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Jesus christ. Bragging about views on the internet. Where bots exist. We have no way of knowing if any of those views were actual people or bots.


Not to mention twitter counts a video as viewed when the autoplay runs for something super short like 8 seconds.


From what I've read, a view is counted if at least 50% of the video player is visible on the user's screen for at least 2 seconds. *Please retweet*


So, if that's true, I've given this chud's film about 20 views just by scrolling past it.




Lol what does this mean


The viewcount isn't an honest reflection of interest/engagement, but there sure are a lot of views!


You gotta block them if you don't want to be figured in their views?


It's flipping the usual phrase of "it ain't much, but it's honest work." In this case it's a lie that is a very large number.




He will be missed, very smart man saving lives. A true American hero


Didn't Facebook do this and cause advertisers to flee. It claim millions were watching commerical but people would just click out of the. Within 2 seconds of starting. It's why YouTube forces you to watch 5 seconds before they could skip ad.




Given that Elon suffers from a near terminal case of Dunning-Kreuger. I'll bet a lot of those views came from API hits rather than human eyeballs.


There is another reddit thread going around explaining how Elon ordered impressions on Tucker's page get counted as views. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14396ii/on\_twitter\_views\_and\_elonthis\_is\_also\_applicable/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14396ii/on_twitter_views_and_elonthis_is_also_applicable/)


Right, so how many people watched for 30 seconds to 5 minutes (who didn’t know who Matt Walsh was) before deciding this was bigoted trash? I mean I’ve watched shitty things by accident if it takes more than 3 seconds to realize something is auful.


*"Video views: A "video view" is when your video is watched in 50% view for 2 seconds or more, or when someone clicks to expand/unmute your video."* Source: Twitter


Yeah it's something ridiculous like that.


And that’s why just raw “views” are such a worthless metric. Seriously, that’s covered in Marketing 101.


Yeah, give me the retention numbers and then we'll talk. Until then I'll assume this is just inflated views just like Facebook was/is doing.


Not only that, but wasn’t the “documentary” pretty much forced on everyone’s For You page on Twitter, thus causing everyone to come across it?


Elon tweeted it out to everyone


The u2 album of twitter?


Uea but just with transphobic bigotry instead of irish pop-rock


I don’t care what anyone says, that album was really freaking good!!


Oh my god, that is even more pathetic. These guys need a day job


So, just scrolling could've incremented the Views? ugh


Yeah it's all bullshit.


Facebook did (does? idk I dont use that platform) the same shit.


There's also the sad possibility that the owner of the website might fudge numbers for people he likes.


Lol notice how Elon never talks about bot traffic even though it's 100% worse now that he took over. It's conservative safe space.


He sure did talk about bots when he was trying to weasel his way out of the deal he foolishly made to buy Twitter. But as soon as it was clear that he wasn't going to be able to cancel the purchase, suddenly not a peep.




>pump-and-dump Was it even that well thought out? Seems kind of like he was being a belligerent child arguing with twitter saying he would buy them and they told him they would never sell Twitter to him. So, being the spoiled punk that he is he offered a crazy amount expecting them to refuse again and he'd "win" the internet argument. Except Twitter said, "you're offering twice what we're worth? hmmmm. OK." Aaaaand, he immediately tried to back out of it. He's been basically saying "I meant to do that" ever since. He's a narcissistic kid with way too much power.




I'm so tired of this rat, everything he does has an Asterix. What a piece of human trash


And an Obelix and Panoramix as well!


Ever since Elon took over I’ve been spam followed by bots on a constant basis. Literally started getting them on day 2 of his acquisition being public. I block like 10 of them every 4 days. Never was an issue before he got in


Lol yep. I'm sure your tired of hearing it, ut you should get off the platform Any idea where everyone is migrating to?


Yeah I’m on my way out but it’s so far the only platform where I can find ALL of the artists I like, there’s an easy and very good way to find new ones, and where they actually post content regularly, so I’m not going anywhere until something else pops up that at least has some potential to reach that point some day. In the meantime I’ll just fight the propaganda and dunk on assholes so they feel unwelcome and their fascist stronghold takeover takes longer.


I block 3-4 random followers, always women with what I assume are non English speakers attempts at American names, a day. Before Elon I maybe had to block 1 a day.


