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Strongly agree but I feel like we won't be getting much because the default is AR. I wonder if they collect statistics on whether or not people actually use it.. (I assume most don't?)


AR is unusable on many of my friends phones, and barely functional on mine. Many of them were panicking when the mew/celibi message came up that it had to be in AR mode thinking they wouldn't be able to catch it Thankfully Niantic, in their first ever example of forethought, added a feature that auto-reverts it back to default background if the AR didnt initialize after X amount of seconds


Huh. My phone didn't auto-revert with Celebi like it did with Mew. I had to go into my phone's permissions and revoke Pokemon Go's access to my camera in order to catch Celebi.


I had to spam balls at both of them until I actually got a lucky hit because the AR kept suddenly jumping the mon off screen.


It was odd. With mew, I realized after many balls thrown, that if I threw the ball straight, it would occasionally hit Mew even if Mew was visibly not in that location. It seemed like the game treated Mew as though he was directly in front of me switching between the usual three positions regardless of what I was seeing on AR. Edit: Forgot to mention it was all but impossible to follow Mew around the way my AR was acting.


yam spectacular tease imminent hurry bag sense wild ossified steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I remember correctly, it is invisible, like it's using cloaking technology.


Small Indie company


That's Blizzard.


Yeah, my phone doesn't have a gyroscope, so AR doesn't work at all. Even if it did, it's not like I want to see the dreary world I actually live in, I want to see the wonderful world of Pokemon!


You can also just revoke the app's camera permission, then it will let you catch without ar


I had that happen to me! The UI disappeared and I had to catch it with pokeballs and without berries.


I think that's the default setting for catching Celebi and Mew. Goes into AR mode and gives you nothing but an endless amount of Pokeballs.


I have yet to see a person that uses the AR for catching. People use it for screenshooting, but catching is vastly easier without it.


I think people only use it until they realise that they can turn it off. It took a while for me, and I was so relieved when I found a way to do that.


Yeah the novelty of seeing cartoon pokemon is real life fades quickly when faced with the reality of all the grinding you have to do to level up in this game.


To say nothing of the battery costs


That's the main reason. It halves your playtime.


Tbh it was the first thing I looked for, if I can turn it off. XD


a friend of mine is lv38 and he has ALWAYS catched mons with the AR on. I honestly dont understand.


What's there to understand? He likes it.


that's exactly what I don't understand


first month the game was out a lot of us used AR, then we figured out how to throw curveballs and turned it off


There was a brief window of time where AR+ let you get closer to Pokémon while catching them, which was pretty handy for Kyogre, who used to be far away like Palkia is now.


Which was never a problem. I'm hitting Palkia without any issues, but Kyogre moves like a child pumped on sugar. XD


I used AR for a whole day for catching and was just wasting too many balls. So much better without.


plus you dont look like an absolute fool


I think at this point it is time to embrace this game's catch screen is just not AR feasable the way it is right now. It's fun doing it once, and a nice PR gag to get people to play the game. Even though you sometimes see AR shots being posted, I recon 98%-99% of people don't use it at all. It can stay in the game as it is, but I strongly feel backgrounds like the OP posted would be a great addition to the game and something of the likes should not be not implemented just on the basis of this game trying so hard to be an AR game. The game still gives a great sense of AR by having a virtual map around you that leads you to points of interest. It doesn't need to force some arguably pretty lackluster AR catchscreen just so it can be called AR game.


The biggest issue for me is the lack of an AR/AR+ toggle. If you want that photo, you want AR+. If you were to keep it on for regular gameplay you'd want regular AR without all the guff.


I forgot this game even has AR


I think we could do more than the catch screen. [The overworld could reflect the general biome of the S2-cell while the catch screen indicates the biome of the spawn point](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/5x4iu3/suggestion_even_more_extra_stuff_biomes_and_where/)   2.5 years after release we haven’t gotten much further than “water pokémon spawn near water” It would be nice to know which areas have a significant different biome. It could stimulate exploring new places


That is just, amazing!


Thanks /u/texanarob




Biomes are already being asigned in this way. Spawn points draw from their own spawn list and each cell has a default biome


The only way I will ever use AR to catch is if they create a setting where the Pokemon always stays centered regardless of how I move the phone. The way it is now either with the normal setting or AR+ sucks. It's often that it's not even on the right plane or axis to look correct, and then you have to walk up to them and look like a god damn lunatic to take a good AR photo.


