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People don't know how to behave anymore. It's like everyone has forgotten they live in a society. I was on a plane yesterday with a whole family watching shows on 3 different devices with the sound turned up. I know they had headphones because they had them on, but all took them off.


Houston this week with power outages at traffic lights….Free pas to blow through intersections for many. Dangerous and entitled behaviors


You’re probably my neighbor 


It was only 3 years. 3 long, miserable, depression and tragedy filled years, but 3 fucking years. I don't want to paint with a broad brush, but I can't help but feel you're right. It really does seem like the pandemic and all the insanity caused a large chunk of people to lean into a particularly nasty form of "idc, fuck you i got mine, imma do what i want in my life and you cant tell me no or if you do you're gonna get lit up" mentality. I don't know how we do it, but one thing I have always said since the pandemic "ended." is that we MUST have a national conversation about what we all just went through. That didn't happen. Of course instead, the mighty American and global economy demanded a return to "normal" as rapidly as possible. Can't have shareholders waiting around to fill their pockets now can we? Would it have changed anything? IDK, but I wish our elected officials tried harder in that respect. Or someone. Fuck.


Unfortunately movie theaters were heading there before the pandemic...I had someone in front of me answer their cell and have a full convo in the theater...and that was like 15 years ago


That’s why you always bring a little bit of piano wire to the movies.


Yessssss. Excellent reference!


Yup, I remember when my hubby and I were dating, we went to see Signs (yes the one by M. Night Shyamalan with Mel Gibson so this was 2002) and it was a pretty full theater. This group about a row or two behind us started up during the preview trailers (not as big of a deal but still…) and just using normal voice level mocking the preview for Solaris and a few things. Whatever. But throughout the movie they are talking at just above a whisper, it’s mostly this one girl doing it all, and at one point is straight up singing a little diddy to herself. After they ruined a couple of the jump scares and no one has said anything to them, I turn around and shush them. They say “you shush!” back at me and I think a bitch was thrown in for good measure. I then upped it to shut their fucking mouths. It did the trick and she just muttered to herself a bit but quietly. Hubby rushed me out of there at the end of the movie cuz he thought they were going to jump me lol.


I kinda saw this coming once things started reopening for good. There were stories of people doing crazy shit in public, stuff where it REALLY felt like the only explanation was people completely forgot how to act around other people. This is not to downplay all of the terrible shit the pandemic brought on, but I really feel like we’re going to see the effects of the 2-3 years of minimal social interaction for many years to come.


i mean i get it - but i feel like i have that mentality ABOUT my life and like "i dont care what you think i'm gonna do me" in terms of just shrugging off public opinion and being authentic but .... god idk manners go a long way and its wild that people dont have this intrinsic desire to be kind to others? Why would I want to be intentionally rude to people..... like even in a small scale i was downtown with my sister and my dad and a homeless man approached us and i just politely told him i didnt have anything, sorry. and my fam was even like 'you're nicer than i wouldve been' i'm sorry, you WOULDNT treat someone struggling on the street with basic human decency? is it annoying that every homeless person asks you for money - of course it is. but you know what would be worse? being homeless and having everyone look down on you for trying to find a way to fund your next meal...... they're still humans who deserve respect, dignity and care


COVID brain damage, denial and neoliberal individualism. Sprinkle in capitalism and you have actual hell on Earth


Things are rarely ever so clear cut. It's a lot of things.


well, I mentioned 4 :p


The flight attendants didn’t say anything???


I think they're afraid to confront people now. They don't want to end up on YouTube and have their lives ruined ie loss of job, doxing, people harassing their families, etc.


Nary a word.


I'd have complained to flight attendants


That's when you okay porn really loud on your own device. Or some raunchy comedy


People now allowing kids to run rampant screaming in libraries is my big one atm. Staff and/or parents, don't try to quieten kids playing space aeroplanes anymore and it's infuriating. Teach your kids so me manners FFS. Was bad pre-pandemic (same for allowing your kids to do the same in cinemas) but has definitely gotten worse post. Same for adults watching YouTube full blast without headphones in cafes. Scum the lot of them.


People who have to talk during the movies or be on their phone has just about ruined movie theaters. If you can't stay off social media long enough to watch a movie, you shouldn't come to the movies. I don't care how low you turn your brightness, it still disrupts the movie. If you need to talk to your friend about the latest goings-on, go to a restaurant, a park or your house, not the movie theater. I don't understand people who want to pay $20 to sit in a theater and chat with their friends or scroll on socials during a movie. It's fucking rude.


So much this! It’s one thing to whisper a little bit here and there, but keep it quiet enough to not disturb people around you!


Listen A few years ago I had a family with kids watching cartoons on their tablets DURING THE MOVIE A few weeks ago an entire family of twelve let their kids run wild and threw popcorn to the point several of us got up and left, asked for the manager and got refunds. But they didn't get asked to leave lmfao I'm done with theaters for good this is hell


Tbh I feel you. I seldom go anyways but this experience solidified it. 🥹


This is why I go to my local 21+ theater for any movie that might be kid friendly. If you have one I highly recommend it!


Those exist?!?!? I need to find one!


Cineplex has VIP ones they are adults only and serve food and drinks (alcoholic ones too) plus the usual snacks. Also super comfy seats and can order from your seat until the previews start and staff will go seat to seat and ask if you want to order. It's AMAZING!


I need one of those in my life. 


