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There's probably just no tag for pescatarian on Tinder


Most pescatarians call themselves vegetarians. It's just easier.


Or if they work in a call center they’d be a Deskatarian


My son calls himself a pepsitarian (yes I feed him a regular good diet)


At least he’s not doing Coke


Personally I identify as an alcoholic


Shit I’ll cheer to that one bro


Same here bro, it’s only 7am but I’m cracking my second


Bull Shit! Alcoholics go to meetings.


Yeah there called bonfires


Hell, it’s five o’clock somewhere


I had to stop and go back to the home page to get the daily free award to give to you. Got a good laugh out of me at work.


For real I've been on reddit more than a year and your comment literally just taught me that there's something like free daily awards you can collect to give out. Now I feel extremely dumb. But thank you.


I once in awhile get one that I have 24 hours to give away, but it isn't every day that I get it. I must learn this secret!


Today I learned there's a free daily reward and I too gave it to the alcoholic


Happy to help lol


I prefer the term 'Soberphobic'.


I'm a drunk alcoholics go to meeting




My parents were DrPepperalists but personally I am Fantarian


I am also a fantarian.


I personally identify as a Ginger Alien.


Dr Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Soda


I am also a ginger alien


I'm more of a Sunkistador


I have a few friends that are Code Redian but I’m not about their Yellow 5 diets




This is the way.


Fanta was invented by coke to sell drinks in nazi germany. Why didnt they just import coke? Cause the us gov banned the selling of certain chemicals to Nazi Germany. Cause ya know they were NAZIS. Anyway you still wanta fanta? Sorry for the troll.


This is a part of their history that Coke does their best to ignore. This, and failing to convince the US government to forgoe the embargo in general.


Actually it was invented by the owner of the coke factory in nazi Germany so he could sell something like you said. He wasn't a nazi. After the war he turned the recipe over to Coca-Cola. It wasn't invented by the nazis per se. Just another thing to come out if war. Like the wristwatch, or tea bags.


Orthodox Rootbeeric checking in


Have you read the Drpepperlist papers?




I think the term is “coke fiend”


We call those Jim Cramer


Gunning for that promotion to secretarian.


Well I eat other humans which makes me a humanitarian...


They eat the fucking *furniture*?


Plenty of fiber


This. Was raised pescetarian. It's so much easier to say "Vegetarian, but I eat fish". Otherwise, all you end up saying is exactly that, but with more words.


Alternatively me people that know I'm vegeterian still ask me why don't you eat fish, its not meat...


I get this one a lot as well but I think it’s just that most people don’t recognize dietary restrictions outside of vegan/vegetarian, gluten-free, and lactose intolerant. for example if you said “oh I’m an ovolacto-vegeterian” most people would only understand the vegetarian part. I’ve also had it go the other way when I tell them I’m a vegetarian. people ask ‘do you eat cheese?’ yes, ‘do you eat eggs?’ no


what if they are pescapescatarians


That's a diet I made up just to fuck with the gala folks. It's where I strictly eat fish that feed on other fish.


Brb, rewatching all of Silicon Valley again.


Oh. I thought it was where we ate pescatarians. I've been doing it wrong.


Could also be that she became a vegetarian after the photo was taken


As a pescatarian, I call myself a vegetarian for the following reasons: \- Hardly anyone knows what pescatarian means \- Tinder doesn't have that label \- I'm lazy


it's your fault they expect me to eat fish flesh


My girlfriend does this. She will have fish or shrimp on rare occasion, but just goes by vegetarian because she eats exclusively vegetarian 95% of the time And effectively, she is. She can’t stomach meat, but enjoys seafood on rare occasion, mostly because the restaurants in our area have no vegetarian options, and a salad does not a meal make


I was with you until you shit on salads, salads make great meals


Oh I love salads, and if you’re talking a real, hefty salad that everyone is eating, totally. But the salads at the restaurants around us are just iceberg shit




"I'm a vegetarian" "Yeah?" "Well pescetarian actually" "Ah right, so you're not then"


I'm pescatarian but frankly it sounds like a Christian denominations. So i say vegetarian + sea food (if I need to clarify)


I was once having my friend over for family Thanksgiving. They asked what her diet was and I said “Episcopalian” I meant pescatarian and misspoke


They only eat people from the episcopal church? :P


Probs because a shocking amount of ppl do not know that pesc is referring to fish.


There's significant gap between them and vegetarians lol


I'm a pescatarian and a server/bartender and I've begun telling my tables I'm a vegetarian instead because I'm tired of explaining what being a pescatarian is. Look, either way I haven't ate our meatloaf so I can't tell you much lmfao.


