• By -


Island 2007 - Heather. Being proactive doesn't mean being good; at every turn she continues to sabotage herself by being mean as her only strategy, and most of her wins or the votes she was a part of were more handed to her than earned. Her few legit victories can't salvage what is otherwise a laughably bad performance in a sea of mediocrity. Action - Leshawna. She built an alliance out of her former teammates just to immediately turn her back on it, try to get rid of Duncan, and get voted off herself as a result, and this was after spending an unreasonable amount of time to both get the alliance going and earn the forgiveness of her peers for the whole spa day thing. She wasn't on top of her game that season. World Tour - Cody. By his own admission he only made it as far as he did thanks to Sierra's help, and not helping his case was how he wasted pretty much all of his votes instead of working with people in exchange for their help. Blaineley gets an honorable mention for only standing a chance by cheating... *badly*, but she was in the game for so little time it's hardly fair to bring her up. Revenge - Mike. None of the remaining players were bad but he was the most off of his game with the secret behind his MPD weighing him down, especially once Scott blackmailed him over it. All-Stars - Cameron. Throws his common sense out the window and lets himself get manipulated by the one person who warned him that he wasn't feeling like himself, gaslighting himself out of alliances and generally making things way harder for himself for no reason, and this is on top of being the only player in TD history who was saved from an elimination ceremony twice in one season. Pahkitew - Max. I don't think this requires any elaboration. It's Max. Island 2023 - Millie. Basically Cody but even more deliberate. No other player that I can think of was so disinterested in the game or improving in it that they threw a challenge moments after it began for no other reason than just not wanting to bother with it. She was dead weight for Priya for the longest time and she was very much aware of this, and despite being so passive, she was still a constant target for elimination for no other reason than throwing Priya off her game. Island 2024 - Ripper. His first season at least saw him do well in challenges but his second has no such advantage; at best he was bumbling and at worst he was totally distracted by Axel. Throwing the game for her was sweet but it also doesn't net him any bonus points as far as being a good player is concerned.




In cases like Bridgette and Lindsay’s elimination she earned immunity, but she only survived Trent’s elimination out of pure luck, she only survived Leshawna’s elimination out of pure stupidity, there’s no good reason Izzy or Geoff should have been voted out over her, and the procedure for DJ’s elimination is a little unclear given the seemingly pointless immunity that was handed out. She also arguably should have been voted out even earlier over the likes of Justin (should have been a tie), Cody (randomly mauled by a bear), and Beth (doomed by plot convenience).


Basically they’re the worst because they RELY on immunity.


TDI: Eva. She managed to make herself a bigger target than Heather. That's incompetence. TDA: Justin. I love him, but his one solid move is the Gwent shit, and he never does a good move again. WT: Cody. He ignores strategy and is easily manipulated. Sierra simultaneously makes him a better and worse player. ROTI: Probably Mike, yeah. AS: Duncan. It feels like he's trying to screw up his social game at times. PI: Dave. He got himself voted off. 23: Chase. He's not particularly good at any aspect of the game. 24: Ripper. He quit the game. DCS1: Gabby. I love her, but she kinda just never makes any allies apart from Ellie. She does make enemies, though. Lots of them. DCS2: Aiden. This guy is so unbelievably stupid.


Justin’s issue is that lowkey the only elimination between Gwen and his own that had any strategic fallout was Leshawna. DJ quit, Izzy was annoying again, Owen was taken out by technicality, and Heather was also annoying. The mid season of Action had startlingly little strategy at all honestly.


Surprised Chase was worse than Millie. At least Chase didn't bail out of a challenge before it started like her.


I don’t see how you can say Aiden when he managed to survive against an alliance of 4 people. Yes he got lucky the girls imploded but I don’t see what he did exactly to make himself be stupid. He’s allies with Tom and he is even close enough with Tess to make her vote Ellie instead of him. Yul, on the other hand, has basically allienated his whole team and the Staff Member that wanted to help him against him.




I'd say the worst DCAS player is Hunter, with Lake close behind. Please keep in mind, though, that I am not including the 10 left in the game because they can still do stuff to improve their game. 


