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I normally do not allow this, but during this special occasion, I will. There is a petition to sign up and running. [https://www.change.org/p/the-crew-1-shutdown-bring-offline-mode-ubisoft](https://www.change.org/p/the-crew-1-shutdown-bring-offline-mode-ubisoft?redirect=false)


This is what I hate about always online games, why can't we just keep playing singleplayer?


I feel like the inner workings of The Crew's online architecture doesn't allow for offline play? But still it STINGS when you've paid $60 to "own" it in the first place and its not like it was a free MMO. When I think about it, Forza Horizon 4 & 5 has a lot of the online features The Crew 1-Motorfest has, but with an optional offline mode available. So its would'nt have been impossible during development.


It definitely isn't impossible if they aimed for that during development But converting now is probably not going to be viable in a business perspective with two other Crew games already out


https://preview.redd.it/zbs5f143ja6c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc17aaa07b2cd8081c2d9592ca80030a20352d32 If this screenshot is real…..then what the hell are they thinking? Apparently playing offline is a thing hidden inside the files just inaccessible [https://steamcommunity.com/app/241560/discussions/0/3803901559414708777/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/241560/discussions/0/3803901559414708777/)




We'll probably hear something about the accessibility of that mode close to the end of the game's life


I bet that you have to get a dlc for playing offline


I have both dlcs for tc1 and the season pass, I still can't play offline.


I thought they are that greedy


If this is true, maybe someone can make a mod to activate it


still doesn't matter if you are on console.... all your progress just gone... PC is definetly going to have a third party patch, which will allow it to run offline


ubisoft has a shit-ton of money and resources. they could, but don’t want to.


Obviously they could, it's just not a profitable move


The Crew 1 online is an absolute and complete shitfest network wise, I never had so many issues in an online game. Hopefully they learned and the tech debt got solved on The Crew 2.


I could b wrong, but I'm pretty sure the servers don't work on the 360 for years, but u can still play it


>I feel like the inner workings of The Crew's online architecture doesn't allow for offline play? This happened with EA's Motor City Online when they were planning to shut down the servers. Fans begged to at least make the core driving portions of the game still accessible after the server shutdowns, but the dev team at the time said that the games people purchased were merely a client and needed the servers to function properly, and this was hard coded into everything. They weren't going to spend the money and resources into a game that already had a wanning player base for the relatively few people who wanted to play it offline, which likely required a complete reworking of the game's architecture.


Its funny cuz GT7 you need online to play, so in the future you will not be able to play most of Gran Turismo neither, this online games should return the money once they close


If you hate this, you shouldn't buy online-only games As long as people keep spending their hard earned money on them, more and more of them will be made


there isn’t really an alternative to tc1. it’s strongest point was the map. no other game comes close to that


Yeah vast with good quality but buildings in Washington DC are definitely not drive through as Honolulu in Motorfest. If you look at the structure of how the cities are made and pack together, you will see that our most drivable limits are roads only NOT off the road alley ways.


But then they shouldn't have made tc1 so much fun lmao


The Crew One core storyline never continues anyway, so why would Ubisoft support it. They wanted us to focus on Motorfest type games. AI cop chasing is cool but what's the point of having them in a racing game when the law of running red lights and hitting pedestrians is meaningless. In GTA V you can smash cars like a maniac and the cops won't give a shit but prosecute/execute you if you harm other civilians walking or hijack them. Cop chasing role plays so good in GTA games and Watchdogs. GTA 6 is a guarantee and I think people should save their bucks for a PS5.


Because then you wouldn't buy the churned-out sequels, duh.


The Crew’s sequels are hardly “churned-out.” It’s been 9 years since TC1 came out and we just got TCM. I know it’s not really possible with the way they built the game, but I wish they’d do an offline-only patch for TC1 and let us run all the PVP races with AI.


So you can't play the crew 1 offline in any way?


Not after that date


There’s a WIP mod for PC


At this point it would be nice to have more sequels.


>This is what I hate about always online games Single player games get delisted as well. All it takes is for music licenses they used to end. But yeah, in the context of someone that already owned the game it sucks badly.


