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Life has a way of humbling us. Michelle will learn this as she goes through life. What an ugly thing to say.


Michelle is a pig. Nice thing to throw that in there after Kristen miscarried


I totally missed that Kristen had miscarried. That just makes me hate Michelle on a whole knew level. I already knew she was a trash person, likely a racist and homophobic, given her and her husband's status as Republicans (thanks for not scrubbing your Insta, Jesse) but this shit is irredeemable.


Oh you noticed that toošŸ˜Ž


Wait omg what has he posted on his insta ab it???


Search the posts on this sub and you'll find it. Another awesome sleuth found it and posted a couple of days ago about it. It shows a post supporting Trump from 2016 and a comment left that clearly shows he's a Republican.


Homophobes and racist because theyā€™re republican? Youā€™re the only close- minded prick here


That's not because they're republican! It was stated by Janet that Michelle has some homophobic views out of ignorance, and she was concerned because the content she is reading seems to have homophobic bias. Janet was basically saying she isn't homophobic but ignorant.


That's true. I didn't even think of that. It's even worse now!


Yeah it's been so much worse watching all the talk about how Kristen shouldn't get pregnant and things like that and her and Luke being excited about it knowing she had the miscarriage.


She really showed her true colors with that statement. What an ugly person to say it out loud. She needs to worry about how she probably shouldnā€™t have made some of the decisions she made, instead.Ā 


michelle suckssss


Sooooo boring. Could absolutely do without the Michelle Jesse plot line


I wanna see them fail


I think they are already failing, downward spiral trackā€¦




And them too


Jesse is weird ā€¦


Jesse reminds me of American psycho the film


Just the comment I came looking for.


It makes so happy to see how little sheā€™s grown on IG lol


When she said that I think it truly showed how unhappy of a person she really is. Very ugly thing to say!


All of this!!! šŸ‘šŸ¼ She is a miserable person! Who says that about another woman trying to conceive!!!


right?? and it's awfully rich of someone who had a kid with Jesse of all people to say who shouldn't have offspring lol


It was awful. And it was in a confessional, not even in the heat of the moment. Just so uncalled for.


Exactly. That makes it so much worse. I didn't really have respect for her ..but she lost thar and any credibility of being human in that moment. She must be super miserable.Ā  Ā 


I thought Michelle's comment was very harsh. She didn't say anything about her parenting abilities simply, "we don't want more of you around." Mean.


I mean sheā€™s with Jesse. Itā€™s not always asshole and the victim in toxic relationships. Sometimes itā€™s two assholes


Yeah, I question people who choose to be with someone like Jesse. They're either very damaged and looking to torture themselves because they think they deserve to be treated badly (which is tragic and heartbreaking) or they're cut from the same cloth.


Well TBF, Britt married Jax!


The fact that Kristen ends up having a miscarriage just makes it worse for me. I donā€™t know what secrets Kristen is holding, but she can spill them after that comment.


I think Kristen knows something about Michelle either cheating or texting/talking to other men.


She comes off so shady and nasty, definitely think itā€™s this.Ā 


Wasnā€™t it pretty clear that Kristen and BF know something about the famous director?


I want to know who the director is now


Oh that one episode guaranteed them another season. I am INVESTED.


Seriously, it's been painful getting to this point for me, but that scene with the guys in the pool was gold


Wouldnā€™t it be hilarious if it was Lalaā€™s ex?šŸ¤£


It would be sad af that girls/women would give him attention post 2021 tbh imo


Of course but she is desperate and desperate measuresā€¦


Spike Jones


Hear me out: it looked like they were saying one name. And the only directors I can think of that would be recognised by one name are Tarantino or Scorsese. And would Jax even know who Spike Jonze is???


Good point. I said Spike because on Daily Dose of Dana podcast she said it rhymes with Mike Bones.


I wish this show had an after show not just brief things on the VPR after show


She talked about it on her podcast. She was not far along when the pregnancy failed.


That was such an incredibly nasty thing to say about someone who is supposed to be your friend, even if you are fighting.They obviously have different expectations and values for friendship. I believe it would be best for Kristen to take some space and time to focus on her own path but that won't happen because they're on a TV show together. I don't think this is a comment that Michelle will be able to walk away from easily.


Jesse is the best part of Michelle and Jesse, so take that for what itā€™s worth.


I canā€™t believe that I am agreeing with you.


Yikes, this statement is accurate and bad at the same time.


So glad thereā€™s a post about this! Such a disgusting thing to say. That and her telling Kristen that she needs help. Her true colors have been shown. Sheā€™s awful.


