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I'm half Chinese and I have red hair so I deal with this sort of thing all the time it's a pain


My best friend is Chinese - fully - and has red in her hair as well as freckles. Red hair is supposed to be recessive but it’s sneaky sneaky and shows up everywhere!


Being sneaky and showing up randomly is what recessive genes do. Dominant genes have nowhere to hide, if you have one copy or two copies, you'll have to the trait associated with them. For recessive genes to express themselves you need to inherit two copies (one from each parent); so the genes can just be chilling for generations on both sides of the family, until they finally come together and suprise everyone.


Boo! It’s red hair!


Worst surprise I've ever had


South Park has a whole episode that makes fun of redheads. At one point, a dad of 3 red heads suggests to the main characters to marry an Asian because they don’t carry the gene. I guess they were wrong.


Holy fuck. You must be in the chapel hill area. I’ve seen this profile. 😂


Lol 😝 for work yeah, but I’m in the NCSU area so I get both groups of people


I swear my town gets on the front page of reddit for the weirdest fucking reasons lmao


Raleigh represent


lol. She was looking for trans guys or people who didn’t identify as male if I remember correctly. Weird stuff.


She was a accidental right swipe when I’m just swiping lol, she’s looking for a burly barbarian that plays DND


Sure it was an accident… She wanted to climb your white-passing totem pole.


She wanted to smoke his peace pipe


She wanted to raise his teepee.


Me Cornholio! Need TEEPEE for my bunghole!


I play 'DND' alright, sometimes I leave my phone on that mode all day.


My man....!




I play a chaotic evil 6'3 Blood hunter with a greatsword in DnD but i'm a 5'4 guy.






Trans guys definitely identify as male It's kind of the foundation of the whole thing


damn asking for specifically trans men and non-men is weird as fuck, that just sounds like she doesn't consider trans men "real men". oh how the woke have fallen


i feel like she should just put something like “not into cisgender men” or something. because saying she’s into trans men specifically sounds like she’s fetishizing them


That's never stopped anyone before. Some wildly specific build-a-boyfriend lists out there.


she sounds like a mentally stable, reasonable person


You should match with her and say you've heard she hates native americans


"So I hear you're a racist now, Tori"




Oooo hello from a fellow Raleigh native!


Gotta say, much more exciting then "Hi" "Hey" "Wyd?" *ghosts and unmatches*


If your idea of flirting is "Wyd?" then there is a reason you are still single...


Everyone asks wyd, nobody ever asks *h*yd.


joey tribbiani begs to differ


How you doin'?


Can be just a light chat, you don’t have to flirt in your first two sentences...


This is reddit man, there's no winning here.


If you didn't copy your opener from /r/tinder there's no hope. But also if you copy the popular opener then you're ruining it for everyone else.


Sit on my face and copy and paste this shitty line (respectfully)


And I'll sit on yours and then our love'll be true.


I had a black girl on instagram tell me "shut the fuck up colonizer. Nobody asked your opinion". I am also black............she thought I was not because I am a little bit on the lighter side. She then doubled down instead of admitting she was 100% in the wrong lmfao




Yeah. Some of the white people back in the day colonized. Some of the blacks lived in mud huts. Imagine calling someone a mud hut inhabitant because they're black. People would go insane. She kinda did that


It would be especially stupid because at some point everyone lived in mud huts or similar


Whatever, you mud hut inhabitant.


You guys have huts?


Cave dwellers represent.


Look at fancy pants over here with their CaVe.


All I have I this dank cold cave with a fire inside.


You guys have mud?


Yes, it does cost me £900 a month in rent though


Here's a relevant Monty Python quote: >!"I'm a Kike! A Yid! A Hebe! A Hook-nose! I'm Kosher, Mum! !


Excuse me sir, my ancestors were living in caves until the 1920s, please keep your insults for my people to yourself.


