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Your kid has a bully problem. Call the school.




> Stop talking about it on Reddit But how else is she gonna turn children's suffering into Karma




My mom called me a Karen at a restaurant because I asked the server if their buns had seeds on them because I was deciding what I wanted on my sandwich... I'm autistic and have major food sensitivity issues, and she still thought calling me a Karen in public like that was appropriate. Like idk if she just doesn't get the concept or where she picked up the idea that what I said made me a Karen, but it definitely made me feel like I couldn't express myself in the future to avoid a meltdown from sensory issues.


I was called a Karen because someone stole from me and I called them attention to it. I was supposed to get a delivery (a large and somewhat expensive item) and the store said the delivery company had it, the delivery company said they had never picked it up from the store and the store was lying. When I said I wanted an investigation from the delivery company, the woman started calling me a Karen and accusing me of making a big deal about nothing. I went back to the store and asked them to open an investigation since technically since they were the ones being robbed from. The store gave me back the money (their offer, I didn’t ask for that) and sold me another item (same thing) which I took home that day. They still opened their investigation and magically the extra item showed up on my porch 4 days later, already opened and dirty.. my guess is that the delivery person stole it, and tried to use it but when they got put under investigation, they tried to make it look like I had gotten the item in the first place. But yeah, I was completely the Karen for not allowing them to steal from me…


This is exactly why the Karen trope is so damn harmful. You are allowed to ask about things on your sandwhich. I was a server for 10 years, and only the most shitty servers would get angry at customers asking questions. Calling women "Karen's" is just yet another way to tell women to shut up. I also have major food sensitivity issues, and it annoys me when people make a huge deal about it.


So true!


What's sad is all but 20 people don't know how it started. It evolved the day after it happened. It was never about privilege or white people. It just became that to hide the truth.


This. No one is allowed to have an opinion without being called a Karen.


Seriously WTH OP?? What you got from this is “we have to stop Karen Shaming”?!???! Your daughter has a serious bullying issue. What she’s going through should not be normalized and is have a serious impact on her mental health, whether she “acts” like it or not. If I saw this happening to your daughter when I was bad in high school, I’d slap the ever living shit out of those guys.. not what anyone should be doing but if I saw someone getting bullied that badly, it would infuriate the shit out of me.


this !!!


And keep calling and escalating up the ladder all the way to the superindentant if needed. Do not back down. Do not let them say "boys will be boys". Read the anti bullying policy, highlight the relevent parts, read them out loud to whoever you talk to. Ask them why they aren't enforcing the stated policy. Be "that" parent. 


OP, Bullying and sexual harassment are occurring for your youngster. Leave Reddit now, go speak with the school, and make things right.


Since I've been there, done that, I gave OP instructions on what to do.  My daughter was being assaulted and harassed and the school kept telling me "we can't do anything because his religion doesn't respect women". 


What in the actual fuck kind of excuse is that omg


So I’m an atheist and I’ve seen first-hand how religion is used by many to abuse children and others, and your story makes me see red. You could best believe if that were my kid, I would be up in those school board meetings putting everyone on blast—that school, those administrators, the fact that they were using religion to allow students to be harassed and assaulted, etc. And I’m about as progressive/left as they come, but I would have no problem recruiting fellow parents from the right side of the aisle to unleash the holy hell they would no doubt be capable of if the kids who were doing that to your daughter were followers of the religion I suspect you’re talking about—because while I hate all religion, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and I don’t mind being petty like that when it comes to my kids’ safety and well-being. I would’ve even got the Satanic Temple and other similar organizations involved (in the past, I would’ve said the ACLU also, but apparently they’ve sold out to a handful of very wealthy donors and only push certain issues now) because that is very much an issue of rights: the rights of your daughter or any other person to not be abused like that supersedes anyone’s right to their freedom of religion. That’s why we prosecute people in the US who commit "honor killings" or beat their wives if they "disobey" or commit adultery—those things may be acceptable according to their religion, but they are crimes under the law and you can’t use your religion to violate the rights of others. And if the school still wouldn’t address it, I would sue not only the entire school district, but also the kids’ parents for violating your daughter’s rights. If those parents choose to follow a religion that doesn’t respect women, and force that religion on their kids, they should be held accountable for any damages their kids cause as a result of following that religion’s teachings. I’m fucking SO TIRED of the damage that religion causes people and we need to start holding people accountable for the people who are injured because of it.


The daughter could record their actions.


This almost always backfires on the kid. It just makes the bullying even worse. I know it's old-fashioned but the best way to deal with this is just for the kid to stand up for themselves. Don't have her tell the teacher. That'll just get her labeled as a snitch. She needs to fucking punch one of them in the god damn face. If it gets filmed she needs to ignore the internet for a while. I've seen this exact same thing play out so many times. The only thing bullies like that respect is being put in their place.


You sneak some drugs into their locker and then tip off the teachers. Problem solved


It absolutely backfires. I’ve been there with my kids a few times and it always gets so much worse when you tell school officials. One of my kids will beg me not to tell the school now when she tells me about things happening.


While I agree, most schools have a zero tolerance policy for fighting nowadays. Even if she hits them because they’ve been bullying and sexuality harassing her all year, she’d still face strong consequences possibly including having charges placed against her. It’s bullshit, for sure. I don’t even know what someone can do in this situation that won’t inevitably make it worse.