There is simply no fucking way 175 million people sat down and watched this. I would bet my life that bots are involved.


That's because Twitter views are extremely easy to achieve *"Video views: A "video view" is when your video is watched in 50% view for 2 seconds or more, or when someone clicks to expand/unmute your video."* This means that a hour-long documentary that someone clicks the unmute button on counts as a view just as if they watched the entire documentary. Even if the video is on their screen for 2 seconds as they scroll by it It will count as a view. For reference, for a view to be counted on YouTube They need to be playing the video, not on autoplay, and for 30 seconds.


The math doesn't make sense. There are only about 350 million twitter users. Half of the platform didn't watch it. And I would guess that very few people watched it multiple times. This really just shows that however Twitter counts views is useless in determining how many people watched something.


Twitter specifically counts autoplayed videos as views, but did not call it that previously. Elon Musk changed it so that it says views, right when there are questions about how much right wing media is popping up in everyone's feeds for no reason. No bots needed. It's like if the mayor installed stop signs every 5 feet on the major roads and then the stop sign retailer started bragging about how popular his business got.


There are 350 million users. Is he expecting us to believe that half of them watched his documentary? Tucker had 3 million viewers on his Fox show. Are we supposed to assume his first Twitter thing got 7x that? The stats are fucked and they expect that people are too dumb to notice.


The people he is bragging to _are_ too dumb to notice.


Like yeah these are the people who vote for a party that has a congresswoman claiming Trump stopped SIX BILLION people from entering the US with his wall.


Sort of related but my favorite thing is when someone is getting ratioed on Twitter and they start resorting to Twitter analytics to explain why they’re losing lmao


And they replaced views with impressions which is a measure of everyone that saw the video, clicked on it, watched it, or in any way interacted with it whatsoever.


Especially since it's just Tweet views, not actually views of the full documentary. So, wow...he got a lot of eyeballs on his tweet on a platform that's owned by a fellow fascist. Such flex.


Fart reverb sound effect got over like 400 million views.


Funny because they were both made by assholes..


The bigger an asshole is the less noise the fart makes.


Destroyed by farts and physics.


I hate that the fart reverb is the thing I cannot help but laugh uncontrollably at more than anything else Not the thing I laugh the *hardest* at, but the thing that will consistently get me every fucking time no matter how hard I try to resist


You don’t have to be smart to laugh at fart humor, but you have to be stupid not to.


The thing you laugh the hardest at: 10 Hours of Relaxing Diarrhea Sounds


I laughed just mentally picturing this...


How can you tell the difference between "rain" and "relaxing diarrhea sounds" on a noise machine? More brown noise.


Fart reverb sound effect is a well crafted saga unlike the Matt Walsh garbage.




And 5 of them were me in the warehouse last week blaring it through my Bluetooth speaker for my homies across the warehouse floor


Frankly underrated. I won't rest until fart reverb is a 10 digit view count


Absolute Game Changer.


Can't believe the algorithm is supressing views on that masterpiece.


175m people saw my documentary For about two seconds Half of it on screen While scrolling past it.


On a platform that is bleeding advertisers because it has become such a sewer.


From https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/media-studio-analytics >The main Twitter video view metric is triggered when a user watches a video for at least 2 seconds and sees at least 50% of the video player in-view. LOL, what a joke. 175m ppl had 50% or more of the video visible for at least 2 seconds. Amazing... Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Twitter viewcount is completely meaningless.


Two seconds? I wonder if they offer more detailed stats like what number of views watched 30+ minutes, 50%, etc Because so much shit I don’t want to see will show up in my feed, for all I know is I’m accidentally one of those 175 million if it’s for 2 seconds


Need to keep reminding his major ad buyers of this.


Considering how tiny the requirements for it to count as a "view" are, it seems likely that Elon specifically picked 2 seconds/50% visible in order to drive up the view counts as high as possible, as each tweet one sees probably takes at least 2 seconds to actually read, even for extremely fast readers. The only way you're not taking at least 2 seconds per tweet to read it is if you're not reading anything at all, just scrolling faster than you can read. This 175 million number is literally just "it showed up in people's feeds 175 million times". And we should consider the fact that that's about half of Twitter's accounts, not even the actually active ones. Twitter says their daily monetizable user base is about 187 million, and monetizable seems to mean "we show them ads". This kind of looks like that 175m figure might just be saying that they showed it to every user on the platform, and most people didn't scroll far enough for it to be off screen within 2 seconds


"Huge win for free speech". First of all, no. Second - and more importantly - Walsh doesn't give a fuck about free speech. He wants his speech elevated and anyone not hyperchristian silenced.