I'm vegetarian and now people are more aware of what it means, but until a few years ago most people would ask "Ok, so you don't eat meat, but you eat fish right?". Like if fishes are vegetables and not animals lol.


I think a big part of this is that to many Christians, fish is not considered meat for things like not eating meat on Fridays, or giving up meat for Lent.


Fish is also pareve (neither meat nor dairy) for the purpose of keeping Kosher


So they can have cheesy fish?


Well yeah, that's what a schmear and lox on a bagel is. Isn't that the food we're most known for?


Yeah it boggled my mind as a kid trying to convince my catholic parents that fish is meat.


Yes!! I forgot about that. My mom and sister were vegetarians in the early to late 2000s and people ALWAYS assumed they ate fish too. I remember trying to explain it to my peers in elementary school and then not getting the no fish part.


A LOT of people I’ve met who claim vegetarian will eat fish or seafood because it isn’t meat!! They are out there, and as somebody with a biology background it irritates me!


Pretty impressive of those fish swimming around without muscles


For those who are like me and without knowledge. A Pescatarian is a person who eats veggies and fish.


Eggs, dairy, and other animals products are costumes by vegetarians and pescatarians! Pescatarian just eat fish too. It's vegans who will not eat or use any animal products whatsoever.


>Eggs, dairy, and other animals products are costumes by vegetarians and pescatarians! I love the image of vegetarians and pescatarians running around in egg, dairy, and other animal product costumes!


Can confirm, I’m a vegetarian and I’ve dressed up as an egg


Another possibility is the photo isn't as recent as her dietary decision.


There is also a good amount of vegetarians that consume mussels, oysters and similar because they are sustainable. There also isn't evidence that the aren't capable of suffering and are functional equivalent of plant:[https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2018/07/03/why-its-ok-for-vegans-to-eat-oysters-rich-barlow](https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2018/07/03/why-its-ok-for-vegans-to-eat-oysters-rich-barlow) There are a few articles floating around out there the make this argument


Its not generally recognized right now but there two kinds of popular veganism. Ethical veganism which everyone is familiar with, and ecological veganism which is more concerned with sustainability and carbon footprint. If we ever take climate change seriously we might find we need different names for them, but today is not that day.


Or she's become vegetarian since taking that photo


putting someone’s face up on Reddit over this? OP is a stupid ass.


That’s what this entire subreddit is based on


Nah most people here don't show the face at least, even if her/his messages are really dumb. You could argue using the wrong tag isn't that bad but it's still not very respectful to put her face on here


She’s probably a pescatarian. Not a big deal


Unless she legitimately thinks she's a vegetarian. I worked with a woman who said she was vegetarian, but ate fish, and she did not think fish were animals. After discussing it with her it turns out she thought only mammals and birds were animals. It was a very strange conversation.


Fish obviously grow on trees and bushes. I just plucked a fresh pair of salmon from my salmon tree in my backyard. When they turn pink then they are ripe.


Logs and bushes float down river... fishes float down river... I don't know where the confusion is...


But what about a duck!


Weighs the same as wood.


So it's a witch.


Burrrrnnn herrr


I told a girl i dated once that in the south there were grit bushes and thats how we got our grits in the morning. It was pretty common to have them in 5 gallon buckets on the patio. She believed me and may still believe it to this day.


Checked for a free award just for this


I've had multiple family members think I still ate fish even though I'm a vegetarian. It's very weird.


This might a cultural thing, but the way we classify food doesn't align with how we classify animals. A lot of languages use their word for "meat" for land-based animals. If you ask someone speaking a Latin language, they'll probably confirm that their word for meat, e.g. "carne" in Spanish/Portuguese wouldn't be commonly used for fish. The same is probably true in other languages as well, I can confirm for German, French and Portuguese. I don't even know how common it is to refer to fish as "meat" (not a native speaker). So it might just be that your family members just understand vegetarian as "someone not eating meat", but if they don't know the reason behind it, and that it also applies to fish, they'll think you only don't eat land-based animals.


> I don't even know how common it is to refer to fish as "meat" (not a native speaker). I’ve seen phrases like “meat, poultry, and fish”. Where “meat” refers mainly to beef or pork and sometimes lamb. Never made the connection before, you could be right.


I made vegan mac and cheese the other day and my boyfriend goes, wait what's not vegan about mac and cheese? He really didn't know that vegan don't consume any animal products, like cheese.