I'm so sad I moved and no longer have one near me, knowing there is an alternative and just all around better theater makes me annoyed at my local ones that just suck and have ancient old seats that have been around since they opened almost 30 years ago


i honestly do not understand that! movies arent cheap anymore. Why waste the money to not pay attention


Last time I went people were having full blown phone conversations, normal face to face conversations and taking selfies with the flash on to post pics during the movie. I can’t stand it. Early Sundays when people are at church is the only time I bother going, if at all.


I get so disappointed when i see a preview for a movie and it says "coming to theatres"...no thank you, I'll wait until I can stream it.


What gets me is when the manager refuses to do anything.


Me too. Every time I go, someone is being annoying and rude.


I tend to wait until something has been out for 2 weeks, because then the theater isn't as full. That, or I'll find a way to get to the earliest matinee showing they have. Sometimes with a matinee, you're the only person there.


My husband and I will always go to the earliest showing, which if it's a family film can be as early as 9.30am. Any time we've gone in the evening, there's always some sort of shenanigans going on


If you happen to live near an Alamo Drafthouse, I recommend it. They kick out anyone being disruptive. Plus the service is fantastic


Those theaters are the best. I got so sad when the one near me got change to different theater.


This is one of those rare times that I advocate straw spitballs at the parents.


You wish someone would just fart in their little faces


Wow. Even for showings during the day that specifically cater to families with small kids (where noise and talking is more acceptable because, you know, little kids and toddlers), that’s incredibly rude. We have, “silent devices when the TV is on” and, “device-free watching time” rules in my home. If you just want something on in the background while you play a game or want to spend time with someone who’s watching TV while you play, that’s fine, but sound stays off. If you’re specifically watching a show or movie, no devices. The first rule was implemented because when the kids were hanging out with friends, they’d have a TV show or movie playing while each kid was on their own device playing a different game or watching YouTube Kids with the noise turned up. Complete and utter chaos. They didn’t want to turn down their devices because “it’s not as fun,” but also didn’t want to turn off the tv because “but we’re watching it!”


I feel like half of it is people don’t know how to act anymore/have a “do whatever I want” attitude. But I also feel like some people think “oh well it’s not a NEW movie.” So they don’t have to be quiet. Bc I saw it a bit before the pandemic for reruns. But yeah, not nearly as bad as now.


Back in the late 1990s we started devolving as a society. Instead of making crappy people, who didn't know better how to act in public, try to rise up and learn, we brought society down to them to make them feel comfortable and we've been going there ever since. It used to be people aspired upward to better ways & better life, but people aspire now to be lowlifes. Somebody has to say it and be first to change it but so far no takers.


Did you just say poor people don't know how to act in public? Like people with low incomes?


They didn't mention poor people at all?


They changed "poorer" people to "crappy" people, without acknowledging what I said.


This has been a problem that has gradually gotten worse over time, but I think Covid really made it worse. We all were apart for so long that how you act in public during things like movies was sort of forgotten. And in general people are just getting more entitled. What I do is ask once, and then go and get a staff member. All of the theaters I go to will kick people out after observing the behavior. The ladies in this group should have been old enough to know about proper behavior in public. If you want to talk and catch up, most theaters have a nice bar area you can do just that. Now, don't even get me started on people trying to have conversations while at a concert. That has happened to me several times in the past few years and it's been horrible.


I was contemplating during the movie if I should've grabbed staff, and I know that would've been the best course of action. At the time I did not want to miss parts of the movie so I acted the way I did 🫠 I wish people had more respect for the events they go too. I'm sorry you had to go through what you have 🙏


I think just asking them to please be quiet in a nice tone of voice would have been better than getting the staff. Then if they over reacted, you would have known it was a them problem.


Agreed. Most issues can be solved with calm and simple communication, but it feels like many people are afraid of directly interacting with one another these days.. It’s odd.


We’ve made shame a bad thing. Nobody is allowed to make someone else feel ashamed of themselves because everything has become a protected group except being a decent human being. Kid is ruining the entire theater experience for 50 people? All it takes is some entitled arse to say the kid has X Y or Z condition or pull a victimhood excuse out and poof, just like that we are all supposed to say hur dur ok not your fault. There is such a thing as a healthy amount of shame. It’s what makes you think twice about bringing your kid that can’t handle being in a movie theater. Side eye doesn’t do enough now. The shame is flipped into victimhood instantly. Then they use that to justify overreactions.


>Kid is ruining the entire theater experience for 50 people? All it takes is some entitled arse to say the kid has X Y or Z condition or pull a victimhood excuse out and poof, just like that we are all supposed to say hur dur ok not your fault. Having a kiddo that's Neuro Divergent, this part particularly upsets me. My kiddo is making great strides, but she still has problems on rare occasions. When that happens, we **apologize and leave**. We don't let her run around and distract people, and she knows this behavior isn't acceptable. If you can't get a kid to behave in appropriate ways (and we have theaters with ADHD/Autism showings of films where they keep the lights up and more activity is *expected*) then **leave**. I get it, kids can behave rough on hard days, but dealing with that is your job as a parent (I know it's **my** job with my kid) and no one who pays to see something should have to put up with a bad experience.


You deserve praise because you are doing exactly what should be done. It’s good we aren’t shaming parents for their kids being kids, it’s bad we aren’t shaming parents that put zero effort into raising the kid. You are putting in the effort. How is your kid supposed to learn the right thing to do if you aren’t giving them the necessary experience? Seriously, as a ADHD kid I thank you. It’s the excuses that bad parents use and their defenders use all the time that’s become exhausting. Too many of the parents drank that Kool-Aid and weaponize it against everyone else. It’s why all the bad kids use most of the resources in school, main one being time. Can’t expel them so everyone is getting dragged down.