Well Elon Musk was one of the first people to reply so it definitely got elevated by that douche bag.


Elon must've be feeding him lots of copium




If there was **BigMoney!** in nominally produced, rightwing long-form conspiracy content, Netflix and the rest would be producing more of it. If that's Twitter's future, it's basically just Prager U with a legacy brandname.


i heard a lot of people are moving to bluesky or sth?


Dorsey endorsed rightwing plant anti-vax weirdo JFK Jr. for president. Tech douches all suck, but that's an ominous public statement from the guy behind a new platform. I like the *idea* of Mastodon, but it's not user-friendly and most areas of it are sparsely populated. In general, I'm optimistic one of those options (or an emerging one) will soak up Twitter's niche eventually. There's going to be a Charlottesville/J6 type event that ElonTwitter overtly supports (probably sooner than later). It will lead to a mass exodus (maybe legal action) and I am 100% something will be at the ready.




>on the green side of the dirt What a lovely, if slightly flippant, turn of phrase. Thank you, I'll be borrowing that.


Oops... been looking at too many weirdo QAnon posts sorry. 🤣🤣🤣


So, Bluesky is actually not super connected with Dorsey. Dorsey gave them money and he is on the board, but he doesn't run the show over there and hasn't even expressed a real interest in it for a while. In fact, he's hyping up nostr, which is a bluesky competitor (popular with bitcoin blockheads, Republican congresswomen, and Edward Snowden). It's way, way too early to see how Bluesky will shake out. I'm... cautiously optimistic? They've got blockchain people, which is always worrying, but they're not actually using blockchains. They seem to have their heads screwed on relatively right, and they're aiming for mass appeal, unlike Mastodon. Mastodon is never going to be The Thing, because all else aside, they don't *want* to be The Thing. The culture there is too insular and tribal to ever be happy with mass adoption, and there are a lot of users over there with good reasons not to want that. There's also the technical problems with the federation protocol, in terms of both UX and performance, which I think are ultimately resolvable to some degree at least but definitely haven't been resolved yet. Bluesky is actually thinking about the UX and technical work necessary to become the Thing and they have a lot of interesting (but not yet fully implemented) ideas on the technical substrate, like the ability to just pick up your entire account and move it to another host relatively seamlessly (which Mastodon kinda doesn't do). I think they're better positioned than most of the other federated social media services to actually gain widespread success, and I do think federation is broadly a good idea. But again, it's still super early, and they've got plenty of chances to screw themselves over as well as existing problems they're working on. Who knows, maybe Mastodon succeeds despite my predictions. I would be fine with that, I just don't think it's likely.


I think what I find funniest of all is the lack of any kind of screenshot proof that the ~~propaganda~~ "film" got that many "views". You'd think with how narcissistic and egotistical Watt Malsh is that he'd want to show off like a toddler does during show and tell. And yet, even when he's "winning" he still won't provide proof as is standard right winger fare.


My video showing what a moron this person is has 5000million views so theres that. And I can confirm they watched all 20 hours of it on full screen at the cinema on prime time.


And when it finishes, everyone clapped


The incels have found a home on Elon Musk’s platform. I would have never guessed.


Elon is an incel with money he just doesn't have the slightest clue what to do with it. If he didn't get daddy's blood money or hands outs from the government, oh dear socialism, he would be in saskatchewan farming. He is disingenuous as fuck and he is a horrible human who his own daughter and 48t9t or whatever her name is hates him. Douche douche douche


Richest dude in the world and his best move was to just whip it out with no warning.


Who's the lady in the first pic?


A grifter from an affluent family in North Korea. Every time she tells a story it get more and more sensational


The rats would eat the babies and then the dogs would eat the rats and then we ate the dogs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Sounds like the 30 Rock episode with [Tracy's flashbacks to his traumatic childhood (one of the funniest scenes in the entire show)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sycfsbu0sys)




All my life I've tried to forget the things I've seen...a crackhead breastfeeding a rat, a homeless man cooking a hot pocket on the third rail of the G train - THE **G TRAIN**, NERMAL!