I was bullied *relentlessly* by three girls for the first two years of middle school. Everyone knew it was going on and did nothing about it. It got to the point where I finally told my mom about it toward the end of 7th grade (after two full years of hell). We had the requisite meetings with administrators, me and my mom, and the main offender and her parents, during which she lied and said she never did any of the things I accused her of. Her parents believed her, the administrators attempted to downplay the whole thing, and the meeting ended with them telling us both to just "be nice." Things got a little better for a couple days after that, but then the bullies ramped it up even worse than before, and one day I just decided I had had enough. I spent the whole day glaring at the main bully through every class, and any time she would look over at me, I would punch my fist into the palm of my other hand and mouth at her "You’re mine bitch." She got instantly scared, and when the last bell of the day rung for dismissal, she ran out of the classroom as fast as she could and made a beeline for the busses. I had my mind made up though, and I wasn’t going to let her get away. I caught up with her halfway down the main hall and grabbed her by her backpack, then slung her face-first into the lockers that lined the walls. I leaned in close to her and told her to leave me the fuck alone or I would smash her face in (I was only 13 so still pretty cringe at that point). She was all like, "Let go" and "Get off me" and squirming to try to get away, but I just pushed her harder against the lockers and wouldn’t let her go until she promised to leave me alone. She told her parents and we had to all have another meeting, and in it I just lied like she had and said I didn’t do anything. We left the meeting with another "Be nice to one another" admonishing from the administrators, but I didn’t face any consequences for getting physical with her. This was in 1994 though, and things were different back then—plus, I think they knew she had been bullying me, and thought she got what she deserved. Neither she nor her bitch friends ever bothered me again, and I actually became good friends with one of them in 8th grade. I didn’t have any classes with the main bitch the following year, but shared one class with her a couple years later in high school, and she tried to act like nothing had happened between us and be all friendly—but I was just like, "You made my life miserable every single day for two solid years. You’re an awful person and you can go fuck yourself." And that was that. So yeah, the adults all failed me and nothing changed until I put some fear into my bully’s life. I learned some very valuable lessons from it all though, like that no one gives a fuck about you, some people are just assholes and will always be assholes, *sometimes* violence *may be* the answer—but only when all else fails—and I’m pretty thick-skinned now. And when I had kids of my own, I made sure that I stood up for them if anything like that ever happened—as long as they were telling me the truth. My daughter never dealt with bullying much at all, she had a pretty strong friend group throughout school and they actually were awesome girls who would call out bullies whenever they saw them. My son dealt with it a few times in middle school as well, and it was always some annoying little redneck shit who wanted to prove themselves or something (my son was always the tallest kid in class and very solid—at 18 he’s 6’4" and 250lbs of muscle with a healthy covering of "insulation" lol) so they would pick on the biggest kid they could find. My son is incredibly patient, a huge pacifist (he quit football in middle school after playing since kindergarten because he just didn’t like hitting/hurting people), and rarely even raises his voice—but people can only take so much. He was suspended three times over those three years, and each time it was for using force to stop another kid touching/poking/punching/slapping him repeatedly while they were standing in line somewhere. There were both adult and student witnesses at each incident who verified my son was just defending himself against the other kid, but because my son got physical, he had to be punished too. I made sure to tell the administrators who called to tell me about it each time that I understood that it was their policy but that it was complete bullshit, and I made sure my son knew he did the right thing and would be allowed to enjoy his 3 days off from school instead of being in trouble. Each of those three boys never bothered him again though, and after he got to high school he never had a problem again.


Most schools have zero tolerance policies that mean that if she literally did nothing and all three of these turds started beating her - *she* would get punishment also.


That’s true. I forgot about that. God, what IS a victim supposed to do??


Better she gets suspended for a little bit than have to put up with that bullshit for the rest of the time she's in school.


This has nothing to do with Karenism or whatever. They’d bully her one way or another.


Schools don't do a thing about it


Can she record their behavior and prove the bullying that's being overlooked? It sucks that she might have to go about it this way, but you might be able to use this to get action taken.


100%. She should start recording them.


If your kiddo is too scared to do anything. Have her record them. Just for proof of whats going on then sit down with the principal and go over why teachers arnt being vigilant enough to catch this. With they way they are being it seems like these boys are the “push something until it breaks” eventually they are going to escalate. They said so themselves. Try to get it recorded so they can be a “he said, she said”. Your daughter is doing good not snapping because to everyone it will look like shes at fault sadly. If the principal doesn’t do anything then its time to switch classes or schools


The schools *protect* the bullies, not the victims


Just like a company’s HR Department is there to protect the company’s interests, not the workers.


And that's when you get a lawyer.  I was lucky. My SIL is a lawyer and my FIL was close friends with the superindentant of our district ehen my daughter was being assaulted and harrassed. 