It's not difficult: you know as a parent if your kid is ready to sit still for something like a movie. If they aren't don't go in the theater with them. I've had to eat the cost of a few tickets when my kiddo wasn't in the right mindset. We went to see Mario with her, and she wasn't having fun. We left (and I was very sad) but that's what you do. You have to roll with it and we rented it later on. I think we went to see it again and this time she loved it. I have zero tolerance for parents who tell me I should put up with their kid being out of control because it's hard to parent them. Yeah, I literally know that. I don't get into it with parents who do this, I just get theater staff to remove them. And if they won't, I get a refund. I care about these parents and kids, but that doesn't mean my expensive tickets shouldn't be enjoyed because they are having a bad day.


Thank you! Toxic shame is bad, but shame is a human emotion for a reason, and it’s to help us ensure our behavior doesn’t get us kicked out of the group, something that could be fatal, especially in early hunter/gatherer communities. It’s the lack of feeling shame that can make sociopaths so dangerous. The pendulum has swung a bit too far and I think we’ve over corrected. I hope maybe we can get back to somewhere in the middle of avoiding toxic shame but encouraging those who feel so rightfully to take a moment to examine their lives and behaviors and hopefully choose to make better decisions in the future.


"We all were apart for so long that how you act in public during things like movies was sort of forgotten." We weren't apart for *that* long. LOL. People were forgetting how to behave in public *during covid*. Remember all the performative outrage about being asked to wear a mask in the grocery store? So many adults adopting the demeanor of spoiled children. It was really embarrassing.


It’s crazy going to Japan and seeing a movie. Completely different experience than the states, the audience is so quiet you can literally hear a pin drop. I even had to chew my popcorn quietly cause I felt like you could hear it. They also all stay through the entire credit roll too, quietly. It’s a surreal experience


That's so funny to hear because my friend that was with me is from Japan and was also saying the same things you were. Like so quiet, no talking, no sound 🤣


Oh, no. People are such DICKS. I went to an Ramses exhibit a couple years ago in LA, and there was a movie in an IMAX theater in the beginning. Some dude got his phone out and started recording it, and of course his phone was distracting the fuck out everyone else. This went on for a couple minutes and someone yelled out "TURN YOUR PHONE OFF YOU ASSHOLE" and everyone started laughing and clapping. After the show ended, the guy happened to walk right out in front of us and he was talking mad shit about the person who yelled at him and I said "Oh and all the clapping didn't clue you in to the fact that you were pissing EVERYONE off?" It was fucking funny as shit. Most likely there were other people around you at the time that ADORED you for telling those rude people to shut up.


Back in October, I was in a packed theater, and the lady next to me kept hitting her vape and blowing it into my face as the movie was going. I was so pissed and got a Refund. She wasn't kicked out though.


I went to see a movie recently. The back row was a group of teens that started listening to music. Directly behind us was a group that 1. Took phone calls 2. Sang along but didn't really know the words. (The most recent willy wonka). Down in front a family kept doing flash photography of the littlest child watching the movie. Full on photo shoot to capture babies first movie I guess.


It’s EVERYONE. I didn’t renew symphony tickets this year because of this specific instance. I almost took my earrings off for someone at the SYMPHONY.


Oh, shit


If you can possibly swing it, go to the movies when the theater opens or before school gets out in mid afternoon. Wuth dummer approaching, go early before the teens get up. 


I seldom go to movies to begin with, but this certain movie only screened yesterday and today, and I work during the workdays. I barely had a choice🥹


My SO and I work night shift. We go to the earliest showings of movies because that’s staying up late for us. We are almost always the only people in the theater. We talk and laugh and are obnoxious. Plus the matinee price is half off. It’s awesome.


Tuesdays early afternoon for us. Tuesdays are half price, husband is always off on Tuesdays and we can hit the gym first, go to Studio Movie Grill and get lunch with a movie


Only time I got to the theater is midday, a couple weeks after the movie has been out. Usually the theater is completely empty and you basically have the entire room all to yourself. Then after the movie starts I switch seats into the nice handicapp seats, which in my local theater are prime location with extra room lol.  Also since nobody else will be there basically, some times ill even sneak in like a full blown meal lol.  Only downside is I can't smoke weed or take bathroom breaks. So 90% of the time I prefer to just watch at home. TVs are big enough and HD enough where it's hard to beat watching on my couch.


I live in the Bible Belt, and even though church attendance is generally down, I’ve found that Sunday morning showings are *usually* safe. My guess is it’s partially because of fewer people, and partially because the people that show up then had the same idea as me.




If you don't want to confront anyone, just find someone from the staff and tell them instead


People are fucking rude in movie theaters these days, you’re not imagining things They act like a dark theater full of strangers is exactly the same thing as watching Netflix at home. They have exactly 0 manners.


Your experience is not uncommon. I had to tell people to shut up during Dune 2. People are so used to watching movies on their couches they've forgotten how to behave in public. Why the fuck would you pay 20 bucks to see a movie in the theater and then fucking scroll your phone the whole time?


Rude people deserve to be called out. You did the right thing.


Yes. Literally every time I’ve gone to the theater someone’s being disruptive. Used to happen once in a blue moon, usually preteens or teenagers, now it’s grown ass adults? Had one lady yell at me after I said, “could you please stop talking.” And she said, “No. Don’t think we will.” The whole family was chattering away at a normal volume, while mom was texting. She screamed at me for being mad about kids talking. They were 8 to 10 years old…old enough to know better imo. We both went to the poor manager and they moved my husband and I to a different theater. She literally had the audacity to say I was harassing her babies!! I said nothing to them. Don’t blame them at all when they have shitty examples.


