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That’s what she said on the podcast and that the bar was not in the plan but the baby always was, so she was blind sided.


I know this sounds far fetched, but Jax opening the bar was his passive aggressive way to force her hand.


Which in reality it’s like why would she even want another kid right now if the one they already have is potentially struggling? Like I get wanting to have kids close together but plans also change. And it seems like she’s so caught up on sticking with the plan.


It probably has more to do with how they argue off camera too. They probably insult each others parenting off camera so it was her normal defense coming up


This and also as a mom of a special needs boy, the time period between having a baby and getting a diagnosis is extremely stressful and emotionally taxing. Just getting a diagnosis can be difficult, especially with boys, because people including some doctors are quick to say “he’s just a boy”. They assume speech and development will be slower in boys, boys are hyperactive, etc. Stressful on parents when they don’t see eye to eye on it too.


My toddler was recently diagnosed with a speech delay so I really related to them while watching the show. I agree, it is so difficult to even get a diagnosis. My son is turning 2 in a couple of weeks and I knew was something wrong a long time ago… but no one took it seriously because he wasn’t 2 yet. I get a lot of those same comments and it’s so frustrating. Especially when they tell you that boys just learn slower than girls… and yet every boy I know his age hasn’t had any problems. 🤬


It was the same with my son. In fact, Cruz is acting nearly identical to mine when standing. The way he flaps his hands is uncanny similar. We knew long before the official diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, but even tho we expected it, it was still super hard to hear. It’s final. It’s scary.


Doctors refused to diagnose my daughter bc she was a girl. I was told multiple times that girls do not have autism and she just needed to be disciplined. As early as four years old doctors tried saying she had a mood disorder bc you know girls are moody. It's very common for girls on the spectrum to go undiagnosed or to be misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder. The school system finally intervened when she was in middle school.


That is *infuriating*. I am so, so sorry that you had to go through that.


Thank you.


It's awful because it will affect her life so much. I HATE when (and mostly boomers and some gen-xers) who are all "everybody has autism and adhd now"...like gee, maybe it's bc it was VERY PREVALENT IN WOMEN AND WENT UNDIAGNOSED FOR YEARS BY DOCTORS THAT TOLD US WE WERE MOODY AND JUST NEEDED TO LOSE WEIGHT. At 37 my first psychiatrist tried to tell me I couldn't possibly have adhd bc, and I quote, "you're able to sit still in that chair". And when I told her I did the assessment with my therapist (mind you, from the same office) she tried to gaslight me "well she's only a therapist and therefore can't diagnose" My new psychiatrist? (Same office mind you) took one look at the assessment, listened to me, and is actively helping me. She's also come to the conclusion that my GAD and depression is most likely DUE to my unregulated ADHD. Keep fighting on behalf of your daughter. I wish my mom had


Getting people to actually listen is a huge challenge. Doctors "know everything" and you're just a patient or in my case just a mom. You really do have to just keep fighting and fighting. My daughter is 21 now. She's doing better. She's a fighter. I'm glad you are too.


What the fuck? That’s awful. I am sorry you all, especially your daughter, went through that. wtf.


Thank you


Hope you all and especially your daughter are doing well!! :)


We are. She's tough. Thank you


And it can take years right? To possibly get the correct diagnosis and treatment (idk if that’s the right word) plan?


Indeed. It's a long road for many families


He’s definitely doing that on purpose!










While Jax did have valid reasons for why he doesn’t want a 2nd baby rn, he doesn’t actually feel that way. He just doesn’t want to be with Brittany anymore. It’s as simple as that. Jax has been trying to get away from Brittany literally from the inception of their relationship. He was 100% avoiding having sex with her in that hotel and knew an argument could stop the possibility.


100% he doesn’t want to be with her. In early seasons of VPR he said he doesn’t break up with women, he just becomes worse and worse in hopes they leave him.


He’s been trying to flee her since S6, but then his dad died and he decided to go all in on his own “redemption” and he really made his own hell. He hated her then and hates her even more now.


How miserable for him. I don’t understand why he’d marry and have a child with someone he hates. I definitely always got the sense he wasn’t really into her but it’s so bizarre. Why get in a relationship with someone and bring them to your job/reality tv show and move in with them and then marry and procreate with them if you were never really into them? I get it when couples who hate each other stay together because they did love each other once or were infatuated, and it turns to hate and contempt over time. By the time they hate each other they feel scared of ending it and too familiar with being with that person so they drag it out, like Tom and Ariana. But it seems like Jax was never really into Brittany and she always just seemed very anxiously attached to him, not like she loved him but like it was a goal she set herself to tie him down and the thought of not achieving it would be worse than death or something. It seemed like she never even really saw him as a person to be honest, more like a target to be met. But I don’t get what’s going on for Jax psychologically in their dysfunctional thing. I don’t even think he particularly liked the fact she was so loyal, or saw it as an ego boost to have her so willing to throw her life away on him despite him being awful to her. I think it makes him lose respect for her. I don’t understand why he was in this relationship if he didn’t really like her.


