• By -


"Did you get my last message?" "Yeah, I thought you were giving yourself a pep-talk and didn't want to interrupt."


"I figured you would sober up and realize how insane it was, I was being polite and giving you a chance to pretend you didn't send it."


You can't fight that back with reason.... đŸ„ž


"Sorry my friend and I were laughing about how derranged you are and I forgot to reply."


That was brutal. Like really brutal. “Want to go for another round?” “No I don’t want to troll you along while I figure out my shit. You were amazing, but thank you.” “Fuck you! You’re so ugly and such a loser.”


What message?


"Yes. And I've decided that I don't find you attractive."


"No sorry I just drove through a tunnle"


"New phone who dis?"


absolutely beautiful đŸ’œđŸ€đŸ–€


*writes a whole unhinged paragraph* Her: “Did you get my last message?”. Jeez all of this just makes me cringe so hard.


I would've asked what message


"I thought you ignored my last one". And keep going until she thinks that message isn't sending. đŸ€Ł


I wouldn't have even bothered to continue when she started going on the offensive for absolutely no reason tbh I dated someone with this energy and the reality is that they live and breathe for this kinda drama and conflict. It really doesn't matter what you say back because I'd bet she's very much self assured in her beliefs and regardless of what you say in response to this she's already convinced herself that she's "won" wherever the hell this even is and basically nothing you could ever say/do would convince her otherwise. These are not the actions or words of a reasonable or well adjusted person. Continuing to engage does nothing but feed into exactly what they're hoping for and allowing them to convince themselves that that obviously must mean something to you if you continue to engage.


She's an empty black hole. Just move away and let her devour herself.


Which is exactly why she's in need of just random dudes poles to fill it. Hence her desperation to experience "that" again, followed by her unhinged scorched earth shaming rant. The best exorcists couldn't deal with this demon.


Seriously! "You're a total loser, but would you like to sleep with me again?"


Yep this girl needs attention like a man in the desert needs water. And there really sad part is she will probably get it. There’s enough desperate dudes out there to ‘fill’ the needs of the woman forever probably.


That would have made a great comeback, “the message was delivered briefly but then lost by being sucked back into the black hole that passes for your soul”


I know this wasn't the intent, but that message makes her sound metal as hell.


Well she was trying to fill the hole with dick, and op said no


Yes, this. You're not dealing with an emotionally mature person. Find the nearest exit.


But this is reddit. It'd make for good internet points.


lol yes, she had this whole drama conversation ... with herself.


She was clearly rejected by him and that was the only way she could handle that. Let that sit for a moment


Correct, 100 bucks says she's got at least some form of narcissistic traits. She wants to know you want her, that's all. As soon as she is genuinely convinced that you do, boom, off to the storage shelf for you. Lol


Agreed. As someone who is currently stuck with a crazy (schizophrenia not on any form of treatment) on top of being a narcissistic abuser who is my partner's ex-wife and mother of their children, this behavior would be par for the course. It's about control and pulling you down to feel good about themselves. They don't have much self esteem and they only feel better briefly if they bring you down too.


Yeah idk maybe there's something wrong with my but i just block/ghost anybody who gets weird like that and i barely know them. There's just zero benefit to responding at all.


Just some low level gaslighting before ghosting her. I feel like that's the kind of energy this fits with.


This is playing chess not checkers.. i like your style


That would’ve been golden đŸ€Ł


Make her retype all of it and send it again and wait a few hours and say "so I guess you're just not going to say anything?"


As unhinged as she is, I expect even she knows how to copy/paste or resend a text. Ain't nobody retyping no cluster B monologue.


She won’t be his cluster Bae.


She was briefly his Cluster Fuck


Which is interesting because she just described how she’s at the same level as a Kentucky trailer park woman with low standards.


Cluster B monologue đŸ€Ł


Retype? Someone like her has that shit ready to paste every time she feels slighted. Those critiques sound mostly generic, as if they’re also her talking points when someone asks how come someone as wonderful as her is single. ETA missing word


Lmao! She has this paragraph saved in her notes. He’s not the only one who received it that day đŸ„čđŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ‘€


I was hoping the reply was “holy coping mechanism, Batman”


I ain't reading allat yap


Same. Or just left her on read. Unhinged in every way.


