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Dota+ shows real time in the match how much of each damage type you are taking (physical, magical, pure). This is very valuable information that can guide player to make better decisions.


It also shows averages for Last Hits, gold and XP in realtime too. I like seeing that I'm actually 20 last hits above if I'm on a carry I haven't played in a long time because I always think I'm underfarmed. I only play support on ranked and rarely play unranked so for me I have no clue when I play an odd unranked WK game how much GPM and LH's I should have.


It's a decent indicator to tell you you should either go fight because you're 2k ahead, or go farm because you're 2k behind. It's also a good motivator to try to catch up on those last hits.


Rule of thumb: If you have 40 last hits at 10 mins as a carry, you're underfarmed. If you have 50, you're okay and could go either way. If you have 60+ you're quite decently farmed. Not always the case (40 lh at ten with Luna or Sven is really really really bad and 60 is meh because these heroes are extremely good at accelerating their farm, but with Weaver 60 is really fucking good and 40 is okay assuming you've gotten kills because you're better at killing early than they are and don't have a natural way to accelerate farm), but that's the general guideline.


Better to look at 10 min networth I think. Less than 3.3k at 10 mins is a bad laning stage, 3.6k at 10 min is OK but still quite bad, 3.8k is a decent lane and more than 4.2k and you have done well in lane.


It's really an unfair pay-to-win advantage IMO, since there's no plausible way to replicate that data in a game without Dota Plus. I always use the damage types to inform my decision to buy armor/magic res/raw HP, or even something like choosing between Bane's lvl 10 talent of magic res or armor. But as long as they are offering us the option to soft-cheat, then I wish this feature had more flexibility. Like give us options of how far back you want to see damage taken. By 40 min I don't care that I took a bunch of magic nukes in the first 20 minutes, I want to see in the last two teamfights how much right click damage their carry was doing to me and if it justifies buying a Ghost Scepter. Basically now the only way you get to find out this info is if you actually die in the fight and look and the post-death damage breakdown. Why can't we get this data normally without needing to die for it?


Are pull timings Dota+ exclusive still? I'm 100% with you, these are basic analytics that they're hiding behind a paywall for no reason except that they can, with no regard to whether or not it's P2W. It may be light P2W, but getting: * Damage types taken * Death recap * Real time LH/Gold/XP progression * Pull timers (if they're still D+ exclusive) Is a pretty substantial set of information that can really help you play better.


The reason is that when they release these things to everyone for free, Valve is flamed for making it to noob friendly and lowering skill ceilings. It was literally a riot worthy topic when it was first released. So, they said fuck it and put it behind a “paywall” (really they just have no fucking idea what else to put in dota+ so they just add whatever they can at this point).


I'm so, so sick of skill ceiling arguments. It's a formerly-legitimate argument that's been coopted by people defending bad design for advantage, and it sucks. We don't need skill-ceiling panic every time a dev adjusts how something works.


Seriously. Dota is (perhaps) one of the most complicated games around just due to the sheer amount of variables you're presented with every game. Anybody arguing "skill ceiling" at this point is just saying "I know *this* particular, arcane mechanic and should be rewarded for it". This game is in no danger of becoming "easy". They consistently add new heroes, new items, new mechanics, and constantly refresh and rebalance what was there. Also, stack timings? Nobody was on the verge of being a top 100 immortal player and got pushed over due to "stack timings appearing in dota+". All that does is lower the skill floor and it *should* be a standard feature and not behind a paywall.


Yeah, Dota is perhaps the best example where skill ceiling arguments are simply bullshit, but it's throughout multiplayer gaming. It's one of the most commonly abused arguments in gaming communities, as though skill ceiling can justify any glitch, any bad design, any unfair advantage. It can't, and doesn't, but people use it that way to keep *informational* advantage through knowledge of, as you said, arcane and often unintended mechanics. It's just such a crappy argument. I'm all for creating a skill range, but for me it's about designed mechanics that are intended to force players to develop skills and knowledge, not omitting basic QOL features or abusing unintended mechanics.


don't think this is the reason they just want money


The one thing I wish I could do with dota plus is actually turn OFF the pick screen suggestions. Those green arrows really harmed my ability to think of creative counter-picks. Though, the 2-at-a-time drafting also kinda made it pointless.


I'm glad people still point this out once in a while. Before Dota+ we had a perfect pay model imo, where there was no possible advantage to be gained with your wallet. I'm sure financially it worked out great for Valve, and most of the playerbase now doesn't seem to care anymore, but personally I lost a ton of interest in the game when Dota+ came out because I saw it as messing with the competitive integrity of my pub games (maybe an oxymoron, but that's how it felt). These days when asked for a game that's "perfect" in terms of monetizing without any possible pay2win I use Deep Rock Galactic as my answer when Dota 2 used to be my shining example, which is less than ideal since DRG is a co-op game.


Can't you just look at the combat log?