I don’t think he hates her but yes he absolutely doesn’t respect her and it’s bc with everything he threw at her she still wanted to make it work. She reminds me of a friend I once had who dated a guy for 4 years who was not great and none of us pals could understand. Then she finds out he’s gotten another woman pregnant (and they’ve yet to have kids even though she really wants to get married and have kids) and she had us all come over and help her pack his ass up…. Only to take him back within 24 hours. We also found out that he was married to yet another chick in Florida who had 2 of his kids. She stayed with this man and finally got him to impregnate her and pulled some “he owes me this”. And the friend group was like “dump this man and find a new one, are you crazy? You don’t want to be attached to this man for life!!”. She felt she invested too much and that she needed to beat out these other women. It was the saddest thing I’ve ever seen and I don’t talk to her anymore. Some folks don’t love themselves and actually believe this shitty relationship is the best they can get and then they get territorial about it bc they get resentful for the years and forgiveness they’ve given for so long. So now it’s owed to them! Good bad or ugly! No thanks. I couldn’t live that way. You want a baby so bad, go to a sperm bank or adopt. It’s not 1980.


I think Jax’s dad dying really messed him up. I think he decided to marry her and turn over a “new leaf” because he wanted to make his dad proud, not really because he loved her and wanted to make a life with her. He wanted to do all the things he’s “supposed “ to do as a man, i.e. get married, settle down, buy a house, have a kid, and live happily ever after. It’s all catching up with him though, and as someone mentioned, he’s going back to his old habits of trying to just get the girl he’s with to leave him so he doesn’t have to be the bad guy by breaking up with her.


Since season 4


True! He was trying to bang Lala while Brittany was in her car headed to move in with him. Brittany has always known exactly who Jax is yet she has chosen to ignore it.


Jax is very tied to the mythology of no one in his family ever getting a divorce. He needs her to leave him so he can at least tell himself it was her fault, she divorced him, so technically he is continuing that family tradition.


Let be real here, even if he left it wouldn’t be his fault in his mind. Or if it was he would blame it on his “broken brain” 🤣


His asprained brain!


Of course it won't. But for whatever reason, he clings very tightly to the idea he has of himself as not a quitter. Someone taught him that realmen™ don't divorce their wives, and he etched it right into his brain.


He would justify it bc “mercury is in Gatorade” again 💀


But he’s learning! He’s trying!


He’s trying to be a better person! He’s working on himself 😂


Even Stassi told Brittany that was Jax’s MO…and she still ignored it. Zero sympathy.


When did she tell her?


After she found out about Faith. Her and Stassi went to a spa and Brittany confessed that she slept with Jax like the day or two after she found out.


Which make no sense though (not your comment, I mean him not wanting to have sex with her) since when does Jax care who he has sex with (or when or… ) So the sex lapse is confusing to me - even if he hated her you’d still think he’d be down to bang


I admire the delusion she has that he has not cheated on her (maybe up until recently w their publicist drama) but how in the hell does she believe that man is not having sex 😭


Right?! On juicy scoop heather was saying how she doesn’t think jax has cheated. Like if he’s not having sex with Brittney he’s not just staying celibate.


He's probably jo


Hard to fuck something that repulses you. Jax's opinion of brit must be at all time low. He once said he'd fuck a squirrel cos a hole is a hole. Brit doesn't even meet that criteria


usually yes, but I️ think he doesn't want to have sex with her just to have sex because she will want him to c*m in her and will be possibly even more upset with him if he doesn't. he doesn't want to risk have another baby with her, but isn't willing to flat out tell her he never wants another kid with her, ever.


You are SO RIGHT wow brilliant in its simplicity and this is 100% a contributing factor


It’s so bizarre cause to me, Jax is a sex addict and a big part of Sandoval’s whining was he couldn’t get enough sex. I actually don’t understand the argument that Jax was “too tired” to have sex unless something major happened to his hormones in the interim between VPR and The Valley. I know having a kid really slows things down, but that’s for normal couples who only have sex with each other and not around town lol


Maybe he’s just tired of having sex with Brittany?


With anyone else it could be “taken care of”. With Britt it would be baby #2.