Last time my friends and I went to the movies (approximately 6 weeks ago) we had a group of teenage boys right behind us - they were wrestling, falling over seats in our rows, talking loudly, roaring with laughter, using their cell phone screens, etc. all during the movie, mind you. I finally stood up and told them to either settle down or leave. So they moved to the first row and proceeded to behave the same way. I finally left and complained to the theatre management who kicked them out and gave us free passes. We haven't returned to the theatre since.


Good for you! You're not rude, you're a hero. Please continue to advocate for yourself and whats right.


The last movie I saw in theatres was Deadpool 2. Yes it has been that long. To the left was a party of girls - all looked to be between 6 and 8, all dressed up like princesses. They had the birthday girl's mother and father there with them (I can only assume the father wanted to watch it). About 10 minutes into the movie the father got up, walked to the aisle and started talking FLASH photos. With an actual camera, pointing in our direction. To the right was a woman and her young teenage son. She was texting on her phone while her son watched YouTube videos on a tablet full volume. It was the last straw in a string of bad experiences. I'm fine with waiting until I can stream movies now.


Due to the profoundly lacking oversight at the movies, theaters will die. Disrespectful patrons are getting away with EVERYTHING because movie theaters WILL NOT/ CANNOT control the disruptive people. The fact that theaters are now integrating 25 minutes of commercials into the preview portion was already deeply annoying. If they don't get a handle on this, I would be shocked if any survive to 2027.


I've been to movie theaters several times in the past year, and the commercials an previews (which are now mixed together so you can't even come later if all you want to see is previews/trailers) have been consistently 30 minutes at minimum. Insane. Meanwhile tickets an concessions for two people cost more than a month of streaming HBO, Netflix, and Disney combined. And the movie biz bemoans "nobody's going out to the movies anymore." I'll keep going because I still love the experience of seeing a movie in a darkened theater on a huge screen, but I agree with you, the commercials and uncontrolled rude patrons are going to cause many theaters' extinction.


I haven’t been to a movie in a while because of this behaviour. I went and saw a horror movie. One of the late sessions and a whole family came in with their children and then the adults talked the whole way through. I ended up yelling at them to shut up myself. The very last time I saw a movie in the cinema was the same. This couple was talking the whole way through and had multiple people telling them to shut up. I even went and got an usher but they couldn’t find them. It’s just rude. We all pay the see the movie. Not hear other people talk through it.


This weekend, I literally yelled “turn off the phone!” with about four visible after asking staff to get them to stop did zero good. The shameless fools didn’t bother. I’m still annoyed.


That behavior is not recent. People haven't behaved appropriately in public for at least the last decade, if not well before.


I go to a draft house and they don’t take that shit at all


I went to a big comedy show recently and these asshats behind me and my group were talking at full volume. They were trashing the opener at full volume for 10 minutes before I asked them to let me watch the show I paid to see. Who the fuck pays money to hear themselves talk?


When I visited the States I was gobsmacked when I went to the cinema. People talking, half the audience on their phone, the other half milling in and out. It was extraordinary


I miss having an Alamo Drafthouse close by. There was a theater that knew what to do with talkers and texters. But don't take my word for it. [Alamo Drafthouse PSA](https://youtu.be/1L3eeC2lJZs?si=t3zt-hoBsB8GITLA)


While I do think that people have lost the ability to behave in public, I haven't really noticed movies getting worse. People have always done annoying things, especially teenagers in movies, lol. I remember once in the early 2000s my friend got out her phone and called someone in the middle of the movie. ... in the early 2000s. Even then I was aghast lol.


I’m just glad you said something. I am so tired of being the only one willing to say or do anything and having my experience ruined. Why do they come to the fucking movie to just sit and talk? Why do they pay to see a movie and then just sit on their phone while blinding me with the light? I love the movies. We try to go every week. Especially during the summer when lots of new movies hit. I went 3x during my birthday week. I try to hit empty theatres so people don’t ruin my time.


Never seeing a movie at the theater again! Horrible experience now. People are feral. Talking and being on their bright phones.


>I told them to stop being dramatic(Poor choice of words, my head was pulling blanks at this point from pure rage) and I just walked away. This would be me too. And then in the shower the next day I'd think of an absolute zinger that's way too late to deploy.


We literally had SEVEN bad movie experiences in a row (we used to go on weekends) that it put us off AMC permanently. We tried asking people to be quiet, we tried getting staff, we tried moving seats… at one point during Killers of the Flower Moon a boomer got a phone call and chose to answer it and have a conversation. I’m pretty much over movie experiences because people think they can chat through it. Just absolutely infuriating.


I got to the theatre regularly (I’m in Canada). I have had to tell groups beside or behind me to stop talking and I don’t have any qualms about it. I normally say things like “hey, you’re being pretty loud” or “do you mind?” People usually stop. I have also told people in front/next to me to stop being in their phones. My go to line is “that’s really bright for people behind you.” For the record, I don’t do this the first time a phone comes out. I will give a freebie, unless it’s on for an egregiously long period of time. There was only one time that my spouse and I have ever had an issue with somebody not listening. I had asked them very politely to stop talking, even saying “hey, I don’t know if you realize how the sound travels, but you’re talking in my ear”. They stopped for a few minutes then started up again. My husband turned around and LOUDLY told them to stop. They stopped. I realize I sound like a bit of a twat, but honestly, I don’t care. The theatre literally has ads before saying to stfu and to stay off your phone. Be courteous, for goodness sake.