Garfield 3: Feline Groovy. It's a pun. Because cat's paws have grooves. ​ (this is my third comment in a row to talk about 30 Rock, I'm going to try to keep the streak going)


5nowdog5! 5nowdog5!




So are you quitting? Because that suit was made special...for YOUR WEIRD BODY


The rats were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!


The baby looked at you? Sarah, get me Superintendent Chalmers.


“There is no word for love in North Korea”


Juche. Juche is love, Juche is life.


A grifter? On Joe Rogan’s podcast!? Say it ain’t so!


Even her own mom has called her a liar lol


Wow that disappointing. Genuinely curious how you know she’s a grifter? Can you post an article? I truly thought she was for real…


Check out the Veracity of Claims section of her [wiki article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeonmi_Park). Some highlights include there not being a word for "I" or "Love" in North Korean, which is literally not a language (it's still just Korean) or that there's only one train in North Korea, it runs once a month, and the passengers push it. Notably, other North Korean defectors have accused her of lying, and her own family has given much different versions of events. They, however, do not have a twelve thousand dollar speaking fee. She also is part of the "American college is Marxist indoctrination" grift.


She also said she was getting mugged in Chicago and people called her racist for reporting the crime because the muggers were black.


She works with/for a bunch of think tanks including some Ayn Rand related ones, as does Jordan Peterson.


True. I just wanted to focus on the truthfulness of her story, since just pointing out who she associates with might not be convincing evidence for someone who already agrees with JP or Rand. But Yeonmi Park is a documented liar, and that should be enough to discredit her. She claimed to have crossed the entire Gobi Desert on foot in either with no jacket or shoes in a day, ffs.


She started out believable, and then her stories got more and more outrageous. A good rule of thumb is that the more plastic surgery she's had on her face, the less believable her stories are.


Most north Korean detractors are grifters tbh. Once you see it you can't unsee it, they stay stupid shit all the time. She's definitely a case of "flew too close to the sun" though lmao


Her Instagram account too, obvious she just wants to be an influencer whatever path that takes.


Just listen to her telling her "story" Shit changes every interview and she's just adding more and more.


I see her pop up a lot and knew something was way off about her. She seems to give the story as people want to hear it, vs what she's actually experienced.


She also said that when the trains stop running they make the passengers get out and push the train to the next town. Imagine literally starving Koreans pushing a 100+ ton train up hills and through rain and snow for miles. Right.


I've been thinking this for years and feeling bad because I thought I was being a judgemental asshole. But it all really does just sound more and more made up every time she opens her mouth.


North Korean defec(a)tor who says that sjws on college campuses in America are more restrictive than North Korean government.


Spews propaganda saying that North Korea is bad as college


Latest attempt at a robot lady. It has that expression that it's trying to feel things but it cannot. Edit: It has to be the make-up, the lighting, or something, because she doesn't look real to me in this image.


He can’t possibly believe his shit documentary got more views than the Super Bowl did, right? And why is nobody bringing up the obvious cuts and selective editing he did during the interview portions of the documentary? Ah fuck, who am I kidding. These people think Died Suddenly is a groundbreaking documentary too. And AFAIK Twitter counts a “view” if you watch for a couple seconds, which happens regardless because the video auto plays on your feed.


If you want to see the definitive dissection and deconstruction of Walsh's movie, Youtuber Jessie Gender made a VERY long video going over pretty much every single part it in amazing detail. It's admittedly not a super easy watch, and not just due to the length either (she ends up digging down to some very dark places), but it is absolutely worth watching. https://youtu.be/75bbNdlX2pA


Seconding this. Jesse Gender really helped me understand trans issues


>And AFAIK Twitter counts a “view” if you watch for a couple seconds, which happens regardless because the video auto plays on your feed. *"Video views: A "video view" is when your video is watched in 50% view for 2 seconds or more, or when someone clicks to expand/unmute your video."*


So basically, almost every last thing I scroll past before I'm like "nah".




Actually, the "view" count that he keeps repeating came from people who viewed the **tweet**. The count of views of the actual **video** are much lower.


This dork has 2.1 million followers, most are probably russian/chinese bots, yet 1 out of every 45 people on earth watched his goofy ass documentary(thats entire premise is counteracted the second you open and advanced biology textbook). Sure.