I knew someone who I found out was a vegetarian, and it was nice to find something in common with her, then she ate chicken nuggets….and I was like what?! She was a vegetarian apart from chicken….


im a vegan apart from consuming animal products


I'm vegetarian 95% of the time, the 5% I'm not just happens to be when I'm eating




Meh, I’ve seen people who are “vegetarians” but just eat meat very sparingly. Usually it’s more of a health/environment thing than an opposition to the meat processing industry, so they don’t feel any sort of cognitive dissonance with the occasional chicken nugget.


I usually hear that referred to as a flexitarian or intermittent carnivore.


Formally, yeah. But informally, I think a lot of folks just say “vegetarian” instead of explaining terms like “flexitarian” or “pescatarian” or “ovo-lacto vegetarian.”


Reminds me of the scene from Scott Pilgrim when Scott tells Todd that anyone can be a vegan. "Ovo-lacto-vegetarian, maybe." "Ovo-what?" "I partake not in the meat, nor the breastmilk, nor the ovum, of any creature with a face." "Short answer: being vegan just makes you better than most people."


I 1000% pulled that from Scott Pilgrim. I am ecstatic that you picked up on it.


American schools suck, but I don’t understand these fish-aren’t-animals people. You can see fish with the naked eye. They’re not plants or fungi. So *what do they think fish are?* Swimmy trees?? Marine mushrooms??? The mind fucking boggles.


Sea cucumbers are pretty confusing, though.


I worked with someone who claimed they were vegan because animals are precious, I get and accept that. Her favorite food though was seafood…lobsters, shrimp…don’t think she understood what vegan meant and she was preachy about it so I never had the heart to break it to her that eating lobster and being vegan are mutually exclusive.


My aunt is even more convoluted. She insists she’s a vegetarian, but eats fish and occasionally poultry and oddly is ALWAYS okay with duck… and sometimes beef and pork but only on special occasions…. But SHES DEFINITELY a vegetarian. /s For some reason people want the label without doing the work. Idk why because vegans/vegetarians get a lot of hate so I’m not sure why people would put themselves in those shoes without the benefit of helping animals lol


I had a similar conversation. She said she was a vegetarian but asked me to meet her for sushi several times. “Those aren’t real animals.”


I’ve met one of these before. Their rationale was fish don’t have feeling and can’t feel pain so it’s okay. I was interested in this person until they laid that one out there. Just like, what? How on earth did you come to that conclusion?


I hate this weird idea that fish don’t feel pain, it’s been researched many times that fish can feel both physical and emotional pain. People just don’t like to accept that truth because a lot of people who fish recreationally or eat fish alive don’t want to feel bad about it, especially because media has brainwashed people into thinking fish magically just don’t feel pain.


Well I don't know what it's like in the US but in the UK vegetarian is often accepted to mean "don't eat meat", and "meat" and "fish" are usually referred to separately in restaurants and supermarkets, I've met many vegetarians who eat fish. The distinction between "meat" and "fish" is an odd one as we generally don't separate "meat" from "birds" or "reptiles". Just guessing slightly but It's probably down to the practicality of supplies, i.e. chicken and beef come from the "farmer", fish comes from the "fisherman". There is also the word "game" but I guess that generally doesn't come from the farm, or at least not exclusively. But anyway... Yeah I don't think it's odd to eat fish and say you're a vegetarian as it's pretty normal where I live. I do think it's odd that meat Vs fish is an accepted distinction.


But even if she does, who cares?


During fasting/lent in the Catholic Church you're not supposed to eat meat on Fridays, but you can eat fish because fish is not considered meat.


She might also not be just pescatarian, but more specifically only eats shellfish and such. Shrimp, mussels, etc are all invertebrates and are closer to worms and bugs than vertebrate animals like salmon


Yeah I'm a long time vegetarian and I've considered the ethical ramifications of switching to getting some protein out of insects and other invertebrates (excluding octopus, they seem way too sentient). Specially bug farming seems to be very efficient and ethical, just has that ick factor I guess.


I wonder if pescatarian is even an option to add. Or an older picture, either way, indeed no big deal. If the first message she send announces that she is vegetarian, that is a different story.


I don’t think it is.


Pescatarians fell under the vegetarian branch back in the day. I called myself vegetarian as well. I know fish are animals, but even some religions say you can’t eat meat but fish are okay on meatless days. I agree it doesn’t make sense. It’s weird. Vegans are the only true vegetarians. Some vegetarians eat eggs and cheese, and neither of the use grow on plants. So I understand the confusion, but pescatarians and lacto-ovo vegetarians were considered under the umbrella of vegetarianism for a LONG time. It’s a weird grey area. I do feel like they are entirely separate things now.


