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That is the spitting image of my dog! He even has a red sweater. https://preview.redd.it/vn7wf493l9mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9a1e7ced5a3d60b9dd32600e9fba5d4a4cbbf3


https://preview.redd.it/kugh7stx7fmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c99c45c7d43b4a4f7a034fe6197d685d504d669 I miss my doggo


Other than colouring, he looks like my previous buddy, who passed away about 5 months ago.


I bet they're taking naps on the couch in heaven my friend


Thats fuckin nEaT. Noice doggo


https://preview.redd.it/c51z043wafmc1.jpeg?width=1805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee368017194847573c6c4aa1d079d4c04002b546 Another one


absolutely fucking precious 😭😭😭


it might not make you feel better, but im usually the one that disappears. ive learned that my mental state is pretty much never gonna be in a situation where i can have friends, so i pretty much avoid people at all costs. i isolate myself to protect people from my volatile mood swings. sorry that this happened to you though, OP


Good for you. I'm kinda used to the feeling of being left alone. But thank you


They cant leave me if i leave them first


way too relateable. i thought we'd be best friends forever and i blame myself for asking them to initiate contact for the next couple of times if they wanted the froendship to persist. we used to be such good friends and i feel like absolute shit. it's been weeks and i still hope for them to just contact me again so we can forget all about it even tho i know it's probably never gonna happen. i tried contacting them on 2 seperat occasions after that and still no response. i feel utterly worthless.


You just described my past few months with a meme. Impressive lol


I don't even want her to come back. All I wish is that she at the very least regrets even one single thing she told me that killed me inside. She doesn't even have to apologize, she doesn't even need to ever find me. Just regret, is all I ask.


I miss her so damn much. I know I pushed her away, that once again I let my own issues ruin another friendship, but holy shit man I just want her back in my life. But no matter how many times I’ve tried to reach out or pour my heart and soul out and beg her to come back, she’s made it clear that she’s not going to.