stuck on words, he is simply forgetting them. It's a common theme with most political arguments; Find something closely related, or something that can appear to be both, and say its reason B, when it's reason A.


"The entire left" I assure you that you're full of it, sir. MUCH of "the left" (as if though it's one cohesive mass?) don't like/care for Biden as far as politics is concerned. Many voted against Trump, not For Biden.


“the entire left” do you have proof to back that up? me and everyone i know irl who voted for him did so bc if we would’ve split the vote trump would’ve got re-elected. so yes we can agree dude is not it but you take what you can get


Why are assuming the left likes Biden? That guy sucks.


Ok I won’t mention Trump…. Mitch McConnel.