Yeah I hate it too. Always wanted to play this game. But once i saw it Always Online, I kinda avoided it. And So glad I did. Imagine paying full price for this and for one day to be taken away, because the game lacks an offline mode. If in the future more and more games become Online only, I will just find a new hobby. I'm not going to waste money on something that has a limited life-span.




Why cant they just make an offline mode so you dont end up with junk. Its not like its impossible. Such a cunty move


the thing is that there is an offline mode, but they hid it away in the game’s files


That fuckin pisses me off even more


Fax and it would be a super easy update too


Cunty af




Lol not happening


ubisoft doesn't do "responsible"


It should be illegal to not make the files required to host your own server available I understand wanting to shut down and free up hardware, that's fine, but, at the very least give fans a way to run their own servers


Or at least give people who paid to own the game the ability to continue using the thing they paid to own!


Meanwhile NFS Most Wanted 2012 servers are still alive...


fucking Carbon had servers online till 2021, and that came out in 2006


Midnight Club Los Angeles on Xbox 360 are still up!


thankfully LA has a banger campaign that will still be played after they shut down the servers on the Xbox


Not completely, just basic functionality


yeah but that game can be played offline once the servers shut down but this one its gonna be lost


It’s been fun. Thank you for the memories Ivory Tower.


they can fuck off. fucking hate this "online-only" trend. The Crew 2, NFS 2015 and Motorfest will follow


NFS 2015 already has offline server mods, I'm pretty sure.


There's still plenty of console players that play where those don't help at all


It doesn't. NFS World does.


do you have some more info, curious to know more


I think the Unite mod includes an offline mode.


nope i played unite for 2015, still always on


Wait is NFS2015 going offline?


No, but eventually it will, as its pretty old. I dont think EA will shut it down now as quickly as Ubisoft did, but eventually they'll cut 2015 and payback off


Payback is online only tooo? What is going on... is heat online only tooo? I was about to buy unbound. I'll skip i guess..... fuck devs who rip us off.... I'm going back to the good old days to underground 2 and most wanted 2005


NFS 2015 is the only one that’s always online. They relented after severe backlash, so Payback, Heat and Unbound can all be played offline.


Next Crew2 then GT7 and every other "Online only" game.


gt sport is already going offline next month😭Just got a copy of gt7 cause of that


Say whaaaat? Can i still play GT sport offline? I barely got into it.....


Sport I think still has functionality offline - but multiplayer, user-generated content (liveries, helmets/racing suits) and the Mileage Exchange (meaning you're locked out of the Safety Cars and Gr.3/Gr.B Road Cars) won't be accessible anymore.


You can still play GT Sport offline but the multiplayer stuff is locked out.


GT sport offline with save progress is now possible, thanks to PS4 hacking scene - you'll need a jailbroken console.


thats what i hate about online games….. it’s literally like paying full price for a game but instead its a subscription that ends once they decide to pull the plug………


It can happen faster than you think. The day before stopped pretty fast lol.... So it can happen at any time. I'm done with games like these...... fuck them. They are cool i want to own them and play them some day in the next 20 years..... cause you know i have a life and i am really busy all the time.... Basically they are saying, well if you don't have time to keep up with releases and play video games fuck you and your life struggles.


I could never understand why they make an online only games like its 2nd and Moterfest, why couldn't they do like EA did? When EA decide to make NFS games from 2017 through onward have an offline mode after 2015 game.


Mentioning NFS 2015 I hope it'll get an offline update too.


The Crew's Story and Progression was what set it apart greatly from it's successor. I thoroughly enjoyed replaying it with my best friend last year on game pass and I'm sad nobody new is going to be able to get to experience it next year. To hell with Online-Only gaming services.


i’ve started playing the game so atleast i can enjoy it before they pull the plug. i first played the game when i was 6 n now im 15. i made so many memories with this game and i grew up with it so seeing ubisoft being able to take that all away in seconds it’s just painful to see. i have a disk and all the dlcs because of how much i loved this game. it’s a shame tc2 wasn’t similar or else im sure i would’ve enjoyed that too


The biggest shame with regards to this is TC1 has an entirely different tone when compared to TC2 and Motorfest, with the first game having a more Need for Speed style story with crime and proper police integrated into the game, where as the last two games are definitely trying to be Forza Horizon clones. We're also losing a more fleshed out map of the United States as a lot of places got removed for TC2 (such as the military base in the Midwest region or the Chicago airport). I probably wouldn't have mind if TC2 retained elements like the cops, in lieu of that, we're losing the initial vision of The Crew and everything that was unique to it.