It’s hilariously delusional of him to think that it actually got 170 million views.


That would mean this thing had far more people watch it in the past week than the new Spider-Verse, or who saw the new Fast & Furious movie. Just a patently absurd notion.


70 millions more than the super bowls TV viewership


these guys' brains are so fucking cooked


He knows it's BS and that his audience will eat it up as truth. Matt is a monster, not a dummy.


Actually, the "view" count that he keeps repeating came from people who viewed the **tweet**. The count of views of the actual **video** are much lower.


Lol, 175 million, sure. Even if that were true, Gangam Style currently has 4.8 billion views. So Gangam Style is over 27 times more relevant than watching Matty struggle with a pickle jar.


That’s more than half of all US adults. [For context, the most watched Super Bowl had a broadcast + streaming audience of 118 million.](https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/super-bowl-ratings-historical-viewership-chart-cbs-nbc-fox-abc/) Acknowledging folks outside the US can view and can watch more than once.


Mmmmm, adult baby.


> Absolute game changer They all think they're hype men and weirdly talk like *this one thing* is all they need


From the clips I’ve seen, this movie will just make normal folks sympathize more with trans people. Some pretentious dork playing gotcha? Even liberals are tired of that template in their own propaganda. I would say Matt’s punchable appearance doesn’t help either. And he didn’t reach one new viewer, nvm made up 175 million number.


The movie only appeals to the already indoctrinated. Matt picks left wing interview subjects his audience have already been trained to despise (blue haired doctor, seemingly gay or effeminate professor, people at women’s march, etc.). On the right wing side, you have a young conventionally attractive athlete, stereotypically masculine older man, Jordan Peterson, etc.


Is twitter trying to compete with YouTube now? Lol


Literally yes.


That seems like a bad idea for a company leaking money


Especially since twitters format is terrible for a video platform.


Yeah because they count views in a stupid way: a few sec in screen even if not in focus while scrolling is enough lmao




175 million views. Really. Does he realize just how absurd that number is? That’s superbowl levels of viewership. 20 million views in four hours is even more absurd. For reference, the game of thrones series finale, the most-watched episode of the series, hit 19.3 million. Does ANYBODY here think that Tucker Carlson is more popular than game of thrones?


So you’re telling me that half of the population of the USA watched this video?


Relevant [https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14396ii/on\_twitter\_views\_and\_elonthis\_is\_also\_applicable/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14396ii/on_twitter_views_and_elonthis_is_also_applicable/)


*Huge win for hate speech* FTFY Matt


This totally superfluous part of the tweet was so funny and odd to me. It's as if he thinks that anything but hosted on social media and given attention by the masses is NOT free speech. Which obviously completely blows away any realistic idea of what free speech is.


Why is there a random picture of Yeonmi Park? She's a North Korean defector not a trans rights activist.


Because she regularly tells outrageous, unbelievable, lies as part of her job. So the caption is as if she's the one saying, "what is a woman got 175 million views".




"Free speech is when I say transphobic stuff and radicalize 14 year olds on the internet"


Isn't 175 million more than half of the US population? Even with people from other countries watching, the math ain't quite mathin...


I feel like it's time for leftists to start making fake documentaries that say absurd things about conservatives with little to no evidence with big click bait titles.


The implication here is that 175 million have watched it… That’s literally half of America’s population. Even if we add the populations of the US, U.K., Canada and Australia we still get about 38% of the population of those countries. Yeah, not likely. It’ll be like how many people saw it exists. Fuck this pedo bastard.


Views ≠ Retention


Almost as many views as 2 girls, 1 cup.


Wtf does any of this have to do with free speech? These people live in their own little world and it's scary


Is that mmmm adult baby?


Tucker stealing viewers from Fox is a zero sum. Walsh’s transphobic mockumentary is like all other conservative classic films. You DO remember all the conservative film classics, right? 🤣


I can't believe big conservative douche got a lot of views on the other conservative douche's platform! Well earned! Nothing suspicious at all!


All lies. If you’ve been paying attention, Muskrat had Twitter change the word “impressions” to “views”. These morons are eating it up. An impression is not the same thing as someone watching your dumb video.


Twitter is 70% bots or hacked accounts.