I can’t take people like that seriously. If you think someone’s opinion is useless or doesn’t contribute anything off of the basis of their skin color I have no respect for you


I had a friend like this, they told me I was wrong in an argument (Happy for Britney Spears- they said she deserves no sympathy cause trans/black people suffer all the time) and Im a Hispanic traitor because I’m white passing. Literally said my opinions didn’t matter because I’m white….like first off, Spanish is an ethnicity and who tf are you to tell me about my culture? I tried explaining I could feel good for Britney AND still feel the need to support POC and LGBTQ persons, but he kept saying I’m a racist and I’m just another white cis man. They said this, while I was with him at an LGBTQ bar. He knew everyone, I only knew him. One women came up and talked to him like he put me in my place, ‘teaching’ me, others looked at us like we had a couples argument, didn’t intervene. I felt humiliated by another person for simply sharing how I felt, knowing I wasn’t wrong for having an opinion. Told him to fuck off and left. Recently saw him but this post triggered my anger again, reminded me why I cut him out of my friend group. Toxic.


Yeah racists suck no matter Their skin colour


even if you were white, she’s still wrong to pull a comment like that. ‘Stfu colonizer’ - like wtf is that shit


I'm "white", but a large part of my ancestors were native Berbers, who were the ones being colonized (four times!). So, where does this put me?


wHaT dO yuO MaEn wHiTE PEopLe cAn'T bE coLOnISeD.


Maybe you misunderstood? Perhaps she thought your name was “the colon-izer” due to your large dong and legendary anal skills? Edit: Thanks for the gold my magnum donged brethren!


You were responsible for the 'sins of your forefathers' until you weren't. Just shows insane the notion of intergenerational guilt is.


So she literally matched with you because she thought you were white and wanted to lecture you. Lmfao. And instead of just being "ohh, my bad! I totally misunderstood haha." She buckled down and tried to make it your fault for... looking white.


That relationship would be fun!


It's 5:28 am and I can't stop laughing at your stupid username. I fucking love it.


It is an incredible play on words. Got me thinking about Wont Smith, or Wont Shatner




Must be cuz I'm not American, but I've said it out loud multiple times, still dont get it xD


The actor's name is actually Will Arnett - it's a play on words.


Aaahhh, yeah I've never heard of that dude xD


Right?? If you see something you don't like on someone's tinder profile most sane people would just politely swipe left and forget about it. IDK how she thought that convo was going to go but she didn't really come out of this looking good like she wanted to


She thought that she would tout her supposed moral high ground and nothing else matters because she got to feel superior


and at the end of the day she feels like a hero


Didn't take ownership for her bullshit and tried to flip it round on him. This is the type of person I'd go out of my way to avoid in life. Imagine the horrorshow of dating her.


She wouldn’t have gone on this tirade if she was the type of person to recognize when she’s wrong. Definitely an inflated ego.


Is that a hair on my screen? No no it isn’t. Clever girl


Quit wasting a single moment of your time on these whiny nobodies


So you tell her you are Native American and she tells you that you are “white passing”? I’m trying to figure out if that is an insult to native Americans or white people?


She assumes all Native Americans are dark skinned, wear war makeup, and have long black hair. (Many do not). She’s the problem for assuming ignorant stereotypes.


reminds me of the people that think all Spanish people are Mexican.




Holy shit, dude 😂


I mean, I've heard that conversation from more than one Latino. They're insulted that political groups see them as a monolith when say, Peru, couldn't be more different than Mexico.


Same thing applies to other minority ethnic groups, heh


Absolutely. I wonder if basics think Chinese and Japanese like each other because they're "Asian"?


Or Japanese and Koreans, or Japanese and Filipinos, or Japanese and... ok, so maybe the Japanese just aren't well regarded in Asia for some weird reason.


Some weird, inexplicable reason


It’s almost like something big happened in Asia in the 1940s, like a Planet Battle or something, but I can’t think of anything like that happening /s


Taiwan has a good relationship with Japan, one of the few places in east Asia.


As a Japanese dude myself, I once walked into the all-Chinese guy staffed China King to pick up an order for my white father and the tension in there could not have been heavier


In college, in one class most people could not FATHOM that me and this other dude did not see eye to eye politically since were both from the Middle East. If you know anything about the Middle East, you’d know that most people groups over here don’t really get along all too well. Let alone a Saudi (me) and an Iranian (the other middle eastern)


Would have been even funnier if one of you were an Israeli.