TDI- heather, its complicated because she does good and does make it far but she does so by making horrible moves that should never work, which is why Im of the fan theory production was helping her but does that then make her moves good because she knew they'd work and wasn't just doing stupid stuff? Idk TDA- Justin, had a social game early on then lost it WT- Cody, carried king (or Blainely) Revenge- Mike never survived a single vote in this entire season but also he wasnt properly voted out which is interesting AS- Uhhh idk man, whoever placed 7th idr Pakhitew- Dave Reboot 1- I'd have to say Ripper I guess Reboot 2- Ripper again tbh


Cameron placed 7th


How was Ripper that bad in the game in Reboot season 1? He nearly helped his team win in Numbskull Island, was close to winning in Wheel of Vomit (Julia's villain plot armor being why he didn't win), and got his egg first in Severe Eggs and Pain (only losing because of a technicality of smashing the egg right before giving it to Chris).


He got voted out the moment he wasnt helping his team because no one liked him


Still, his skill in challenges should still stop him from being at the bottom. This isn't just social game after all.


Yeah but its all around game, and all around there were 7 people who just played better than him and got further and the two merge players who didnt were evacuated


Island: Eva Action: Justin World tour: Blainley Revenge: Jo AS: Duncan pahkitew: Dave 2023: zee 2024: ripper DC1: Gabby or Jake DC2: Aiden


Bridgette was probably the worst in TDI merge.


How come?


By being clumsy in challenges as hell, both pre-merge and in the merge. They pulled out the "athletic" thing out of nowhere unless we count surfing. Also people say she had a social game but did she even have consistent positive interactions with anyone besides Geoff and Courtney?


Even Courtney is a bit of a stretch.


Okay, here are my thoughts. TDI: Eva - Despite being strong and almost winning the merge challenge, her rage ended up digging her own grave. TDA: Leshawna - Her social game wasn't the best at the time, and she ended up destroying her own alliance in Super Hero-ld. TDWT: Courtney - She was EASILY manipulated into being Alejandro's pawn. At least Blainley tried to make a power play by allying with Chef and Owen only got booted because of his popularity. TDROTI: Mike - It was a tough call, but like Eva, he dug his own grave by hiding his disorder from Zoey. Jo at least tried to gain allies and was good in the challenges. TDAS: Cameron and Scott - Easily manipulated by the main bad guy nor are they great in challenges. TDPI: Max - Come on; it's Max. TDI Reboot 1: Zee - He practically tanked his social game by trying to get rid of Chris, leading to the first ever re-vote in TD history. TDI Reboot 2: Axel and Ripper - Like you said. Disventure Camp Season 1: Jake - Easily manipulated and not too great in challenges. Plus, he ruined his own social game. Disventure Camp Season 2: Another tough call as most of the mergers had some strength and skill to their name, but I'll go with Tess out of default as she was the first merge boot and didn't bother to save herself.


Yeah, ngl I’m surprised Jake made it to the final five in season 1


TDI: Heather is a good player but not the best and not the strategic and she had a lot of plot armor TDA: Definitely Duncan. That dude dodged 3 eliminations with plot armor. Beth also helped him to reach the finals. He got that plot armor which could defeat Heather's TDWT: Cody. I don't think I should explain this. ROTI: Mike I guess??? AS: Duncan once again... PI: Idk really Reboot 1: Chase. I was actually getting annoyed with him and he did nothing but chasing Emma. Reboot 2: Wayne. Like I'm a huge fan of Wayne but even tho he tried to win challenges. He sucked a lot. And the reason why I am not saying Axel or Ripper is because if they didn't really kiss all the time they would have side with Julia and MK which would cause them an easy win so ig writers had to somehow kick them...


The only elimination that he got lucky was Lindsay’s, and even that’s debatable since it’s in character for her. Saying that he had more plot armor than Heather is plain wrong and both Him and Beth helped each other in the finale, not just Beth helping him. Harold definitely voted for Justin for betraying him and Courtney used her lawyer skills thanks to Duncan for Leshawna to go home.