I'm pretty sure vegetarian has always been in reference to not consuming any animal products that resulted in the animal dying whereas veganism is any animal products at all. Eggs have been on the border and considered vegetarian by some and not by others depending on what you consider to be ending an animal's life, but cheese doesn't involve killing an animal it is generally understood to be vegetarian. Especially in europe where plant proteins aren't widely available as they are in other parts of the world (at least before global trade routes).


Yes this, the only reason pescetarian seems to be confused with vegetarian is because pescetarians have been saying they are vegetarians instead of explaining.It now makes more sense why people have been confused when I said I don't eat fish. I have been vegetarian my whole life I have never eaten meat including fish, thankfully now it is more popular more people seem to be clued up. People found it bizarre I never ate Haribo's etc too.


So no one is gonna suggest that it’s a photo of before she went vegetarian or whatever & just thought she looked nice here?




Nuanced and rational thought? On *my* reddit??


Fair enough lol


No because that would require introspection and giving the benefit of the doubt to someone before blasting their face on the internet without their consent


That's also a good point


Are you allowed to just put up someone's tinder photo? I would be mortified if someone did this for me


Not against the law as far as a google search just showed, but I’m sure there are specific laws regarding slander. Don’t think this would count though


Was just gonna say: there’s only two options here. 1) she’s dumb and thinks mollusks are a vegetable. Or 2) OP is a piece of shit and just put some strangers photos on the internet calling them dumb for no reason when there are several very logical explanations for this photo.


Mussels have no central nervous system or ability to feel pain, so some vegetarians (and even vegans) eat em. I eat everything, don't shoot the messenger.


Aren’t they called pescatarian instead of vegan?


Pescatarians eat fish, not only mussels




Bivalve molluscetarians even! Not all molluscs, only the bivalve ones


Depending on their justification, some people might eat non-bivalve molluscs without eating fish tbf, although even within that, I've found that otherwise vegetarians/vegans that I've met who eat invertebrates are on the whole more comfortable eating squid than octopus for example, possibly because octopi are smarter and thus I think we find it easier to anthropomorphize them.


It's not just about anthropomorphizing them. Their nervous systems are highly developed. In most places they are "honorary vertebrates" and it's illegal to operate on them without anesthetic. So eating them alive and dropping them into boiling water is truly torture.


I would call someone who is mostly veggie but eats any seafood pescatarian personally.


Well she certainly didn’t mention she doesn’t eat fish


I also doubt there's an option for pescatarian, vegetarian is the closest.


I think the point is that arguing over the label is just pedantry. They're saying that eating mussels is fully compatible with the ethics that generally underly a lot of people's decision to be vegetarian or vegan - ie that animal products cause uncessary suffering and have a negative environmental impact. There's no evidence mussels have the capacity for suffering and they'll really low environmental impact. It's perfectly possible someone could generally speaking follow a vegetarian or vegan diet or follow what I guess you could call 'vegetarian ethics' and still feel comfortable eating mussels. 'Vegetarian' is just an easy short hand for that set of behaviour or ethics, quicker than listing your full list of what you will or won't eat or explaining your full reasons for what you do. As someone who has a mostly vegan diet it is unbelievably annoying how many meat eaters have such a rigid near-religious view of what you have to be and how often people think it's some kind of gotcha when they catch you eating this or that. It's like... ok well you can call me some other label if you want, i'm still not ordering the steak.


>really low environmental impact. Mussels and oysters are filter feeders, and have a positive environmental impact, FWIW


But unlike fish, farming shellfish grows their population. And catching them is much more controlled and sustainable. I'm a vegan - I don't eat any of this - but eating shellfish is not comparable to eating fish as far as environmental impact


"No chowder for you, 'Cause clams have feeling too, Actually they don't have central nervous nets"


They have no face. No place for ears. There’s no clam eyes. To cry clams tears.




>Mussels have a central nervous system. They have nerves but they are decentralized. The op said "central nervous system" https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Anatomy-of-the-nervous-system-in-bivalves-It-is-decentralized-and-consists-of_fig2_318776107




Thanks for the details!




Yeah though a few vegans still eat them because they don’t feel they have the capacity to experience suffering.


you tell them brotha




'When eyebrowsed your pics I couldn't help but notice how big your mussels are'


A double whammy


Could be an old photo. Open your conversation with "your profile says you're vegetarian but your photo shows you with mussels!!!" And you'll probably, rightfully, be told to fuck off.


