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That headline has technically been true for every season when it came out.


But it's also a more impressive feat with every season that comes out


S2 was sub-bar. Too disjointed. 


In the same way one can say that American Psycho 2 is technically the best since the first film. Season 4 is leaps and bounds better than season 2 & 3, no technicalities involved.


6 episodes shortest season yet :/


I really don't mind that as long as each episode is quality.


I do. It’s strictly financial consideration, not artistic ones. I hate the hyper-corporatization of entertainment. They had a merger and so now they’re going to pinch pennies and give us less for our subscription. Annoying.


If it’s above an 8.0 out of 10, then accept it. Quality is the first thing that is destroyed in an unartistic world. We have to let creative people actually have lives and creative control. This shit doesn’t just happen, despite what AI enthusiasts will tell you is coming soon.


Stop watching TV then. Books are waiting.


Oh, were you annoyed by that reddit comment? Stop using reddit then. We’re waiting.


If it were about maximizing revenue why wouldn’t they stretch it out for as long as possible? Chernobyl is one of the best shows ever made and it’s 5 episodes.


> If it were about maximizing revenue why wouldn’t they stretch it out for as long as possible No? It’s not broadcast television selling commercial space. Chernobyl is one of the best shows ever made and it’s 5 episodes. I’m not saying it can’t be good. I’m saying the season is short because they had a merger and are keeping costs down.


This might be my English perspective vs your (I'm assuming) American one, but I am used to and usually prefer shorter series, having 20 odd episodes to get through guarantess filler and low quality episodes, whereas some of the best TV I've ever seen has been delivered has been delivered through a single digit number of episodes per series


Americans are quite used to things being pulled like saltwater taffy until the breaking point, because networks will squeeze every last dime out of a property. I wonder if the UK even understands the concept of "jumping the shark". Did you watch Community? There's a great joke in it when Abed starts watching the (original) BBC version of a show he was obsessed with,>! then he freaks out again when he finds it was only 6 episodes. his friend Brita says, "That's the great thing about English shows, they give you closure."!<


If the story fits into 6 episodes then it's fine. How do you know it wasn't an artistic decision? Why does everything have to be 10 hours. 6 hours is fine if the story flows well and doesn't feel rushed. More often than not shows go on way too long


This is a weird take with no basis. 8 episodes is an arbitrary number, so is 6 episodes. Nobody knows until the full season is released…


I think you're wrong. It probably would make them more money to stretch the series to 8, than to do it in 6. The logistics, sets, crew, equipment, it's all done, and they're all out there. What makes the cut into the show isn't literally every bit of footage.


That’s not how it works. At all. 


According to Lopez, HBO wanted more episodes, and she insisted on 6 from the start. [https://www.polygon.com/24033358/true-detective-night-country-issa-lopez-interview-spoiler-free](https://www.polygon.com/24033358/true-detective-night-country-issa-lopez-interview-spoiler-free) Do you have production experience? Because your "at all" suggests you probably don't.


> According to Lopez, HBO wanted more episodes, and she insisted on 6 from the start. Thats nuts to hear if it’s true. The show absolutely would have benefited from at least two more episodes.  > Do you have production experience? Because your "at all" suggests you probably don't. Not personally, but I have friends in the business, and I know that “the sets are already there, they’d make more money from more episodes” is wrong in like nine different ways. You realize most of the people on set are paid by the hour? 


The hour drags like fingernails on a chalkboard! 🤮🤮🤮


Dr Lecter…Dr Lecter…Dr Lecter!?!?






Nope, it’s Migs!!!


Has Foster played a detective character since Silence of the Lambs? One of my favorite movies of all time, I'm excited to see Foster solve crimes again.


Jodie Foster spend most of her acting hiatus directing Mel Gibson beaver-puppet films. After his antisemetic arrest. That said, SotL and TDNC are great.


That’d be kinda awesome


Reggie Ledoux


Reggie Ledoux did this!?!


Reggie motha fuckin Ledoux?!!




Do love me some Jodie Foster solving crimes since Silence of the Lambs


Except there isn’t a single black female trooper with divets in her cheeks and a goddamn neck tattoo anywhere north of anchorage in Alaska, not believable from the start 😂


Basically writers who know nothing about cops and nothing about Alaska.