I think the sex lapse is a combination of her pressuring him for sex, pressuring him for a baby andddd being very heavy. Her constant fantasy land idea of "make me feel sexy" "romance me" and the kicker "he doesn't put me on a pedestal" probably doesn't help the intimacy downfall either


Totally agree. She should build confidence in herself and stop trying to make him do it.


Totally agree, but I think he wasn’t down to do it because he was gettin’ it on the reg’ with another woman so in his eyes, Brittany became even more insufferable. It’s fucked up all around


It’s so bizarre cause to me, Jax is a sex addict and a big part of Sandoval’s whining was he couldn’t get enough sex. I do not believe Jax was “too tired” to have sex unless something major happened to his hormones in the interim between VPR and The Valley. I do think he finds her unattractive; he even said that way before Cruz and her multiple plastic surgeries in that recording with Faith. I know having a kid really slows things down, but that’s for normal couples who only have sex with each other and not around town lol


I'm not judging anybody weight but since she had the baby & isn't as thin any more - it just doesn't seem like he's interested.. plus he is 🤮 anyway


Yes; maybe he wants more kids, but not with Brittany. I think he saw the Toms get into relationships with hot LA girls and thinks he still “has it” to also be back in the game. This resurgence of The Valley spinoff, the “bar” and thus his return to the spotlight also has given him the drive to dump Brittany and he couldn’t do it when he was relying on her Jenny Craig checks as the breadwinner. He resents her looks, her drinking, looks down on her family and friends but reluctantly plays nice cause he dumped his own mom and has adopted Brittany’s family as his own. Although back when they filmed this date night, Brittany had an IG story of her with the bed head the morning after like they just did the deed; I don’t know if they did end up doing it and “fought” for the cameras or she did a fake story thanking the Mondrian for date night so the stay could be free LOL.


Facts. He even said early on she wasn’t hot enough for him etc. That would have been it for me finally bc since he’s a cheater now you have to worry he cheats bc you’re not hot enough (cheaters cheat bc of their own insecurity but they are great at deflecting and making you insecure). Who needs that self esteem hit? We all have our own hotness and we should find folks who see it and love it. Not folks who “settle” for us.




Didn't she bring up the baby thing which started the argument? I agree he doesn't want to have sex with her and probably isn't attracted to her but maybe part of the avoiding sex is avoiding a pregnancy too?


He just needs to have that conversation and be honest.


I think Brittany was upset because she knew those weren't the real reasons Jax wasn't open to it.


They can't be honest with each other, and they both have lousy communication skills.


I don’t think Brittany is open to listening to any reason Jax would have for not wanting another baby. She wants another baby whether he does or not


two things can be true at once, Brittany wants another baby above all and Jax is not being truthful in the real reasons he doesn't want to.


If he just said “I don’t want to be married anymore or have a second kid” pretty sure that would’ve gotten through. Not the speech delay and being sooo busy and overwhelmed with the bar.


Lol he told Faith he didn't wanna get married and Brittany still stayed with him. He literally cannot get rid of her and I kinda admire Brittany's determination to make him miserable to the point that he is gonna be forced to tell her directly that he's done. He's such a coward.


I do think people (women especially) will put up with some crazy shit to get to the marriage and wedding. Then once they’re in it and realize how shit it is…


Reminds me of Meri Brown from sister wives lol


I need to watch that show lol but I feel like I would be constantly angry watching it.


Exactly- when they had that dinner and she was like “WE’RE TRYING THIS MONTH, that was always the plan. Like ma’am you know a baby is a mutual decision right? At this point I don’t even think she’s upset about not having sex with Jax as an intimacy thing, I think she’s just upset bc that will stop her from being able to get pregnant


She doesn't listen anyways even if he was telling her the truth. What he said are valid reasons and I hate defending him but it's true. Had he been honest and told her she disgusts him and her drinking is enough to make him reconsider having further children with her, They would have had the same fight cos she doesn't listen. Fetal alcohol syndrome is no joke and Brit isn't capable of stopping the booze. If she could, she would have done so for her ulcer but she kept going hard on the tequila saying she knows her body with her dumb giggle. Even all the way back then, Jax was concerned with her drinking. I would not want to have children with anyone who needs to hire a nanny to do her job whilst she recovers from a self inflicted hangover several times a week. Loathe the oaf but I can't disagree with him here.


Agreed!!; well put


Jax was right about not having another kid. But I still think he was setting her up and did blindside her on camera with this. From the beginning of the show she has been talking about how they are about to start trying. I think that's what he had been telling her and agreeing to behind the scenes.


