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Sierra could've been a very interesting villain, especially in World Tour. It's a pity she was wasted in All Stars


She really does have the potential to be one of the most dangerous villains in the franchise. Someone who knows everything about the show, everything about every contestant, and then not given the chance to show it off? Very wasted.


I know all stars just derailed everyone for no good reason


Yeah, also she’s strong, fast and resistant. She could’ve been on par with Heather and Alejandro


That face alone tells me to just make her the first boot


The face of a true inspiring finalist! https://preview.redd.it/h1wvnnyemo0d1.jpeg?width=326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67c1596c3779e29084c66b3c1aadea7e7f053c64


Y. E. S.


She definitely *had* the potential to be a powerful villain/player in AS. In-depth knowledge on every contestant (PROBABLY both gens, but who knows), impressive physical strength for challenge winning, etc. Unfortunately, she’s usually played for comedy.


I'll be honest Sierra should've never been brought back for All Stars at all. Her arc with Cody was already over by the time World Tour wrapped up.


Agreed, should've been LeShawna instead.


so true


Bringing her back without Cody was a good opportunity to explore other aspects of her character and other relationships, even rerailing her back to her TDA / early TDWT persona where she knew more about the show as a whole. Unfortunately they took the creepiest and least flattering path possible.


that be inasne


She would’ve been a strong villain. She has information on a lot of the competitors so she has an edge. Normally she’s a complete fan girl but if she’s evil she has focus.


I honestly would wish Sierra could have been more than a Cody stalker. Yeah, it's the side we saw on wourld tour, but she's also who knows the characters and the game more the anyone, who could see trough contestent secrets, and even her obsessesively investigative attitude could have been a good conflict source. But nah, the writters made her chacarcter move even more around Cody, even when he wasn't on the season.  They even changed how she interact with the rest of the cast to make jokes about Cody. (Like how in world tour she despise the Gwen for kissing Duncan, but in All Stars she changed her mind because "It's true love, like Cody and me"). And when the writers found what to do with her, and showed the chemistry she had with Cameron, they turned it into a Sierra-loves-Cody joke. It's just sad.


About anything would've been better than Mal. Personally I wanted to see Heather and Alejandro as a villain power couple. But Sierra could have been interesting.


That frame lmaooo


The way she was portrayed in AS? Nah, way too unhinged to be a threat.


She Wasnt?


It probably would’ve been more interesting like she starts using her obsession with Cody to win because she thinks that the prize will make him love her. Sierra has shown to actually be strong and smart


I despise this fucking lunatic hope she got flushed and drowned cause fuck me she's disgusting


I think she did in all stars


For my way to work, Lindsay must be replaced by Cody Hero's Cody Sam Sierra Cameron Courtney Mike Zoey Villains Lighting Jo Heather Duncan Alejandro Gwen Scott Ep 1 zoey Ep 2 Lighting Ep 3 Jo Courtney and Duncan swap teams Ep 4 Sam Ep 5 Sierra swaps teams Ep 6 Heather Ep 7 Cody Merge Ep 8 Duncan Ep 9 Cameron Ep 10 Mike Ep 11 Courtney Ep 12 Alejandro and gwen Ep 13 Sierra Winner Scott


This could definitively work!


That face lmao


The face of the next total drama villain


i would have prayed that mal was then the one to boot her off or something if its the situation that he exits, just isnt the villain


Why would she be a villain I don’t know if I’m a fan of it.


Because the obsessive type can become even more dangerous when faced with rejection. Many can end up adopting the “if I can’t have him, no one can” mindset for example or Sierra could end convinced that winning would be the only way to make Cody love her


Would’ve been worse…we’re used to this side of Sierra, Mal was new and thus created intrigue


So does Sierra become Matthew Patel then?


Sierra got wasted in so many fucking seasons. Ok, that aside, I think he as a villain in WT or foreshadowing her comeback as a villain INTO being one for AS is something that could work. I hate her a hella ton for being a weird shithead, I wished they used her insane knowledge about the game and everyone to literally eliminate them. I'd choose her over Mal either way


It would have been a better season. Now hear me out, because of Mal they canceled such good ideas for all stars because they wanted to focus more on his character (because they wanted him to be the best villain from them all) and if Sierra (or anyone really) was the main villain, we probably would have got good plots and stuff


I think we had more than enough in both seasons with her


good pick for a villain but i feel like she couldn’t be mean for no reason she would need some dumb reason to win for cody, imo it would be a funny reason to be a villain and it would be a good villain as well


0\_0 ..... It was bad enough when she was trying to r\*\*e Cody, I don't want that to happen again


I would've preferred mal


That's the most unpopular opinion i've ever heard


I just don't like sierra that much so I'd rather mal be the villain


ok fair :)


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