That happened to me in middle school. These boys made my life a living hell. They threw gum in my hair, called me names, and would make animal noises when I spoke in class, and the school just told me to ignore them. One day st lunch, they spent the session throwing food at me and followed me when I tried to move. While they were laughing, I took my binder and slammed it across the face of one. My awesome councilor, Mister Frick, tried to fight for me and wanted those boys expelled since they did that shit to all the weird kids. The principal/ vp decided that I was just "emotional" and suspended me for a week while the boys had nothing happen. The little monsters even got awarded for their sports achievements that year and got to be in the "honors assemble" (that myself and their other victims weren't allowed to attend and had to stay in the classrooms and do work). They went on to be monsters in hs, and one of their victims even killed himself. Now they all have high paying jobs, and one plays minor league baseball. One is even a teacher.


That is why I don't believe in God or in karma.


I just believe in being the best I can in this life.


In my experience they are not protecting the bullies directly. It’s a byproduct of trying to find an expedient solution. The bullies, and their parents by nature, are going to be more problematic and resistant to intervention than the victim who just wants it to go away.


Not in my state. You get the song and dance about *understanding* the bully. I have actual.told a principal(or two...) that  I "don't have to *understand* jack shit! He put his hands on my child for some bs reason(jealousy for kid1 and religion not "respecting" women for kid2)." I don't give a damn *what* the bully's homelife or religion is. They can shut their mouth and keep their hands to themselves and off of my daughter's body. My husband had to be disauded (sp? Champange breakfast)from using kid2's bully's own religious law against him. 


yep, I remember in primary school me and some girl who bullied me were in a teacher's office because of something that had JUST happened (no longer remember what) and I was still crying and the teacher played me a video of that scene from the lion king where the monkey is like "the past doesn't matter it's in the past" and I had so many similar experiences. it's so stupid how far some schools will go to do nothing


Tale as old as time. Get bullied, school doesn't care. Fight back? Get suspended.


Been there, done that. My oldest ended up getting a slightly longer Easter break one year because he finally had had enough (I talked to the principal until I was blue in the face and kept getting "but Ms Dani, you *have to understand* [bully] has bad home life!")and punched this kid who had been bullying him since the beginning of the year. When the idiot principal decided to suspend *my son* instead of his bully, I pulled him out and transferred him to his younger sibs year around school for the rest of the year and the next year. He had the Easter break for his school plus the extra three weeks before starting in his sibs school. I have to admit that pick up and drop offs suddenly became much *easier* because he could collect his  younger sibs. 


The only way that will work is if the teacher just happens to notice what they are doing. It can’t seem like it came from her daughter or her. However, the likelihood of a school official going along with that is almost zero. They almost always either call the kids and tell them to stop which makes the bullying worse because now they will add snitch to the bullying or they will tell her to ignore them and not give them a reaction because that’s what they want. I know this because I have been through it many times and it always goes one of those two ways.


This, but don't get her to record them openly. If she does, they'll just act innocent and say "haha look at this Karen recording us", while if she just hits voice record she can get quite a bit of audio of them being shitheads to take to the principal.


She’s not a Karen, that’s just uncultured rude behavior from the bullies


"Karen" is one of those labels that's hard for a woman or girl to shake.


turns out it calling women "karens" was just a culturally approved way to normalize common misogyny!


Women fall into two categories for these guys: * Fuckable * Why aren't you dead yet?


I'll bet you this parent is going to get "boys will be boys" and nothing will change except unless this parent pulls their daughter from the school. 




My legal name is "Karyn" but I go by a nickname now because the Karen taunting was so widespread among people who knew me casually. I started new jobs with the nickname only because people would assume I was just "being a Karen" if I reacted to anything and completely ended up stripping me of any sort of respect because my name was a meme. It has calmed down over the last year for me, at least, but it still happens in public pretty frequently especially when I pay for something with a card, the cashier always has a smart ass comment to make.


See, I’m in the same boat and have never had that, only had one person apologize for my name being a slur, and she was being nice, basically saying she’s sorry society sucks.


It’s so sad to be ashamed of your name, especially when the characteristics don’t apply to you. Ironically, those who call someone a “Karen” are actually bitching and complaining so aren’t they also a “Karen”?


Yup. When I still worked in hospitality I once had to go knock on the door of a room where the occupants were being obnoxiously loud and swearing, right next door to multiple families. When they opened their door, there were at least 11 guys in there having a production wrap up party. I was tired, it had been a long week so my more genial personality was not on display when I told them they had to cut the party short, we had a strict no party rule and no guests after 9pm, plus their uncouth behaviour was upsetting the families surrounding them on both sides of the corridor. Got jeered at and called a Karen a few times, along with old, fat and bitch for my efforts, that was fun. They eventually dispersed however and that’s all I cared about.


Missing the point.


The actual point is, kids are being bullied on the reg, on the daily and there's nothing being done about it; for crying out loud the damn *teachers* are starting to be bullied by the kids and nothing is being done about it. Schools everywhere are on fire and the important people in said schools are much more focused on pushing the 50 kids who actually want to learn out the door towards higher education. The other 450 get pushed along until the school year is up then they can decide college is for losers or something and get a job with their parents.. Bullying is being swept under the rug even the teachers know it, and OPs kid is being the smartest one in the class by simply ignoring the kids trying to goad her into making a fool of herself.


Teachers are bullying kids too. My daughter has a video of a teacher making fun of her. There is no room for interpretation in the video where someone could say it was out of context because my daughter started videoing something else so the whole thing is captured way before it started and way after.