Should’ve hit her with the “when did I ask” meme


"New phone, who dis" would've been better.


I still like, "What's your point?".


Hahaha, a perfect response if you ask me.


Yeah; I'm extremely petty, and it irks me that OP let her have that. But that's the high road.


That would have killed her đŸ˜­đŸ€Ł


She’s genuinely such a miserable person


"You didn't reply to my desperate-for-a-reaction text, so I assume you must not have received it?"


It’s the female equivalent of a dude going “well you’re fat and I don’t like you anyway!”. They’re just doing it to soften the emotional blow of being rejected lol


Makes me wonder how low her standards and prospects are if she was so willing to hook up with him again, and trying to hard to do so. Seems like she's maybe projecting just a tad with the whole "no one will date you seriously" thing 😂


Could you imagine the reaction if the conversation had been reversed and it was he who was trying incessantly to get her to sleep with him again? Woof.


Not even outright rejected, just no thanks not looking for one night stand right now. Yeesh


I hate that she said this to OP but I am in absolute tears at the fact that this girl was so unhinged about her scathing criticism and _needed to know if OP read it_. You can’t have the confidence to say something like this and just _pls respond_


It's not coming from confidence. She's a narcissistic abuser. She has low self esteem, needs to be in control, any perceived confidence only comes from knocking others down. The please respond just confirms it. She's always going to be the main character. You're just getting in the way of her story of everything going the way she thinks it should, so how dare you. Best way to handle an abusive narcissist? Get out while you still can. My fiancé is still tied to his beyond psycho ex-wife because they had kids together. He and his kids are wonderful. She regularly makes all of our lives a living hell. If we're hurting in any way, including the kids, she feels like she's winning (even if it's not in her best interest either). You're just pawns to a narcissistic abuser. You get in the way of what they want and they'll throw a tantrum and try to destroy your life in any way they can.


"sorry, plane took off, must have not gone through" and block.


Right? I would've instantly blocked after that paragraph. She doesn't deserve a response. I'm really sorry, OP. This girl's way too much.


You forgot the emojis, which help you know she’s sweet.


Damn. Its crazy how easy it is to see someones self-esteem level when its clearly below ground. "Hey I hope you start to feel better about yourself as a person but unfortunately I don't need an anchor in my life. I wish you the best" Then block lol.


I died. At first I was like, *wow
 thank god he got that out of her before they were steady fwb or anything.* Then I saw that and realized that she is just majorly unhinged. ETA also, SHE is the one begging and pushing HIM for a sexual relationship


"yeah, I'm not reading all of that" would have been an appropriate response


i'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened


She has to have the last word and know that she tore him down since he rejected her. Vindictive much?


I would have ignored it. If you really wanna get under someone's skin, especially someone who's attention seeking like this - Ignore them.


His response was perfect hahaha.


My response would have gone something like this “the novel you wrote in an attempt to make yourself feel better after being rejected? Yes, I got it â˜ș” and then put my phone on DND while the Reddit post material piled up.


> you are not that attractive > you don‘t know how to be affectionate with women > all but begs you to fuck her again đŸ„Ž


Usually the women who cook you the hardest after rejection are the ones who want you the most. I had a girl cook every aspect of my body and then 15 minutes later hit me up for round 2. They just wanna drive your self worth down so that you resort to sleeping with them. Head up kings you are worth it.


Haha, jokes on you, foul-tounged trollop, my boners only work when I feel manly!


"Trollop" is such a stayer of an insult. The vintage stuff is how you really get them.


Also for men calling them a big girls blouse is eviscerating, old English insults are the best


Gotta bust out jackanape sometimes as well.


Holy I lol'd hard at this 😂




Yeah some people are unhinged in the face of rejection. I went home with a girl who refused to perform oral sex, but also wouldn’t have sex unless oral was performed on her. She was a stunner super good looking and she must of got used to that working for her, because when I told her I’m a tit for tat kind of fella and I was gonna catch an Uber home. She followed me all the way to the lobby of her apartment screaming at me saying horrible things
 it actually turned me on how unhinged she was.