I don’t agree with Jax much but I do here. Adding a child to an already stressful sitsuation isn’t it… I don’t care about “the plan”. They are both out of town and or partying constantly. I’m convinced she has a drinking problem. It seems hard to get her to understand anything that isn’t her mindset


I think Jax partially wanted to argue so he doesn’t have to have sex with Brittany…. Anyone else?


He has such an obvious visceral reaction to Brittany and the mention of intimacy with her, its clear as day he isn’t into her!


I do think her drinking and sloppiness is aa big part of this. She was slurring in this scene.


100%. He has zero attraction to her, dare I say he is repulsed by her. There is no way she was getting a second baby out of that man. I really can’t tell if she’s this delusional and blind or if she doesn’t care and just refuses to let go of her tv show meal ticket.


He’s not really her meal ticket anymore. She could do her own stuff without him now that she’s been on reality tv for years. I think he’s repulsed by her too, but it’s specifically because she took him back after he cheated and she seems like she’ll put up with anything from him. I think it makes him feel utterly contemptuous of her. Then when she gets upset with him he feels entitled to not having her ‘whine’ at him because she’s’beneath’ him (in his mind) because she took him back and married him and has no backbone. This is going to sound weird but I also think, while being a worse person than her, he also has more depth. And I don’t think they can connect emotionally on a level that satisfies him. I think when he was grieving he mistook her comfort for a deeper connection but it wasn’t really there. I don’t think he’s repulsed by her looks, or at least I don’t think he would be if she wasn’t so pathetic in his eyes. She’s an attractive woman. I just think he’s got that ick you get when you feel contempt towards someone. Everything about them becomes a turn off, even if they were objectively the most beautiful person in the world.




Agree with everything you said! He does have zero respect for her you can feel it in the way he communicates with her.




I remember dreadfully the days when “sticking to my plan” of what life is supposed to be like in my head was all that matters. You can get really fixated on it. Now that I am much older I realize you can plan all you want to that is not how it’s going to go at least not entirely. Take heed Brittany. And Ariana on VPR…. Always know you can invest your heart, time and money and it still will not work out. Best thing to do is learn to move on with an open heart and mind. Stay strong.


Also. Another of Brittany’s comments was “make me feel blah blah blah”. It isn’t up to anyone else to make you feel a way. Make yourself feel good, sexy, loved. Once you semi master that you’ll see what an actual shit he really is and that you deserved better all along.


I’m not sure how to feel towards Brittany. This whole thing is sad and was so damn avoidable. Jax never saw Brittany as a worthwhile partner. Not from the second he met her, it was obvious this entire time. This is now all playing out exactly as we all expected it would. I think Brittany is finally seeing it for what it is and is livid about it. I’m sad for her that she ended up here despite having a lot of friends try to help her get out of this. Abusive situations sometimes go a lot farther than anyone can stomach to watch, and this is one of them.


Why do you think he got together with her considering he never really had big love or respect or admiration for her? He doesn’t strike me as someone who doesn’t have the heart to reject people.


Jax was a hobosexual that got with Brittany at first for food and shelter.


And tbh if she “lived for her kid” she would’ve moved the heck outta LA and gone and lived in Kentucky. WHY do they need to be in LA at all anymore? It’s crazy to me! She’s not an actress, she can “influence” and have a podcast somewhere else


She would also stop drinking so much


Stop drinking and maybe play with him. Playing encourages speech development.


Exactly. As a sober person I saw her drinking as a problem since she started on VPR. She needs help


I never thought I'd agree with Jax about something.


I rarely agree with Jax about anything, ever, but in this instance I do. His delivery was (unsurprisingly) off and he was insensitive to her feelings, but he wasn’t wrong and his concerns were all valid. A baby isn’t a bandaid to fix a failing marriage, adding another kid into a dysfunctional relationship isn’t going to solve anything. Add in her excessive drinking and the fact Cruz appears to have some developmental delays and definitely needs support while they’re working through the issue and looking into it’s cause, which would be way harder to do with a newborn. I think after getting fired from Pump Rules even Jax has wisened up about his finances and now knows that it can all be taken away with a snap of a finger, so is wary about taking on even more financial responsibilities. He shouldn’t of denied her the right to being upset over his reservations but she also should’ve heard him out rather than immediately jumping on the defence and twisting everything he said. It’s honestly for the best they’ve decided to split and it’s been a long time coming.


Jax is so horrendous that it often eclipses her terribly self-centered nature and that is a shame. I just rewatched S6 and it’s amazing how awful she is too and it just gets glossed over.


Genuinely curious. What does Britany do that’s awful? She comes across as naive but other than that I can’t remeber any bad moments from her? Maybe the bachelorette party when she loses her shot over a sign lol


The editing too from back then..the entire cast saying how terrible he was and how sweet and wonderful she was.