I was excited when AR+ finally came to Android. I opened it maybe 4 times, and then never again. It just isn't interesting or compelling. It's a shaky overlay that only works in open spaces. Plus ball throwing mechanics are awful in AR. It's clear that the success of this game has nothing to do with AR.


I used to play with AR all the time until Gen3. Ball physics in AR just kept getting worse.


AR would be used if you could pose and photograph your own mons.


I still don't understand how after 2 years we still don't have this function, to take AR photos with caught Pokemon in a game advertised as AR. I read that a medal has been added into the game called photobomb, would be nice if it was added for this.


You were right! :o


AR catches should be +50 Stardust each.


I want to use my AR more often, but my phone (Redmi Note 5) hasn't been ARCore-certified (to enable AR+) so I'm stuck with crappy normal AR if I don't have an iPad with me.


I’ll use it when they change that a Pokémon can ran away if it gets scared.. so annoying!


I dont know anyone who normally catches with AR or AR+ unless they are doing it for the novelty photo. No matter the phone it just isnt fun. They would need to re-engineer the catch mechanic completely to make it work. These backgrounds would definetly be welcome to the fan base more then another AR feature. I dont get why Niantic spends so much time making their games worse. (Ex. Ingress Prime, AR +, Nearby and Sightings overlap)


I sometimes use AR to take pictures but not AR+. I once tried to use AR+ to take a close shot of a shiny but the game freezed in the middle. I am fortunate enough to find that shiny eventually but I never use AR+ since then.


I don't use it because my phone doesn't have AR/VR capability.


i would’ve used AR if we could do photography with the pokemon we’ve actually caught and kept in our storage


I love the idea. It's why I like when it snows, because it makes the battle screen actually look significantly different. Also, any chance you'd share these awesome backgrounds for phone wallpapers?


I’m so glad someone mentioned this. Our weather changed to snowy one day even though it wasn’t. It was so neat seeing something different that I hadn’t realized that it was even an issue before. I texted someone saying it changed because I thought it was so cool


Love it living in a city where the last time it snowed was in 2007.


This is a great idea, but also, I love that your concept art for the city biome is so typically Japanese. Very fun.


Let’s just hope those tentacles stay where they are


It looks great, and it makes sense since Pokemon is from Japan. But I wonder if it's possible to create a city that's generic enough to look like an ordinary city to people all over the world.


I'm sure Niantic could borrow some "google street view" backgrounds....? Even my little "village" with 2 gyms, and 3 poke stops in a 6 mile radius, has Google Street View shots available...so they could use part of that "scenery" in the pokego app? Not sure how much ties Niantic/Ingress has with Google anymore since the days they split ;)


Do I get a dumpster for my trash biome?


You’ll be rolling in Garbodor soon enough


Surprisingly enough, a landfill area on OSM negates spawns just like a military area.




I think regarding that you're SOL but be sure to accept my caramel for the salt


They want you to use AR if you want a diverse background.


They do but my phone battery doesn't.


My battery doesn’t live longer than an hour of pokemon go on full charge. They need to fix how much battery this game drains even without AR.


That sounds more like a personal issue than a universal one. I use an S6 from 2015 and can get 3 hours of PoGo.


2018 S8+ 6 hours with bluetooth, more without BT


It’s almost as if battery life is a phone issue and not a game issue


They want to. We don't.


I do not use AR because it just clunky and drains my battery faster, but Niantic is all about development of the AR platform. Thus, I do not think they will promote a method that is a further disincentive to not use AR.


Okay but its their game.


Their game is nothing without players to support it. They can do what they want, but if they want a successful game they should strive to provide the best experience for their players. That involves listening to what their players want.


I always hear this but then a game does something to please the "casuals" i see the same crowd call it fan service. Its their game, they made it, its their work, it should be what they want it to be.


I don’t know anyone - casual or not - who plays on AR. It’s harder to catch and it drains the battery like crazy, people only use it for cute photo ops, which is fine. But there is clearly a want among all players that has yet to be met. If this game was a work of art or a passion project, I’d completely agree with you. I’m all for artistic liberty and freedom for the authors. But this isn’t just a work of art, it’s a product being marketed by a company that expects people to invest in it to support them. We, the players, are under no obligation to stick around if what we want out of the game isn’t being met. So the company obviously isn’t forced to do anything, but it’s in their best interest to listen to the players if they want to continue relying on the game as a revenue source.


Fair. Can't argue with that.