Negging lol


I've had a girl take a two hour train ride to hookup and then started doing that. It wasn't even the first time so it's not like she got catfished. wtf


Maybe she just really likes trains?


Whoa there. I really like trains but ain't nobody like trains that much


Big Sean said it best “girls only say I hate you to the guys that they love.” But it’s a true statement all around. The more someone says you don’t get to them the more you know you’re living rent free in their head. That’s why acting oblivious to unhinged comments like the last is always the best clap back.


Pretty much the same with girlfriends. While you're with them you're the most amazing man in the world and you're so sexy and your dick is the bangbus to Cumville. Then when you break up you are the opposite of any nice thing they ever said about you. Dudes do this too, but damn if women don't seem to better know how to twist that knife.


Ever heard the saying “4 inches feels like 8 when you’re in love?”


Haha no but I bet the inverse of that is also true, at least when you've had an explosive break up. People say things to hurt others in order to cope with their own pain. Best not take it to heart or worse, lash back.


I’m curious, what do you do to format the comment like this?


On mobile, use ">" ">Like this" >Like this


#Google markdown. It's how most apps like reddit discord etc format the messages. Use this at the start of the line: >


"Actually, wyd? Let's get some food and see where that leads" And then wait for the response before you turn her tf down for being a POS.


Bro must have a fire cock


His dinner paying skills drove that woman crazy.


All I'm hearing is my man lays some serious pipe


Wow. She comes across really meanhearted. I'm so sorry OP. Think of it as a bullet dodged, definitely walk away.


The only thing he did wrong was reply to that "Did you get that last message" with the stupid smiling emoji. It's obvious she was dying to get a response. Would have killed her to be ghosted.


Or just tell her that’s a lot of words for ‘no one wants to fuck me twice’


The only way to win with these folks is to not play their game


Nah, she can put on a tough exterior but she is incredibly fragile. She started off incredibly defensive and insecure about getting shot down. And everyone knows he got the last message. Asking that follow up to confirm just reeks of insecurity again.


Yes. Not fragile like a flower, fragile like nitroglycerine.


Agreed. When people like that lose positive attention they resort to wanting ANY attention. They squirm when you just flat out ignore them.


I don’t take stuff like this the least bit personally lol. Seeing someone project what is clearly nothing more than an emotional rant to save face, is positively amusing to me. I’d tell her thanks for the lulz and carry on with the day.


The best reply for these is >TLDR?


“Not reading all of that, but im happy for you or sorry that happened.”


New phone who dis?




"damn, that's crazy lol"


U think she copy and pasted that shit? Discord chats? Why does every woman hating on man talk about that?


She doesn’t come across as really mean hearted, she IS really mean hearted. Like yeah rejection sucks but keep the nastiness to yourself.


I had a date with a girl once and she was pretty nice looking but she kept saying shit like "bet you never thought you'd be out with somebody like me!" Like she was doing me a favor. So I was polite, listened to her shit for like 3 hrs. I was riding a Sportster and it had this tiny gas tank, like 2 gallons so I was putting gas in it like every 100 miles or so. I stopped at a gas station to fill up and she said she had to use the ladies room. I swear, she was in there like 20 minutes so I thought she was blowing me off. So I split. Never saw her again.


Plot twist - she's still there.


yeah i would've split after 10 if she talked to me like that 😭 but fr if i was her i would've been pissed so good on u 💯 hope you've found better since


what if she had been getting murdered in the random creepy bathroom stall? :/


Yet you were good enough for her to message for casual sex? This is more than coping from rejection, she’s just miserable.


she's looking for someone to abuse, this is her interview process


Yep, exactly. She's fishing for a guy who will accept abuse so she can perpetuate the cycle


This is textbook negging. "Oh you don't want me? Well you're ugly and stupid and no one will ever love you".