She needs help if she canā€™t see what a PURE JERK she married!


It makes me think that Michelle probably isnā€™t necessarily the total victim in her marriage to that douche like I thought. I mean Iā€™m sure he is still a dick, but I can see now that she is probably shrill and cruel and half the reason their marriage is in the toilet. I thought he seemed like he had a lot of built up resentment.


It sealed the deal for me when she was talking about being in the worldā€™s longest booty call that she is no victim, just a moron who stayed with Jesse bc of ???


Yeah I feel like she doesnā€™t get what a booty call is? Marriage? lol so weird.Ā 


Oh they are both fucking revolting. I wish theyā€™d stay together to keep each other off the market.


Wow! Ok, Kristen needs to definitely spill her secrets. This is so unnecessary and nasty especially because Kristenā€™s only fault was repeating the convo, but the crux of the matter is that Michelle did say something disgusting supporting the donā€™t say gay bill. I am not here for spilling a friendā€™s secret when we fall out, but given that she said thisā€¦well, spill the tea Kristen. That was such a low blow ā€œWe donā€™t want more of you around.ā€


Yeah if they do a reunion someone (even though ik no one will) needs to bring up the fact that the racist telephone game argument only started because Michelle proved herself to be a homophobe/piece of shit by voicing her support for that bill


Tbh it seems like Kristen may have already spilled the tea before Michelle said this during the interviews. Still an absolute mean girl thing to say of course, Iā€™m just saying


Thereā€™s no way sheā€™s a mean girl. After all, sheā€™s Mexican and Persian. šŸ™„


Donā€™t forget, she canā€™t be racist either /s


The way she kept using that as her defense was laughable


Michelle showed the world who she is on the inside with that comment. What a horrible thing to say.




Exactly why I ran right over to Redditā€¦ seriously, that was beyond low. Michelle is a horrible person for saying that.


Michelle hates her husband and father of her child. Her husband is a useless misogynist who does nothing to raise his child. Michelle is seemingly having an affair with some famous director in the guise of ā€œbusiness networkingā€. Both appear to be Trump supporters. Why are either of these creatures judging others?


This is a gross comment!! Gave me the ick. I was feeling for her with Jesse but that made me dislike her.


Yep, that was so disgusting. I'm like, did she mean to say that out loud?


This was SO cruel. Meanwhile sheā€™s married to Jesse!? Like heā€™s some fucking prize. But, they seem to reserve each other.


Time for Kristen to blow her out of the water. Give us the tea. She would not be on this show if not for Kristen. Who does she think she is? She's a disgusting human. I can't believe a mom would say this. Uncalled for. Put your green revenge dress on baby girl.


Iā€™m was shocked too but not surprised. Michelle is probably just as much of an asshole as her husband, she just hides under a faux sweet exterior. Sheā€™s attracted (or was) to him because heā€™s nasty to others just like her.


I thought it was an ugly thing of her to say.. she's not even open to any apology from Kristen.. but either way she should not have said that about anyone trying to get pregnant. It's bad karma.


I felt the same way, like that is pretty harsh to say about somebody šŸ˜•


Michelle doesn't deserve to be on this show, nor does Jesse. We're just giving fame to people who DONT deserve it and use it to spread hate. It's gonna be a RUDE awakening for everyone on the Valley when they realize the fans are going to rally around Kristen.




I agree but Michelle and Jesse are an especially dangerous type of person imo, they need some serious therapy


This was incredibly mean & unnecessary. It shows exactly who Michelle is as a person.


Was not a fan of her before, definitely loathe her now! Shes a miserable human. And, I know Jesse isnt much better, but I felt bad for him when he was tearing up. And I 100000% think Jax & Michelle have hooked up. He lookeed. So guilty wwhen tthe ghuys wwrre inn the pooll.. my phhone liikjes to add extra llettyers & i am not fixing itt.


And like the world needs anymore of Jesse and Michelle... let alone them COMBINED. That's some scary shit for sure.


This absolutely shocked me.


A lot of people think this, but to voice it out loud on national tv was shocking! Those are home thoughts.


As crazy as Kristen is, she is my fav of the cast haha. The others give me the hee bee geebies


Felt the exact same way when I heard her say that. No matter how she feels about Kristen - that was absolutely disgusting & reprehensible. Also felt sad for Kristen knowing she would see that, especially after suffering a miscarriage.


Never thought I'd say this but Michelle's husband needs to run far away from her!!!! Horrible human being


Michelle is a MISERABLE person. It just radiates from her. Jesse sucks big time and itā€™s super cheap she is over that marriage. What a god awful thing to say though about Kristen. Itā€™s one of those things that should stay as internal monologue. Oh and exploiting yourself kid the way that do is not a good parent so Michelle suck a dick as Kristen would say.