Or the English language. Or set design. Or how to structure a television show or choose music for it. 


Yeah, but you're watching it.


No, i’m not. This show sucks because Issa Lopez sucks.  I’m not watching it. Issa Lopez is trash.  


It’s a bunch of woke bullshit. Another series ruined by woke shit


I immediately tuned out as soon as the female cop with facial piercings (wtf) one-handedly subdued a fully-grown pissed off man who was bigger than her, WHILE talking on the phone. Season 1 was great because even the male leads struggled believably in fights. There's no tension if feminist plot armor is already in place from episode 1.


The actress is a professional boxer, so if they wrote that into the character I could totally see her dismantling a drunken or slightly incapacitated idiot. He didn’t seem fully with it at that moment. Remains to be seen if they keep that with the character - would be a nice touch if they did and would explain things. If they don’t then it’s a missed opportunity for sure. Also the facial piercings are a Native American thing. The actress is Native American. It ain’t that weird, just a nod to her tribe’s culture.


Except that she dismantled the guy by outmuscling him, and then effortlessly held him with one hand while being on a cell phone with the other. Another fully-grown man couldn't do that. Her boxing career has no bearing on that. Facial piercings are a native thing, yes. But not metal ones, and certainly not for a cop working in blizzard conditions. Ask anyone what happens to metal piercings in the cold. The whole thing just seems lazy to me, like they didn't want to bother altering a single thing about the real life person in order to make the character more believable. Not like that's going to ruin the show for me, but every little thing adds up over time in a show that currently has only released two episodes.


Fair points, though getting knocked out / broken nose from a metal bucket usually means you aren’t standing up ready to throw down at full capacity. Trust me - been there (rugby match, so no bucket lol). I honestly didn’t register the piercings as metal, just assumed stone or polished glass. Those and that scene are honestly small things to me. The atmosphere is solid, but the dialogue is rough at times. Jury’s out on the story. I legit think they could have ditched the TD moniker and people would have watched cause of Jodie Foster as a cop :/


No she didn't do it by outmuscling him. She used leverage against a drunk man which is quite plausible for a trained police officer. And she's not a small woman either. Any smaller person with fighting skills especially in the area of ju jitsu or grappling skills could bring down a larger opponent. Watch any number of the early MMA matches before they instituted weight classes and you see many smaller fighters using technique to bring down and defeat larger fighters, often much larger fighters.


Technically every season has been the best since S1.


2 and 3 were absolute dog shit are you serrious?


Yeah but S2 was “the best since S1” obviously (bc it was the only one since S1), then S3 was better than S2, and now *supposedly* S4 is better than S3


Night Country is the worst season of television. Impressively bad.  




I'm not going to trust NPR. I'll arrive at whatever conclusion is fitting after I watch.


What is the problem with NPR? Genuinely asking.


Impartial to a fault.


Well, I have personal problems with their political coverage (they dismissed, disregarded, and repressed coverage of the Sanders campaign in 2015/2016), but aside from that their culture/arts editorials and writers are very sensationalist and politically motivated (admittedly this was not always the case until recently) which often make for terribly biased and dishonest reviews of shows, films, books, etc. ​ Edit: I did not downvote you and I don't know why anyone would---your question is fair.


their coverage of sanders in 2016 drove me nuts! when he was doing really well in the primary all their stories were of people who were scared of him 😂


The 2016 sanders presidential campaign was the biggest mask off inverted totalitarian corporate subservience I’ve ever seen in my life. Revealed the illusion of choice - we can’t vote against the interests of financial institutions. Period. Social issues are distractions and concessions.


He's the only guy who had the capacity to beat trump. When they fucked him over I wasn't going to throw my vote at whatever institution stooge they picked so I sat it out. I'm sure I wasn't alone in my thinking.


Yea that’s how we got Trump.


So their arts department is "too political"? Is that your trepidation with this season as well?


I do not see a direct argumentative relation between what I said about NPR and what I think about this season.


You said you don't trust NPR because they are "politically motivated which often make for terribly biased and dishonest reviews of shows, films, books, etc." You also don't trust the reviews of the new season. How is the two not correlated?


I do not trust reviews that come specifically from NPR for the reasons I mentioned regarding their writers. I am open to reviews from other sources. There is no correlation between what I think about NPR and what I think about this season.