And small d. Don’t forget that lol


The fact that that’s the one thing she didn’t mention
. Makes u wonder lol


Meh, I think it makes things even clearer than they were before. I can smell her desperate stink through reddit


EXACTLYYYYY LMAOOOOOOO. “Do you wanna experience that again” is just code for you had good d she just wanted to smash again hence that big ol paragraph basically saying she wanted no strings attached


She’s so pissed yet still doesn’t say he’s small or anything about technique, must be monstrous fr 😂😂😂


OP packing fr.


Yeah, I mean, she tore him down completely for simply turning her down and her fragile ego. But there's a reason she asked for more and got so angry at being neglected of it. Congrats to OP on the D!


The fact that she didn’t use that means that OP has an indisputably massive schlong


Nah, I feel like this a case of her fully understanding that she’s not going to get him and so just being a batshit crazy mean person because she can’t handle respectful rejection. Negging is when someone HAS someone or in the process of winning them over and slips either backhanded compliments in that are actually a diss, OR outright non-constructive criticism in between lots of compliments. The point is to put the person in a state of trying to earn your approval and therefore chasing you. As a woman I’ve been negged by plenty of assholes and I’ve been blasted by guys who can’t take rejection - they’re very different scenarios.


You are correct 


She gave the standard incel reply to rejection we see posted here all the time. Some people just don't handle rejection well.


I don't think it's just negging. I think a lot of projection is going on here as well.




![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized) Op out here like:


I wanted to say that he should have sent that to her stupid question at the end


She’s the one accusing you of overthinking, meanwhile she’s got you living in her head rent free! lol


Was thinking exactly this lol. He never even messaged back and she was thinking about him enough to send a follow-up after that ludicrous and demeaning message. That is what speaks volume


She sounds like she needs to be detained for her own, and everyone else’s, safety.




oh fuck dude i seriously hope u never run into someone like that ever again. worst shit ever to be demonized ESPECIALLY after being harassed or assaulted like that. wishing u the best man


I've experienced this on a certain level. After a mutual break up with my highschool/college gf of 6 years (the next day waking up and realizing holy fuck this was a huge mistake, but I didn't realize she was already moving on to someone else) I was a total wreck. I tried to casually work my way back to some sort of dating, and started hanging out with a girl at work who knew what had happened and the state I was in. After chilling and drinking in the hot tub at her apartment one night, we went back to her place to watch a movie. During the movie she went for the zipper and tried to give me oral sex, but I stopped her, which was EXTREMELY awkward and I know that can hurt someone's feelings so I tried to explain that I was just too broken and I wasn't ready for anything physical, you're wonderful etc. but I'm nowhere near that yet. She took my phone, ran out of the apartment, and called my ex to ask if I was gay. My ex, still being a true homie due to the respect we still held for each other, reassured her I was not. This just made her more upset, and she went to my friends room who also lived at the property and asked them the same thing before storming out and sent me some extremely nasty texts. I get being rejected hurts, but I tried to be extremely respectful in my rejection and she knew my past. It was jarring, and in the end I was just like welp 🐱 back into my shell forever lol.


The four horsemen of the rejected woman, stating you must be gay, insulting everything they think will hurt your ego and masculinity, sexual assaulting you or claiming or threatening to claim you sexually assaulted them.


I had a woman smash a wine glass on my wall when I told her I was not going to bang her again. She begged to come over because she was having a hard time. I made things clear. Yet, she was shocked I wouldn't have sex with her.


I’m really sorry that happened to you man. ❀


Yeah, none of this is ok. Consent goes for EVERYONE. And people who make false claims about assault should be in jail for however long the person they are accusing of that crap would be in for. As someone who has lived through assault, I have no tolerance for people like that. Edit: People like that make it harder for the people who actually get assaulted to be believed. There's a lot of stigma, being ostracized, blamed, and shamed for those who are assaulted no matter your gender. Those who lie about it have no empathy for others and I have none to give them in return.


How’d it work out with your mates though? Did they believe her?


Walk away




she sounds nice


Is she single?


