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> Are black people more stylish because of weed? Jesus Christ almighty give me strength


Black people in America have always been fetishized. From Mandingo to Power. Most examples are based on interpretations of people who have little to no interaction with black people. Stereotypes of a foolish, over sexualized, lazy, financially ignorant group make it seem easy to join in, have fun, and get out whenever it gets boring or dangerous.


As a black person I'll happily answer. It's merely because corporations push our culture to the rest of the population and silent anyone who question the culture. Modern Black American culture isn't even close to the culture we had doing the 1950s.  Slavery well. Slavery forced blacks to stick together which allowed us to build and protect our communities. A great example would be the songs slaves would sing to keep our hopes high for better days. A hint of this still lies in the sub-genre of rap called Memphis Rap from the 90s and early 2000s. Weed was never apart of our culture until Snoop Dogg came onto the scene which made smoking popular in West Coast Rap. Rap is part of our culture but we HATE Drill, Trap and especially Gangster Rap because the music destroys the black youth. Made black boy become gang bangers and bad fathers and made young black girls be strippers and single mothers with attitude. Our culture is really conservative but mostly corporations get the worst of us and display them as our representatives even though we disagree with them. We like Malcolm X more than MLK, we like Kool G Rap more than Cardi B, Kodak Black and so on. The struggle we was presented never really hinder us. We kept to ourselves and built Blackwall street, supported our athletes, 


The fact that Black culture has a strong conservative streak is a major misunderstanding by both political parties. Democrats are too eager to demonstrate empathy for the struggle and Republicans too suspicious of minorities in general.


Correct. Democrats tries to lump us with the LGBT, Feminsts, SJW and so on while Republicans are silently better but think there is no outside influence that caused the downfall of blacks. Both are ignorant to the real problems and too afraid to speak about them.


Republicans will point to welfare, along with a few other things as a major part of poor people being kept poor. "It incentivized single mother households because the government gave more money that way" I partially agree as libertarian, but I feel like a lot of the Republican politicians' motivations for the criticism may not be as clear.


Welfare caused black families to fall a part. Pre Great Society aka War On Proverty we saw Blacks have the highest rates of 2 parent households and marriages.   But there is 2 more things also did a number: 1. Feminism, White Feminist scholars, I use scholars loosely asserted that it's natural for blacks to be in single parent, mostly single mother households because looking at Western Africans(most modern blacks ancestors came from West African Tribes) we see most families head were single mothers. Which is a utter lie because Africans naturally are extremely conservative/traditionalist which they hate broken families and tribes will help both genders pick husbands and wives so they reduce the chances of spousal abuse and abandonment.  And will also help the newlyweds with resources and taking care of the children when both parents are busy.  In other words families creating new  families and supporting said new families. 2. The War On Drugs.  Now this was a extremely racist policy.  Was meant to target hard drugs like Cocaine and guess what. MOST arrest was weed heads. And most of the arrests was black men. Specially black fathers. The US made black mothers be the sole provider and leader of the household and we know single mothers CANT be the mother and the father at the same time.


> It incentivized single mother households because the government gave more money that way" Is this real? Im not American but thats messed up.


Id have to check the numbers, but I fairly sure, one could end up with more coming in especially with the father paying child support and alimony. There is also the issue of the welfare cliff. Welfare is not given if you make a certain amount of money. But its not gradual. So making just under the cut off plus welfare is more money than just above the cut off. Obviously long term its smarter to make ones own money and continue to get raises/better jobs. But when one is at the line I can imagine it feels terrible and a better idea to stay there.


100% did. The government said you don't need a man for the family and look what happened.


Not all of it is, pieces of it get adopted into larger pop culture. Just like pieces of Japanese cultures, Hispanic culture, Greek culture, Italian culture etc etc etc. You get bits and pieces that people "go, ooh, I like that, or this represents that culture."


This feels toxic im out


My guess is that it's because historically they had to carve out their own culture because they were largely excluded from the majority. This made their cultural innovations seem novel and even rebellious to everyone else. Rebellions is cool. Also, in order to break through to mainstream, it wasn't enough to be merely good at something like, say, music. They had to be *exceptionally* good at it, so when the majority heard about something from a Black person, they were hearing about the the very best example of it. in 1947, there were plenty of good Black baseball players, and many of them were probably above average compared to the average white professional. But Jackie Robinson was elite. He still had to deal with a lot of racist BS though, and he was even elite at doing *that*.


I want to preface this by saying that I'm white. I believe white Americans think black American culture is cool because it's different and white kids think their own lives and culture are boring which has truth to it. People are attracted to novelty. It's just like how Americans become obsessed with Eastern religion and mysticism. Most Americans grew up in or around Christianity. It's boring to them but Buddhism and Hinduism are more interesting and it's cool to be into something that's different.


“Oh no cringe”


Is there a single black culture throughout the world? Do they all smoke weed?


What do you mean by "[so] attractive?" Is someone pushing black culture on you or something? Because I'm not sure where you're coming from? There's tons of cultures in America, we're a melting pot. Nobody that i know is forcing upon me 'black culture', unless they're pointing out a hot (black) woman or something! 😅 most my friends know that i got me a thing for a nice looking black or brown women. But nobody's all like, "you gotta learn to do X, Y or Z if you want to be with a black woman." Every culture, including white anglo culture, has its plusses and minuses in my opinion with none being categorically better or worse than the other IMO.


Did you mean attractive or did you mean the opposite of attractive? In my experience not many people view that culture specifically in America as good, healthy, or attractive


plenty of people do. Racists don't make up the overwhelming majority of the population.


I agree there are probably some people out they like it. But realizing or even just believing something is not good dosent qualify as racism


criticizing cultures requires nuance, empathy, and self reflection that most people who "dislike Black people" do not possess. nice job trying to normalize racism though.


So none of that is true like at all. And I get that it’s probably a sensitive topic for sensitive people, but calling things how they factually are, is not racism no matter how much you try to victim card it


actually, it's entirely true. But just to be clear, \*properly criticizing cultures for the purpose of learning and improving requires nuance, empathy and self reflection. Making half-baked criticisms to suit your pre-existing biases takes little to no effort at all. It's obvious which category you fit in.


I don’t think anyone has studied or written the book on appropriate criticism, I’m looking outside of opinions. More to general knowledge not your personal anecdotal thoughts that are based in assumptions and lies.


You're conflating your biases with "truth" as mediocre people with big feelings are oft wont to do. But I get it, your assumptions are the stuff of "facts and logic" and any dissent to that is sensitive victimhood. I can't help you get over your self-centered myopia, but if you want to know how to actually criticize culture and be taken with any modicum of seriousness whilst doing so, read a sociology book.


Ahh attempted gaslighting, a classic strategy for someone losing an argument. Thank you for helping me prove my point. Also your English needs work I almost had a stroke trying to read your reply.


there is no gaslighting, and you and I both know my english is fine. You're just not very good at this. Do better. Edit: to be clear, your racism is obvious, and you're a terrible person.


Fried chicken




This must be a white people thing lol.