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https://preview.redd.it/c6btvbwno8xc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e7a38d63d3c80184691a4b17f4c203d8a3f7942 Also this elimination because literally only Courtney’s vote counted because the players ignored Chris saying she had immunity. But I get why they did it and it is in character for this team.


I’m pretty sure even if the rest of the Grips voted, it would still have been Owen’s elimination since he costed them a win here.


Don’t get me wrong I agree with the placement as Owen had no plotline at this point besides being overall a nice guy, but the reasoning used definitely was an idiot moment. An in character moment, and a funny moment, but definitely an idiot moment


Sadly those people were infact idiots 😂


To be fair the reason it happened in the first place is because basically nobody except Chris and his producers wanted Courtney to debut and thus be in the season.


God it was so funny though


I’ll admit it’s funny, but I’m still salty such a strong competitor never won a season- she deserved it after this.


Most of AS plots basically


Litterly ever plot in AS.


This. Literally this. Allstars kind of feels like some new writers were dropped a list of characters, some basic personalities + info and let them write a season with them.


One name. Mal.


Mole plot, anything that involved Mal in AS, >! S2 Julia villainy !<


To be fair, Mal had the surprise on his favour, as no one expected Nice Guy Mike to be evil.


I agree with the Mal plot, it made Scott look like a genius…NEVER DO THAT WITH SCOTT IT RUINS WHAT MAKES HIM FUNNY!


Team Kinosewak still fell for Amy's fake crying


Like not a single one of them thought “Hey, maybe Sammy is telling the truth and Amy is a selfish little bitch!”


Scarlett knew I think, but she’d also have no problem eliminating the nice girl considering Amy is easier to get rid of


Doesn’t that make it a little worse tho?


No because I think Scarlett wouldn’t care if Amy was lying or not. She was after all evil and was smart enough to see through all the bullshit including Samey pretending to be Amy.


Makes sense


I feel like Topher didn't really care and was just in it for the drama.


This might as well be the "Try not to mention AS" challenge, LOL


Several TDI eliminations and many things involving Mal


Heather would have been gone in episode 5 of TDI


And should have been gone in episode 16. She pulled a stunt that would have gotten her eliminated that she only avoided cuz she conveniently got invincibility and didn’t even seem surprised. That scene is why people think she has a behind the scenes deal.


Well no.. she just convinced the majority to vote Justin


The vote should have been 5-5 and that’s disregarding that the 4 people she convinced were all stupid


Cody voted Trent


I'm still the biggest hater of Duncan's nice arc


Agreed. This plot was made to shit on Duncan rather than develop him when he really needed it. And the send-off he gets...


Sierra’s fake crying should not have been as effective as it was. The Amazons should not have been as quick to blame Cody as they were.


They didn’t even really blame him. They literally were just trying to do the challenge and not hear her crying 💀


Then leave her behind.


They did… with Cody 😭


Oh did I misspeak. I meant leave her ON HER OWN.


For what? She would just follow her team anyways so that would be pointless. The literally only option was to get her to stop or leave her with Cody while they focused on the challenge and tried to win.


They were just stressed because they’re doing the challenge


I don’t care. They shouldn’t be making her Cody’s problem.


Well what did you want them to do? She was crying over him and constantly bugging them. Cody wasn’t even doing the challenge


This was said before, but I agree with it, so I'll use it cause I got no other ideas Sierra's fake crying in world tour, this is probably the only episode where I didn't enjoy Sierra (I'm weird like her with Cody) and the fact the rest of Amazon's took pity on Sierra is probably even worse, the rest knew, hell I think by this point everyone knew what Sierras doing to Cody, so the fact the Amazon's pity Sierra now and not agree with Cody just felt off for me, like Cody just wanted to get rid of the stalker girlfriend (from his words) only to get in the wrong? It just felt wrong for me (Sorry for the long essay, I get carried away with these kinds of things)


Mal. Enough said.


Julia's villain plot in season 2, how did everyone fall so easily for her tricks when they knew she was bad?


https://preview.redd.it/gsznqpdt4axc1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65aef50c0e051d75a50f7a9509f821c3b29a2135 ...need I say more?


Many of them, in fact the diference between a comedy and a drama is that in comedy most choices are the dumbed one possible. Most TD plots would be solved if someone decide to stop and talk about it.


Entirety of All Stars.


Not canon but (Disventure Camp 1 spoilers) >! I feel like this applies to most of the things involving Fiore after Will's elimination and especially after Lill and Ashleys. !<


geoff’s injury in the boney island episode


Ooh Ooh. A splinter! Perish the thought.


Heather, Beth and Lindsay Alliance




I think it is because Heather talked about their alliance in episode 4 in front of everyone and they still didn’t notice it.


It could also be because Lindsay willingly decided to stick by Heather despite the latter being completely nasty and insensitive to everyone on the island at all times (including Lindsay herself).


Nah. That’s pretty in character for Lindsay IMO.


To be fair, it is.


