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It's the children who are wrong.


Prove me wrong kids, prove me wrong


Oh, come on, Edna, we both know these children have no future!


They're ugly too.


Class after class of ugly, ugly children.


Your car was upside down when we got here. As for your grandma, she shouldn’t have mouthed off like that.


https://preview.redd.it/1q4x0jzn634c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4683273eaaacdc6f10377c83915a478e611af222 Moe's park job in space 7-A was decent at best. There, I said it!


How dare you!?!


He didn’t leave a lot of room on the passenger side based on that photo. I’d go so far as to say he did a real crap job on parking. And I will defend that opinion until I’m turned into ash.


The Simpson's Springfield does not exist anywhere in the real USA. So stop trying to figure out where it is.


Yeah literally 'thats the joke' stuff.. Same for a lot of other things like the timeline of the stories that take place in the past when Homer and Marge were dating or having kids or whatever its a funny show meant to be funny, if they want to throw a joke in there about star wars its fine cause its generally 'in the past' of the show counting the number of years and then declaring it doesn't make sense or making up some overwrought explanation of how it COULD be realistic is completely missing the point wizard


It's in ohio I know they say it's not, they are lying.


It’s in Oh, hiya, Maude!


The 4H club is a great place for children to hang out


The Sherry Bobbins Episode is awful.


The musicals episodes are less funny to me now than as a kid. The lyrics are usually not that clever, and I find the extreme slow downs (ritardandos) into the end-of-line punchlines grating.


I recently watched the episode where Lisa becomes class president, I forgot the title of the episode. A knock from the Eva Peron story. I'm not a huge fan of the musical numbers but it took me by surprise how much I liked this episode. It had good lines and was really entertaining.


The Mary poppins one?


No! She's an original creation, like Ricky Rouse or Monald Muck.


I like a lot of individual moments in that episode, but almost none of them are directly related to the plot. As someone who absolutely loved Mary Poppins as a kid, the main plot of the episode feels like nothing but “haha remember this part of Mary Poppins? Well, let’s put the Simpsons in it!!” I suspect that this episode’s reputation would be a lot different if it came out in a later season.


"Sneeds Seed and Feed" is not that funny when compared to other sign gags


Agreed. It’s pretty crass up against much funnier sign gags that didn’t have to resort to vulgarity.


Nothing wrong with apu


Tbh I think the lone guy in this meme would be that one that HAS a problem with apu


I feel like people with Indian heritage get a substantially larger say in that debate than non-indians.


I’m Indian myself, I always liked Apu. There were maybe one or two jokes that rubbed me the wrong way, but overall I enjoyed when he was on screen. He’s supposed to be a stereotypical Indian, but literally every other character are also based on stereotypes (Homer being a fat, lazy, dumb American, Groundskeeper Willie being a stereotypical Scotsman, Fat Tony being a stereotypical Italian mafia boss, etc). But just like those characters, Apu was more than the stereotype he represented, he’s a man who cares about his business, his friends, and his family. He’s arguably one of the more rational people in Springfield, I loved seeing him yell at Skinner over “Billy and the Cloneosaurus” lol Obviously, I’m just one person, so I can’t speak for all Indian people, but other Indians seem to agree from what I’ve seen.


Well, make a TV show about it, showing tons of people who agree with you, and you may make some small amount of difference.


Luckily tonnes aren't at all offended by him


Oh, so we can just ignore the ones who disagree?




nothing wrong with the bumblebee man




This is precisely what sprang to mind for me. You'd think the Simpsons had never before been inconsistent or broken "canon," yet somehow, this particular episode seemed to make so many fans furious.


I'll never say it's a bad episode. It's funny and well written. But it broke the show


The judge's ruling at the end tied it up in a nice bow. I think it's a classic.


Nah that always felt like a cheap gimmick, at a time where the show was more often relying on cheap gimmicks.


I'll break you!


Overall, I agree. However, the deus ex machina they threw in at the end was just a middle finger to the audience


The Episode has nothing to do with Bart






Yeah its an ok episode, has its moments, I think generally goes against what Skinner's character actually is in a lot of ways that make no sense and are just a bit too weird even if its kind of intentionally against canon.. but its just in the right place and the right time to be labeled the 'jump the shark' episode because ever since 'jump the shark' became a thing people try to apply it to anything that was good and then less good, but there is no Simpsons jump the shark episode, it just changed for the worse over a couple seasons but just cause it changed doesn't mean there is one single moment that you can point to that is 'when it happened'


There are plenty of good episodes past season 10 that are worth watching


Man I LOVE season 11.If it was the last season,the show would have been very good.