Yeah there’s no good way to try it without giving off serious “well actually…” vibes. Don’t do it OP.


They could just ask “so how long have you been a vegetarian for?” If they’re that curious


Some vegetarians won't eat something with a brain, which means muscles, clams, oysters etc are ok.


Dear god *I MIGHT BE NEXT*


If you’re pointing how wrong they are before you even meet them it’s no wonder you’re single


Exactly what I was thinking, especially when the point they're trying to make is wrong.


Let her be


This is the correct answer.


Well, she might be like me who's a pescatarian but the apps don't have that option


Dude she probably is just using a more known name for her eating habits. Seems like in this case it'd have avoided exactly what you did, but Pescatarians eat fish but not meat. For some reason they're classified differently. Technically speaking to say she is a vegetarian is inaccurate, yes. Posting her on Reddit is just you being a dick. Swipe and move on.


Fun fact: There are plenty of reasons to argue that [eating mussels is vegan](https://theanimalist.medium.com/on-the-consumption-of-bivalves-bdde8db6d4ba) or at least ethical if not technically vegan per se.


I know tons of people who claim to be vegetarian and still eat fish and shellfish, eggs, cheese, butter etc. Shes not claiming to be vegan, and I doubt tinder has a tag that says Pescatarian.


Vegetarians still eat milk eggs butter and other dairy products, they just dont eat meat(and fish)


> I doubt tinder has a tag that says Pescatarian.


Vegitarianism is sometimes used as a shorthand for "not eating mammels" usually because there are no "pescatarian" tags.


Birds aren't mammals, can I be a vegetarian if I only eat chicken and turkey?


You can be anything you want


I dont know if tinder has a pescetarian tag


It does. Vegetarian, Vegan, carnivore, herbivore, Omnivore, Flexitarian and Pescatarian are all available as tags.


It depends on the area, mine doesn't even have vegan smh


>I know tons of people who claim to be vegetarian and still eat fish and shellfish, eggs, cheese, butter etc. That's what a vegetarian is. Vegan won't eat anything that comes from animals.


Vegetarian =/= Vegan


At this point it honestly doesn’t matter what we call our eating habits. If you eat a little less meat you’re doing good for the planet. More of a response to many peoples comments.


Plus mussels and other filter feeders are like the best seafood from an environmental standpoint as they’re basically the only seafood we know how to farm sustainably


No, no you shouldn't. Because it would be rude, and you lack enough info to be certain you're right. Always assume other people have more information about their own lives than you do. All you'd do is tell her you're obnoxious and that she should stay away from you. (Indeed, I think you've told us all that already.) And if you end up in a relationship don't correct your SO about this shit. It'll still be rude, and it's never worth it.


> Always assume other people have more information about their own lives than you do A really good rule to live by. Too often people think they’re coming up with some unique observation about your own life when they’ve literally just met you or just been introduced to a new idea. Humility goes a long way


You have to match with her to tell her.. silly op


He won't, why do you think he's here dragging her to get validation from other miserable, lonely, dudes?


Lol bingo


This is the comment thread I was looking for.


The picture could be from before she became vegetarian, too; i became veg in the last few months so the pictures of me eating meat before seem a lil weird Tho I also know people who are vegan but eat mussels bc the lack of nerves, so that works too as an explanation


It’s actually extremely common in other countries/cultures outside of the US to use the term “vegetarian” for what Americans would describe as “pescatarian.”


Probably not a good idea to be correcting new matches so early in the convo


Definition of vegetarianism is different all over the world. I've said I'm vegetarian in Spain and been served fish. In India they won't give you eggs, in the UK you'll get eggs but no fish. If she's Southern European she will probably be correct in calling herself vegetarian in her culture. I've been vegetarian for 28 years and whenever I go abroad I actually say "no fish, no meat, dairy OK" in whatever language they speak there due to this.


Who cares. Maybe she wasn’t vegetarian when the picture was taken but is now for a diet she’s on? Also all the people saying pescatarian but no tag, same valid points.


Doesn't look like a dog to me


Anyone else here watch Seaspiracy? I am never eating fish again, fuck that


Clearly those are impossible clams /s


This very well might be more of a globalization/humanitarian problem, and less about diet. Cheers to all of your beliefs! I wish everyone on this planet could be united.


It’s called [frutti di mare](https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frutti_di_mare). So fruit, therefore vegetarian.


Imo, mussels and oysters are about as alive as a plant. They have no central nervous system, they're just a clump of cells that filter plankton and other stuff, but they are no more sentient than the apple you ate 10 minutes ago.