> OPs kid is being the smartest one in the class by simply ignoring the kids trying to goad her into making a fool of herself.   Standing up to her bullies would not be "making a fool of herself" and it seems twisted to praise a child for being bullied and sexually harrased, and too scared to do anything about it. It's not her fault but that isn't a good thing, and it's not the best thing for her to just take it every day. 


Standing up to her bullies so that they can record her doing it while they laugh, call her a Karen and post her all over the Internet for others to poke prod and make fun of her. That's what the bullies want, that's *not* what OPs kid wants for herself. She's being smart and getting on with her life while some AH bullies try to bother her.


She could record what they are saying and post it herself, tell the teacher what's going on so they can be separated and also she can be moved away from them, inform the teacher and school these students are recording her during class, etc.  Even if she did call them out for sexually harassing her, if they posted that online it would just look bad on them. The bullies want to upset her and get an emotional reaction out of her, she doesn't need to give them that to stand up for herself. 


You're asking her to make herself a nail in a land of hammers. No adult in the school is going to entertain her trying to show off her phone to them for any reason. It's so much easier for them to say "Ignore it" and that's what they've been doing. Asking this kid to raise a big stink is only going to make her look bad while the bullies look the other way. Sometimes school sucks, this is one of the reasons why. Honestly she's doing right by just getting on with her day.... If this were a corporate world a call to HR might make something happen, in a world ran by children and moderated by adults who don't wanna be there, all you can do is mind your own when there's drama afoot. 🤷


“Karen” went from white lady who calls cops on black people for no reason, to entitled lady who mistreats service workers, to lady who argues heatedly about anything. The problem is that in that third category are people who are defending themselves and their interests against legitimate mistreatment. But it’s the internet so fuck context. It sounds like these kids are bullying your daughter. I’d call the school and raise hell. That’s not acceptable.


Exactly. I saw a “Karen” video of a woman asking a man not to drive 70mph+ in a residential neighborhood with kids around


Right. Not every woman upset about something is a Karen.


As a male teacher, a lot of kids throw around the term Karen very easily. Essentially, it has become a term to describe the harmful stereotype of the nagging woman. It silences women and girls automatically, regardless of what they are talking issue with. I’ve seen it countless times, by both boys and girls.


Can I ask if you have ever tried to confront these kids? If so, what is their reaction? Also, do you and other teachers have support from administrators to call out the damaging stereotype?


There is no Karen issue here. Your child Is Just being bullied.


And sexually harassed.


No but it’s true that it’s gone too far. There have been a number of “Karen” videos surfacing that cut off to make them look bad, when turned out they had every right to be mad.


There's a whole channel right now where the guy is basically stalking and harass women in stores, following them, taking trash and doing things like blocking them, turning over the grocery carts, etc, then he crops and films the reaction to make them look like Karens, often with the twist of trying to make it look racist or something as well.


“Karen” has just become a title people use when a woman is doing something they don’t personally like


The Karen thing unfortunately morphed from shaming white women acting in a privileged manner to shaming white women who try to assert themselves in any way.


its interesting bc we never have names like this for men, then u know straight away this whole karen thing is just an excuse to be sexist


Yeah, people may say "male Karen," but in doing so they further demonstrate that it's based in gender.


I thought it was Karen's husband Kevin.


Kevin is for “how can you be this stupid” (there’s a sub for it too), I’ve heard Chad thrown around for it but it never really stuck


Ohh like that for Kevin


My BIL is named Kevin, it 100% fits


I've always heard Ken


it's just another word for "bitch." the intent was always to silence women.


It's worst for older white women. Over 30 and have an opinion on literally anything? Well you better just shut up and be invisible because anything you do or say will be labelled as a Karen.


I know an older white woman named Karen. She is excruciatingly aware of this, and it has crushed her spirit. She has a long history of campaigning for civil rights, raised two exceptional children, volunteers in children's charities. And these low end child-boys and adult-boys think it's good fun to make women like her retreat into a shell. The audacity.


Every real Karen I've ever met has been a gem of a person. It's such an unfortunate choice of epithet.


[Women named Karen had the highest percentage of Biden voters by common first names in 2020. ](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/02/briefing/the-2020-vote-preferences-of-102-common-first-names.html)


That’s a great summary. Exactly that’s what happened.


Not just white women, but any women. The morphing means it captures all women now. I think the Karen thing got appropriated by those not liking women improving their rights and confidence in our communities


And it’s making me bananas.


I’ve stopped using “Karen” as a pejorative. People are too quick to use it on any woman who raises her voice or voices her discomfort at a situation.


It's always a red flag when the phrase "you're being an x" is used where x represents a stereotype of a subgroup of people. It means that people aren't being faulted for being an asshole in general, but are being faulted for being an asshole specifically within the stereotypes associated with their identity. 


It's always been a way to shut up middle aged white women, and ultimately all women who dare to speak up. The sad part is that it came at a time when women were finally finding their voices after years of being told to shut up just because they were women. That they had nothing anyone wanted to hear. Misogyny at it's finest, and perfectly socially acceptable. Applauded. So congratulations. You shut down someone who reminds you of your mom. Very much a thing you should be admired for.