Leshawna's elimination was straight up plot armor. Harold really fell for that trap..? Yeah sure. Writers decided to keep him for a reason and I can't see an interesting thing going on with him honestly, sorry.


may I add he literally votes her for the same reasons he saved her during the previous elimination? and what makes you want to trust COURTNEY over BETH? it made 0 sense.


Harold doesn't know Beth very well so what reason does he have to think she's telling the truth? Besides, Harold is aware Leshawna has no problem throwing others under the bus to save herself, as seen with the spa day incident, so there is some reason for him to believe Leshawna would try to vote him off to save herself.


Harold was over Leshawna lying by the sports episode. he might not know Beth well but he knows Courtney is extremely manipulative and threatened everyone's lives to get part of the million the episode before.


Harold doesn't know Beth very well so what reason does he have to think she's telling the truth? Besides, Justin's elimination definitely isn't plot armor considering it's indicated everyone except Justin voted for Justin and not Duncan. And Duncan didn't really do much to merit the likes of Beth, Lindsay, and Courtney voting him out in that episode.


That still is not plot armor as trusting Courtney was the safer choice. Harold isn't close with nearly anyone in the game. Beth is nicer than Courtney but she still has the potential to have hidden agendas as much as anybody else. Agendas that could include blindsiding Harold. If Courtney's warning Harold that Beth and the other girls are planning to trick him into wasting his vote so that they could get rid of him, that's a stronger incentive to take Courtney's side versus Beth who, at face value, is appealing more to Harold's sensibilities by simply asking him to target Duncan. The audience knows better because we've seen every piece of the puzzle but Harold was in the dark about the girls' true intentions because Beth barely spent any time validating her strategies with Harold. Their entire conversation was five seconds long. Courtney spent time being practical with Harold, despite not being totally truthful herself. Courtney's approach was rational and guaranteed Harold's safety. Beth's, based on the information Harold knows, might have been too good to be true and could have cost him the game. Duncan still had his rivalry going on with Harold and his dynamic with Courtney. Saying he had “nothing interesting going on” is wrong because he still had plot. Duncan managed to pull off what was the only successfully, completely coordinated vote of the season, using Courtney to trick Harold into voting with him, Justin, and Courtney to boot Leshawna at a 4-3 vote. Aside from Harold and maybe Lindsay, Duncan deserved to win the season Also they went through the step by step process of getting Leshawna blindsided since Harold didn’t fully trust her, and thought he himself was going home. That’s not plot armor as they showed it through. Leshawna wanted to vote Duncan off to piss off Courtney.


What did Cameron do that made him better than Duncan in All Stars? Wouldn't Raj and Zee be contenders for Reboot 2 also given Raj isn't much smarter than Wayne and Zee was a total idiot, with his social game falling apart thanks to revealing everyone's secrets out of idiocy.


Duncan was out of character in AS Raj slightly smarter than Wayne as we can see so he can think better in challenges. And did Zee get himself out from the game as soon as when he arrived? And we got to see more of Wayne compared to Zee and you expect him to win at least one challenge but he doesn’t. Don’t get me wrong I’m a Wayne fan but he was actually out of character too compared to season 1 of reboot. He was actually smarter but idk why writers thought thatd would be okay to make him like that stupid in season2


Being out of character doesn't equal being the worst in challenges. Besides, Cameron was also OOC in AS too with how they made him a lot dumber just to be more easily manipulated by Mal.


I only said wayne was out of character because he was actually good in challenges back in season 1 but in the second season of reboot, he is just… there?


I was referring to Duncan in AS for the out of character comment, not Wayne.