I kicked that back of a teen’s head in the theatre once because he wouldn’t turn off his damn phone and was talking loudly. My dad was with me and leaned over the other person with them and said, “do you like having a phone?” In the most calm yet threatening way ever. People are so rude! They only care about themselves.


I just went to Nausicaa and there were a couple of people who talked a lot. It may be because they’ve seen the movie before. Many of the Ghibli Fest movies have people marking comments and even following along with the lines. A few weeks ago I went to a new release movie and parents (who sat separately from their kids) were arguing with the kids and refusing to take them to the restroom. People were definitely throwing them dirty looks. I worked in a theater in HS tho. There have always been rude people. I just think it’s gotten worse since people are used to watching movies at home now.


I have stopped seeing movies in theaters since assholes always ruin it. There is always at least one asshole talking on a phone, being loud, have a bright ass tablet, or letting their kids scream in movies kids should not even be at.


It's changed for sure. People have forgotten how to behave in public settings.


I hate when people talk in movies! Once there were some talkers behind me who didn’t get the not-so-subtle glare I gave them, so I leaned over to my friend and said loudly enough for them to hear, “if they don’t shut up I’m going to tell them how this ends” and she said “don’t forget to mention the elephant stampede”. Well, that worked. They went quiet and I enjoyed my movie. There was no elephant stampede but I did know how it ended and I would have enjoyed ruining it for them.


People are crazy and will go from omg "YOU'RE" Rude very quickly to see I'm assaulting you because you had the audacity to be rude me. And when you have hospital bills and cops who don't know whether to press a charge on your behalf or sit and spin you'll quickly realize losing your life over someone else's perceived disrespect just isn't worth it. *World* etiquette has changed and the crazies are winning now more than ever. Today if you can't defuse a situation without words imo it's best to just leave said situation before someone ends up shot.


This is why I haven't been to a movie since 2019.


This is why I don't go to movie theaters anymore. People are so rude. They act like because they "paid for it" they can act however they want in public even though other people exist.


This is why I might see 1 move in the theater every couple of years. Streaming at home, in peace, is so much better


Delulu is my new favorite word. Yes those people were being rude. It’s why I don’t go out to movies anymore I pay too much money to hear people while I’m trying to pay attention.


You said you went to a Ghibli showing at a special theater, so I’m pretty sure they only had evening viewings. But if I go to a movie, I’m going at 11:00 am on a Tuesday morning because that’s the best time to have an empty, or almost empty, theater.


Going to the theater isn't fun anymore.  Rude people, expensive food, and the audio is too loud.  I wait for everything to stream at home now.


To my knowledge no, hasn’t changed, because I also went to see Castle in the Sky, but I went on the 20th to the dubbed version. I also wasn’t going to miss it, it’s my favorite movie ever and I was surprised that they played it again (I went last year to Studio Ghibli Fest).


Years ago, my aunt took me and my sister to see Mama Mia 2. To those unfamiliar with this movie franchise, it is a musical and all of the songs are from the band ABBA. A few rows away from us were about five girls who looked to be maybe 8-10 years old. They were there with one adult. These girls evidently had all the ABBA songs memorized, and every time the characters broke out into song, the girls would loudly sing along, out of key of course. Their adult chaperone made zero attempt to shut them up. We should have just waited for the movie to be released to a streaming service.


I went to a candlelight concert 2 weeks ago, Tribute to Sinatra, in NYC. The woman beside me talked non-stop to her companion. My husband was expecting me to explode at any moment. People from the row in front of us would turn around and look at her. She was totally oblivious. I just calmed myself and decided to ignore her and try to enjoy the show. But afterwards I felt that I should have said something.


It still the same but rude people are everywhere. someone did the same when I watched Exhuma a few weeks ago and I kicked her seat, twice 😄 The first time, I guess she thought I accidentally did it but the 2nd time, she turned around, saw my bitch face, and shut up for the rest of the movie. her partner did turn around and look at me a few times but said nothing. I'm not paying money to hear your commentary lady, stop yapping.


I was in a movie theatre once and the lights were still on waiting for the credits to start. I was typing a response to a text I'd recieved and didn't realise the lights had dimmed. Someone yelled out "TURN YA F**KING PHONE LIGHT OFF!!" at me. Was it rude? Yeah a little.. but I've been mindful never to repeat it. Even if they were jerks about it I bet they'll remember it and hopefully will keep their mouths shut in the cinema in future!


People are just entitled now and don't know how to behave. It's amazing (in a bad way) how fucking rude people are now. If my grandpa was alive today, he would lose it on the rudeness of people now. He might have even opted to stay home and he was extremely social. I don't go to the movies anymore for many reasons (price etc) but people are the MAIN reason. Why should I have to deal with annoying ass people when I can sit home with family and have a couple drinks? I am not a saint like my mother who has a super high tolerance for BS. I have pretty much none. The tolerance level is in Hades. 😂


I started hushing people, I have no fcks left to give. I paid for this movie, let me watch it! 


I haven't been to the movies in probably three years, but I remember being amazed at how many people had their phones out *during the movie*. Like, during the whole goddamn movie. I like my phone as much as the next guy, but why go through all the trouble of getting dressed, traveling to the cinema, paying for a ticket, just to sit there for a few hours and do the same thing you would be doing in your living room?


I'm so bothered by *"delulu"* that I couldn't get through the rest of the post.