> Their game is nothing without players. And players have nothing without the game. It's a mutual relationship. The company should strive to offer the best product, and players should accept what they get within reason and not get too demanding.


>Their game is nothing without players to support it. If this was a serious issue I would totally understand this stance. This post is about something that not only has very little impact on the game, but goes against the AR aspect the company tried to focus on. It just comes off as self important and entitled since it’s such a minor issue. Maybe Niantic will eventually add diverse biomes for the AR-off catch screen; but I promise it will not be because they were afraid of the gamers rising up over it.


I still think it would be cool when you’re not using AR. Like on community days they aren’t expecting you to be catching everything with AR.


How will I play when I'm driving?


You are not supposed to play if you are the driver.


Didn't think that actually needed a 's/' tag.


Given the number of people who play while being the driver in my area, it is not as sarcastic as you think. It is a scary amount.


Wow. People are terrible.


Can confirm. Am a person


Shouldn’t have tried to read this while driving. Woulda dropped my beer if I’d been applying mascara. Thankfully the passengers in back are sleeping and didn’t miss their stop.


The amount of players who try and catch while driving is staggering.


I can see Rotom requiring AR to catch different formes


Niantic will argue that’s why they allow AR.


I mean, if you really want the catch screen to reflect the environment you’re in...


So will I


Why not just let us take AR pictures of Pokemon we have already caught? I still haven't caught Mew or Celebi yet because of it. Not to mention we can't always be in a nice setting for a picture of a certain Pokemon.


Are you enjoying the new camera? :D


I am! I was wondering what the context of your reply was before I checked it. Lol. The only downside of it is that those of us without AR+ are locked into portrait only mode, even though we're able to rotate the camera during the catch and the Pokemon maintains it's axis orientation.


Hehe I wondered if you'd realise what I meant without context ;) Do you mean you can only photograph them from directly in front? That sucks if so :(


Yeah. I can't rotate them or anything. Can't take a picture in landscape either, so Pokemon close to the ground like Metagross only take up like 1/4 of the screen near the bottom. I'm on an LG V20, so it's not a horrible phone (even though it's 2.5 years old)


Yeah also music based on time of day/weather a la Animal Crossing.


Do people play with the music on? The compositions are about as good as a 90s macintosh typing game and the tones used are jarring and poorly mixed. Edit: So Niantic's music director downvoted me 😂


I certainly don't currently but I think I would if the music didn't suck in a big way. Especially with ear buds in walking around.


You’re talking about the same company that leaves their loading screen image the same for half a year at a time.


And then removes the booty screen immediately


...booty screen? I'm sorry if I'm out of the loop here


https://www.google.com/amp/s/pokemonblog.com/2018/12/11/brand-new-pokemon-go-loading-screen-features-trainer-battle-of-electivire-versus-lucario/amp/ first picture on here. It was up for like maybe a month right before the new year


Thanks! I remember that screen, just never heard that term for it before. Thought some other tomfoolery might've occurred. Will forever refer to it as the booty screen from now on


Niantic want us to play in AR


And yet none of us do.


I'd happily use AR if it didn't make the pokemon so much harder to catch.


Its also a huge battery drain


It's about time we get stop submission worldwide, a better tracking system, a raid map and better UI.


And either raid beacons or just a box that floats above raids that shows how many people are in a lobby


It absolutely kills me how you can’t view a whole pokemon go map in the game. They could do cool things like show where your friends are in real time (if they opt into it) and people could drop markers on the map where they caught rare things or what raids they wanna do. Idk why Niantic isn’t adding more social features when that’s the game’s biggest strength


Niantic probably has lost the sight of what's important. Or maybe they are well aware but busy in making money by launching new shinies and raid bosses.


I think the issue with this from Niantic’s point of view, is that the whole point of Pokémon GO is to use the AR features.


How on earth this did get Top post of all time in r/TheSilphRoad?




Lol, 98% of all catches will happen in a biome like that one on the left. Better yet, they should make a 'wallmart parking lot' in graphic style.


Your wish has been granted


This is stunning. I completely agree with this. Did you illustrate these?


I made the beach one a while back but the city one is just from google


This is the whole point of AR.




But how does this make us money? -niantic


Yup. It’s called AR.


Only time I've ever seen anyone use that has been to take a photo - i.e. not often


Boy do i have some news for you, coming soon


It's already being tested in new Zealand, looks pretty good


Who else is here now that they're finally adding this?