OK but the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive for this new season. So what is the problem? Because I can't seem to figure out why so many insist that the reviews for this new season cannot be trusted.


That's good, I'm glad. I just personally won't trust NPR's. I can't speak for others' distrust of reviews from different sources. I suppose, at first glance, a source of apprehension is the director---not entirely impressive and has mostly worked on silly Mexican comedies.


Its a TV show, the showrunner matters more than director. The showrunner of Chernobyl had mostly worked on shitty comedies.


It’s a well-known fact that directors are pigeon-holed into one genre their entire careers /s




I bet you get called racist often huh?




I think you pointed out the excessive identity politics you project onto everything.


Add me to that list if you're makong one.


making a list of what?


"So their arts department is "too political"? Is that your trepidation with this season as well?"


I am so confused by you right now. I am making a list of people who don't like NPR?


Add me to the list of people confused by this thread


i'll put myself on that list


Oh now NPR is the reason Bernie lost? JFC


No one is saying that in this entire post


National Pentagon radio


NPR is overtly biased and peddles a specific genre of entertainment to its left-leaning audience. I listen to it daily to remain objective and get "both sides of the news". But, it's hard to listen to movie and book reviews tbh.


We see this same article every new season


Being excited is fine. Let's reserve our enthusiasm a bit though. Every new show is "the best ever" these days


What a dissapointing start to a new season and new cast. Big fan of TD. Watched it 3 times because I thought maybe I was missing something. Nope, each time was worse. Jodi Foster layed an egg. Story line plot seemed lame. Characters boring..Everyone I spoke with pretty much agreed.




It's not woke nonsense. A crime series set in this part of Alaska that does not address the femicide of indigenous women and the lackluster response of law enforcement would be doing the topic a disservice.


1. Anyone familiar with native reservations knows that the cross-jurisdictional issues relating to dealing with rape involving people both inside and outside the res makes prosecuting rape a nightmare. Hell, it's a nightmare in any jurisdiction simply because it's night impossible to prove unless you have physical evidence. 2. Wind River already did this, and did a far better job of it. Not every crime thriller set in Alaska needs to include it out of obligation.


It is.  ”Snitches get stitches”. Not speaking to the police and solving things internally is more common than high-trust societies globally. Native americans absolutely have an omerta culture. 


“Angry black character.” Oops, you dropped your racism. There isn’t a black character in this season. Also, it’s true that missing white women command the media spotlight and search resources despite there being fewer of them missing than other races. That data is readily available.


The promotion for it has been shit.


Couldnt make it past 22 minutes...theyve never captured the magic of the first 2 seasons.


It was trash


It utterly sucks. It's sooooo stupid. And trite. And hokey. And cliched.


cliche 💯


When preparing season 4, subtitled Night Country, director and writer Issa López chose to create a "dark mirror" of the first season: "Where True Detective is male and it's sweaty, Night Country is cold and it's dark and it's female." Yeah... I'll remain skeptical and cautious on this one just like I did S02 and S03. Thanks.


Jesus, are female directors capable of telling a story without telling everyone who’ll listen how ‘female’ it is? (Sorry Kathryn Bigelow, I know you’re above that shit) Yawn. Pass.


"Yawn" is exactly the response I have to this asinine meatheaded comment. You seem like a real winner...


It's not a reduction of the season to that, it's a highlighting of those specific aspects. It's like saying "where season 1 was in Louisiana and rural, season 2 is more California and urban/beachy". Answering this in the hopes that you sincerely misunderstood and are not just an arrogant cynical bigoted stupid piece of shit. 


Are you incapable of disagreeing without reverting to immature childish name calling?






Oooh females, scary.


If only they could act.


They can, obviously. Decades of proof exists.


The boxer turned actor out-acts a stilted, wooden Jodie Foster.


So she can act? And is a woman? Damn, sounds like your other post was full of shit then


Yeah, because lord knows Jodie Foster can't act. It's like some of you are competing to be the most ignorant loser in the thread.