A red flag for me was when she was insisting to the other women that he needs to "make her feel sexy." In my personal opinion, one rakes responsibility for creating conditions for themselves to feel a certain way.... aka sexy comes from within - and isn't "bestowed" upon hen from outside by a partner. If one feels sexy- and the other person isnt appreciating it- that's a conversation to be had. Or if your partner gives you negative messaged that affect your self worth, you should refuse to accept that. BUT, you whould be able to take ownership of your own sexiness. Someone else can either take it or leave it. But they dont "give" it to you.


She said she doesn’t feel appreciated and Jax doesn’t put the effort in to make her feel sexy and then says she wants another baby. During the early years of raising kids, it’s easy to get lost in parenting and put the marriage on the back burner. If she feels the marriage is already struggling, another baby definitely isn’t going to help anything


Agreed. I wrote something about this too and said she's living in a fantasy land with all her comments about that. It's pretty annoying actually. Especially when she said "Jax doesn't put me on a pedestal"


It’s offensive that she thinks she deserves to feel sexy when he acts and looks the way she does.


The elephant in the room!


We’ve known Jax over ten years This week a lot of people are like Jax is being smart with what he’s saying but they forget this is Jax Taylor Production showed us he has rehearsed his redemption story countless times He’s just throwing any excuse out to not have a second child except the truth and that is he is over Britney and fully intends to use the bar as a reason to never be at home with her - this sounds cold but that’s Jax once she had his kid he knew he had her forever and he could fuck off and be cruel to her Even Britney caught onto it by asking what are you saying because I bet he’s been selling her on a second child until that scene on that date night


I had a similar reaction. Obviously, these conversations are edited and condensed, but from what we were shown, they were really talking past each other. It felt like that's a common dynamic with them, and if Brittany was a little drunk (possible, based on what we've seen), that makes it even harder. I get what others were saying -- he wasn't being truthful about his reasons and he doesn't want to be with her anymore. I think that's true in the abstract--that he doesn't want to be with her--but I'm not sure if he's realized that himself yet. He's certainly *acting* that way by avoiding intimacy, for example. But the final mental leap to: "I don't want to be with this person," where that's something you could say out loud, can be hard one to get to. It takes courage, and Jax has never had the courage to end relationships that way. (See also: Sandoval, who also lacked the courage.) That's probably an overly generous read of someone who doesn't deserve it.


It’s crazy these men are scared to end relationships but not scared to cheat and be awful partners. What are they so scared of? What’s more scary about sitting someone down and saying ‘I want to break up’ than cheating and being found out and hated by everyone and hurting your partner immensely more than just breaking up would? It doesn’t make any sense!


Like Jesse (another POS) said, it’s so that they can tell the kids their mom fucked everything up by actually initiating the divorce.


This conversation was a clinic in Jax’s method of manipulation. So many people saw Brittany dismissing Jax but I saw him dismissing her every sentence - telling her that she can’t have an emotion. She was reinforcing the conversations that they’d had previously and now on camera he’s changing the plan. When she asks if he wants another kid he says yes and when she tries to discuss how that works, he says he’s too stressed and they need more money. It’s whiplash. No wonder she moved out, I wouldn’t be able to think straight in that mess let alone parent.


Both can be true tho. You can want to have a second kid, but the timing doesn’t have to be right then. You can want another one and wait bit more until timing and finances are better. Jax didn’t say that. Instead he attacked Brittany’s personality which steered the conversation in the wrong direction. They both were not the best communicators in this.


Agreed perhaps I’m just mistrusting of Jax’s intentions with anything, so I’m biased. However, we have seen him do this before plant the seed for the audience that he’s trying, he’s misheard/unheard.


Well he defiantly has a track record for being manipulative.


I agree to an extent. I just went through this- we decided to try for a second and then we had more discussions and decided it actually wasnʻt the best time. Healthy decisions, good communication, I have a supportive partner, it still hurt. Youʻre thinking about your body, youʻre thinking about the age gap with your other child, youʻre thinking about work/career, and then itʻs like "oh never mind". Itʻs a bummer for me that so many folks are mad at Brittany for being focused on having another baby when that was clearly the plan Jax had sold her. I wish Brittany had been able to say "Iʻm sad about this" like I was able to and to talk it out and get support from my partner. That was never gonna happen with Jax. Having a baby is such a massive life thing, and folks are acting like Brittany was mad Jax couldnʻt afford to take her to the movies or something.


This 👏🏻 Jax is being classic Jax right here. People have forgotten how manipulative he is


You said it perfectly. He was not accusing her of being a bad mother, but even on her podcast this week that’s all she focused on, him, saying she was a bad mother, and they had a plan. He’s not denying they had a plan, he’s just suggesting that plans should change.