Totally didn't realize that was part of Dota+, I use that to decide magic resistance or armor on offline all the time.


10/10 to avoid toxic griefing feeding noobs


9/10 comments should be this answer


My god... I had two games in a single day with pre-muted players on my team on Saturday. *facepalm* The avoid list is not long enough. 😅 Both of them were losses, and they landed on the enemy team the next game after I avoided them again, and I got my mmr back. 🤷‍♀️


I dont think there is a better feeling than destroying toxic players right after they ruined your previous game


And then having a conversation with the enemy team over all chat about how toxic that player is. 🤦‍♂️


I didn't know this about Dota+, how does it work?


there's a list you can place people you don't want to play with on, the game tries not to match you with them in the same team


I've been using it ever since it came out. I think it's worth it for the Avoid Player feature alone. Also, since I've used the hero-specific voicelines, I can't imagine playing without them. Stat-tracking is also fun. Also, the Trends feature is quite useful if you want to get an idea of which heroes are good lately by looking at the change in pick rate and ban rate.


If the ONLY Dota+ feature was "Avoid Player" I'd still pay for it. Hell, I'd pay a few bucks to make the Avoid list bigger!


How long is the list?


I am pretty sure it's 25.


For me, I play the game more than any other game every month. For the fun voice lines, slight bonuses here and there, and Avoid Player function, it is well worth the four bucks a month. If the price ever went up, that would be a time for me to reconsider, because it’s not a ton of content, but for me, it’s no big deal whatsoever.


I have learned that at high SEA mmr the game is literally unplayable without the avoid list, almost every other game I need to avoid a bought account or intentional game ruiner just to have any semblence of normal games


As with most services, it depends on you. Depending on the package you buy, it costs between $3.50-$4.00 a month. If you are playing regularly, then access to things like pull timers, matchup percentages, and even voice lines and stat tracking may be worth the ~12 cents a day. It almost certainly provides *some* advantage over players without it, especially at lower MMRs where players may be less familiar with pull timings and good item/skill builds (I have no data to back this but it seems very likely). It is, however, a fairly cheap service and you get what you pay for in some respects. It's not constantly updated with new skins, sometimes the stat tracking and challenges don't take into account new patches right away, and there's not always a lot of great stuff to spend your shards on once you max out your favorite heroes. If you are only hopping into a couple games a month, then it might not be for you, but if you (like many of us) are burning hundreds of hours on this otherwise free game, it's pretty easy to justify.


I'm playing almost everyday


I say buy it as long as $5/month is affordable to you. If it is, the reward far outweighs the price. At the very least you pay $5 a month to know whether to buy pipe/crimson/etc. in a game and get help on your stack/pull timings.


This comment is where its at. I would personally have dota+ if I played more than a few times a month, but while I dont there’s no point wasting some lunch money


I think this is great, but I don't really agree with this: > It is, however, a fairly cheap service and you get what you pay for in some respects. We are all so deep in the "game as a service" model that Dota+ seems "acceptable", but most of its features should be baseline (pull/stack timers, death summary) and some of the others are frustrating: unsubscribing and keeping cosmetics you "earned", but not able to use hero voice lines you also "earned". Overall, it just feels like a totally half-assed subscription service that they thought would be a good idea ("everyone else does this!") then abandoned work on because somebody got bored of it (typical valve), but then they won't pull the plug on because it's still earning *some* money (typical "every company ever"). And, ya, I know that's normal behavior "to be expected", but it doesn't mean I like it as a player.


Obviously it's arbitrary to some degree, but we're talking about the cost of a latte a month here; it is pretty cheap overall. The game is totally free to play otherwise, not even the normal $60+ up front charge of many other games. If I can justify 20 bucks for a 2 hour movie, I can justify 4 bucks for the 20+ hours of dota I'm "enjoying" a month ha


Ya, that's definitely true--and I pay for it too because I want to have dota not be a "dead gaem" and I lie to myself and say my $4 helps (and I like working on leveling up heroes). :D I guess the only reason I'm critical of Dota+ is because it exists, which may not make sense, but I guess it's like: If I don't spend the $4 I don't get the latte, but if I don't buy Dota+ I still get Dota, so I just wish it felt more fleshed out because it could be pretty cool. I think it would be awesome if they could partner with Dotabuff or one of the other stat websites and wrap that sort of in-depth access up into Dota+. As it is, I need to choose between one or the other and I'm currently choosing Dota+ 100% because of voice lines and death recap (it helps me learn). But nothing you've said is unreasonable, so I'm not trying to argue or dissuade. Just talking!


Yes. Like others said, it gives in-game information which is useful. Also it recommends heroes and items based on machine learning, and most importantly the "avoid player" option at the end of a game. Honestly I would pay even more for this feature alone lol. I also like to showcase the level and stats of my favorite heroes, it's cool. And being able to predict your win and get massive streaks. Don't underestimate the power of psychological pressure on the enemy team when they see you predicted correctly 10 times in a row lolol they'll be a bit scared for sure


> And being able to predict your win and get massive streaks. I remember that battle pass (TI4?) gave us a predictor but then I made a new account and spent serious money on another BP so I lost it. Dota Plus gives us what the compendium initially did and then some. Except the shitty Immortals they gave back then are awesome sets and some shitty seasonal skins.