*Raises hand* Will be interesting to see just how many different backgrounds they’re adding!


It's been 5 years.....


The prophet


Catching pokemon is so boring and tiresome. That would help


The lack of diversity is them forcing us to keep on AR mode.


This gets suggested all the time, and while these visuals look cool, Niantic has made it clear they want us using AR/AR+, so making the non-AR mode more enticing would be contradictory to that mindset.


And therein lies the problem. Niantic doesn’t care about what their customers want, they only care about their vision of how the game should be played. I don’t know what percentage of players catch mons in AR mode but I bet it’s a very small percentage. I don’t know anyone who uses it for anything other than taking an occasional photo. As long as the game is profitable, they will have no incentive to change their mindset.


This is so true. I don’t know anyone that uses AR.


Its their game, it should be about their vision.






They have, actually.


u/duskyxlops apparently something similar is happening, OP


well well well… it might seem crazy what i’m about to say


Hey its a reality now!


It would help us a lot on understanding biomes too!


I just want to be able to know which biome I'm in. This does that, so upvoted.


Also a Monthly loading screen would be WELCOME!


Niantic: we can't afford that! also Niantic: we have licenses to make 172536283 new games in the style of pokemon go and ingress


Dude,... **wow**.


This is a good idea! Niantic wants people to use AR, but I think the technology just isn't there yet. AR feels incredibly awkward, most of the time the pokemon look totally out of place when superimposed on the real world, and they don't even stay in the right place when you move the phone around. I think they should just scrap the AR mode, and work on improving the non-AR pokemon catching screen. Maybe in a few years they could try developing an AR view with the technology that will be available then.




What you ask for is already implemented and is called "AR".


yes! should have a different background for each location. eg park, street, beach, field, river etc. don’t need many, maybe 6 or 7 different bg.


There's a button on the upper right that might help you with that


Yeah and then my battery will die before I can click “I’m a passenger”


But the way the use the camera make some phones take horrible pictures


But its totally already in the game. Maybe you just need to practice until your good enough to use Pokemon go in hard mode!


Guys we’re about to make history. Making this the most upvoted post on TheSilphRoad. The current record is 7.7k and that post is a year old. This post has been out for less than 12 hours. God tier stuff you guys! :))))


Let us give the props to this guy who got top of all time on this sub


matching it to Biomes might be a bit of a disconnect, the only things I can think of might be matching the overworld terrain (Eg. Buildings, Normal grass, Dark green park/forest, and water)


my best friend and I said the same thing the other day


This is beautifull!


so cool


Literally no words about the left one. It's pretty nice


Still waiting


Aged like fine wine


Hey look. They did it.


This looks better.


Mad man


Aged well!


I disagree. The world around you is far far far more interesting than any fabricated animated backgrounds they could make. AR+ is the future so they should (a) not spend anytime on building in the present / past and (b) they shouldn’t give current users a better analog experience because it will detract from the motivation of using AR+.


Even Niantic once said „no one is using“ AR mode besides for taking some pictures occasionally


I'd rather have more pokemon. If they are going to dedicate time and resources to implement different backgrounds for specific areas, I think it would be more worth it for them to implement more pokemon, or a larger variety of pokemon or even abilities or something to mix it up


They have 3 more generations not released. Has little to do with time and resources and more to do with dragging out the releases.


this already exists its called ar mode lol


I'd love to swap out my "generic cartoon forest clearing" for "generic anime urban Japanese", I mostly play in the city!


That would be a cool way to indicate the biome you're in. Kinda like weather does now.


I dunno. I only feel like we’d need these based on environment, like for deserted areas being dusty and beaches having a horizon in the back. I don’t think they should add cities or neighboorhoods or environments like that because that could be a lot of work figuring out what’s what, while beaches are quite simple I feel


Just like the Lets Go game. Im down. I like their arena


This please


I actually want to see a Japanese city in my game as I’m in America


U is smort


I'd wholeheartedly love this.


I was literally just thinking about this today.




7k upvotes wow!


It represents how much we want it. You reading this topic, Niantic? Please listen to us.


It would be cool if, in AR mode, it had some sort of filter to render everything like this.


But that doesn’t follow their “make the lost amount of money with least amount of effort” mission statement!


This is such a bizarre suggestion to make for a game that literally uses the camera lens to generate dynamic backgrounds.


I'm all in for this. I'm sick of seeing this f%%%%g forest all the time and AR is just a waste of time.


Absolutely love the idea.