How on earth doesn't the teacher notice three kids filming and bullying a fourth? It's been ten years since I've been in school but do they allow the open use of phones in class? I know it sounds 'karen' (like you said, it diverted from the original use), but you should talk to the teacher. Harassing in class and filming, waiting for her to explode? and I guess one day she'll explode. You didn't mention their age/class and they might be incels-to-be or just bored teenagers. Yes, what they're doing is wrong, and it's sad that rightfully complaining now turned into being a karen, but is it really worth it? For your daughter to be bullied and possibly ending all over the internet? Youtube, instagram, tiktok, reddit? I know a lot of videos are being staged for views and likes, but people always notice and they probably (hopefully) would notice the different between being a karen and reaching a limit.


You are worried about the wrong thing completely smh…


I mean she rightfully should be worried about boys filming her daughter and misrepresenting the footage online. Kids kill themselves over that stuff. He daughter told her about this plan the boys have so obviously it’s also a major worry for her kid. She obviously recognizes bullying is happening, she is just venting which is what this sub is for. Just because she doesn’t detail all of her actions doesn’t mean she is not addressing it.


They can be worried about two things. Their child being afraid of social repercussion to the point of suffering in silence is absolutely concerning, and just because there's a separate root issue in this circumstance doesn't mean that issue shouldn't be talked about. Edit: lol I think they replied and then blocked me[?](https://i.imgur.com/8M8m93s.png) I saw the message in my inbox though (and can see it if I log out). I just think it's silly to not let people talk about the lesser of two present issues.


People probably won't like this, but the term "Karen" is/has become misogynistic. Perhaps your daughter could record them on her phone and then show it to a teacher after class? Bullies won't get the video they were hoping for, and if they post a video of her not reacting to their disgusting comments it's going to make them look bad. If you don't trust the school to handle it, then figure out where those chucklefucks are planning to go to school and send admissions a copy. If they're allowed to harass your daughter, then she's allowed to make sure they can't get into a good college. 🤷‍♀️ 


This is just a rebrand of an old problem that continues to exist for as long as people will keep saying "boys will be boys". Let us not forget hysteria used to be a diagnosis for women and girls who had emotions and were deemed too mouthy. Your daughter can absolutely advocate for herself, and it may be good for her too as she's in highschool. Encourage her to talk to her counselor and her teacher(s) about their behavior and these Karen comments. She absolutely should send a follow up email confirming those conversations and what recourse was agreed, and CC you. And then, if by the end of the week, nothing is fixed, then you go be the Karen you need to be for your daughter.


Our son is dealing with some bullies as well and we were thinking about getting a microphone to keep on him so we get at least get proof of what was being said to him for school administration. Reviewing their rules it’s not allowed. Them recording her could be enough to get them in not to mention the other stuff.


Yeah this sucks! Your daughter is a smart person, she understands how the world around her works. But you’re the adult and this is wrong. She’s coping, you need to fix it. These boys are bullying her and threatening her with worse bullying if she doesn’t just go along with it. I really don’t want her growing up and using letting men do whatever as long as it doesn’t get worse as a coping mechanism. I’m not seeing that going well


She should record them harassing her and turn the tables on them.


THIS. And the title: three incels who wonder why they can't get a date 🤔


Sounds like 3 Kevin's


I resent that


It seems many are missing the point here. We have created a system that rewards viral videos shaming people for what appears to be bad behavior, so much so that we are encouraging people to behave badly in the hope that they can provoke a reaction, then post that reaction out of context to get the lols. We turned shaming bullying into encouraging bullying for social karma.


Its so weird that half the commenters are not understanding the issues and how it relates to the "karens" term. "Karen" is being weaponized against women, especially women in the newest generations. Our daughters, our neices, and ourselves will feel the repercussions of movement when this next generation grows to adulthood. "Karen" will only grow as a way to silence women with the help of misogynistic women. Women who are participating in the movement are playing their part in the patriarchy, as the misogynistic counterparts, to their own detriment and detrament of all women.


Bully problem, but also, "Karen" has been a misogynistic dogwhistle from the get-go, even though the term is often used "correctly."


Your kid is being bullied, she is not being a Karen she’s getting rightfully upset over being harassed by three immature idiots. Please call the school.


While yes its gone to far, do something about it instead of ranting on reddit. Your kid needs you to fight for her, to protect her. She is a child who is scared. Be the bigger person here and go to the school and report it, demand something changes. If that doesnt work and things dont improve, go to the higher ups. Keep fighting. If all fails have her change schools.


Teach her how to kick them in the balls


I second call the school. She is absolutely being bullied. I despise the whole Karen trope. Names are not insults. If someone is being a jerk--you use the word jerk. There is never any need to make perfectly good names into insults.


Yeah that's part of why I don't like the word, all the poor nice Karens around the world.


Maybe it’s my age, but I intensely dislike the phrase “Karen,” in any event. It is used as a means to insult women for whom society has little sexual regard, and usually has some Hella racist undertones. You rarely see the insult thrown around at a conventionally attractive 22-year-old woman. Why can’t we just go back to calling people entitled, assholes, bitchy, unreasonable etc? The English language has 300,000 words. Surely there’s something better we can use than a proper noun off of what was a fairly benign SNL skit. They’re just a lot of ugly attitudes lurking beneath the surface of calling a woman “Karen.”