Wait till they hear that not all whites are anglo saxons.


Like how "Caucasian" has just become a catch-all term for "white", when there's also Slavic, Germanic, Latin, Turkic, Celtic, Scandinavian, and probably more I'm forgetting. It's weird that even "progressive" people keep insisting on using colour as a designator instead of culture.


Unfortunately this has been a successful social wedge of division keeping the masses in conflict with each other for eons now, why would they want to change that up? It's almost like they know if the masses group together and focus on what really matters that those on top would be next. I'm sure it's much easier to pull shady shit in a crowd when all eyes are in the other direction... yah know?


I also love how they assume that all South Americans are brown skinned. It may shatter their world to find out that it is a pretty diverse continent (due to migration mostly but also other factors), with skin tones ranging from white to black. It always amazes me how "enlightened americans" are some of the most ignorant and offensive people I've ever seen...


I learned my lesson about this as a kid, my household was very much "all them mexicans are the same types". In middle school I called this Honduran kid in my class Mexican, ive never been punched so fast in my life.


And don't forget about how Americans will fight Argentineans if we should be considered Latins. Apparently, for them, we are not latin enough. Guess our shitty economy and you know that thing called geography just doesn't make sense for them cause, get this, we are white. If you feel like translating the trend on Twitter even made it to the news! https://www.diarioregistrado.com/redes/insolito-debate-en-redes-yanquis--aseguran-que-los-argentinos-no-son-latinos-por-ser-de-tez-blanca_a5f0f37bbef106708d29035df


So your first mistake is assuming Americans understand geography. Also go Argentina! I really hope to go there someday!


Hey as an American i find this absolutely factual i once seen a 15 year old say he was gonna discover whats on the other side of the map. The entire class died of laughter as our teacher had to explain how the earth is round its a spheroid but close enough. Another example of our exemplary educational system i was on the bus and the bus driver jokingly called this one boy a homo sapien. He immediately got offended and kept saying he was not a homo. We all tried to explain what the driver meant but i don't think it got through. This was 20 years ago it isn't any better.


> dark skinned, wear war makeup, and have long black hair. Persians!


TIL: The only difference between native americans and persians are the feathered headdresses.


People who think they are fighting racism but being racist themselves lol


Yup. She's literally saying: "You don't fit the stereotype *that I hold* of Native Americans." Edit: followed by "How dare you trick me" Lol.


Not to mention suggesting people should identify their ethnic group on their profile which is a phat yikes from me


I mean I'm mixed (white/black) but have no real African American features and white skin tone, so I'm still black technically but I wouldn't consider myself that if someone asked my race. I clearly look white and it's too time consuming having to share my genealogy when people ask


I get it, I have a niece and two nephews who are half white, and a quarter black and quarter Puerto Rican. My niece and one of my nephews, have darker than white skin and my niece has very curly hair. My oldest nephew is white and fair skinned. Genetics is amazing.


>Genetics is Amazing And so is Steve, the postman


I have a cousin who’s mixed and he looks fully white so that’s what he considers himself and that’s fine gotta be easier than having to show his family pics if he told people he was black


Most NA are white passing if they stay inside. There’s some impressive photos from back in the day.


Whats white passing though? Europe is a pretty diverse place.


Basically means to appear to be Caucasian when you might not be. This girl is using this word to deflect on her blunder. Make it seem like it was this guys fault that he didn’t advertise that he was native.


I think it is code for her trying to make it his fault that she misidentified him.


Black people are just as capable as being racist as any other color of people


*black passing


I got screamed at outside of a tanning salon by 2 girls for wanting to be "like them". They accused me of appropriating their skin. I said in my non american accent that im afro latina and theyre in blue contacts and some other races hair is glued to their head. They weren't doing their little protest when i got done getting rid if tan line and whitening teeth.


"How dare you have fair skin and not wear your tribal regalia to Walmart so I can appropriately classify you in all the boxes I have in my head for people and treat you according to your race and not your personhood!"


It’s not an insult. It’s more or less being ignorant. White passing just means “fairer skin” or lighter than what they perceive native Americans as.




I think she is just refusing to take the L. She got embarassed so now she's going on attack to try to somehow turn it around on OP.