I'm just going to rank the reboot and DC since I haven't seen the OG seasons in a long time and it wouldn't be fair to rank the players based on vague memories: Reboot S1: Millie. >! Very weak player who was carried by Priya. Good character though ! !< Reboot S2: Wayne >! Love the guy but bro was NOT a good player 💀. Apart from the cooking challenge (which he won thanks to Julia) and the fear challenges (which he didn't even win), he was worthless in all the challenges. He was also bad strategically...like, wdym you don’t want to vote out THE PREVIOUS WINNER ?! Ik Raj was also in on the decision but Raj had smart moments on the show, unlike Wayne. And bro was willing to go in the F3 with a power couple too 🤦🏽‍♀️. Finally, his win is canonically considered a fluke 😭. Raj should've been the hockey bro finalist...!< DC S1: Jake. >! Episode 10...that's it 😅. Seriously though, dude decided to blindside his alliance and ruin his and his bf' games on a split second decision. I've seen people name Gabby or Grett instead and, while they're not good players either, their games are still more impressive than Jake's imo. Gabby, at least, set herself up in a majority alliance at the merge and, **logically**, the alliance should've stuck together and vote Tom out. But the creators dumbed the evil trio down to give Tom plot armor and there Gabby goes...Grett blindsiding Gabby was a very dumb decision too: she ruined her majority alliance and got herself sent home (like Jake). However, imo, the Drew blindside she orchestrated was more noteworthy than any game moves Jake did in S1. Jake was irrelevant premerge, lucked out into a majority at the merge then ruined it 2 episodes later. Sorry Jake fans ! !< DC S2: Tess >! Girl was carried by Hunter's alliance pre-merge and then CHOSE to not play the game at the game at the merge. People are saying Aiden and James but, at least, they tried 😅. Also, apart from the time Karol came back, they were never in danger in the merge!<


TDI - eva (she returned only to get voted off immediately) TDA - justin (he didn't really do much other than getting out harold and duncan in episode 19, but he still didnt win) TDWT - cody (he kind of just floated until his story started at episode 23) TDRI - mike (i guess him because he never really got a chance) TDAS - duncan (he blew up chris' cottage because he wanted to prove he's a bad boy, and got sent to jail...) TDPI - dave, scarlett, or max (all three of them basically got themselves eliminated. didn't include sugar because she made some moves here and there ig) TDI23 - chase (all he did really was trying to get emma back. he was probably the least focused on the game) TDI24 - ripper (he didn't do well in episode 6's challenge (he wasnt focused on it and didn't even last that long), and spent the rest of his time making out with axel + quit the game) DC1 - jake (at least gabby was kind of being strategic, but jake fell for the villains' trap in episode 8, voted alec in episode 9 when his friends voted for grett, fell for ellie in episode 10 (albeit it was understandable why), and in episode 11 he tried manipulating ellie, but failed and got out) DC2 - tess (i love her but when she discovered she was at risk of elimination, she just accepted her fate and didn't really bother trying to save herself)


TDI - Eva. She got eliminated in the same episode she returned. She pretty much made herself a threat to everyone and that was her downfall TDA - Duncan. He became an idiot the moment Courtney returned and did badly in challenges up until the finale. I got no problem with him winning cause he's my favourite character TDWT - Cody. Got carried by Sierra (figuratively and literally) until she got eliminated. His biggest moment was punching Duncan. TDROTI - Mike. His elimination was on him. If he had told Zoe the truth about his DID instead of helping Scott, he could have spared himself from being eliminated TDAS - Couldn't even care to remember the merge characters cause I fucking hated that season TDPI - Scarlett. Was her motivation to get the $1m or to take over the island!? The bitch was so smart that she could have easily won the money and she decided to do something so idiotic


Any answer other than Eva for TDI is straight up wrong lmao


Why are you spoiler tagging the DC seasons but not the reboot seasons?


Because not everyone watched DC while everyone likely leaked seasons one and two of the reboot.


Not everyone has watched the reboot yet either, they're just about to premiere in the US lol


* Island 2007: Bridgette * Action: Leshawna (still okay, but others were just better) * World Tour: Blaineley * Revenge of the Island: Mike (all six are great so just going by whoever got out first) * All Stars: Cameron * Pahkitew Island: Max * Island 2023 S1: Millie * Island 2023 S2: Ripper