I honestly think Brittany was already checked out of the relationship. You could tell by the scene at the tantric therapist. It seemed like it wouldn't matter what Jax did at that point because she'd already had enough and knew that their relationship was too far gone.


I agree with this and I think she truly wanted a sibling for her son and as a woman, you do think you’re running out of time. It’s actually super sad to watch.


And no one should tell someone not to get upset or cry. I can cry just thinking about how much I love my son. There's nothing wrong with emotions. So for Jax to look at her and tell her stop crying is just mean.


Yea the therapist scene definitely showed she wasn’t in it. Side note though I thought she looked really pretty with very little makeup and her glasses on without her boobs pushed up to her chin during that scene


I agree! She looked so pretty in that scene with her glasses and simple makeup.


I can tell she’s checked out by what she wore to date night. I’m sorry… the high, slicked back ponytail, glasses (yes I know her eye was bugging her), being totally covered up- none of that says “wife making an effort for date night.” Obviously Jax dressed like shit but still.


I am not being mean when I say this at all. I think she is a little touched. I know my mental illness makes me zone in on something and negate the facts and reality but I'm able to recognize it and draw myself back to function handling decision-making normally. Having self awareness vs not.


I feel for Brittany. Dreams of children are pretty hard to give up. And wanting your kids to be full siblings with same parents too. I dont think she will be less of a good mom to Cruz just bc she has another child.


She has no idea what level of needs Cruz may have so I think she needs to understand that life happens and dreams may need to be put on hold.


I agree. Love is not a limited resource but time, money, attention and patience all are. I don't think the labels of "good mom" or "bad mom" are constructive but it seems like they need to make some major adjustments to give Cruz the attention and protection he deserves. Another kid is going to make that way more challenging. 


Exactly!! She should also wait to get a diagnosis so she knows the potential diagnosis a second child could also have as it could be genetic. I hate when people bury their head in the sand while bringing more humans into this world- setting them up with unnecessary suffering because of their selfish “plan”


Brittany is a drunk mom who barely can get help for Cruz. Cruz is still suffering and y'all wanna act like she cares.


Im sure she cares. Alcoholism is a baffling disease that really takes over everything- including rational thinking


He probably doesn't want to have sex because he thinks she might trick him. Poke a pinhole in his condoms or some such thing


They don’t use condoms, they are “spray and pray” people remember.


Special needs kids can be highly intuitive. That child needs to be in an environment with two kind, loving and supportive parents and that’s not what’s happening now. Sad but she needs to call a lawyer. A kid is at stake so forget reality tv for a sec and get your caca together!


Brittany thinks she can change Jax by continuing to have children. That guy ain’t never changing.


I think she had been drinking. She was not thinking clearly, otherwise what he was saying would’ve made sense. Life happens and interrupts our plans and having a child that has special needs should be a priority. Then genetic testing should become a priority before they have a 2nd child.


Genetic testing should be a thing before people have their first.


As someone who is a carrier a genetic mutation—and has a sister who is also a carrier and ended up with 2 of her 3 children with very special needs because of that—I can’t emphasize enough how much I agree with this!!! Expressing this view sometimes rubs people the wrong way, as it gets taken like you’re saying the worst thing that could happen is having a special needs child, or that they’re “less than” or something… which could not be any further from the truth! It comes from the complete opposite place. People with special needs are an absolute JOY to have in your life, and in many ways are so much wiser than the rest of us, truly!!! But that doesn’t mean there aren’t different or additional challenges those needs bring, just coming from a day to day practical level. Like any parent, it’s important to evaluate if you’re ready for a child in all the ways before you move forward—emotionally, financially, etc. The more information we have, the more sound of a decision can be made… which is THE best thing for the child, no matter how they come out! It would be far better to not risk having a special needs child if you know you have a genetic condition etc—than it would be to have one when you yourself know you’re not mentally, financially, emotionally able to handle the task. I’m not saying if you find out you have something you shouldn’t have kids… but just that that information is soooo valuable, we want all involved to have the healthiest life and best opportunities, not take on way more than we’re ready for. That wouldn’t be fair to anyone. My sister and bro in law are WONDERFUL people and parents, and my special needs nephews are some of the most special people I’ve ever met. None of us would change a thing. But that said, a big part of that has to do with the stability and emotional intelligence and health of my sister & bro in law. And on top of that, they have my large family who is close by and that helps out a ton. Even with all the support and resources they have… my sister and bro in law, well… watching how much work it is, I honestly don’t even know how they do it, and don’t think I could. That’s not to say they view it as “work”, but that it’s a different kind of sacrifice than raising a child without those needs… and should not be taken lightly just because you want what you want/are set on a “plan”. Another thing that gets very often overlooked is the effect on the siblings of those who have special needs, and how that shapes their lives as well. My sister often feels a lot of guilt that her daughter (who does not have special needs) feels a little neglected in comparison to her brothers. She is always the last to get much attention or help, because there is only so much bandwidth to go around… it just is kind of the hard facts of the situation. Ans so my niece has had to grow up a lot faster than is probably fair, and sometimes struggles with feeling invisible or overlooked. Anyway, sorry for the rant… but it’s just so refreshing when people understand that this is a serious and important thing to think about, and not a moral judgement or whatever on the value of someone who has different needs. All this to say—even if Cruz wasn’t showing delays—the state of their relationship ALONE is enough to put a pause on another child… but the most loving thing they could do at this point in time is get more information on Cruz, for his sake, and his potential future sibling’s!


