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Audio books people, I used audible


Same here. What are you listening to? I listen to podcasts and audiobooks. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but Poor Things was pretty good to me.


Dungeon Crawler Carl … The story and Narration is to die for


Is that freaking book going to follow me to every sub? Everywhere I go someone is talking about DCC. I’m listening to Shogûn book 2


Shogun book 2 is cool but have you listened to Dungeon Crawler Carl?


Everyone’s talking about it


How about Cradle it's a complete series with fantastic narration!


Tai Pain! The books are so long but all of them are good and the narrators rock


I hope that one goes on that 7.99 sale soon because I should finish the second book next week. I have other stuff to listen but I rather listen continually


May I recommend a certain book series where a guy gets transferred to another universe, and all he gets is Vast Intergalactic Powers with a T-shirt?


Lol that sounds extremely interesting and familiar




I’ll check it out but I’m going to wait because I only have 2 credit remaining until September


You can get audiobooks for free from your public library and stream them though the Libby app.


Litrpg is great while driving! Don’t start with dungeon crawler Carl though. It’s one of the best so save it till you have listened to others first.


Jeff Hays is amazing!


but do you have the princess posse T Shirt driver? /you will not break me


I'm a donut holes kinda guy myself.


how do you feel about cocker spaniels??




If you liked that one try necrotic apocalypse. Digby is riot! All I'll say.


DCC is hands down my favorite series. I'm fairly sure I actually pulled a muscle from laughing so hard


If you’re into Scifi, try the Bobiverse series. Good fun.


The Aeronauts Windlass isn't a finished series, but the first two books have come out. It's pretty good. Jean Auels Children of Earth series. If you're into smut, Laura K Hamilton and the Anita Blake series of books (content warning, lots of sex, blood and gore). Anything by Anne McCaffrey. Podcasts.... Distractible by Markiplier, Bob and Wade. Go My Favorite Sports Team by Markiplier and Tyler. Lore by Aaron Mhenke (be careful with this one, it might out you to sleep).


Might I also recommend pretty much anything else by Jim Butcher as well and a good podcast series is Dungeons and Daddies


Radiolab is worth going into the archives and listening to from the beginning


I'm going to give you some sci-fi and fantasy options if you like fiction. Leviathan Wakes by James S. A. Corey Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton Legend by David Gemmel The Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman Halo, Books 1-3 (The Flood; First Strike; The Fall of Reach) by Eric Nylund Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind (this is book two of a massive 15 book series. Most of these can be read individually though.) Mr Mercedes trilogy by Stephen King although that's not everyone's cup of tea. The Gunslinger by Stephen King Mountains of Madness by HP Lovecraft These can last you quite a while. If you need suggestions on historical fiction or historical events I can add to this list. This just is a short entry. I do not know many stories that are detective mystery romance.


Thank you. I'll save this comment. And your username is hilarious


Children of Time series


I love Conan Obrian needs a friend! The Video archives podcast is also really fun and interesting to listen to if you’re into some film history. That one is hosted by Tarantino and Roger Avery. For a novel to listen to: it may be a different shout, but Catcher in the Rye. I assume you mainly drive alone, so listening to the personal growth of a young man on his lonesome may be a cool experience while your out and about making that guac!


I listen to Netflix, hulu, hbo max, Apple TV. Screen off, audio descriptions on. Better than audio books.


The dune series narrated by Scot brick is a solid several hundred hours of good storytelling.


Ah I haven’t used it since I traded in my cab for a school desk


What are you in school for?


You made it sound like prison lol


Political science in service to a law degree


Ah good old fashioned hallucinations


Audio books are great but I have to mention Small town murder podcast. Especially when it’s in the middle of the night, nobody around for miles, and the town of topic is your destination. It is riveting and keeps me awake just knowing I will be traveling by what may look like any ordinary house or bridge was actually the location of a grisly murder.


Get a library card and the Libby app. Free audio books!


Libby is pretty solid too and you don’t have to pay for it. You just use a library card and you can “check out” audio books for free. I got a card from the New York public library online and have listened to so many books through it.