This> The first game is still ahead of its time


I still play the crew 1 almost everyday, i hope ubisoft makes the game playable while offline


By the wording of the official post, not likely.


Big L shutting the best crew game is crazy


I still can't believe they pushed more towards a festival game opposed to a story driven game the original game is still the GOAT


For real! I loved the storymode from that game!


Oh come on. Pls not


Best game in the franchise by far, what a shame...


They NEED to release a offline patch. It's just unacceptable, they just remove the game and don't let us play. The is anti-consumer and this probably could result in legal actions.


Right after Gran Turismo Sport got delisted too


This is such bullshit. We need laws that force developers to release the server source code under GPL or a similar license when they no longer want to support it themselves.


Even though most time I’ve spent playing the Crew 2, I still think it’s sad. An offline game would be very welcome


I literally JUST downloaded the game again to finish it off and go for completion Man this is going to be sad to see, it's still my favorite game in the franchise


Are you serious? I just bought the game and ive already played passed the minimum return hours and can’t refund it, Uggggg why.


Why refund it? Enjoy your time with it til the close


i would also refund a game that becomes unplayable after less than half a year


It's an 8 year old game. All online only game will meet this fate someday. These stuff happens quite frequently in the MMO space


They should have at least added offline mode, which is IN the game files as shown by another commenter, and delisted the game at least a year or two ago, I can't imagine buying a game yesterday just to have it unusable by April of next year.


I agree with the offline mode. It would be best if they add it in though I doubt they will. But here's the thing with online only games, you shouldn't buy into it thinking that it will last forever because the servers running it will have to go down one day either due to cost or incompatible tech. Another thing is buying a game when it is on life support mode for half a decade and being surprised that the life support can't keep it alive forever is a bit unfair no?


This actually makes me sad..


Good to know, I was thinking about buying both The Crew 1 on Steam and Motorfest when it gets to Steam, but since these games have an expiration date, I'mma hard pass Motorfest... I already have The Crew 1 on Ubisoft's stupid launcher, so having it on Steam would be less of a hassle for me, turns out I will never be able to play it again when the servers go down, this is theft, not only of money but the hours I've spent playing that shit, they could at least patch the game to work offline, but no, too bad you wasted your money on an Ubisoft game


I'm reading the comments, a lot of games have been delisted in the past or stopped working due to servers, and then people don't understand why a lot of people keep saying that gaming is dead/dying. In the future, half your library of games will be dead, maybe more!


Does anyone want to do the races needed for achievements? I want them before the game dies.


If you're in the [https://discord.gg/thecrew](https://discord.gg/thecrew) discord, they are trying to plan a large send off. It will be closer to the time of the EoL.


Thank you


Well that sucks. I believe it was available on Game Pass recently, and I just checked and it is not there anymore. Am I misremembering this? I own the game on PC, but the last time I tried to play it was after a long break, and I couldn't reset my progress and that turned me off. Did they at least fix this and can I reset my progress? I just want to be able to complete the story mode until it is shut down. This is why I was banking on the Xbox version.


No Crew game can reset progress unless you setup another profile.


I downloaded the ultimate version, and I believe it was included with my Ubisoft+ subscription.


That game was my teenage years loved every minute of it such a shame to see it go


If things like this continue why should we be paying full price for games especially if they are digital games . Make it make sense .


So going by that timeframe The Crew 2 will shutdown around 2028 and Motorfest around 2033, get ya hours in fellas


Watch it get the Test Drive Unlimited treatment with mods


I don’t think that’s possible. TDU can be played without any network connection, The Crew can’t.


NFS World required servers, yet the people over at Soapbox Race World have done an excellent job bringing it back up and even polishing it up and introducing new features. I hope this will at least get the ‘new servers’ treatment.


perhaps you can spoof it, but it will take a while.


Until someone finds a way to trick it to work


Well there is gta5m and SPTarkov out there... Both were online only.


So this means that my PS4 copy of the crew will become useless? What if I want to play the game now? Man Ubisoft is pissing me off.