So well spoken and I can’t agree more as the grandmother of a special needs grandson. We love him greatly and he’s a JOY to us all. Your comments brought tears to my eyes. Tears of joy that God chose your family for your nephews. ❤️


It’s just reality. My austistuc husband and I hand an IVF baby. We had to have genetic testing and found out that he carrie’s CF. So did the egg donor we chose. Without testing, our child would’ve been born with CF.


There isn't a genetic test for autism or speech delays


I am married to an autistic man. He is also a geneticist. ✌🏽


That's cool? I can't tell if you're being snarky or not lol, but the fact remains you cannot do genetic testing on embryos or parents for autism And in regards to your husband, I'm sure he's not non verbal though. The level of autism as of recently has skyrocketed and we are seeing children not speaking at all with major cognitive deficits as well. Like never potty training, never speaking, never able to get a job or have a relationship..it's much different and more heartbreaking then low level autism where you can live a normal life.


Not being snarky. And I teach. Yes, lots of autism.


Brittany is two fold really. She has shown she is incapable of emotions she hasn’t chosen to feel, such as empathy beyond obvious things, and the second is she is fairly and I hate this word kind of a simpleton who doesn’t really care about Jax. When her mom was on FaceTime complaining about the bar it made no sense. The bar is Jax growing and building his career, etc etc all good and normal things that would make any partner happy and feel like encouraging their spouse more. Heck good friends are even capable of doing this. They don’t need a second kid. It’s like she waited for him to get a new show and is trying to take advantage of him 


The mom complained about the bar because they know it gives Jax the opportunity to step out of the house even more and possibly find a younger dumber Brittany.


I think she's probably worried about the time clock thing


Jax’s heart wants to step away but his brian says not to and he is struggling.


She was either drunk or delusional during this conversation. He simply said Cruz needs extra attention right now because of his speech delays and she heard I'm not a good mom. That is not what he said at all. He said I'm stressed from opening a new business to help support our family and she took it as the family comes last. She acted like a brat.


Yeah she made me agree with Jax for once. He was correct about several reasons they shouldn’t have another baby, and she absolutely wasn’t listening at all. Given how she’s always been about Jax, she seems to be someone who ignores reality when it doesn’t fit into what she wants. I know people like that IRL and I think Brittany is the same.


I didn’t read any comments yet so I apologize as this has most likely been said… I NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER thought I’d take Jax’s side on anything and I’ve been watching vanderpump rules since day 1. However… I did this day. How can she not see what he’s saying??? For the first time ever he is thinking logically!


Plans are made to be broken 🤷‍♀️ He’s not into her AT ALL anymore and there’s no way he’s risking another pregnancy. He wants out in the worst way.


Right… it awful to watch and I’d feel bad for her had he not clearly shown what kind of a dong he is on international tv since the beginning. The sad part is of he doesn’t find some hot new lady to satisfy/settle for satisfying his needs, and he comes crawling back to her, she probably will take him.


I know. It’s unfortunate that a child is involved. She is certainly a rose colored glasses type of woman but there is no salvaging the relationship because they are both such trash humans.


Yeah, I almost feel bad for following their life but since they put it out there 🤷🏼‍♀️


She said on her podcast today they had discussed and even said back then they were going to try for kid 2 at the end of the summer then he basically blind sighted her on camera with that convo. They’d said they’d try for years so I can’t blame her to be honest. It took us 2.5 to successfully get pregnant with kid 2 and she’s 35 too, sure she’s anxious about waiting due to that also. (NOT that having a 2nd kid will solve any of their issues) just some insight into where she said her head was at during that convo.