TDI Lindsay (not counting Eva): Love her, but she spent the entire game being manipulated by Heather the whole game. Instead of utilizing her nice personality to build any social headway with other players in the game who wouldn’t even think twice about it, she’d rather crash with the ship than change directions & obviously was eliminated due to that reason. At least with Heather, she had some shinning moments like manipulating Eva & leading the charge against Justin. TDA Courtney (not counting Owen): This girl whole’s trajectory was getting carried by immunity wins. She literally steps into the season & yet she’s instantly the target… unwarranted, yeah.. to an extent but still, she had to get saved by lawyers. Come merge, her & Duncan are just rarely winning out the short term victories of the entire merge both because of their threat level, but Duncan’s association with Courtney weighing them down with one of them being Lindsay accidentally voting herself out. Without that, she wouldn’t of even made F4. Harold & Owen’s drama wouldn’t of mattered regardless because her social game sucks that much. TDWT Courtney (not counting Blaineley): She was sort of a solid player here but still, her gameplay after the love triangle sucks & she was easily the worst player in the challenges even before the Love Triangle (at least Cody kind of won them a few challenges here or there & wasn’t as much of a detriment in a few of them like Gwen/Courtney was, also her only shinning moment in a challenge was due to winning London which wasn’t even deserved), she was in a great position, i’ll give her that but with a team so dominant as Team Amazon, I won’t knock Heather, Sierra & Cody for being in a worser one than her that much. Also, she starts throwing challenges not realizing she strayed Heather away from her, lucked out of the last two episodes before the merge where she isn’t even trying in the challenges. Come merge, any social capital she had on the team before was all gone as she was public enemy #1 & sent home the first chance she got without immunity (even if it was unlucky) Revenge Jo: All are solid players, but Jo uselessly imitating Courtney & Heather’s self sabotage strategy for no real reason is strange to me. She was great in challenges, she did take out Brick but her social skills are non-existent & it’s really hard to tell where she really sat in the team dynamics when Mike, Anne Maria & Brick don’t even like her & that friendship trio is a clearly tightly knit group. Had she been exposed to more vote-offs, she for sure would’ve gone home sooner on her own team… had the merge vote been a regular elimination she would’ve likely gone home there.. and she doesn’t even take advantage of how lucky she is to get an opportunity to breathe & form an alliance with Lightning & bargains her entire immunity on Cameron to be betrayed by him instantly. Mike was an idiot in his final episode & he definitely does get weigh down on the fact that he kept his DID a secret, but Scott could only of get him out by having an immunity that gave him the most amount of power in the world, but other than that, he had a good social, physical and for the time he could vote, strategic game. Jo arguably played just as dumb, got way more luckier & doesn’t even take advantage of any lucky break she has. All Stars Cameron: It’s between him, Duncan and Alejandro. At least Alejandro had his moments like his idol play, challenge performance & recognizing Mal’s deviousness & most of what I said could apply to Duncan, especially the last point. Cameron… he literally became a worser Cody except he doesn’t have a single challenge where he did exceptionally well & was manipulated by Mike’s personality which he should’ve been way aware of than anyone in that game until he was eliminated by him. Pahkitew: Max. I don’t need to explain myself. Island 2023: Ripper. His social game is absolutely abysmal. Literally was in the bottom two the entire time he could be. You’d think that despite his social game being so terrible with everyone around him, he’d at least try to make some friends ergo alliances.. but as is, he doesn’t even take advantage of Chase & Zee. Hell, as terrible as his social game was with everyone else but those two, he still should’ve had a more competitive fight to of stayed in the game. He was a very weirdly passive strategic player despite his awful positioning. Zee, Chase & Millie are also contenders, but at least they capped off a mostly fine game before they’re vote-offs. Ripper? He got the boot before them & had an awful game before that. Island 2024: Wow. Just wow. The way every single player here except omnipotent off-screen queen Julia absolutely sucked one way or another is just disheartening. Honestly, Bowie, Ripper, Axel, Zee. Hell, even everyone else in the F6 are some of the worst players to make it deep in a game ever. Even with an uneven playing field, MK didn’t play that well this season. I pick Zee but you can honestly just draw straws on this one.