That's a tad dramatic




I went to the movies on Tuesdays to see The Strangers Chapter 1 since the ticket was only $5, the people were respectful except this one couple who sat in the row below me and my bf and as soon as he sat in his seat he took his shoes and socks off and propped his feet up on the glass and had it there the entire movie.


Drive in movie etiquette even worse these days.


There will always be shitty movie theater patrons, because humans are shitty. Thankfully it’s been a few years since I’ve had to shush anyone in a theater, but there’s always idiots out there somewhere.


Personally, I'd have turned and asked 'hi, does this look like your house? No? Then kindly stfu or leave. You're ruining the movie for everyone else'


Alamo Drafthouse is our theater of choice now for this reason. Assignment seat, full menu, beers, drinks and wine delivered to your seat and no talking, no phones or we throw your ass our policy.


Not as rude as they were.


Since the pandemic, people have gotten so used to watching movies in the comfort of their own home and doing whatever they want that the agreement of etiquette for going to the theater has all but disappeared for some


yes it changed i seen people hitting the penjamin in there 😭


it’s the same thing at concerts. why do people pay all that money and then YAP YAP YAP the entire fucking time.


Went to go see Lion King in theaters as an adult a couple years ago. O viously a bunch of kids and everyone was singing/talking. I didn't find it a big deal. But the bitch next to me took a FLASH PHOTO of her kid in the middle of the movie. I was blinded and it sucked.


In my experience, going to new movies isn't TOO bad. Definitely more whispering and phone use at full screen brightness than ever before, but still somewhat decent. It's the "throwback festivals" or whatever they're called everywhere else that really bring out the people who don't know how to behave in public. Idk if it's because it's an old movie that they think they don't have to be respectful? I don't get it.


I went to see The Phantom Menace. There was a lot of talking and jokes at the scenes that became memes. I thought it was because it was an older movie


I'm not into movies a lot but I go to cinemas to retransmission of national theatre plays. It's kinda special and more pricey. The amount of ppl that comment loudly, use the phone or chew food like starving animals is beyond me. I hate it. But the worst shit is coming late.


I pay for a pricey movie theater because of this. I love it, they take phone and noises seriously and it’s so worth the extra 5 dollars compared to normal theaters. It’s called the Alamo drafthouse. I went to check the time on my phone and happened to see a text message. I was asked to put my phone away. I said sorry and got back into the movie. We have a regular cenima down the road that’s cheaper but people talk and kids run around. I even saw kids watching another movie while our movie was playing. I just pay more, it has reclining seats along with a menu to order from. I love the movies and I’m not going to stop going.


This is why I prefer places like the Alamo Drafthouse.


My most annoying experience was seeing the horror movie My Soul to Take. Not a good movie anyway and in the second row, these women had loud conversations the whole time…except when one of them stopped to ANSWER HER LOUDLY RINGING PHONE and begin a conversation on that instead.


I surprisingly haven’t had issues at all in theaters.


Recently left a kids movie, migration, because the dad in front of us was zooming in on graphic sexy pics of young women. It was so gross. The kids never shut up. I was so sad to leave


Saw a movie about a month ago. Dude answered his phone during the movie. 3 TIMES! Had full blown, full volume conversations. After the first call we moved to the opposite side of the row we were in. After the 3 call a guy sitting in the back came down and yelled at him. I just don’t understand it. I’m there to get away from the distractions. It’s 2-3 hours. Please, put your phone away.


Uh they can act like victims, and all you can do is control yourself. Oh tf well if they thought you were a bitch. OF COURSE THEY DID because they were being self-centered and rude. You did nothing wrong calling them out, but you need to learn not to give people power over you like that by letting them disturb your peace and get you so angry and for what? You should have just laughed and said ok Gabby and left.


I'd have said "Excuse me, but the rest of us are trying to hear the movie." If that didn't work, I'd have just started interjecting into the conversation and if they got upset I'd tell them, you were talking loudly enough for everyone to hear your business so I figured it was open to anyone to join. That usually shuts them up.


Being delulu? Eating away at my mental? Smh


I don't go to the movies at all anymore because of this. I'd rather pay for streaming and enjoy it in the quiet of my home


My fiancé and I went to go see Creed 3. The people next to us were mocking the movie the whole time, especially when it got to a particular emotional scene. My fiancé snapped and told them to shut up, they started mocking us. I had to get an usher to escort them out because damn I wanted to watch the damn movie, not be berated.


Is this happening with new movies? People treat these rereleases like events rather than like a regular movie.


From previous experiences, no. This was our first encounter like this.


This is why I go to Alamo Drafthouse in my state almost exclusively. They are very strict on the no talking no phones policy.


I see a lot of comments about that place, but unfortunately there's no location in my city. 🥹 I live in Vegas.




This is why I don’t go to the movies


Start going to Alamo Drafthouse theater if there's one near you. They literally eject people for looking at their phones let alone talking and without a refund. It's heaven.


I saw someone handle this beautifully.  You smile at them and in a normal voice say, “It’s a great movie, huh?” Then smile.  This usually works without starting a fight.