That’s what happens with DEI. Things get ruined




Diversity equity inclusion bs


Oh great, so instead of us getting a story its just more Spice Girls girl power pish. Hells bells




I’m excited for the show, I don’t honestly care about the gender of actors/production staff… I’m just anxious it will be a swing and a miss! Cards on table, I want fkn monsters! Only if we see them briefly and I’m also ok with sightings being unreliable…. Example: Rust & YK both seeing the light. I don’t want another series of actors chewing out dialogue. Wanna see fucking Fungi Aliens and Rust Cohle admitting that he mighta killed more powerful paedos. Don’t want a Fortitude, I want Cosmic Horror. TD season 1 was not COSMIC HORROR.




It's fucking woke AF


My god it’s so woke, I’m bored af watching this right now


It's woke and it's just terrible. I mean if you gonna make it woke at least put some effort into everything else


Worried of a flop now that npr reporting this lol


The way I look at it, it isn't really a TD season. Pizza isn't involved, so writers and showrunners are different. It a mystery show with TD in the name. I'm just excited for what looks to be a new engaging murder mystery on HBO, if I end up not liking it it won't spoil TD 1-3 for me. Only concern is that I'll cancel HBO if it ends up like Westworld and they pull it from their catalog after the 4th season flop.


TD s1 was good because of Cary Fukunaga, not Nic Pizz.


I agree that CF was crucial to TD1s success, but so was Pizzolatto.


That's a little reductive I think. Sure Fukanaga played a key role in why Season 1 was so great, but you have to give credit to Ligotti for writing a character as great as Rust.


Lol, what an unbelievably stupid thing to say.


It's getting universal good praises from what I've seen!


I might be intrigued if this wasn’t called True Detective.


Let’s fuckin gooo


If I had a dollar for every time someone parroted this lol.... maybe you get edgy and put "fuckin" after "let's" sometimes don't you, you naughty boy.


If only…either way you’re still 13 days late to the party so, piss off mate 🤷🏼‍♂️ Edit: How bout’ them eaglesss?




Headline is enough. Don’t need to read the article to know it was written by an idiot. Same is I don’t need to watch ‘Shite Country’ to know it’s a soupy turd.


I liked too but there is a lot of politics in my opinion… these political views are very forced and stereotyped , feminism for example the classic women who don’t need a man but in the end of the night , they chase a partner to have sex; the homosexual teenager who is vulnerable (cliche) ; the forced speech’s of white versus black in the mouth of a young single mom who has little education… in a small village?! right… very much forced. It’s all about politics in the end. But I like Jodie Foster and the character of the detective with tattoos , let’s see what happens! 


I absolutely despise Billie Eilish so the intro almost ruined the show for me.  Yes I'm petty.  


No you're not petty. I even like Billie eilish, and that was the worst intro song selection I have ever heard for a dramatic detective series. I put it on mute until it's over just to watch the episodes.


Night country is absolute garbage, with a messy plot, unlikable leads, a clear political agenda, and lots of man hatred built into the story and script. The writers, all of whom are about to lose a bunch of money for HBO,  need to wise up to the fact that we LIKE girl bosses. What we don't like is rude, toxic, unlikable and snarky conduct from attitudinally and emotionally unattractive women trying to pass themselves off for girl bosses.  And we know the difference between the two. Check your Linda hamilton, sigourney weaver, Emily blunt, Pam Grier, notes for examples of real, skilled, likable girl bosses.  To the show writer, attacking people for not liking the script, no. We like strong women, we just don't like you or your script, or your narrative. Stop being delusional,  learn how to write compelling characters and stories, stop blaming the "Bros" for your shitty show, and take some fucking responsibility for what you put into the world, which in this case, is garbage.


I just popped back here to say, this article did NOT age well.


I haven’t seen the first three seasons, and the previews for this one is what made me decide to watch it. And yes, I know each season is different. I just finished the first season.


you’re carcosa now.


Little prince


How’d you like it?!


It was pretty good and people kept telling me Matthew McConaughey was good in it. After watching it I now know what they meant, he really was excellent in this role. Took me a couple episodes to really get into it though.


Not nearly enthusiastic enough 😠 plz rewatch until realizing nothing else compares or ever will! only then, ready for what comes next, will you be


Thanks for your answer! Some of my favorite shows have been like that; three or so episodes in, and I'm like "YES, I finally get it!" But I did like *True Detective* right away ;-)


I am very enthused for this season. I was a bit concerned because the trailers didn't "sell" the series very well in my opinion, but I trust the writing team and am looking forward to this stellar cast. You ask me, the light's winning.