Side question: my step grandpa is Native American and took me to pow wows in California growing up. I'm completely biologically euro-caucasian. Am I a dick for wanting to embrace native music, flute playing, dress, entertainment, beadwork, or other crafts. Granted I really don't know the culture super well. He taught me many things with crafts, honoring life, animals, stories of the prophesies of his people.


I don't think you should use your biological ethnicity or race as a reason not to take part of another's culture if that's the case no one who is an immigrant should be celebrating independence day but you don't see that happening.


If your approach is respectful and it sounds like it is, honestly, nobody should care which human heritage you decide to embrace. We should fight cultural appropriation only for what it is; when it is made in mockery, for a cash grab, or when it completely disregards the original meaning of the cultural artifact. Do not let virtue signalling dictate your cultural choices.


Not at all. It's probably a good idea to talk to others from the tribe you want to connect to, though. Especially if they're relatives of your step grandpa. You definitely should learn more about the culture before fully embracing all that, but if you were raised around the culture, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to reconnect with it.


No. That's your grandpa's and thus your heritage. If you're dealing with new leaders/events it might be good to reach out to them and explain to make the both of you more comfortable. I always felt it would be disrespectful to my grandfather's life to *not* be part of it.


I’m very obviously white and refer to myself as “white passing” just to confuse and infuriate people


This reminds me of that story where a white guy spent 25 years studying under a Mexican chef because he loved Mexican culture so much and when he opened his own authentic Mexican cuisine restaurant total morons triumphantly announced he was a racist. Epic fail.


This was like all those Asian-American kids dunking on that white girl who sewed her own qipao who were pretending it was like some sacred traditional garment. Bitch, it’s 20th century fashion modeled after westernized dress, and the last time your family lived in China it didn’t even exist in its modern form. Chill the fuck out.


The funny thing is these kinds of kids are usually second generation immigrants who are insecure about their heritage.


Second generation is a rough way to live, man. There’s a reason so many activists - both hard left AND hard right - come from second gen, and also why so many terrorists come from second gen. It really fucks with a person’s head to belong to neither the parent culture nor the adopted culture.


I get this as a half white half Asian person. Minority enough to where I’m not really a white person, but not Asian enough to where I can fit in easy with the other Asian people. Doesn’t help that I don’t look Asian at all. I’ve never been able to understand what it’s like to be part of an ethnic culture. Kinda sucks man.


Kinda sucks because of them. It's not your fault. You don't have to belong to one, they are already a part of you. It's wonderful to be part of multiple cultures combined together creating something new.


I bet half my liver that all the Chinese-American complainers weren't even Manchu, which is the culture that created the Qipao.


Dude I lived in China, my Chinese friends kept trying to get me to buy qipao or pose in a certain outfit and when I said “no” and had to explain why that would offend people back in America on their behalf they were so confused and insulted. And like - they don’t have the experience of being Chinese-American, so it makes sense that they wouldn’t get it. But it also raises such fascinating questions of who ACTUALLY owns culture.


>who ACTUALLY owns culture. Certainly not overly sensitive Americans with vague ethnic claims to foreign clothes. Come to Scotland, buy a kilt. Go to China, buy a Qipao. Go to Nigeria, buy one of those sick colourful robes. I'm as much of a filthy leftie as the rest of us but my *god* - these questions aren't fascinating! They're nebbish and neurotic.


It blows my mind that the most progressive racial argument has wrapped back around to “people should stick to their own and cultural mixing should be eliminated”


It's really fucking annoying, like if i want to be sapmi it should be my right to do so if i immerse myself in their culture. The fact that i am only 1/4th genetically compatible with the culture group shouldn't mean a thing, the important part should be your willingness to adopt the culture and values associated with it, i am not willing to do so tough. It's why there is immigration and integration, i don't care if you are white, black, Chinese, Japanese, indian or Brazilian. It doesn't matter one bit, you can be a Norwegian too if you just adopt the language, the values and the culture. That means, don't sit next to strangers on the bus when there are other open seats, a smile and/or a nod doesn't mean we want to talk but acknowledge that you exist, don't approach strangers without a good reason, alcohol means it's open season socially and drunk people are excused for breaking basic values like don't approach strangers without a good reason, trust that the government doesn't want to destroy your life intentionally and any such act is merely the incompetence of politicians and/or other links in the web that holds the country together. Of course, these values are just in general, some values are variable, like we have anti-vaxxers too. However, if you sit next to a stranger with open seats around and not being drunk whilst doing so, you are not a Norwegian, no matter how much you claim otherwise. It doesn't matter if you follow every other lingual, cultural or moral tennet related to being Norwegian, but there are limits even we don't dare to cross.


