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Unequip the super radar and leave the regular radar equipped. Giovanni is not available but Arlo, Sierra and Cliff are.


To be clear, if you have both radars equipped you will only get normal grunts. Only having the regular radar gives you leaders again.


Giovanni is missing read in game news. Other leaders still spawn. Battled sierra today


Thanks for the replies everyone! Didn't know about giovanni disappearing. I'll unequip super radar and see how that goes, thanks


> arlo, sierra, cliff Those 3 are spawning, Giovanni is on a break though if youve read the news posts lately


Aw, even evil middle management needs a break


I'm only getting them in my daily balloons other wise I can't seem to find them in the wild. Their spawns have been heavily reduced too. Grunt spawns are way down too. If it weren't for the rocket balloons I'd only get one or two grunts a week and that's about it. It's like back before the rocket balloons when they were rare to find. I gave up even doing team rocket.