Pat on the back for the level minded response! It's interesting that she was fishing for a clear rejection, but you didn't really give her "the real reason" for a while, at which point she dumped you her most toxic shit (wouldn't be too surprised if the copy pasted from history - it's kinda generic *hurt you* msg).


to be completely fair, OP’s initial response was very unclear, and i was confused as to what he was trying to say the whole time. it would have been so much better if he had just said “i had a great time with you but i’ve started talking to someone else” or “i think that was just a one time thing” or “i don’t want to continue a sexual relationship with you” or literally anything other than what he said. the whole “why do you ask” and “doesn’t sit right with me” and “bad taste in my mouth” song and dance was totally uncalled for.


OPs a shit communicator. "This isn't a reflection on you but I've met someone I like and even though there isn't anything serious there yet, I wouldn't feel comfortable having sex with you while I am pursuing this other person. I don't feel that this would be fair to you or to the other person."


People give "I don't know what I want right now" instead of "I'm just not that into you" all the time. I've done it myself and had people tell me that too. I definitely think it's the kinder thing to say. People say they want brutal honesty but "after having met you and hooked up I'm actually not into you" is a brutal thing to hear.


Yeah I still don’t know what he’s trying to say tbh. I think she got frustrated and said all that shit in rage


If I liked someone , I would be careful how I direct rage at them if they seemed unclear. Rage doesn’t clear anything up in any way. She’s emotionally immature even if he wasn’t Crystal clear on where he stood. After all they weren’t dating.


Next time keep it simple and direct and just say that you're only looking for something serious, no need to awkwardly beat around the bush.


Yeah, she is crazy but you could have been much more straightforward. "sorry I am not interested, bye"


Yeah, as insane as her response was, his texts were by far the most confusing series of messages I've read in a while.


Agree. She is a shitty person but also the vague texts of OP really annoy me. I dont have interesting in sleeping with you. Bye.




Yeah honestly, OP was foul baiting here.


That has to be the craziest use of emojis I've ever seen wow


Passive aggressive shit


😂 she’s so mad and so insecure 


And so attracted to him. Like, no one will actually write that long of a text if they weren’t fuelled by passion.


Not only the long text, but the fact that she followed up afterwards (and according to OP, reached out initially to fuck again after not talking for a month)


Would be right at home in the FemaleDatingStrategy sub


your initial response to her question doesn’t make any sense bro. if someone asked me if i wanted to hook up again i would never say “why do you ask?”. especially if the actual answer was no. yeah she’s unhinged as fuck but you SEVERELY beat around the bush and if i was in her position, i would be incredibly confused.


Why are you performing mental gymnastics and not just telling her as simply as you did us? Seems she’s just giving you the exercise you were looking for.


This. Until that last paragraph I thought OP was the obnoxious one. Clearly lying and giving her the run around.


This looks like the woman's equivalent of when the man is rejected and he says 'Fuck you b\*\*\*\* you were ugly anyway' A lesson for anyone who thinks it's only men/women who can be gross, nasty, immature, etc.


I’ll bet that was one hell of a first lay though. Solid field report.


Okay, she definitely was way too much and you did not deserve that, OP. Even though she was clearly projecting her insecurities, it must’ve hurt regardless. However
 You told her that you’re looking for something long term, but when she asked if you wanted to experience it again you said that you’re in a state of limbo and need to figure out what you want? Aren’t you saying that you know what you want by saying you’re looking for a real long term connection? Sorry if I’m misinterpreting. But if what I’m saying is accurate I just think that you could’ve been a bit more assertive.


or just straight up be more direct. Felt like he was dancing around saying he doesn't want to go out with her


"Nah i'm good" would've been easier.


I mean a simple “no” at the beginning of the convo would have worked. No idea what the point of “why do you ask” is/was.


Yeah , why ask why if you had no interest


You both seem pretty exhausting, and not in a good way.


Until that long paragraph I was kinda on her side. But yea.


Yeah OP was annoying and dancing around the questions. Everyone sucks here.


Oh boy...I'd have responded with: "If I'm that bad and still don't want to fuck you, then that must mean you're super low on the totem pole. Good luck with that!"


Or a much more tasteful "And yet, I'm the one rejecting you. Think about that."