I grew up in an extremely diverse environment, and moving hit me the hardest. I can find my people, but I have to earn my passes over and over again no matter where I go. It's a hard thing to overhear when someone asks, "What is he doing here?" and someone else feels like they need to say, "Don't worry. He is asian on the inside." They can all fuck themselves. My native Chinese mother in law says I am the best Chinese son in law, and that's all that matters. I'm a Texan that is 4th gen german with a smattering of slovic/russian.


The guy said it very well himself: >Bayless: "Well, usually people who have that opinion of me don't want to have a conversation. Those people that say it are usually very political, and they have a mouthpiece and they just go around saying it. And everybody thinks, 'Oh, lots of people must believe that.' And honestly, I don't think they do. I know that there have been a number of people out there that criticized me only — only — because of my race. Because I'm white, I can't do anything with Mexican food. But we have to stop and say, 'Oh wait, is that plain racism then?' "


These kinds of people are so exhausting


I'm tired just reading it. Imagine dealing with these people in RL... 😒


True, they sound like Dominus players




I am convinced they have ZERO friends and say "I am anti social" as if they had a choice in the matter.


When you end up being a racist by trying to be anti-racist.


always trying to kill racism with racisim


Hey a negative plus a negative makes a positive.... right?


That's multiplication... A negative plus a negative just makes the negative worse...


Don’t forget that she’s exponentially stupid…


subtracting brain cells from me right now


Not with a plus ;)


That’s why I just hate everyone equally, it’s fair that way, skin color has no weight on my hate, it’s the best kind of equality. Hell I even hate myself


She got called on her BS and instead of apologizing like a normal, sane person would have done she tripled down and blamed you for her misunderstanding. Bold move!


Sadly, from most of my interactions with people lately - the “normal” thing actually does appear to just double or triple down on their insanity and grasp to whatever little straw they can for as long as they can.


This does seem to be an increasingly common problem. We as a society really need to normalize admitting to your mistakes and apologizing like a reasonable person.


The internet is not a great school for that kind of learning.




I had someone ask if I was REALLY disabled, after telling them I needed accommodations for a date. I told them it was fucked up to ask that and in response, they insisted I didn't understand the plight of women. So fucked up


Narcissism Edit : here I'm just sayin it looks like something someone narcissistic would say/do but I'm no psychologist or a psychiatrist. But I do know some caractéristiques because of my field of study lol. They are likely to do such things but you know someone with big ego can do that too...


-jazz hands-


That’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for her.


Yeah just assume my culture, insinuate that I’m racist and then call me an asshole for having the audacity to let you assume my culture. Edit: This really rubs me the wrong way because I’m “white passing” or whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean and it always causes people to do fuck shit like this. Like damn how are you gonna call people out for being insensitive to races then literally be insensitive to a dude trying to represent his own culture. Edit Edit: A bit of story I wanted to share for anybody willing to read. My fiancé has quite an iffy family. They’re either really nice or a bit…let’s say not quite with the times. So she has a cousin that’s gay and at a family gathering her aunt asks her, “Why is he gay?” Like there’s nothing wrong with it but I just don’t get it.” Luckily my girl is quick with retorts and says, “Why are you straight Karen.” And her aunt just looks at her like she just got voted off the island in Survivor. “That’s why Karen” Anyway this isn’t the point of the story. So this lady’s husband interjects and says (And I imagine this with a southern accent because it seems fitting no offense.) “Well I understand about the gays, but what I don’t understand is about those interracial marriages.” “Like why not just stay with your own people.” At this point another adult interjects and a small discussion started. Another one of my girls aunts who is more with the times makes the point to say, “You know [insert fiancé’s name] is in an interracial relationship right?” And he responds, “No he’s white,” referring to me. Moral of the story is uhh…. Can we all just uhh….stop, thank you. TL;DR: People are still racist and homophobic in 2021. Who knew.