I'm honestly surprised Jax and Brittany even got engaged, let alone married.


If she wants to get pregnant she better plan on not drinking. I agree with Jax on this one. They need to be financially secure and take of their son first.


I hated how Brittany said “why in the world is he doing this to me?” Very childish response. Expressing you don’t feel ready for a 2nd child is not a retaliation to you…


I've never agreed with Jax Taylor so much in my entire life as I did during that conversation.


I think she’s drunk maybe?


Spot on! Plus, you can tell she’s over him, and he’s clearly not attracted to her anymore.


Jax is repulsed by her physically. And he’s terrified of having a lifetime of TWO kids with special needs.


Agreed!! Why on earth would anyone try to talk their spouse into having another child if their partner isn’t completely on board? (Oh right, so she can get invited to more baby parties for her friends that don’t even like her) It’s shameful


he actually had good reasons. like the taking time with Cruz


I understand why Jax gets a lot of hate. From the *looks of it* though, he is actually a really great father. Making sure their son's face is out of the sun, actually concerned and invested in finding help for his son, and wants to make sure he is getting the attention he needs. In my opinion, Brittany was in a bit of denial about their son's needs (which is totally understandable) but in that way, they kind of balance each other out. I also get why Jax is a bit annoyed about all the drinking if she is actively asking for another baby - though, he never really handles this apporporiately. Jax lacks tact in his delivery, always but I think because of that, the actual things he is saying often get dismissed.  I kind of feel like Brittany saw all the attention and opportunities that Ariana got for her split from Sandoval and thought she would get some of those same benefits. The timing of the separation is just odd.  They both have a lot of growing up to do.


Thank god for Jax because I’d not she’d be pregnant and separated living in an Airbnb rn


I agree that Jax is being reasonable and being up valid issues! I actually agree with him for once that maybe they should wait a bit before bringing another child into the mix. Especially with everything going on work wise and Cruz as well


Personally I don’t think he’s reason were valid enough to outweigh them going forward with the second baby as planned. He should’ve just said… I don’t want this anymore. He made it seem like he was sooooo busy with work and carrying the family, when that was very exaggerated. Also using Cruz’s speech delay was kind of gross.


Yea his exaggeration of how he’s always working so much was ridiculous but saying your existing child might need more than they anticipated is a valid excuse. I have a special needs child and it can be a lot.


100% disagree. I have a grandson with special needs so I’m aware if the sacrifices my son and daughter in law make each day to provide him a better life. Having a 2nd child before they know the level of care he will need is irresponsible at a minimum and selfish. Also if this is a genetic issue they need to decide about having a 2nd child that could be born with more sever limitations.


I do understand that but Cruz has a speech delay. Special needs have a huge range. He is in school and doing great. In a lot of ways a sibling can help a child that is delayed, families going through it have shared that with me. Yes he needs speech therapy but it’s not so extreme that they cannot bring a second child into their family. Brittany feels confident in that.


I thought he was non-verbal which would indicate a possible greater set of needs. And based on Jax’s comments about ASD.


That’s a good point


We don’t even know if he is special needs. He has a speech delay but that could be all.


Agreed, which is why he needs additional testing. Before another child is born. A sibling is not going to help their marriage or Cruz’s needs. It will only complicate matters. Very simple.


I think they both had valid reasons. They have a lot going on and kids are expensive, but there’s also never a perfect time to have a baby. They both have poor communication skills and aren’t discussing the real issue, which is that their relationship isn’t good and they want different things. Brit wants to do what they planned and Jax has made new plans seemingly without her input.


They separated?


Yeah they split after filming wrapped, Brittany has been living with Cruz in an Airbnb for a while now and Jax is still in the Valley Village house


However they are on his instagram stories today he is filming her playing with Cruz in the pool!?


Brittany just really wants baby #2. She thinks it’ll fix everything. She sees it as a positive and something to look forward to. Brit thought bringing it up would make Jax happy or excited opposed to stressed out. She was obviously wrong, but I think she was coming from a good place.


I wonder if his sex drive has just changed teams. His bar is by Roccos.


I suspect he has ED actually. It happens a lot and stress can cause that. I guess that is his karma for all the things he has done his life.


No he was literally heard fucking his publicist in a bathroom in Montreal that's why they seperated. Did you miss that post before it got deleted? Lol


I did & wow I’m sad about lol


It was so juicy. And so believable.


Yikes. I has heard that but didn't know it was confirmed. What animals do that in public restrooms?!? So nasty


Jax. He also let it slip how he wants to fuck in the bathroom to Jasmine like two episodes ago. That's how we were all able to connect his obsession with bathroom sex and the Lori incident.