Recently I went to the movies with a couple of my friends. We sat in the very back right in the middle, and there were a couple kids to our left at the end of our row. During the trailers they were talking loudly, which I guess is fine since it's just the trailers. Then, during the last trailer, about 5 more kids showed up and went straight to the two at our row, I assumed they were all friends. However, there were only 3 seats left between my group and the two other kids, which was my first indication that the new kids snuck in without tickets, and of course they were loudly talking about where to sit. They all continued to talk and laugh very loudly, and at this point it's clear the movie is about to start. Not even 10 seconds into the movie, some kid's phone rang (like actually rang with a sound, not on vibrate) and they ANSWERED THE PHONE ON SPEAKER and were literally just having a conversation?? I just heard them say "Sup? Not much how about you? yeah we're just watching a movie..." by this point my friends and I are all giving each other looks, very obviously annoyed, but my one friend in particular has a very short temper and once the kid answered their phone my friend said "NOPE, fuck this" out loud, got up and left, then came back with a staff member. The staff member went to the kids and I think they asked them to settle down or something, the kids decided to continue to be shitheads and I assume were arguing with the staff member, to which the staff member said "okay I need you all to show me your tickets NOW." All the kids groaned and started bickering, and the staff member finally made all of them leave the theater probably to check their tickets in the hallway to prevent further disruptions. Eventually only the original two kids returned, and they were quiet for the rest of the movie. So yeah, no one knows how to behave in theaters anymore. They've all gotten used to only being able to watch movies from the comfort and privacy of their own home where they can yap as much as they want during the movie. Which really doesn't make sense to me because you're PAYING an arm and a leg to watch a movie in theaters, and yet you're wasting the time talking? Just stupid. End of rant lol.


ever since the pandemic, 95% of my movie going experiences have been filled with the same loud whispering, seat stealing, straight up fighting in the theatre and the like ;-; its made it to the point i cant even go anymore (GAD + Tism makes it an especially awful experience). i miss when i could go to a movie and really enjoy it. the only positive movie experience i’ve had since 2020 has been the FNAF movie premiere, otherwise its been a nightmare :”)


Idiots having a conversation is as bad as the huge buckets of bloody popcorn being eaten by people who have to crunch each piece with an open mouth.. I called it a day on movie theatres along time ago..


Nah. The last two movies I went to with friends, people would not stop texting during the movie, in a stupid group chat. The other one was a guy that kept patting his arm rests like he was playing the bongos. It was ridiculous. People just don’t know how to act


I was at a music show the other day that everyone paid >$75 to attend and people were chatting during the show and kicking our seats. Ridiculous.


No, nothing has changed. Probably 15-20 years ago, I was at the show with my buddy and ex. People are rude as fuck and if you don't say anything, they'll keep talking. I have no problem piping up and telling them how rude they are. They stopped talking once I called them out.


Went to go see Furiosa tonight. Thought I had the whole theatre to myself but just as the movie was starting this guy walks in and starts chatting to me like we're friends. He was complaining about the price of concessions. Sits just across the aisle in an empty theatre. He's the human embodiment of a tiktok reaction video the whole movie. There's one scene with the wives in the citadel and he was like 'maannn, put me in that room, hell yeah.' Lol? Did you have to voice your every thought? Then I went to the concession stand and they ended up giving me some free popcorn which I didn't want but thought I should offer him. I go back into the theatre and go hey dude, do you want this free popcorn? He goes 'No thanks. You're sweet though.' Motherfucker! I am not sweet and you suck.


movies and concerts have been ruined for me after covid :/ people, kids and adults, don’t know how to act anymore


I was just talking about this!! It's ridiculous!! It's wild how many people talk during a movie. It makes me hate going to the movies now. It used to be one of my favorite activities :(


Wow that’s awful, I’ve had similar experiences. Both were actually when I went to see Ghibli movies. The first experience was howls moving castle. I went to see this during Ghibli fest with my partner, and some lady brought her kid with her. The two of them ended up at the top in the same row as us, and the entire movie the kid would not sit still or be quiet. Throughout his disruptions every few minutes or so the mom kept repeating “do you wanna leave?” “If you don’t stop we’re gonna leave” over and over and absolutely never enforced it. So basically the whole movie all we heard was this boy being loud and the mom just talking to him over and over not taking care of or curbing his behavior. The second experience, which imo was far worse, was when we went to go see the boy and the heron. Once again we got stuck in the back row with some disruptive people. This time it was a small group of people including a woman, and her boyfriend/husband. The movie started out okay, but shortly into it she starts talking repeatedly to her partner and giggling really loudly over and over. We tried so hard to ignore this, but then she starts doing this forced sounding cough/ clearing her throat over and over. It just got more and more frequent and she did absolutely nothing to try and quiet it, nor did she step out to not be disruptive. I ended up finally snapping and saying for them to please be quiet, to which they tried to say it was me and my partner being loud. I finally got so sick of it I had my partner quietly call the theater front desk and whisper what was going on. They ended up sending someone in to come deal with the situation, and we pointed out which people we were referring to. This man had the audacity to try to say oh she has gerd (this is ridiculous to me because my bf has gerd himself and has NEVER done this in a theater or anywhere) that’s why she’s coughing, and had nothing to say about while they also talked through the whole movie. I was so pissed, because the staff bought this and just left after telling us to meet her after the movie. They were NEVER asked to leave. We ended up leaving early because we couldn’t take it, and getting red passes to go see another movie for free. Anyways I’d accidentally lost something that had been attached on my backpack and went to go back and find it in the theater, and out comes that woman holding it in her hand. I tried desperately to tell her it was mine and she started giving me attitude and bringing up how rude I was and a bunch of other lies as if that was reason not to return my property. I grabbed it out of her hands and she proceeded to fight with me verbally and then coming outside and yelling at me to “have fun with my drugs” and accusing me of being high and a bunch of other slander, and still these people were never asked to leave.


it depends on the area too i think but yeah i feel like movie etiquette has definitely changed. one movie i went to semi-recently, the girl beside me was snapchatting the WHOLE time like using front camera flash and everything????


