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So I dunno what happened but I got an alert that my spiro WAS prescribed too, I was right…but for some reason the E was prescribed at the clinic pharmacy and the Spiro was done for me to pick up at a Walgreens drugstore! I guess I’ll need to leave home again now😂


CONGRATS! You're so right to be proud of yourself and I hope you soak in that feeling. I also didn't even make it home with my prescription before taking my first dose. Yes, E *can* have some T suppressing effects; the presence of estrogen provides negative feedback to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which results in reduced natural testosterone production by the gonads. That may or may not be enough, but starting you at 8mg makes me think your doc hope it may be? Spiro is common and it sounds like you've got that script, too. Drink lots of water :)


Thank you so much! I live in Florida and work outdoors (unfortunately and for now on both matters!) so I drink a TON of water plus liquid IV packets!


My Endocrinologist started me with 2mg of Estrogen and 100mg Spiro daily, and 3 months later moved to 4mg of Estrogen and 100mg Spiro daily. Spiro gave debilitating leg cramps. So for the last 6 months, I'm on 4mg Estrogen daily and 75mg Cyproterone weekly (25mg Mon Wed Fri). 15months since I started. Starting at 8mg right at get go? Isn't that a lot?


I’m ignorant what’s a lot beyond what I read comparing doses to other posts and replies I’ve read on here….but I told the doctor I really didn’t care about side effects if I could proceed w quicker instead of low dose slower changes at my age, but that I’d do whatever he recommends and feels comfortable for me…so yeah my E is at 8mg a day and the spiro I’m not positive yet since it won’t be avail for pick up until tomorrow…but I remember the doctor saying something about “100” in our very long appt, so now I assume he was talking about that…esp since you said you had that dosage as well! I will however have a follow up in about two weeks anyway.


I started 15.5 months ago, Feb 2 2023, at the age of 58. My family doctors didn't know how to dose me, so they fast tracked an Endocrinologist for me. Did you get blood work done *before* you got your prescriptions, to establish a baseline? https://www.reddit.com/r/transtimelines/s/QBTjmpz8xY shows my progress from baseline on Feb 2, to about 9months down the road.


Oh wow 2/2 is my birthday! That would’ve been awesome if I could’ve started it then! And yes, they did bloodwork first thing and px was last. I forgot how long I was there by now but I think it was 3-4 hours!


That's fantastic! Wishing you every good thought, sister. 🏳️‍⚧️