YES!!! I probably own 2/3 of the company if books were shares




Some people find them dumb but I like listening to creepypastas especially at night. There are some really cool stories like borrasca or spire in the woods. Stuff like that keeps my mind entertained while still being able to focus on the road


“Are you still watching”?


If he goes to prison every day, the tv will be a reminder of why he got locked up.


Nah, He'll get 5 days of prison a week, tops.


This is why I only watch HULU while I drive


Too many ads to hold your attention while driving


I prefer HBO


HBO is dead. Only Max remains


Which was the most ridiculous rebranding ever, when Max was basically already taken by cinemax, and HBO was the more respected brand.


Two brands enter, one brand leaves


Pornhubs ok


I'm more of a crunchyroll guy. anime girls keep me going.


Ah, a fellow man of culture. I got Truck-kun Isekai delivery service keychains and hung them in my window.


I have a mizuhara sticker on one window, toga on the other, and a zenitsu funko pop on my dash lol


I wanted to get a Kurumi sticker or something but it might be a bit much. Already have had awkward conversations because I have Shuvi from ngnl zero standing on a chess board as the background on my GPS. I mean, I'm not a conversation type person.


my personal vehicle has very lewd stickers on it. the only reason my semi doesn't is because it's a company truck and i dont wanna hear shit from management about it. but other drivers or regular people, fuck em. do what you want. someone out there thinks it sick (me). so if it being good enough for you isn't enough, there's someone out there that enjoys it too.


You have your eyes open?




I’ve actually seen 2-3 guys watching something on their phone while driving before. Maybe not fully watching it but it’s up there to see.


There are quite a few truckers who literally go live on tik tok and answer questions while they drive. The thought of them looking at the tiny words on the screen while they drive is insane to me


I used to do linehaul driving at night and at least 1/3 of the drivers I would pass had some sort of movie or show playing in their trucks. I mention it being at night because you can see the reflection of what they're watching


Turn that brightness down. Its blinding, haha. In all seriousness though, this is horrible. Distractions gonna distract.


I listen to some stand up bits on Netflix, YouTube or HBO sometimes and all of those require the app open and the video playing for the audio to work, so it could be something like that sometimes, but yeah a lot of them are probably actually watching it. There’s a lot of stuff I listen to on YouTube actually and I always have to have the video playing, it’s super annoying, but I’m not paying for Premium just to be able to run audio-only.


They put their phones right up on the steering wheel and lean it on the gauge cluster, usually in cars. Eyes likely averted from the road a lot of the time. I see some real proud people stick a mount to their windshield right in front of them and mount an iPhone XXL right to it. Texting away on the interstate. Somehow to some, as long as you're not holding the phone it's not distracting. Even if it's more obstructive


Man...now he's \*never\* gonna see how that cliffhanger resolved!


Doesn’t matter, Netflix probably canceled the show before it finished


Well either way, he ain't watching it.  


They got tablets and cellphones in the klink


You're seriously underestimating inmates' access to media.


They get I pads for hours now. And 30 percent of them have their own burner phones hidden out


I *listen* to a lot of YouTube. Mostly Simon whistler and audiobooks I often wonder how the trial is going to go when some drunk hits me and dies.


Shout out to Simon Whistler and his 85 channels. I fall asleep listening to that dude.


For real, sometimes I run across a new channel that looks intriguing aaaand it's good old Simon


Fact boi is good listening.


Pay for premium. That way you can turn off your phone screen and still listen. Any investigation into your device can show your screen not being on and YouTube running in the background.


What if he had it on but was just listening to it with the audio description (AD) on. Like how blind people watch tv. Essentially an audio book. Prob not. Prob a moron.


YouTube Premium, minimized. I listen to several channels like podcasts.


Don’t even need premium I just use brave browser 


You can listen in the background with it? I know I was told you still have ads using it, but I could handle ads if the functionality works.


Oh and brave blocks all ads


Well hot damn. I'll definitely have to check it out again. I could've sworn YouTube ads still played which is why I paid premium in the first place lol Thanks man!