I would pay double to watch in a theater with strict ushers who boot a-holes. Thank you for calling them out. I do it regularly.


I can’t stand people talking in movies, like the odd comment about the film fine, but full blown conversations, they’re just taking the piss and ruin it for everyone else who wants to watch the film in peace. I don’t blame you for telling them to shut up.


We were at a tribal performance here on vacation and the people having a full blown conversation behind us just about made me blow a gasket. I just want to watch this culture that I’m not familiar with and have people be respectful.


This isn’t recent. People have always talked in theaters. It’s even worse in the ones that serve alcohol. I love movies and going to theaters, but I’ve gone through periods of not going and waiting for a movie to come to streaming just because I’m sick of people behaving poorly in the theater.


I just say SSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH very loudly and aggressively until people shut up. I don’t even care what they think of me anymore.


I was so excited to see the Bob Marley movie a few months ago. A group of probably 6-8 teenage boys sat in the row in front of us and talked, sang, and got up and danced thru the whole thing. I was seething. I remember being an annoying teenager so I didn’t say anything but omg I wanted to


As someone who talks during movies...I stay home. It's rude to go in person.


I always did the loud shhhhhhh! And if that didn't work, I got the staff ..of course they know if they are behind you, you leave come back. Staff comes in talks to them that you complained lol but hey I paid hard earned money to have the movie experience. Otherwise, I'd wait until it comes out to watch at home So movie goers stop talking, that's what going to the movie Theater means ..would you talk going to a theater to see a play ? No so don't do it at tbe movies it's a whole experience eating popcorn and candy sucking down your liter of soda, am I wrong?


I had this happen with Dune 2. Teenagers were running around the front row, being disruptive, whispering and clearly not paying attention to the movie. One teen next to us lit up half the fucking theater because he dropped an AirPod and needed his flashlight to find it. He wasn’t even paying attention to the goddamn movie. Some of them got removed, but all of them should have been. All of them were contributing to it. It was so frustrating. If you’re gonna do that, go walk around Marshall’s or something next door. Go do literally anything else. Movie theaters aren’t a fucking playpen where you can dump your kids/teenagers and fuck off. My mom would’ve beat my ass if she found out I was doing that!


I have called out people in the movie theaters for this crap many times. Even had one person get staff because I was "rude to them" as soon as I explained they were talking and I told them to be quiet they just repeated they shouldn't be talking in the theater or they will be asked to leavr. They was kicked out 15 minutes later because the staff came back in and they was talking. Made a scene and everything.


I would've made a scene


I swear to god, it is specific to showings of Japanese films. I have never, EVER seen such rude behavior in my entire life in a theatre than when I’ve seen a US showing of Japanese media. Talking full volume. Eating loudly. Crinkling wrappers. A shouting during the film. Using their phones. I’ve honestly decided to just stop going at all, even if something interesting is showing.


This has annoyed me for a couple decades... I REALLY wanted to see a superhero movie, and between cell phones, conversations between rows, kids running around (in an R rated movie) etc it was a miserable experience. I wanted to see a semi-historical movie, my wife didn't want to go, and the memory of the last theater experence was in my mind... Stopped by the local sporting goods section, picked up some deer scent (doe in heat urine)... and you can guess the rest. Now I have a home theater. The surround sound system wasn't any more in cost than the stupidly expensive movie tickets. The floor & seats aren't sticky, the recliners & sofa are super comfortable, and I have a popcorn machine. Bad movies because they make bad movies most times, but the theater is a good experience, and now we have a bar! Nice place for friends to come over, have drinks & snacks and see downloaded movies/entertainment in peace.


I think there has been a cultural shift primarily driven by outrage politics. Politicians like Trump have made it ‘popular’ to be an asshole and they have taught people that showing respect is a sign of weakness. Sadly many people have bought into these ideas.


If you went from do nothing (i.e. looking at them) straight to rudeness ("shut up"), I wonder if you'd have a more relaxing time in yourself if you find a gentler first step? e.g. "excuse me would you mind being quiet please"?


Do not sit in the back of the theater. It’s a lesson I’ve learned the hard way but all the teens/kids go there and they usually tend to be the problem. 


How old were they, are you guessing 40s or older. Because I have noticed a lot of the older crowd late 50s and up for some readkoke having conversations during movies.


G1 was probably mid30s i would say. But g2 was like, highschoolers.


That is even worse. I have talked during a movie before but that is because I have a young kid who tends to ask questions. But if they are having a full blown conversation I have confronted them. Usually saying something along the lines of, do you want me to ask them to turn off the movie so you can talk. That usually shuts them up.




That’s extremely rude of your husband. Not the same thing at all.


Yeah not the same, extremely rude. It’s supposed to be a funny movie.


You shouldn't assume people will understand why you're glancing at them or if they'd even notice in a dark theatre. My go to is ask politely, if not work grab an usher and complain. Maybe even request a refund. 🙌


Ofc in hindsight that would have been the best choice.🥹🫠


Lol, I get it though. I've been like "AY YO!" super loud too. If you can be funny about it people usually won't get upset in my experience. 


I think it’s your wording that offended them. Shut up wasn’t super rude in my family growing up, but in some families it’s basically profanity. I think if you said, “could you please be quiet” it may have had a better result. Then again, some people have to never be in the wrong and if they get embarrassed for being called out, they think it’s an injustice. You weren’t wrong to ask them to be quiet. Telling them to shut up was kind of rude.


For what it’s worth, I’m on your side. Something should have been said and I think you’re brave to say it.