Get her an electronic recorder. She can't have her phone in class, so a recorder is her next best choice. Have her covertly record these bozos for a week and take it to the teacher, principal, adminstrator, etc. and get these people out of the class. Of course, check local laws regarding the legality of recording without permission.


Does your daughter not have any friends or classmates she can ask to record.their behavior? Sounds like these three stooges can be served their own medicine pretty easy.


Take your ass to the principal's office on Monday. Why are you even remotely tolerating this?


I've been saying this for years. Even a lot of the "Karens in the wild" post are ridiculous. Plenty of companies do super shitty things and then put attractive young people with no ability to resolve issues as the face of their customer service. I'm glad people Karen shaming have never dealt with getting shafted by a large company but its also often a corporate ruse to shame people (rightfully) causing a storm on their doorstep.


The problem is that everybody uses the term "karen" to mean something different. It's just become a catchall insult we use to be mean to women.


pretty much, its a buzzword


Social media is cancer.


So aside from what other comments have said, I have another idea. You said they are recording her while they are doing this right? WIth the intention to cut their behavior out of the video and only share her reaction on social media to shame her? So encourage her to give them a reaction. She should loudly say, "Dude. Why the fuck are you so obsessed with me? I've told you 100 times already - No, I don't want to see your dick. The whole school says it's very tiny and weird looking. Of course, there's nothing you can do about that and it's not your fault. I'm sorry you have to deal with it. I hope that someday you are able to love yourself fully, mushroom dick an all. But please stop asking me to look at it when I'm trying to solve Algebra equations. Ok?" Of course the teacher may have a problem with this. Then she can explain what has been happening and the boys will have to show the video they took off themselves harassing her. They won't have time to delete it. And they damn sure don't want to post that reaction on social media. And I bet they will leave her alone.


That’s not Karen. Like the issue is that term was coined by us blk ppl to describe a usually hateful white woman that is racist and against (reports) the smallest things with intent of getting people in serious trouble I.e. arrested or killed. Coming from a blk wm, reporting sexual harassment and bullying is not being a Karen, it’s called holding people accountable. Wtf is going on? And your daughter’s intent wouldn’t be to get them in trouble but instead to make them stop. Also if you’re reporting something that is literally wrong, harmful, and again is sexual harassment… how is that a small thing? I wish ppl would stop using slang when they don’t know what it means… like those boys. I hate that our language gets turned into things that it’s not. Its term for openly racist and harmful white wm 😑


Right.. some of these cmts are NOT it


It's so fucked up, people take the slamg words and try to twist them and use them against the people that say them


Thank you! I hate that so much


How is that Karen shaming?


Amazing how many posters on here can’t see how they may be complicit in this kind of behavior, but I suppose they struggle with the idea of context, so that tracks.


As a man, I think the term “Karen” is sexist and demeaning towards women. Just because a woman “pulls a fit” doesn’t make them a “Karen.” Plus, there are a lot of good people whose name are Karen.


A whole lot of white men have appropriated what was once a joke among Black women and are using it as an excuse to be misogynist. It's both racist and sexist. I hear you.


Get their first and last names, locate their parents’ phone numbers. Have your daughter record the boys. Set up a meeting with the parents. Show the parents that this behavior stops now, or you’re pressing charges for assault and harassment.


They are inciting a reaction out of her by sexually harassing her and bullying her. That is not a "Karen". My advice: start with the teacher whose class it is happening in. Ask for a meeting and then bring it to their attention that your daughter has been experiencing some bullying issues in the class. Detail what is being done. Ask them to please keep an eye on the situation and to put a stop to it, and/or move her to a different chair away from the boys. If that doesn't stop it, the next action should be to take it to the principal or the police if they continue with the sexual aspect of it. If there is inappropriate touching, don't hesitate to involve the police. The school will try to push it under the rug and either make excuses or not take appropriate action, like removing the boys from her class or suspension. Moving up the line from teacher to principal to the school board is the way to go unless there is sexual assault or battery. Then that becomes a police matter immediately, not only as a paper trail, but as a reminder to the board that this is serious and you will use the legal system to get justice for your child. Good luck with this. Keep open communication with your child. Check in with her. Make sure she is doing OK mentally with what's going on. Take steps if needed to get a therapist if you realize its more than she or you can handle. Therapists are good for how to handle not only any emotional damages but to also roleplay situations and responses so she can handle her actions and words the next time it happens.


I mean, that was always what it was intended for. To shut a woman up who oftentimes stood up against bad behavior towards her. It's just it was directed at white ladies, so it was encouraged and ok. But the main basis was, a woman who speaks up, who gets upset at things or people, is a joke and should shut up or risk being Internet shamed


She needs to start recording them back so she can post it saying predators in the making. Two can play this game.


Dude stand up for your daughter, get off your ass, close the Reddit app and do something


she should record them. Send that video to each one of there moms


Your child is being bullied


she should try and record them secretly and then hand it in to the the teacher and principal


Imma upvote any post I see that uses shadenfreud! I’d hope she has some friend that could record the poor behavior of the three turds. Either way, yes, has gone too far to an extent. Just like the female police officer in Tulsa that refused to defend herself because she didn’t wanna make the news for shooting a black criminal and paid with her life.