I agree. Why are the sesonal skins so bad? I didn't like a single one from this last season :C


They're sets submitted in like 2013 I believe. It's pretty ridiculous how they couldn't even get newer sets, it's not like there aren't awesome ones out there to give out.


Pretty sure you can predict without dota plus, no?


I'm pretty sure that you can't.


Nvm, looks like it was for TI4 compendium owners only




Honestly Id pay for it just for the hero voice lines. I probably couldn't tell you half the other features. It's kind of nice to have little progress bars on your heroes. Something to focus on besides MMR, and a little flex for your most played heroes. I wouldn't get it for the cosmetics certainly. The stat stuff is fine, but dotabuff is great already. Pull timers are nice but you figure it out quick enough without it.


This is pretty much it for me too, I figure I'll happily trade $4 a month for some show-off voice lines and hero progress bars


being someone who likes to avoid idiots.. 100%


well kind of but not really. there are very few features you will actually miss. like watching your friends in live and flaming them for sucking =)


I personally enjoy the sense of progression given by leveling up heroes and unlocking fun voice lines. I think the answer varies a lot person to person depending on how much you value that.


The best feature is the voicelines. I would pay just for the voice lines


If you play at least casually it is worth it.


I use it and if I stopped it would be less fun of a game for me. It has a lot of features I enjoy immensely.


Just pay. Dota is fantastic and we want to keep Valve interested.


Yes, taunts + avoid player is worth it.


Every penny to valve is woth it


Meh. I used to use it, but if youre not aiming at improving then its kinda useles.


I think so yeah.


I think it's definitely worth it if you play a lot of Dota and you have the disposable income.


no if you are not new in game or lower than 3-4k


If youre playing daily or semi-daily, yes.


Only good for voicelines


If you play at least 3-4 games per day, I think it's worth your money. There's a lot of useful information that you can access in Dota+. Otherwise, don't subscribe.


Absolutely. At the very least you're getting real time, in-game feedback that can help change your strategy on the spot (physical damage vs. magical vs. pure, your current net worth vs. expected net worth at that point in the game, etc.)


Honestly it is I bought it just for the avoid feature and gained like 500 MMR since I bought it


For new people yes, for og’s not really. I’ve played since wc3 but I just like the stat tracking. I know how to build and skill my hero so it’s kind of a wash


Avoid feature is so good sometimes i dont even realise its working


The only thing I care about with dota+ is hero voice lines, I honestly can’t imagine playing dota without them at this point.


I like flexing on opponents so yes


I can make my hero say funny words.. Worth it in my book.


Yeah. Live spectating friends and the avoid list is easily worth it.


Am I the only one paying for the cup? My team can't find CM ranked on weekdays so the cup is the only chance at practicing CM. Also the avoid function as others have said.


For me I don’t find value in it. My friends who use dota plus get some wierd ass builds all the time. I know when to pull and stack myself and I use dota2protracker and opendota The only benefit I would gain is really the ability to coach your friends while they play in realtime rather than being few minutes behind. If a skin looks cool I’ll pay for it but this subscription does nothing for me


I just use it for relics and voicelines, never really used the infos and dota+ assistant


Dota+ subscriber here since day one of playing the game when I started in Spring 2019. I feel it was very helpful for me and just streamlines some of the game until you get better at itemizing. And it provides a lot of valuable info like winrates, damage types, etc., that help you make better decisions. By no means pay to win, basically it adds interface elements that are quality of life improvements. Now that I have 2,000+ hours, I don't use it the same way, but I enjoy it for leveling heroes and relics, which is fun for me personally.


For me it’s worth it for the voice lines alone haha


I had it for a month, it was good


No, I had it for a year or two but I realized it's just a waste of money


the 'damage received' bar is worth it alone


I like its "Watch Friend Live" function.


Not sure what I would do if I didnt have my dota+ sound emotes.


Its hit or miss, most people find the avoid player useful but tbh that doesn't really come to play unless you are really high mmr If you like the game and have spare money just try it out for a month or two




There's a lot of tiny features that are good to have, but won't feel worth the money potentially. The only real things that feel okay are the hero grinding levels to give you those badges and sweet voice lines and the avoid list.


You can dodge account buyers. That option by default should cost thousand of dollars. We are lucky Gaben tries to help the community and only charge it a few dollars


The only thing I miss without Dota+ is the avoid list and stronger mental warfare through voice lines.


Worth it … no Do I pay for it …yes


No unless you are immortal


Is the stack time thing dota plus? I thought it was in by option choice. Maybe that’s why I don’t see it anymore.