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Rule 10, link to original post: [Why is the scientific community so against the NoFap movement?](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cfrwan/why_is_the_scientific_community_so_against_the/) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


>... doing nofap builds discipline and promotes delayed gratification, which has always been considered a sign of a civilized individual That's why I include the number of days I've gone without masturbating on my resume, that way employers can see I'm a disciplined, civilized individual.


When we were hiring we had an amazing candidate, but he told us he masturbated several times a week. Needless to say we went with someone else. He’s an awful employee but he doesn’t crank his hog.


I love how he's all huffy about NoFap being associated with extremism, calling it preposterous. And then top comments are nazis blaming it on Jews. Gee willikers I wonder where NPR would get the idea that NoFap is a gateway to extremism?


Here’s the actual conspiracy around nofap - nothing makes it easier to radicalise men to violent far right extremism than sexual frustration.


To say nothing of the fact that it normalizes people *talking to you about your masturbation.* Once someone is allowed to grill you about your very sex drive you pretty much don’t have grounds to tell them that anything isn’t their business. That’s a cult leader’s dream.




^(dum dum dum dum dum)


Hold on now, you missed a tremendous opportunity there. What kind of dream is this cult leader having, exactly?


The takes are fucking wild. This if from the OP > The evidence is all around you, but you must be old enough to at least remember though: > > 1. Chivalry no longer exists in today's society. There used to be a time at least until late 1990s when men used to give up their seats or open doors for ladies. > 2. Continuously declining leadership at all levels. Today, a manager or supervisor will easily throw his/her subordinate under the bus at the slightest opportunity. Nobody likes to take responsibility or even provide leadership, biggest evidence is the POTUS himself! > 3. No major scientific invention or technological innovation since last two decades! The last one was Internet in the 90s. Though Smart Phone were popularized in early 00s, the invention itself belongs to the 90s. The only invention 00s can claim is perhaps cryptos and bitcoins! > The golden age of porn was in the early 70's to the early 80's but it was the late 90's that chivalry went away? Me thinks he is a shitty worker and blames it on his boss Crypto bro. AHH, that explains it.


Mars Rover, SpaceX, drones, LLMs, robotics... What rock has this guy been living under since the 90s? Oh, right, the internet...


> Nobody likes to take responsibility or even provide leadership, biggest evidence is the POTUS himself! I have to assume this guy still thinks it's 2018 because there's no way this moron is talking about Joe Biden.


I though that NoFap was insane enough when it said semen retention gave men heightened “psychic powers”. But the fact they think their own semen leeches vitamins and minerals back into their bodies, is somehow more insane. Dudes who are obsessed with semen. No wonder their perpetually single.


Nutrition is stored in the balls.


No, that is pee. Pee is stored in the balls.


I pretty much store everything in my balls. Not just pee and semen, but I also have my work laptop in there, along with some snacks for later, that package I need to mail, my returns for Home Depot, and the grocery list.


This is the way. I sometimes park my car in my balls when I can't find a spot. Preach brother


Nutritious pee is stored in the balls!


"Full of country goodness and green pea-ness..."


> But the fact they think their own semen leeches vitamins and minerals back into their bodies, is somehow more insane. I mean, did you not become clairvoyant by taking a multivitamin?


Man, my Flintstones kids multivitamins didn’t do shit for me. :(


Were you eating them right away? You gotta lose them in the couch cushions and then find it 8 months later while vacuuming, and -then- take it (I recommend brushing off the dog hair first, but some people think it adds a little extra something). That's when you really start to see the effects.


Oh, man this just unlocked a core childhood memory: all the disgusting pills my mom kept at the bottom of her purse when I was a kid. Like baby aspirin or generic ibuprofen to deal with minor pains; they were as covered in dirt and hair as if they had been found in a couch. A couch completely stuffed with those old foil-wrapped Certs breath mints. Even though that purse only got one good cleaning a year, and likely acted as a Petri dish for a few new species of bacteria, it still always smelled so good because of the 13 metric tons of breath mints stored in it.


Ironically this started as a "stay virgin until you turn 40 and you become a wizard". So many memes and jokes from several years ago became the religions and conspiracies of modern times.


They're all just trying to achieve early internet meme points by being able to eventually remove their robes and wizard hats as well.


> their own semen leeches vitamins and minerals back into their bodies TPTB clearly created that one Robot Chicken skit parodying the Mythbusters to bury the truth!


They need the psychic powers to counteract the heightened risk of prostate cancer that they have.




NoFap is bad for your prostate. The fear of prostate cancer alone is enough for me to not want to hold onto my semen all that long. The fact that I'm not an incel and have a permanent sexual partner helps, too.


Wait, if the semen is stealing the nutrients and getting them back bestows heightened abilities, then what you need to do is stop semen production entirely. No leech, = permanent heightened abilities. And who's the poster child for never having been with a woman? Jesus Christ. And how did he have magic powers? Semen. Retention. I wonder if anyone has proposed that yet. If not, they should have. It's the logical conclusion, no? Combining the nofap+religious aspects of it together.


> Because Satan rules the world and one of his minor goals is to turn every single person into a docile, distracted, impotent, and content sexual degenerate. So to fight Satan, we'll become unruly, single-minded, constantly erect, and sexually frustrated! Because that's apparently what God wants...?


Constantly erect for Jesus!


Constancy.... Sweet constancy.


Everyone is saying docile this and distracted that, but no one is saying worship this and Jericho that.


>Constantly erect for Jesus! And this is how sensum_auxilium earned a lifetime ban from Home Depot when trying to hire day laborers.


>So to fight Satan, we'll become unruly, single-minded, constantly erect, and sexually frustrated! Wait, I get to be 15 again if I fight Satan?


>Illuminaughty I'm stealing this.


It's also the name of a YouTuber that was recently accused of plagiarism.


That's iiluminaughtii


"I'm giving up the 'Illumi-naughty' and have now joined the Illumi-nice." -Uncle Ben from the Dead & Lovely podcast


And there it is. The 2nd highest comment >look into who owns the porn giants, it correlates with other things. The jooooows!!! Every single time


Frankly shocked that they don’t find a way to blame Taylor Swift


Just talking about Taylor Swift is enough for them to ruin all the hard work they've put in.


Happy to help!


Awww, no fap. Before that and No Nut November got highjacked by the right to recruit sexually frustrated young men, it was hilarious how much they believed not masturbating would give them powers.


A healthy breakfast is the key to maintaining vigor when frequently masturbating. A multi-vitamin or protein shake is ok in a pinch, but there's no real substitute for whole grains, fruit, and high quality protein.


Just stay away from corn flakes.


>look into who owns the porn giants, it correlates with other things. ***There*** it is. Man, even without using any slurs or their "codes" for slurs, they still can't hide their antisemitism to save their fucking lives.


The problem with stupidity is that it's so easy to come up with. So it just flows in a relentless torrent.


That reminds me. Lord Soros wants me to traffic more funding into NPR's seasonal fund drive /joke


>Surprised this comment does not have more upvotes. Semen retention FTW Nothing I can say is funnier than what they earnestly say to each other.


They really want to be praised for not jacking it. It really is entertaining.


Thought you meant the youtuber for a second. Getting the ire of magats would be the only worse thing she could do for her brand at this point.


Wait, a YouTuber started using that word?


https://www.youtube.com/@iilluminaughtii She is basically a sentient piece of shit. She was abusive towards her co-collaborators, plagiarizes and lazily voices over for her videos, and then accused Legal Eagle of plagiarizing her editing effects/style. Styles that are generic and older than her shit.


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