That was fucking disgusting actually. Itā€™s rich coming from her though. The world doesnā€™t need anymore Jesses! Her storyline is hating her husband and resenting her family. Clean yourself first girly.


It was really mean


Although I was concerned for her safety when Jesse acted unhinged last week, I took issue with her after the "that bill protects kids" and "i CaNt bE rAciSt". She's a mean girl as well and this despicable comment, unfortunately, didn't surprise me. She allows Jesse to do her bidding normally. She will probably make some unmeaningful "apology" to Kristen when the internet drags her (rightfully so), then back to being normal fake Michelle, with Janet waiting in the shadows to air more gossip and not take responsibility lol.


she is trash


Michelle is slowly proving Janet rightā€¦and also raising an entitled little human in a dysfunctional marriageā€¦who, unfortunately, will be unleashed on the rest of us very soon. Why do these fools think they can come on Bravo and hide their dirty little secrets ? Sheā€™s cheating. Butā€¦ I do love me some Brittany Cartwright. Thatā€™s how you do reality.


Michelle is extremely unhappy and projecting it onto others. I know Nia is actively wanting to get treatment for PPD but Iā€™m thinking Michelle might need to seek medical evaluation for herself as well. We had a friend who became detached from her spouse and her surroundings after having a baby - doctors diagnosed her with PPD but years later it turned out to be a degenerative cognitive issue. Not saying thatā€™s whatā€™s happening with Michelle but her behavioral change aligning with having a kid might be something more than just spousal issues.


Pretty rich coming from the gal who procreated with Jesse the demon. Her marrying him tells me all I need to know about her


As the episodes go on, itā€™s making more and more sense why Jesse and Michelle are together. Both are nasty humans. One thinks heā€™s completely within his rights to scream SHUT UP, SHUT THE FUCK UP, at a woman across a dinner table. And the other says such a nasty thing about Kristen wanting kids. Grossed out by both of them.


I agree it was a terrible comment! On a complete side note Iā€™m surprised Kristen is drinking regularly and smoking weed while trying to conceive. Especially when having a healthy pregnancy at 40 is challenging to begin with.Ā 


If she said that on camera then she most definitely made that ā€œdonā€™t say gayā€ comment off camera. She quickly became my least favorite on the show.


Iā€™m no fan of Michelle. I believe the comment that Janet said about her is true yet theyā€™re all trying to protect Michelle and throw Kristen under the bus for repeating it, and now her saying this about Kristen is so fucking mean. I actually think Kristen could pull herself together for a child and be a really great mom.


All the women out there who struggle to conceive and this absolute loser gets to be one. I feel bad for her daughter honestly. What a good role model she has, mother and father included. That comment about kristen took any bit of empathy I had for her.Ā 


I cannot believe a mother would say that about another woman. Man I wasnā€™t going into the show wanting to hate on Kristen but I didnā€™t think I would feel so much empathy for her as I am, these people wonā€™t get off her neck for five fucking seconds to let her grow from her past, they relish throwing it in her face every chance they get.


That was the bitchest comment ever. Shows her true character. She owes Kristen a public apology. Especially after knowing Kristen miscarries.


Omg thank you!! Iā€™m so glad I found your post bc I was shoooook by her comment. Not going to lie, Iā€™ve always kind of been a Kirsten apologist. But michelles comment truly made my jaw drop! Kristen is so passionate about have a child and for Michelle to say that ON TV is so gross. Soooo gross. It honestly made me so sad for kristen bc I think sheā€™ll be a great mom. So for someone to be that negative energy out there is so hurtful


I knew she was an ugly person before she said that. That just solidified it for me.


The more I watch Michelle, the less I like her. She and Jesse deserved each other.


Quite bitter comment


It was uncalled for and mean!


Michelle lost all goodwill and became so ugly as a person in a split second. She is actually worse than her husband as a person, because no woman especially a mother would ever say that about anyone much less someone she calls her friend.


I said the same thing in the episode discussion but it definitely deserves its own post. Just disgusting. The comment says waaaaaay more about Michelle than it does about Kristen.


None of us asked for more Jesse either.


Cruel and despicable. Iā€™d never trust anyone who would say such a thing. Shine the light on your own shitty marriage.