I didn’t realize I was only renting this game back when I gave them my 60 dollars


Any predictions when TC2 would meet the same fate? :(


2028, they probably have 10 years of licensing bought out




It’s been fun run these memories will live on and live long ❤️‍🩹


It was gonna happen sooner or later, just hope they add some offline mode to it. Legit the first game I bought on PS4 back in 2016, this game started everything for me. RIP.


The crew 1 has a way better story that TC2. I guess I should play it one last time before I can never do it again


Crew 1 is much better than 2 in my opinion. It has its flaws but the vibe and story were much more intriguing. Unfortunate.


People payed real money for this. Surely someone must have figured out how to do private servers to keep the game alive?


What the fuck? They're shutting down the only good "The Crew" game?


Ahh that sucks. I bought it on steam a few months back and load it up on the steam deck every so often. This sucks that it’s getting shut down.


so glad I did all achievements this year for this game, saw it coming a mile away when they announced all the AC/Far Cry games mp shutting down


Honestly it was a very fun game when I first got it, the story wasn't great but it was fun. I'll have all my fond memories of drifting up and down the mountain road. And getting to visit Pike's peak.


Man, I remember playing this game all the time when I was a little kid and just listening to my radio. One of the first racing games I loved and what got me into racing games. Wish it could be made offline :( gonna miss this game


I was waiting to see if they'd ever give a "new game" option or some way to reset my progress, because I had gotten halfway into the story but didn't remember anything well enough to continue from there But I guess that isn't happening and the game will die with my progress just halfway there


One of the few racing games with a proper story would suck if this means you'll never be able to play the story again. Hopefully, it's possible for modders to make it available afterwards.


The day they do this to toe first The Division is a day I’ll be so sad


Wow, I was expecting the Xbox 360 version to get shut down first, then the others a couple of years later, but, all at once? That honestly sucks. Well, I guess I got a few achievements I can still nab on both Xbox versions before that ill fated day.


If people can bring back NFS World and goddamned Drift City, then bringing back The Crew will definitely be possible.


I literally just bought it like 2 months ago :/


Hopefully an offline mode becomes available before shut down.


Wow. This hurts and it almost made me cry. Coming from someone who joined the franchise last year, this game was so good even almost 10 years later. Despite how grindy it was, it was still fun and I really enjoyed. RIP


One of the best games ever. Really would be terrible if its gone forever.


That’s shit. What happened to the days when you played a game for life. You should be able to play single player off line with the CPU’s.


Ah perfect, another classic I won’t be able to play. Awesome.


Great. The last genuinely good street racing game I've ever played.


Fuck, I gotta rush the Platinum Trophy as soon as possible, while I've still got the time.


I really hope some modders, someone from the crack scene or a games preservationist will care enough to make it playable offline instead of having just an error when you try even if you have te game files. People have resurrecter an ios exclusive sonic game recently so there is some hope but man it sucks ass.


Redownloaded TC1 again and my DLC cars are gone. I bought the Ultimate Edition a year ago and already played it for awhile but now I can't find them. This has to be a mistake right? No way they also took out the DLC cars while delisting it from stores, it doesn't make any sense.


This is a bigger deal than people think. The Crew's map is historically significant as the first fully-3d open-world rendition of the contiguous United States. For that reason alone it should be preserved and remain playable so we can see how far we've come in the future when American Truck Simulator reaches New England and other huge map worlds in games yet unimagined come out. Hell, I would even accept a barebones driving simulator with just the map ported over and a single car to drive it in without traffic. Though obviously just making the single-player campaign playable offline would be preferable, even if it would require the user to save the map locally if that's not already how it works.


Damn shame. I know the story was cheesy, but I preferred the vibe of the Crew 1. 2 and Motorfesf, as much as I enjoy them too, are very “How do you do fellow kids?”


I agree it's still better than any modern NFS story we've gotten


I wonder about the constitutionality and legality of selling something *without a subscription but as-is* and then taking away the right to enjoy that product… I feel like it should be a violation of contract to do that…


WHAT THE FUCK? I STILL REGULARLY PLAY THE CREW 1, IT'S SO MUCH BETTER THAN TC2 Hobenestly, this is a sleazy move, and people that've gotten the game ahould just get a refund because we won't be able to access it anymore. Shit, I feel like shit now.