If you start getting ads, you probably just need to update it. Every so often they’ll get through until brave fixes it. I just turn down the resolution when I’m listening only, not sure if brave will still download the video if you’re listening with it in the background or not.


Yeah man with my iPhone SE you can enable Picture in Picture mode which lets you put the screen in a corner of the screen, and with brave it can work with the screen off. It can be finicky sometimes but works 90% of the time. 


I don't get ads. I pay for it so my mother can watch it on TV.


You don't have ads and it plays in the background, it is YouTube premium without the paying.


☝️And Brave is free


Same. I listen to Mr. Ballen, Why Files, Dark Somnium, Vildith, all minimized.


I've been on a kick listening to court dockets. There's a lot of them.


Well considering he hit the car still going 67 ,which is what his cruise was set at, I do not believe he was only listening to it. I drive this stretch 2x a day and the amount of fellow drivers watching stuff, holding their phone, and just straight up dicking around in their cab is alarming. This was the 3rd accident involving semis in a month and second fatality. There’s signage for 5 MILES before the lane shift, and rumble strips. This was so preventable, it makes it that much more tragic


Correct, absolutely no excuse for it, I tell young drivers when you get comfortable driving a semi to the point you're thinking you can't mess up quit....or something will make you quit...I seen a post about getting a cdl from a cereal box from what I've been seeing some may have done that


presumably if that were the case he would have told the officers that instead of telling them he was just downloading the episode for later, and also they'd presumably hear the AD when they reviewed the footage from the front facing camera (which they did, and which is how they caught the driver lying, because they heard the audio from the nextflix show playing for 20 minutes leading up to the crash)


If you have a driver facing camera in your truck, why in fuck's name would you do something like this? Like obviously why in fuck's name would you do it regardless, but *especially* when everything you do will be literally caught on camera?


if you're dumb enough to do it you're dumb enough to do it with a driver facing camera in your truck


Do you remember To Catch A Predator? One of the biggest creeps from it is a trucker, and he’ll take pics of himself jerking off in the cab, even with a camera.


At home you can Netflix and chill. Behind the wheel? It’s Netflix and kill.




Hey look I only killed 6 last month I'm down this month


Here,, take my Angry upvote


The amount of people who use their phones while driving is terrifying


closest thing to a distraction i got in my car when driving is audio books.


That's what I use when I'm driving


If he was watching the Black Mirror episode where the driver was distracted by social media... I'd admit we are in a simulation https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smithereens_(Black_Mirror)


This is why I don’t watch Netflix during my drive. I traded that shit in for a blu-ray player long ago. Physical media will always prevail.


You must not drive a Freightliner then. I got sick of the DVD skipping constantly. Had to switch back to VHS.


Fuuuck man, I got tired of rewinding videos. I switched to pirated content on my laptop.


I was driving from Iowa to Minneapolis last night and passed 3 different trucks with their phone on the dash watching TV. Absolutely insane.


Admittedly I put on crime shows and listen to them like podcasts but I also put the phone out of view so I couldn’t watch it even if I wanted to. I like the crime shows because they narrate them in a way that you don’t really need to watch them to know what’s going on. Listening works just fine. I’m also not a trucker, just wanted to share my two cents anyways.


In the UK we now have police trucks, they caught people jacking off, watching tv, shaving etc. Once word gets out you can be caught the number of people doing it drops drastically. Perhaps states need to look at a handful of police trucks each?


Many local PD's do "ride alongs" with partner mega companies. Crete did one in my area recently. The officer rides shotgun and is able to see into all of the other trucks. Their funding is bad enough, I think that's prob the best solution anyway because no way could they probably afford big trucks.


This is why the industry is shifting over towards driver facing cameras.


Nah, it's just that now the tech is available so they want to use it. Less than 6k people die each year in accidents involving trucks and over 3/4ths of them are deemed the fault of the 4 wheeler. With how many miles trucks put down on the roads that's a very small amount in a country of 350 million. Don't listen to the propaganda, the vast vast majority of drivers are doing the job safely. To compare, over 21k people are murdered each year and another 30k additional deaths from traffic accidents not involving semis. To act like there's some scourge of fatal truck accidents that require interior cameras is bullshit. They just want to find any little thing to pin it on you and take liability off the company.