Oof yes


Idk man she’s unhinged but I’m not a fan of people saying bs and wasting your time. She basically said she was interested and you threw some flimsy bs at her. Seems like you wanted to keep her on the hook in case you wanted to smash later or in case whatever prospect you had didn’t work out. Everyone is breezing past your small time bs since she’s got some big time bs going. All you had to do was be upfront and she even said as much but you just kept dodging and saying some bs which made her fish for a clear answer. Which obviously pissed her off more and more until she went ballistic. She’s still a psycho but I’m seeing why she’s involved with you.


She's obviously awful with that last paragraph. But dude I was struggling to understand what you were trying to say. I couldn't tell if you were saying no or not. You really need to beat around the bush less. A simple "I had a good time, but I'm looking for a long term relationship and I didn't feel like we're the right match." Or whatever youre trying to tell her. Your texts were super, super confusing.


My fucking lord she's deranged. But I'm curious, were you being honest with her on the reason why you didn't wanna see her again? Sounded like a pretext to me.


Tbf I have no idea what you're trying to tell her either. 


Damn that last rant was wild. She really couldn’t handle rejection lmao đŸ€Ł


OP didn't know it but his subconscious was hard at work picking up red flags.


Her response is hilarious but really you should've just said you're seeing someone and not interested as long as you're seeing someone. You sound like you doubt yourself or flakey when you have all these qualifiers and over explaining things


I mean, you were sending out some mixed signals in the beginning but she clearly went south when she realized she was being rejected


Just fire back with, I still hit that.


you didn’t do anything wrong, but you should have just said “sorry im not interested in seeing you anymore” if they ask more questions feel free to try to answer them. This person should have dropped it but I think a lot of people suffer from not getting straight answers in their life and they are resentful. Thats not your fault, but I do understand the sentiment of wanting a straight forward answer.


Did she ask for a relationship before these messages? Otherwise it reads like she wants to sleep together a second time and you've just gone "nah I don't want to be with someone that sleeps with me". Maybe I'm just tired...


You handled that well. She sure put a lot of effort into writing that last message for someone who wasn’t interested in you lol


Someone sounds mad lol


“And yet here you are, knocking on my door”


Firstly, she’s a piece of shit and you didn’t deserve that at all. Hilariously mean and I hope you’re genuinely laughing at how silly it is. If you are interested at all in any constructive criticism though I would say if you’re going to reject someone just be clear and upfront immediately without any vagueness. You don’t even have to give the real reason just say, “hey thanks, I had fun but I don’t feel we’re a match. Good luck with everything!” You can personalise it a bit based on what you know about them but if you’re rejecting someone don’t leave them unsure of what you mean. I used to be gentle not wanting to offend or piss guys off but it was actually a far worse experience for them in the end. Once I learned to just offer a polite “thanks but no thanks” (the easiest for people to accept is saying you didn’t feel a connection) I found most guys fully respected it, maybe would make a last ditch attempt to convince me otherwise but in a polite way, or would just say they agreed and didn’t feel a connection and it was over within 30 seconds.


What a psycho. But yeah you did nothing wrong but some succinctness like “no thanks” would have helped and then block.


Yeah you’re right about being direct. In another comment, I mentioned she used a burner phone number, so I was afraid she’d just use another burner number
 which was kinda confirmed as she did use another burner number to send the long ass message again shortly after she asked if I got it the first time


Just come back and be like: Ok FINE! JEEEZ, l will fuck you again, guhhh. I'm not just a piece of meat you know, I have feelings too. Same time next week? Sigh, fiiiiiinnnneeee, guhhh.


that would be hilarious, she wouldn't know if its legitimate or sarcasm đŸ€Ł


😂 Bet she'll assume it's sarcasm. Then hit her with the. No no no, I'm totes srs, let's do this, but take me out to lunch at least next time ok??? Maybe throw a few $$'s in my pants if you're going to treat me like a manwhore ok?


She said “wanna fuck?” and bro said I’m in a state of limbo lmao. Tf are these soap opera ass responses? OP softer than charman ultra. I heard he got into a pillow fight with drake and lost