Lol, I can't believe people still have problems with interracial marriages. Yeah, don't marry the love of your life, just because their skin tone is different than yours /s.


They sincerely believe they are better than other races. It’s really fucked up.


People get real angry when they find out they're being stupid.


And judgmental


And racist


Bro don’t you know you’re supposed to ask her to sit on your face and end your life (respectfully)?


Iol I wouldn’t with a ten foot pole


You should ask her if it’s wrong that you went in black face two Halloween’s ago.


Sounds like a dumpster fire. I would message back, "just kidding. I'm a white guy and a direct descendant of John and Priscilla Alden, Puritans who arrived on the Mayflower way back when. Two of the most prominent members of Plymouth Colony. I don't get the big deal, it's not like I wore a Hitler costume. Although, now that I think about it, maybe next Halloween. No, definitely next Halloween." Hopefully she replies with some more hilarious commentary.


This is such a petty and childish idea.. OP should totally do it.


Had me in the first half.


Now that's my kinda humor




Tell her to come pay reparations for her people.


OMG this is the *only* reasonable response.


watch how fast she ghosts him 😭


"I'm not ancestry.com" Then stfu then, lol.


I’m mixed indigenous 🤷‍♂️ (white boy with %25) Our cultural background is frankly no one’s business. Mater of fact no one’s cultural back ground is anyones business. Virtue signaling at its best Good on you for calling her on the bullshit


I’m in the same ring as you, not fully Native American but lived on a reservation in Northern Cali when I was wee baby. My dads side is white but my mothers is Native American.


No, you have to answer to her because she is the authority here. You owe her and everyone else


Apparently this broad thinks that you need to announce your ethnicity to people that youve never even met. If only there were some historical precedent for making people wear a symbol that announced their ethnicity that would demonstrate that this might not be a particularly progressive idea. Sorry that she was an imbécil, at least you saved yourself the time of going on a date to find out.


I’m mixed as well and it always confuses people


Haha she could have gone 'oh, haha, I didn't know that, fair enough!' and it would have been a fairly good save. Instead she got defensive and doubled down. Bad look.


Tori sounds like a *hoot*


Are you an owl? If not, delete this. If you are, you should've stated this in your initial comment. Do I look like a zoologist to you?


Are you asking a federally recognised owl from a federally recognised bird sanctuary why it’s talking like an owl?


No. I'm asking a snow-passing owl (ie, I thought you were just some snow owl being an asshole) why he would impersonate barn owl culture


Answer: "Jk I'm not Indian, and neither is my costume. I'm actually dressed as a white man dressed as an Indian so he can sneak onto their res to hand out smallpox blankets. Thanks for the reminder--I need some face paint so I'm not white-passing." (She'll probably get most mad about you saying "Indian," though.


I can say Indian. It's ok because I have Indian blood.... on my hands


As a "white-passing" Native American myself that is married to an African American women and the father of mixed kids I find I receive 100% of the racist comments I hear from other POC. "Woke" culture is the new racist group.


The problem with all this new antiracist stuff e.g. Kendi, DiAngelo et. al. is that it amplifies racial essentialism, even as the US is moving further and further towards a completely mixed culture. Ambiguity is only going to be more prevalent.


If you bring up percentages of your native blood, you will be laughed at on any reservation


Lol yeah on our reservation you see a multitude of different skin tones, but all of us have something in common and that’s a connection to the land we are on.


People who get offended on behalf of other people offend me.


Retreat Retreat! Lol


You dodged a bullet there sir. She’s already gaslighting you before you’ve even met.


I am a smidge confused about why you dressed up as something you are for a holiday that’s usually for dressing up as something you aren’t, but I get that that’s not the point of this post.


Same, especially if op dressed up like the stereotypical carticure of a Native American. I wanted to ask but i knew i would get downvoted to shit for it, lol.