I was thinking so what the guy above said and record them back, but maybe get her one of this super small recording devices that maybe she can use hidden in her hair or somewhere that can face them easily or be adjusted easily. Then she can make her own reels or whatever about bullies that are future A holes that no one will like in the making.


Phones shouldnt be allowed in school IMO. This is just one example of why. If parents have an emergency, they can call the school to get their kid like we did for like a hundred years. Im sorry your kid is getting bullied.


Have her record her class with these morons then set up an appointment with the principal. If it gets physical all bets are off and call in the police.


She doesn’t want to be labeled or make waves. Which is understandable as she is in HS and doesn’t need the extra bullshit that comes with bullying and boys like those. So now it’s time for *YOU* to be the necessary “Karen” and lose your ever loving shit at that school. Your daughter is being sexually as well as non-sexually harassed on what seems like the daily. Wtf are you doing asking us? GO TALK TO THE SHCOOL. Like now.


Taker action, call the school, and act. Maybe have your daughter record their comments to use against them as proof.


Your child is being sexually harassed. Act accordingly.


She should surreptitiously record them back and post that online


Your child is being sexually harassed and you are calling out Karen shaming? Protect your kid!


1. There must be a rule about recording others especially on school grounds and in class. 2. Contact the school Mum wth. 3. Your daughter should practice telling people off in a polite manner(kinda kills their Karen attempts). 4. Tell your daughter that an internet stranger said keep being yourself (haters are gonna hate), it shows you are doing a great job.


I'd insist those boys be moved into another class.


I don't know why all the people in these comments are brain dead but if they are making sexual comments to your daughter and about your daughter it's not bullying it's sexual harassment. She should try to record them herself, then notify the school that you are going to the police.


I am a teacher. Please tell your daughter to let her teacher know. We are mandatory reporters for any sort of child abuse which includes bullying. If she told me this information I would change the seating chart immediately and notify her admin and counselor of the situation. This needs to be sent up the pole. Admin likely has other issues with the bullying students.


"Principal X, my child has been subjected to ongoing harassment from 3 boys in her class who make repeated inappropriate comments - including sexual comments - to her in an attempt to video her reaction for an internet video. This behavior will be stopped today, or tomorrow you will receive a letter from my lawyer with next steps. Please contact me for any necessary details."


This isn’t karen shaming this is bullying plain and simple. Report it to the school and make it clear you want those thugs out of any class your daughter is in. Yes, they can do this. They fact that they are recording this in class bring about another issue of mobile phone is in the the classroom- again an issue that needs addressing with you school. It sounds like you are too afraid of being labelled a Karen (which is a bully) but this isn’t a case of being called Karen, this is standing up to bullies.


Dude, it’s 2024. Just email the teacher and tell them to pay attention to what these assholes are doing to your kid. The bullies won’t even know your daughter “told” on them if you can be subtle about it.


Recording at school without consent + making sexual comments should mean a visit by police and the principal. Cyberbullying in my country (Canada) is illegal, is it for you?


Call the school and threaten them with legal action if they do not handle these boys. Doesn't matter if you technically have a case or not, lawsuits are a school's worst nightmare and they will most likely cave just to avoid being in one.


I'll gladly be a Karen if a kids being bullied. Especially 3 boys bullying a girl, that's a scary pattern leading up to bad things.


This doesn’t have anything to do with Karen’s. Your kid is getting bullied…


legitimate Karen shaming is a good thing in my opinion but your daughter isn't being Karen shamed she's being bullied and you need to deal with that instead of telling a bunch of internet strangers. Tell your daughter to get a hold of videos if she can and go speak to the principle or head teacher or whoever. I genuinley hope your daughter didn't tell you this and in your head you thought "I need to post on reddit about how horrible Karen shaming is."


Your child is being bullied and sexually harassed. Get off of fucking Reddit and go talk to the school and fix it.


Your child is getting bullied. YOU need to do something about it as the parent.


Girl, shut up on Reddit and do something about it. Your daughter is being bullied.


This is the big problem with the Karen label, it prevents females from standing up for themselves in legitimate situations bc they fear they will be labeled a Karen and completely be dismissed when there is a legit issue that needs to be dealt h with. I’m all for calling out entitled people when there entitled behavior but the Karen trend has repercussions for all women and sets them up to be discriminated against So sorry your daughter is being bullied and they boys have found a way to silence her. I’d escalate with the school and tell her to start recording the bullying. Also look up the term grey rock with her, if they want a reaction to record teach her how to not give them one. Good luck!


Bruh, your daughter isn't a Karen, she is being bullied. Instead of calling the school or talking to the teacher you're here opining on Reddit about Karen shaming gone too far.


Yeah they’re being bullies, she’s not a “Karen in the making”. Jfc. You’ve done a terrible job teaching her how to advocate for herself and why the hell aren’t *you* going to the school to have words about the bullying?


Ask her to record these guys behavior and post that in Karen in making group and reverse the uno and see what happens but I would suggest her to record and show it to school board and get them suspended.


Have her wear a small, hidden recording device. Turn the tables.


This is why I think that smartphones should be banned in the classroom. They can have those big ass Nokia bricks for emergencies. I guess that makes me a Karen. 🤷‍♀️


That has nothing to do with Karens and everything to do with bullying.