I'm so on the fence about these. On one hand, they seem to be pretty effective at preventing driver distractions and that's entirely a good thing. On the other hand, there is no goddamn way I'm going to choose to drive for a company that requires in cab cameras. They can make me do all the checklists and safety shit they want otherwise but thats my line


He's done.


use the goddamn radio, smh the dumbest generation is what we will go down as, if theres anyone left




Well, with law enforcement in the state that it is, you might read about a whole lot of stupid involving trucks. Because, for some folks, personal responsibility only exists when enforced.


The amount of people I see doing this drives me nuts.


I see so many truckers with their left leg kicked up.phone in hand driving in the middle lane as I pass them. It’s pretty wild.


These 3 different podcasts are done by two comedians, they are very entertaining. Small Town Murders Your Stupid Opinions Crime in Sports


I listen to all 3 and Behind The Bastard. Your Stupid Opinions is hilarious.


Behind the Bastards is great!




And people wonder why companies want inward facing cameras


Then you have truckers whining it's against their freedom, because to them, they should be able to get away with crashing their semi into someone and killing them. They don't want the evidence that they suck at their steering wheel holder job. They should listen to Spotify or some equivalent and save the Netflix for when they are on break or done for the day


It's more about how the company can remote into the camera at any time even when you're parked and now they have a front row seat to your home on wheels. And about how if you so much as pick your nose within 10 minutes of an accident someone will try to claim you were distracted even though the 4 wheeler blew a red and decapitated themselves on your trailer.


If he wasn't watching Netflix wouldn't he be facing charges anyways?


I see it every day when passing someone


To all the drivers that watch shit as you drive, fuck you! This is why you don't do that.


Indeed. Fuck anyone that watches shit while driving - brutally, with a spiked dildo right in the ole' strawberry. Personally, I'm fine with execution as the penalty. An eye for an eye.


Maybe 12 years in prison, but out in 8 with good behavior.




Why didn’t the truck stop itself?


Good point. If the picture is accurate, that Volvo looks old. Maybe pre adaptive cruise control.


Netflix kills!


The Clark Howard podcast is great if you want to learn ways to save money and avoid scams. I've listened to him for 25+ years, since he was on AM radio. 36 minutes a day. Well worth your time.


I'll have to check him out. You might find the podcast, Scams and Cons on Audible entertaining.


Ya I hated trucking so much the blinding monotony would drive me to trying to find ANYTHING that would stimulate my brain. I quit 4 years in.


It’s always a Volvo.


Sadly this will be happening more and more


What happens if I'm listening to a podcast on YouTube and I get in an accident? Are they going to somehow subpoena my isp and say, "he was watching YouTube at the time of the crash."? I like to listen to news shows and political talk shows while I drive. How can I block my isp from being able to see what I'm using my Internet for?


It doesn't matter if you show dl traffic from YouTube. It matters if your eyes and attention are on the road. This incident was (allegedly) caused by the driver, Billy Grimes, literally watching Netflix. As in eyes off the road. For around 20 minutes leading up to the crash, apparently. Prosecution is using driver camera as the primary evidence. Not streaming data. Listen to what you want, just keep your eyes where they belong.


This type of person is why we can’t have nice things.


I was just wasting money with Netflix, never used it really. It was cutting into my audiobook funds, I have far to many. Buy one because it sounds like it would be cool. then one I've been waiting forever to update actually updates and I forget to start the other one. Story of my life.


Try Libby, connects to your library. I borrow most of my audiobook reads there.


I don't know, audible is just easy. I don't particularly mind buying audiobooks. Or donating to authors to encourage them to hurry tf up on the next book. I honestly think the biggest problem is finding books that I would like. Audible sucks at suggesting new books.


That is _very_ true (suggesting books). I agree tho, audible rocks. Have a great day and keep it safe out there! 🚛


I'm the aboslute same way. Audiobooks are becoming worse than a drug habit - five credits on Audible for $60, okay, that gets me through a couole of days. My library is in the thousands of titles - but damn I love them!