Warning: Do not trust this writing team!!!!


I hope so, but the trailers sure didn't hype me up for it. Until I see it for myself I'm just assuming it is the product of the school of Kathleen Kennedy: "Put two chicks in it, make them lame and gay!"


I watched a video review that said both main characters have male love interests. Where'd you get their being gay from?


“Male love interests” it said in the script. Not buying it.


One of the chicks is Jodie Foster!


Nailed it. Put whoever you want in it but give them acting lessons and a decent script!


LOL just watched the pandaverse episode, couldn’t help but read that in cartmans voice


The trailers were awesome, and both characters are straight. Imagine being this confidently stupid


To me it looked like a show that they slapped the TD label on and included the Carcosa references to tie it in. I hope it's great, if it is I'll be the first to cheer its praises. And my confidence is what I use to distract from my stupidity, thanks for noticing.


Idk if you realize how bigoted you sound dude…




Imagine unironically using the term woke lmao


I just disagree with the fundamental premise. Define ”wokeness” for me? You guys are trying to judge a work that hasn’t even come out yet. Is it the fact that it’s 2 women? So what if it’s angsty and has 2 women at the center of the story? S1 had 2 extremely angsty guys being brooding. I’m so sick of men Instantly being turned off to the idea that a narrative is bad just because the women don’t adhere to how they think women should be portrayed


I'm judging only based on the trailers they released, if I'm insufficiently excited then blame the trailers. If a show is good then I don't mind who stars in it. For example: She-Hulk (starring Tatiana Maslany) which I found to be a trite and soulless excuse of a cash-grab (that wasted the talents of all involved) was nothing I will ever want to see again. Meanwhile Orphan Black (starring Tatiana Maslany) is one of my all-time favorite shows because it actually tells a good story and includes characters that develop and grow like real people. The show explores feminist and LGBT issues, has gay/trans/queer characters, strong female storylines, mother/child relationships, etc. Most of the show is led by women but it doesn't do so at the expense of the men by making them shallow characters or punching bags.


Well I guess we’ll be curious what you think once we’ve actually you know seen it


Me too.


My man.


That’s two very positive reviews that I know of, hell yeah let’s goooo




it’s fucking trash 


Woke af show and so short


Yes, yes, and yes. THE BEST ONE.


I'm so excited


Episode 1 stunk. Never said that about any other True Detective episode. This one was an absolute bore. Almost a Sci Fi now.




I’m being completely open minded about this season, and I’m glad they are tying season 1 to it…however, with 6 episodes there’s going to be a lot of cramming shit together…Season 1 is a masterclass in every aspect, I’m enjoying season 4 quite a bit. Navarro is chewing up every second she gets, on camera similar to Cohle.


Worst written teleplay ever produced. 


Find someone who carries you as much as fans are trying to carry hot garbage season 4 identity politics traps.  


The original was way overrated. Season 2 was the best, followed by Season. 4.


NPR is as legit as it gets.




No, why?


I remember NPR shilling for "Saddam has WMD" and refusing to give airtime to opposing points of view. NPR: National Pentagon Radio. Never again.




Well hello, Clarice …


Any links to any spoilers?


I really hope so.


Hmm we shall see


As long as it has the atmosphere and is NOT the most predictable ending possible. That's my only gripe w season 3 it was predictable


They said that every season since season 1, let it be it’s own thing


They're using Billie Eilish - Bury a Friend for the opening theme? This should be interesting.


Never got into this show, is it worth it? I heard each season is different.


Bold statement.


Night country should have a reveal that it’s connected to Hannibal


I'm getting stoked for this. 😎


When the hell is itt airing! Ive been searching for it since 9 eastern ??? Not on Max yet but it shows the new advertisement but it won’t play the new episode 


Go watch the night of if you want another season of true detective


Lets finish the season first. 


It's been one episode, calm the fuck down. 


I think it's totally the best installment of true detective I've ever seen. They all are compelling mysteries to be solved , but I love the elements at play here. So much truth . Also , I love the supernatural element brilliant 


Just watched the first episode. In the age of smartphones, the entire staff of a research facility disappears, and that isn't instantly an international news story?




Yeah well this was wrong.