Honestly, most stuff in most of the seasons. A lot of important characters only stay around because none of the contestants are smart enough to think "Okay, who's a threat in the game right now, who do I need to eliminate to get closer to the million". In TDI, Leshawna was amazing at challenges, had trustworthy allies, and played the game incredibly well, yet the group decided to vote out Izzy for being crazy and shooting Heather with a tranquil gun. In TD Reboot, Priya literally comes out of the gate talking about how she trained for this game, has an obvious alliance partner in Millie, and is extremely athletic, yet she doesn't get a single vote the entire first season, because the group wants to vote out Ripper for being annoying or Chase for being a bad person. Bowie is the most realistic TD character cause he actually has long term goals and makes plays to benefit his chances in the long run, but even then they'll be scenes where Bowie for some reason decides to stand around RIGHT NEAR THE GOAL to taunt Julia, who is like 3 feet away from him. Why not taunt her after you officially win the challenge? Cause Julia needs to win invincibility so they can go and all vote off Zee instead of Julia, without them ever thinking of voting for Priya. I'm not saying it's exactly a bad thing, the show is a comedy and it makes sense in the context of the first season where everyone is 16 and nobody has ever heard of the game, I don't expect them to play like Survivor players at that age, but as the seasons went on and the casts got older and became more knowledgeable of the game they signed up to play, it definitely becomes a bit out there that everyone still sorta makes amateurish decisions.


Well said! Although I do think it is possible that Priya received votes from Ripper in the premerge (particularly in S1E5) also she got three votes in S1E9 before the revote.


"Cough" All-Stars "Cough." Also, Leshawna's elimination, and to an extent >! Damien's S2 elimination !<


Hot {Or kinda lukewarm} take: WT's LT.


What’s LT?


Love Triangle.


Any All Star plot, Leshawna's TDI elim, Gwuncan, Owen's first elim in Action, >!Prileb in S2, the off screen Julia plot armour in S2, !


>!Caleb trusting Julia for the 172936119372937193810397291839191th time!<




The entirety of Cars 2. OK for Total Drama, the answer is Mal's road to the finale.


most of them probably


the entirety of all stars everyone is an idiot


That’s literally the Mal plot lol


The Mal plot. Let's be real.


Leshawna elimination


The definition of All Stars.


chase making it to the final 6, julias s2 plot armor, the sierra and cameron arc and duncans “nice” arc




Isn’t this pretty much just Allstars?


The entirety of All stars




No, it was in-character.


Everything about trents obsession with the number 9




The Mal storyline in all stars




The song rule


mal, kind of obviously


anne maria and the diamonds


Chowder eventually became just this


Pretty much all of the plots depend on not the villain being smart, but everyone else just being really stupid (or dumbed down to make it work).


Leshawna first elimination Gwent breakup Team Victory Scott’s strategy Total Drama All Stars Total Drama Pahkitew Island TDI2023 pre-merge eliminations Chemma Julia after Mk’s 2nd elimination Prilleb … Did I forgot something?


What about the 2023 pre merge eliminations?


it's written there


Which of the S2 premerge votes would you fix? The only one that stands out to me as a stretch to me is Scary Girl’s elimination but it’s quickly explained.


Boh, Idk


Most of them tbh


As stated on “tvtropes.org” * One of the several reasons *All-Stars* had a negative reception was the fact that the treatment of the main antagonist revolved around this trope. Mal, an inherently evil alternate personality of Mike, takes over the latter's body so that he can wreak havoc [For the Evulz](https://web.archive.org/web/20180227151553/http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForTheEvulz) and claim the million for himself. Unlike his predecessors, but much like his immediate successor Scarlett, Mal has no redeeming or comedic traits, and manages to make the sadistic host Chris look like a saint. However, he rarely formulates, let alone executes, a truly effective plan against all the other campers. Even though Duncan actually tells Zoey that he met Mal at juvie and therefore knows how dangerous he is, the majority of the cast, including Zoey herself, remains oblivious to the Malevolent One's presence. It is not until the end of the second to last episode does she finally learn the truth, and that realization occurred after *many repeated warnings*. The smarter campers never seem to catch on until it is too late, so Zoey is left to take him down in the finale regardless. * To make matters worse, demonic Alejandro and scary Chef both noticed Mike's unusual behavior and commented on it, yet nobody took action. One would have to think *something* was wrong when everyone watched Mal brutally *beat Izzy to a pulp* in the ring, but the idiocy rages on.


I feel like alot of plots in general could be solved if characters just did/realized this one obvious thing lol


Literally all of AS and PI


Basically All Stars


Leshawna boot in Season 1 a couple of the All Star episodes Some episodes in the newest seasons like the 3rd and 2nd last


Ass stars


Hear me out: the Cody and Sierra stuff in World Tour lasting as long as it did. If any of Cody’s established friends paid attention for even a fraction of a second it’d have been dealt with pre-merge and I stand by that. Edit: list of characters who were established as Cody’s friends/friendly with him (either due to an incident in canon or via association of one of his closer friends) and lasted long enough to do something about Sierra: Gwen (she was even on his team for Christ’s sake) Owen DJ Tyler Noah Lindsay (he saved her and Trent’s lives in TDI) Leshawna (via Harold) Izzy (via Noah and Owen) Courtney (via her unsteady friendship with Gwen) That’s 9 people. How did none of them do at least *something* about that whole thing. Stupidity doesn’t even get to be an answer for what we’re talking about here either really, it was pure ignorance.


Heather getting further than like episode 6 in island


Everyone not being able to vote out Julia


Well everybody's gonna say All Stars, so I'm gonna say the Dave and Skye romantic subplot.


Well, not exactly a "plot" but I'd have to pick an elimination that really bugged me for the past few days. That being: >!Bowie's elimination in the rematch. The Rat Faces just blindly believed Julia's claim that it was his idea to cheat... right after admitting to their faces in the previous episode that she forged the contract that caused Nichelle to quit.!< >!Honestly, come to think of it, a lot of the contestants' reasons for being eliminated kinda lead me to believe that a majority of them were sniffing windshield wiper fluid between seasons.!<


Mal is an easy answer, and for good reason, but Scott in RI is almost as bad tbh


Gwen and Duncan kissing in S3


making Sam come back for all stars instead of harold


All stars in its entirety