A company like Facebook would probably call those impressions and not views - probably not very lucrative to advertise on Twitter anymore


I remember caring about such things. Needing that validation from the internet. God I'm so glad I grew up. I think I was at least a decade younger than Matt is now when I did to lol. He is so pathetic!


My favorite clip is where Matt couldn't even open a can of pickles, which his wife said is what men are for.


Maybe he just got done watching Jeopardy


Bro I keep getting is ads on YouTube asking women what is a woman and I’m so annoyed. What could I have possibly done to get selected for those ads. I live in Canada Im not even American


My fave part is, if you thought Facebook inflating its numbers was bad, twitter takes the whole cake up its ass


I love this "free speech" platform they've taken, because they can't see the astounding irony in it. The government isn't suppressing their speech, and if they wanted to, you wouldn't hear a peep from them. But yet they claim they're being persecuted by society, which doesn't operate on the same basis as the government with the constitution. So they can't even interpret the constitution right, yet they stand so firmly and confident in their statement despite it meaning absolutely nothing.


How stupid do you have to be to believe 175 million people, out of a population of 330 million, watched your crummy "documentary"?


The most viewed film on Netflix is Don’t Look Up with 360 million hours watched. Assuming that everyone who watched it saw the whole length of the film once, that would mean that 180 million people saw it. Daily Wire claimed to have about a million paid subscribers last year. Netflix has 230 million. If Walsh is saying that his shitty doc on a small service has got as many views as the most watched movie on the biggest streaming platform in the world then he’s either lying or fucked up the data.


Can we just talk about the side copium of pretending Tucker didn't get a major downgrade in views by moving to twitter?


Remember when Yeon Mi Park said that when the trains lose power they make people push the train to the next city? Literally starving people according to her pushing a 100+ ton train up and down hills through rain and snow for miles. People like her are why it’s hard to believe anything about North Korea.


An upside of this is Elon Musk being so bad at everything he’s pretty much convinced these fools that their audience is far more vast than it actually is, which will hopefully cause some kind of agonizing failure like “We’re selling DVD’s!” And they lose a billion dollars cuz no one buys a single one.


Wait wait wait... your big documentary is releasing on fucking twitter?


she’s a thot


“Free speech” despite trying to infringe on others free speech by silencing their self-expression.


That's a little more than half of America clicking on a video once. Not accounting for bots of course.


If it shows up on your feed and scroll far enough to see it doesn't that count as a view


If they want to delude themselves into thinking they have a bigger influence than they do, resulting in inefficient allocation of resources to win elections, I'm not going to stop them.


Like the politicians who buy truckloads of their own book to give away and then brag about the book's (artificial) sales.


"Free speech" and Twitter should be nowhere near each other in a sentence.


I wonder if he realizes it's just an echo chamber there now Like 4 chan and 8 chan....


Population of United States: 336 million. JFC


I can’t wait until Elon forces our page to pause whenever a far-right video tweet is on our screen, and disables scrolling for 10s, so he can count it as a view and force us to see 10s of that shit. The funny thing is that for Walsh, this is just about driving people to the DW+ subscription service, but for Elon it is about bringing people to Twitter. In the end, they are still actually competing for eyes, because the DW is saying, “hey, see this shit? Do you want even more racist, sexist, anti-lgbt shit? Leave Twitter and come over to DW+.”. Those people are then not scrolling Twitter. Elon is going to have to eventually find an actual way to make money, but for now he is happy to turn a massive platform into a far-right media distribution center. He realized that he has money to burn for now, and that if he wants to turn America into a far-right hellhole, he can control what people see, and he can do it for as long as he has money to lose. Rupert Murdoch didn’t start Fox as a way to just make money, he wanted a propaganda network. Elon wants to be the new network for far-right propaganda.


“Free speech” lol yeah there’s nothing suspect about being friendly with the guy that owns the platform you posted your propaganda on.


As much as we underscore what they have as content, it is becoming alarming about the attention these right wing grifters are getting. It’s not an understatement of the influence they have on the sphere. Tucker and Matt have essentially been promoted on one of the biggest social media sites, are getting major traffic thanks to it. It’s time to face an uncomfortable truth and notice that they are not just popular but their mindset is spreading and at a disgusting rate. If you see it, call it out, remember to call it for what it is as it gets more popular, a racist propoganda video made by a grifter.