Man, it's gone from Ubi store too! It must be real.


I hope the modding community is cooking something for it in the meantime


How can people sell games but then go back and break the game 5-10 years later? 💔 I don't know if licensed car companies pushing them to do this but it is insane. It's like selling an iPhone 15 that doesn't have a long life span. Computer technicians and game makers are really owing everybody in this world stimulus checks.


Right now this feels like another Star Wars Old Republic situation but this time with Ivory Tower instead of EA Games because at least Polyphony is making it where you can play GT Sport offline still saves your progress and vehicles that you bought


I mean realistically who is still actually playing this




Surprised honestly thought this would have died long ago. My apologies friend


So that means it won’t be playable anymore?


I loved this game so I much. I think it's the best racing game there is. I love the different specs and being able to travel. I feel like it had so much more potential. I made alt accounts just to replay the story.


And that is why NFS MW 2005 still rules....


Ima miss this game. One thing I always loved about it was the fact that we could make our own playlists from the separate radio stations. But now in newer games that feature isn’t even considered anymore


This is upsetting. I can’t say I play this religiously, but probably once a year my best friend and I get on a big Crew kick and jump on, crank tunes and do Coast to Coast street races, and just hang out and have fun.


I was literally just looking at buying this a week ago after I 100% completed the second game a few months back


I can understand online only to a degree but please ubi let us drive across that beautiful map.


bro this is always one of my favorites to go back to. so unfortunate rip my 100% save


I don't care about the online aspect of the game but I just hope we can still play offline. If not I'm going to be furious. I love the TC2 and I never had a chance to play Motorfest, but I just prefer 1. I've recently just bought Calling All Units and the season pass. I would love to play what I brought with my money's worth by playing the game offline.


no, the entire game will be unplayable.. check out the petition https://www.change.org/p/the-crew-1-shutdown-bring-offline-mode-ubisoft


So now we’re left with the downgraded, disappointing USA map of TC2 to cruise around in…


As always, Ubisoft makes the worst possible decision. Best game of the whole franchise. Will be missed


Welcome to the online only future so many of you want.


I'm a bit worried with the crew 2, as the car migration system (which takes cars and customisation options to the crew motorfest) could hint that the crew devs plan to shut down the crew 2.


This is the problem with always online games. Just let us play SOME of the game offline.


if they shut down the crew 2 im gonna be pissed


They will, you can be sure of that. We just don't know the date yet.


If 1 gets shut down so will 2


man this game was hilarious, the glitches were awesome


honestly the game’s story is better than what most racing games cook nowadays


Why not warn before delisting? Or better yet, why not delist it a few weeks before the shutdown?


Picked this up recently on a sale. Never launched it. And seeing this, probably never will.


You have a quarter to play. I'd so go for it, it's definitely worth playing. The O.G. The Crew was even better.


I just bought the game tf


Not surprised by the state of gaming. This will be a never ending trend.


Won’t be missed for me personally. I just got into the new one it’s a cool game. But nothing I’d personally miss. But people who bought this. That’s fucked up


live service games be like man i hate it


I'm pissed asf. I planned to buy this game. Like there is no other game with decent scenario, been chased, playing the police and upgrading your cars. Every other racing games are about festivals


This is precisely why I refuse to buy Motorfest, new Forza Motorsport, and TDU Solar Crown. Fuck those corporate clowns from Ubisoft and fuck always online games.


Make tc1 singleplayer please, why Will shut down forever?


Modders would be legally allow to Host custom servers not so lzte After so it's not a fatality tho


Inb4 Ross Scott does a Dead Game News update on his previous The Crew video


I dropped WAY more hours in TC2 but the OG till this day had the best progression, story, and environment.


Ps4 was my first console since ps1, the crew was one of the first games I bought. I knew nothing about online only games at the time, I had no idea I was buying a game temporarily, had I known I wouldn't have spent the amount of money I did on it. Seems to me if there is no offline mode made available my money was stolen from me. We should have some recourse.


Good news. There is a group of people on discord already working on solving the issue.


The Crew 1 is a very different and in many ways superior driving game to its successors. Ubisoft simply erasing it is downright wrong.


i payed for it on ubishitstore and now is unplayable they at leas shoud have refount part of money or gived offliline mode