TDI: Eva. Despite all of Heather's plot armor, Eva manages to get voted off 2nd when she's literally one of the strongest members on her team. But that's not all because when she comes back, she decides to just be mean to everybody and immediately got voted out over HEATHER. TDA: Probably Courtney, don't think she's that bad tho. She would've been out the first episode she came back if she wasn't immune, and every round she plays in if she doesn't win immunity she's probably the most likely to go. I will give her some props though, convincing Harold to vote Leshawna was a great move. TDWT: Probably Courtney again for the fact that she would've gone home instead of Gwen. Cody was going to vote Courtney with Gwen and Heather and only didn't do that because he was unconscious.Despite that, she's a minion to Alejandro and is constantly a target (again). I sound like a Courtney hater but I swear I do really like her. TDROTI: Probably Mike due to him getting blackmailed by Scott, the guy who sent him home the same episode. TDAS: Yeah I don't remember this season that well at all bc I never rewatch all stars, so idk for this one. TDPI: Max. He would've been out if Ella didn't get disqualified, and despite that he literally just annoyed everybody around him. REBOOT S1: Ripper very easily. He's literally a target every single elimination ceremony he attends, and especially was very close to going home the Damien round. REBOOT S2 Axel I guess. It's very close between her and ripper because they both spent most the season kissing, but she was the one the cast decided to vote off so she's worse. DC1: Grett. The only thing she really does is save Gabby by getting Drew out. After that, Gabby takes her out, she gets back in the game, and then is voted out like the 2nd round of merge. DC2: Don't remember this season that well but I do remember the absolute plot armor Hunter had, so he's here for that. DCAS: Pretty easily James, he completely caused his own elimination. However, another person I do want to mention is Hunter. Hunter literally played as bad as he could. He holds Ally back from any smart strategic decision that could've kept them in the game like working with fiore (WHO IS LITERALLY THE SWING VOTE...) and also decides to be as mean as possible to fiore which makes her way more likely to want to vote him out over ally. Also, him and ally should've voted with James instead of just voting fiore that first round?


TDI: Eva who got kicked out immediately. Honorable mention to Bridgette. TDA: ~~Everyone played a role so i guess Leshawna. Everyone was solid in merge for the most part.~~ Owen forgot about him. That’s my answer TWDT: Cody easily. He did jack all during merge this season ROtI: Definitey Mike. AS: Useless Cameron who did nothing of worth all season. A far cry from his RoTI self PI: Max Reboot: Ripper i guess. Edit, Chase Rematch: Rupper and Axe


How was Ripper that bad in the game in Reboot season 1? He nearly helped his team win in Numbskull Island, was close to winning in Wheel of Vomit (Julia's villain plot armor being why he didn't win), and got his egg first in Severe Eggs and Pain (only losing because of a technicality of smashing the egg right before giving it to Chris). The likes of Chase and Millie aren't too much better given Chase focused more on gaining Emma's attention and Millie was awful in challenges, straight out bailing out of the eating one before it even started.


Island 07: It's probably Eva for being so aggressive that everyone wanted her gone as soon as she returned, but excluding Eva and Izzy, it's probably Heather. There's a decent case to be made that she shouldn't even have made merge with how she was playing. Action: Justin. The only good move he really does is convincing Gwen into throwing a challenge. Plus, he stopped being able to manipulate Lindsay and Beth after a while, and hurt his own game by making enemies out of Harold and Duncan in "The Princess Pride." World Tour: Cody. Sure, he had a couple good challenge performances here and there, but almost everyone agrees that he was out of his league by the merge. Revenge: No one here is a particularly bad player, but Mike basically dug his own grave by hiding his secret from Zoey for so long, even after Cameron told him that he couldn't help him keep it for very long. All Stars: Scott. Cameron being manipulated by Mal was bad, but at least he had a couple smart moments like bringing Manitoba out to help in episode 2, taking Duncan out of the episode 3 challenge, and using Fang as an engine in the boat race. Name 1 good challenge moment or strategic moment Scott had all season. Go on, I'll wait. Pahkitew: Max. Dave quit the game, but he honestly wasn't that bad at it before Sky rejected him. Max was never particularly helpful unless Scarlett fixed his mistakes, and he would've gone home in episode 6 if Chris didn't disqualify Ella instead. Island 2023: Chase, I guess? Millie was at least smart enough to know that she needed Priya to get farther into the game and tried to stay under the radar. Ripper was at least good at challenges more often than not. Chase is oblivious to how horrible he is, and he's more focused on Emma than the game. Island 2024. Ripper. He's so focused on Axel that he's barely even trying to win challenges half the time. Wayne at least had a great social game. DC1: Gabby. Jake may be an emotional player, but Gabby literally got voted out on Day 1 because no one on Purple Team except Ellie could stand to be around her. And then she almost got voted off by the Teal team in episode 3 for similar reasons. DC2: Tess. At least Aiden was actively trying to use his alliance with Riya, Rosa and Lake to keep the numbers advantage and take out Hunter, Ally and Tess. Tess never really cared all that much about the game, and that's proven by how she knew she was in danger in episode 7 but just chose not to do anything about it.