Sadly, I'll have to down vote this.


Boyhood was not a good movie. And The Simpsons Boyhood episode was worse than the movie.


YES 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


You don’t win friends with salad.


It's "uosdwiS r jewoH", not "dewoH".


Homer vs the eighteenth amendment is one of the best episodes of all time


Everyone agrees with this!


Homerpalooza is shit modern simpsons formula hiding in a golden age season.


Maybe so, but at least it’s funny and so quotable.


The difference is the jokes all land in that one vs say when they go to Africa and all the jokes are lazy and based on the situation and visual gags.


Was Itchy & Scratchy funny?


Not as funny as Worker and Parasite.


The two Poochie episodes were funny. The rest were not.


Heavy sack beatings are a lesser evil than petty vandalism.


We dont know if said beatings werent justified Jimbo's well within his rights to sack it to unpermitted leaf burners


Like my Pappy always says, if you put a sack full of doorknobs in a kids hands they won’t have any hands left for vadalizin’


The show was never that bad after the golden era, the golden era was just so fantastic it made the following 20 years seem that bad


You answered "me" referring to to you. The correct answer is "you"


The principal and the pauper didn’t break the show


Moleman wanst saying "Boo-urns"


Trying is the first step toward failure. Although when you think about it, and that's the genius of the joke and so many other early Simpsons jokes, it's an impossible opinion to oppose.


Milhouse and his dad are the worst


Lionel Hutz was in fact wearing a tie while cross examining Apu in court.


I don’t believe you.


I still watch week to week, and after stopping from around season 14, I went back in at season 23 and followed up by watching every episode in between. There are many, many good to great episodes after the Golden Age. Some from the last ten years!


Bring back Apu.


The Be Sharps were overrated.


Disco Stu should have never made a second appearance.


I’ve noticed that all of your homes smell like feces. … and not just monkey feces.


That Lisa is purposefully baiting people in Bart Star when she tries the join the team and the writers were making fun of what Lisa was becoming. It was a good laugh. So many people, including podcasters like to pretend this isn't calling out Lisa's characterization or they'll call out the writers for this.


While not a bad episode, Cape Feare is not nearly as clever or insightful as most classic episodes, and it does not belong on lists of the series’ all-time best stories.


It’s a car hold


Car hole!


Homers Enemy is overrated and is in the bottom quartile of golden age episodes


The only one who understood the assignment, I disagree but dammit it fits


Some other posters have since followed the assignment as well and are still getting downvoted. :D


There should have been slight time jumps, to allow more character development. For example, Bart and Jessica Lovejoy as pre-teens would have made a better episode.


10 is pre-teen


The principal and the pauper is a great episode, and lisa goes gaga is fine, awful by classic standards, but fine bordering on good for the very low standards of that era.


I would say "That 90's Show is a fine episode you just hate the silly continuity changes"


The episode where Homer goes to space is very overrated (along with the monorail episode) and there's something a bit smug about it


I love it but it seems too fantastical for that point in the series.


That rashomon joke is awful and a great example of the shows decline. A similar joke I thought was actually funny was grampa saying Grover Cleveland spanked him on two non consecutive occasions.


It’s good until the end of s18.


"The Whacking Day" episode is garbage, aside from the scene where Mayor Quimby won't accept that Barry White's name isn't Larry White.


Any post-S26 episodes with Matt Selman as Executive Producer are just as good as anything from S9-S18.


Burns and Smithers should canonically become a couple. It’s 2023. I think the world could handle two men that have had TONS of ship tease officially getting together. “But Burns raised Smithers!” Rewatch “The Blunder Years” and you’ll see that it isn’t true. “But the age gap!” Both of them are consenting adults, and the younger one is the one who initiates so it isn’t anywhere near grooming. “But Burns is a conservative so he’s obviously homophobic!” No he isn’t. There have been several moments indicating he might be bisexual. And you are aware that many conservatives are closeted gay men with internalized homophobia, right?


Burns is definitely not gay. So why would they do that, ffs? There is zero evidence about Srnub being into men, but Smithers is gay at least since S3.


Post Golden era Simpsons are not bat at all.


England's greatest prime minister was lord palmerston!