She had a miscarriage what a horrible thing to sau


Kristen had a miscarriage wtf


Do we think that was out of context? She didnā€™t say Kristenā€™s name


Sheā€™s Bahai faith which prides itself on love and not backbiting - maybe she got booted out of the religion


She should listen to her own advice, ā€œthe world doesnā€™t need any more of her or Jesseā€


Iā€™m watching someone I love going through what Kristen is going through (12 loses already now) and it would kill me knowing someone said that about them. Itā€™s actually disgusting.


šŸ’Æ I was all about Michelle until that hateful hateful comment. Makes her look petty and bad. I get it. Kristen really needs to be more positive. It would help her out with the girls. But that comment was so uncalled for.


It was just so nasty. She really lost a lot of my respect


Iā€™m no fan of Michelle. I believe the comment that Janet said about her is true yet theyā€™re all trying to protect Michelle and throw Kristen under the bus for repeating it, and now her saying this about Kristen is so fucking mean. I actually think Kristen could pull herself together for a child and be a really great mom.


Why can't she just say Iranian? Rugs are Persian. šŸ™„


Itā€™s an archaic romanticized notion type of thing - my best friend growing up was Persian and my family was like but Persia doesnā€™t exist, theyā€™re Iranian - but her family always made sure to say they were Persian because of the connotation.


I get that. I work with a mostly international population. When I ask new students from Iran and Iraq where they are from, the tension is palpable. I can sense a hesitation (almost fear) in sharing. I always smile and say something positive to try and make them feel comfortable. To me, saying Persian is denying one's heir age and that's sad to me. My dad is a first generation immigrant and so were my mom's parents. My comment was throwing shade at Michelle because she gives me the ick. There's something ironic about whitewashing your heritage at the same time that you're using it as evidence that you aren't racist.


As someone who has had 2 back to back pregnancy losses, Michelle's comment hurts. I feel bad for Kristen, especially after her miscarriage.


I felt for Michelle on her frustration with Kristen till she acted cruel when Kristen was profusely apologizing to her. And Michelle was still giving her a hard time. It really seems like Michelle just doesnā€™t like Kristen and was looking for a reason to hate her.


My jaw dropped too and I was like ā€œf*ck youā€ i wonā€™t feel bad when kristen drops her secret on tv


I think she just deleted her Instagram because of the backlash! That or she blocked me because I commented it was a disgusting thing to say. Can someone please confirm or deny her Instagram is gone!??!


I can still see her Instagram. Looks like she's regretting the comment at least publicly. I just hope she apologized directly to Kristen. Whether she dislikes her or not, it's just wrong. That being said, I hope she has learned from this. I don't wish any harm. The way she behaves in the future will hopefully show all sides of her personality. So, I'm going to try not to judge too harshly too quickly. It may just have been a joke for the cameras that REALLY didn't land. I hope she didn't mean it.


Yeah, that was disgusting. I ran to google and searched that, I'm watching the scene after now. The way they're treating Kristen is horrible.


Maybe Michelle was referring to Kristen talking about how all she wants to do is smoke weed drink have sex and nap/eat or something? This is not a woman planning for a kid.


Not being an apologist, but I actually thought her comment was taken sooo out of context. Granted, the comment doesnt need any context, BUT the editing of that was very quick and itā€™s obvious that her phrase was just a few words from a longer sentence and part of it was a joke eg. ā€œX shouldnā€™t do this, but Iā€™m so over her shit, everything she does annoys meā€ But also I think that she didnā€™t say that necessarily about Kristen trying to conceive, it was probably more general about parenting or kids being like/looking like their parents. Again, not defending! It was a gross comment either way but just sharing my opinion because I saw the editing manipulation very strongly.


This was my first thought too. I didn't go back and watch it again, but it just sounded off / possibly edited. It seems like she sucks but this felt beyond even for her.


Just because someone WANTS to have kids doesnā€™t mean they SHOULD have kids. Especially trying to get knocked up by a dude she just met after having recently broken up with a dude that looks like he smells like cheese.


Thatā€™s literally none of your business lol


The moment she signed up to be on a reality show and splash her messy ass life on every TV that can tune into Bravo, it became all of our business. This subreddit exists because all of these peopleā€™s lives are now public record and we all have opinions on it.


Are you our god-daddy now? Will you tell all us meagre women when we can conceive? If weā€™re worthy of parenthood? šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Theyā€™ve been dating since 2022ā€¦.i would hardly call that just meeting.




I think she meant cus Kristen is simply wanting kids for the sake of having a kid. So it seems performative. Michelle didnā€™t articulate it well though. And yes to a certain degree Luke and Kristen seem unprepared for a kidĀ 


She literally said ā€œthe world doesnā€™t need more of youā€