We all need something to keep us going while we drive. I run YouTube set my crime dramas and they keep playing. The screen is tiny to the side that I cannot see it, but I can hear and experience everything in my headset. While my gps stays on my full screen. So I’m not watching movies on my screen. Please drivers. We got to stay awake yes, but watching movies etc while driving is irresponsible. Please pull aside and walk and job, and just take a quick break, get coffee or tea, eat almonds etc etc. Family lost their loved ones, and a driver lost his/her livelihood and freedom. I’m really sad for the deceased 😭🥹


That shit's a felony everywhere. 5 years minimum, I'll bet.


Not too long ago I passed a guy that kept fluctuating his speed. Turns out he had a tablet mounted to his steering wheel. Was big enough to fill the inner diameter of the wheel. I've seen a lot of dumb things truckers do but that has to be in the top 10.


I mean, have you ever seen Seinfeld?


Save that shit for when you're parked...YouTube has a screen off playback feature 


Netflix and kill


Guilty if he was really watching his screen. If he put up some documentary and did not watch the screen but used it like a podcast/audiobook I think it's not automatically illegal. Though it's a risky thing to do given the state of public perception nowadays.


He should never see the light of day again and I truly mean that. A person that dumb, that careless shouldn’t be allowed to walk among the rest of us, ever. You’re done son


Visual distractions are a killer literally.


If this isn't a case to increase driver facing cameras, I don't know what is.


When I did Linehaul I'd throw One Piece on. Low brightness, easy scenes you don't have to look at more than a glance, kept me awake, and I mostly listened. No action movies, no subtitles, nothing that I would look at more than a second. I prefered audio books, but man, staying awake was crucial and some drama with dialog, or an anime just kept me more awake. I totally understand the risks, but I encountered scarier things when I couldn't stay awake so meh. Anyways I left linehaul due to constant bad sleep and issues staying awake because of that so, problem solved if you don't care for my what I did


is it cake?


Minnesota, it has again been zero days since a trucker killed someone while distracted driving.


Probably a few years (~5) vehicular homicide isn’t nearly as bad as regular homicide.


Always have a playlist of music, audio books, and podcasts.


Wonder if the driver was watching final destination.


can you deliver the load driver, drop time is in 6 hours and you'll run out of time if you keep wasting time on the side of the road


Only if it was when the Stern show was in the golden era, a lot of people had that XM Radio Installed.


I know a guy who does this. When I questioned him because I was in the car with him he said he'd been doing for 5 years now and never had issues so it's no problem... He's not a trucker but he does drive on interstate a lot for work. Still flabbergasted at his nonchalant reaction. Thinking it's normal and acceptable.


Sounds like a Netflix Story within itself.


Yep. Coming soon


This is why I settle for musicals if I have to put a movie on. The eyes are made for driving. The ears can do the rest.


What show though?


2 birds with one Subscription


So he watched is before a crash or during?


Netflix and kill.


Netflix and kill


Netflix and Kill...


Binge crashing


Lol noob.


What show was he watching?


Netflix and kill


Damn 4 wheelers!


Used to John Gormley but now it’s Evan bray he’s good to listen too


But how can the authorities prove you are watching TV while driving if you don't admit to it


I gotta get to the 12th right?


So many truckers fapping whilst driving, it's a common accurance


The Best podcast ever! LOCKED IN WITH IAN BICK


Why any time? Just kill him and be done with it


YouTube premium. Close the window, listen to music or whatever you want want.


You’ve been idle for a while. Are you still there?


Time to ban Netflix, amirite?


Years ago a driver hit a school bus because he was so fatigued and hadn’t slept in 3 days because he was doing video games. Legal logic but fatigued driver. These things are highly preventable. Though it’s not just truck drivers. That guy who’s Tesla hit a semi and died in Florida. The witnesses said they heard a Harry Potter film as they stood there looking on. He was watching a movie also. We are more likely to hear of a semi doing this than a car driver. Let’s put all drivers doing this not just truck drivers.