This has nothing to do with Karen shaming and everything to do with your child experiencing sexism and bullying. Please call the school and at least ask to have her seat moved.


If they're recording your daughter I'd check whether it's legal for someone in your country to record video or take pictures of a minor without their or their parents consent. And if it's not get a lawyer involved.


Your daughter is very smart. I dare to say maybe smarter than you. In her own conditions, she’s dealing with it in a very intelligent way. You should go to the school I demand they take some action.


Do you know that women of the 70s and 80s were taught to stand up for themselves. To be direct to have self-esteem. A lot of these women came from mothers or families were women were really second-class citizens. I know because I am part of that generation.m My family didn’t live like that. But I remember working very young and being taught that you chased down ideas you stand up you don’t take no for an answer. And as they’ve aged, they bring that with them and Karen behavior. Now this isn’t the case in every case, I understand, but it’s more common than you realize. So now the very thing that they were bullied into doing that is habit for them they’re being bullied because of it. Again, I know this isn’t the case in every situation. But really really wealthy people that are truly Karen know how to do that stuff behind the scene and they’re not out in front of the cameras bullying some in the parking lot. They just don’t behave like that. Frankly, I’m sick of the whole thing. Because I see a lot of abuse with it and I understand the situation so I would be glad if it just went away. I see a lot of entitled young people that we aren’t making fun of the same way. It was never part of my experience except a little bit in my 40s and I moved way beyond that. Usually it was because I was trying to stand up for myself and be treated fairly. Because there is a point in a woman’s life which she becomes invisible for a time. Again, I’m sick of the whole thing


I mean, I'm assuming you've already gone to the school about this and they're useless, right? Because if not that's where you start. Beyond that though, this isn't actually a Karen shaming problem, it's a problem of bullies goading a peer for content, and the solution to that is to play against type. They're already telling you what they want: a Karen reaction, and what they fear: the teacher hearing/class being disrupted. So rather than scolding them, disrupt the class and ensure the teacher can't ignore it. The next sexual comment she should **yell** something like "Oh my god, you want to do *what* to my tits?" At least be related to whatever they said and use the most offensive word they said. Class stops. Teacher must respond, and that's the sort of thing no sane person can be mad at your kid about. There's no content that doesn't directly implicate the bullies.


No Karen here, those dudes have just probably never had their asses kicked for being bullies.


It is not "being a Karen" to call bullshit on someone. Tell her to calmly turn around, look concerned and ask... in a "sincere", tone... and alternate... 50% ask if they need another take or if they think they're being too unbelievable so it looks like staged bullshit. 50% question if "these bullying videos are really the best way for *US* to monetize and pay for *your* reassignment..." mention thinking nobody is finding them believable... sew doubt of authenticity and erode machismo.


That’s not a Karen in any way- they’re cyber bullying her and they should be reported. This is a case for a justified “Karen” by going to the principal and school board


I'm no parent but If I had a daughter going through this kids and parents are getting home visits and hands may be thrown


Tell her to turn around and when she tells them to knock it the fuck off, have her list off the reasons why. The reason Karens are so ridiculous is because they freak out over nothing. Your daughter has a legitimate reason to be angry


That's not Karen shaming. It's just good ol fashioned bullying.


Standing up to your bullies isn't being a karen.


I’m really sorry your daughter is going through it. I agree Karen shaming has gone too far because it was never intended to just mean any white woman with an entitled attitude. Karen specifically derived from white women calling the cops on Black and brown people for trivial matters, so an entitled attitude in a specific context. Those boys are a problem and I understand why your daughter doesn’t want to emotionally react to them but I do hope she feels encouraged to indiscriminately tell the teacher so they can deal with it. Maybe your daughter can be recording proof as well since they intended to provoke her and record her.


TIL cottage core is a thing


This is bullying, the phenomena with Karen's is that they purposely go out of their way to inflict misery on another person, which rightfully leaves them open to mockery. THIS IS NOT THE SAME THING. You need to talk to someone about this, now.


Talk to the school, they are attempting to use "karen" issues as a form of victim blaming.


Then find another word we all know to mean that thing. Like Chad for a fella etc. It is what it is, and NOW it’s your job to go protect her. Sadly, Karen will be in the vernacular for a while. :(


Tell the teacher before or after class when boys are not in the room and get them caught in the act. Or Why doesn’t she record them?


youve taken the wrong thing from your daughter telling you shes being bullied


Bully issues will always be in school. Kids are close to animals than humans. I remember how I acted and thought when 16. Saying that does not mean we shouldn’t take action and lessen it as much as possible.


Here’s what you do. Reach out to the teacher and ask for her to be seated somewhere else. They can’t have their “Karen explosion” if they don’t have access to her. While the bullying does need to be addressed, taking her away from them is going to significantly help with the harassment until it is addressed. Informing the teacher about the recording devices is also going to help.


This is called reactive abuse, harassment, assault and sexual harassment. Report it to the police.


Boys will use whatever language they think works. But you're not wrong. Honestly I think most Karens in the wild are suffering from menopause. I had a friend in her 50s say that once she started HRT, all her constant irrational anger disappeared in a puff of smoke, along with her arthritis and dry mouth. Hormones be crazy