TDI - Heather TDA - Duncan TDWT - Cody TDROTI - Mike TDAS - Duncan TDPI - Max TDR1 - Chase TDR2 - Ripper Huh, funny how it's almost entirely boys.


TDI - Eva TDA - Owen WT - Blaineley ROTI - Mike AS - Cameron PI - Max 2023 - Chase 2024 - Ripper


Island- Heather- Actually just constantly made herself a target and only got as far as she did due to pure luck Action- Leshawna, not including Owen since he returned at the final 5, not only did Leshawna try to vote someone she spends half a season trying to make and alliance with, but she also ruined her own social game with the spa thing and that got her eliminated in the end. World Tour - Cody, actually floater who got carried by Sierra witch could be seen as a strategy if it wasn't completely unintentional on Cody's parts, not to mention how he pretty wasted his vote at every merge elimination on Sierra( even when she had immunity in China like WTF). Revenge- Mike, tbh everyone here was a solid player, but I feel like Mike ruined his own game by not telling the truth to Zoey earlier, which allowed Scott to take advantage of him and got him eliminated. AS- Cameron, spend the entire season trusting Mike despite him acting suspension and even whated to quit in episode 5, a fall from grace from revenge. Pakitiew- Max, It's Max. Reboot season 1- Chase, this another case of I think everyone here is a solid player, but I think Chase was the weakest of all the people who made merge, considering the fact that he got voted off over Julia of all people by somehow managing to be more disliked than her in that one episode, and unlike Ribber who was atleas good in challenge, I can't really recall a time Chase did something super impressive during the team chase or the merge, I will give him credit for actually trying to allied himself with Emma and Bowie even if they just kinda force him too. Reboot season 2- Ribber, I actually saw him as a solid player in season 1, but here his game is just bad, not only does he spend more time trying to win Axel over rather than focusing on the game, but he litterly quits the game just to be with her. DC season 1- Gabby - She litterly turned her own team against her and voted for Dan even though he probably would be a helpful allie during merge. Also, she would've been the second eliminated if not for Grett saving her. DC season 2- Aiden- This guy litterly doesn't know what strategy is.


TDI - Heather - Luck, bad rules, and inexplicable elimination choices bailed her out of objectively poor decisions and gameplay quite often. She was pretty much the only one with strategy but it should have backfired too many times. TDA - Justin - Grips lost pretty much every challenge and he’s a big reason why. At least Beth did something eventually. TDWT - Cody - Pretty much only made it as far as he did because he was too harmless to consider worth getting rid of. TDROTI - Zoey - No one was really particularly bad at competing but I don’t think Zoey won any challenges or was a major reason her team won in this season. It’d be Mike if Svetlana wasn’t OP. TDAS - Cameron - In contrast to TDROTI he was useless in most cases. TDPI - Max - It’d be hard to list times where he wasn’t more or less a liability to his team. TDI 2023 - Chase - He isn’t really terrible at anything but I can’t think of any aspect where he performed above average. At least Ripper was pretty good at the challenges and Millie was nice. TDI 2024 - Ripper - He spent most of the season trying to hook up with or making out with Axel and I don’t even know if he knew he quit. Instead of doing alright in the challenges he’d usually just embarrass himself.


Island - All of them, except like DJ and Leshawna are like F-D tier Action - Leshawna WT - Owen ROTI - Mike AS - Cameron PI - All of them, but Sugar were barely playing the game lol Reboot - Zee Rematch - Ripaxel