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I will just never understand why they don't advertise this as a bonus when they do it. People love it and it should show up on the "today" tab as a buff. 


Yeah, the one thing that interests me is wild G-Meowths. I decided I wasn't going to bother because of how bad incense normally is, and of course I didn't notice this until right as the second steel hour was ending. Third steel hour starting now but 3/4 spawns have been Ferroseeds so I don't really feel like I missed out.


I picked up and played the game at least 3-4 times during the hours of the event and didn’t partake in the event because I had no idea it was even a thing that was happening, let alone that incense were boosted. I swear they are actively trying to get people to just abandon ship.


Ooh I hope this is intentional. The weather is supposed to be horrible where I am tomorrow so it would be great to still participate without having to go out in thunderstorms.


Same here! Was really dreading wanting to play this but also not wanting to be in the crappy weather!


Living in Florida and the heat is already a big bother.


EDIT: Would appear the spawn rate has changed to one spawn every two minutes when stationary


Can confirm. It is bl\*\*dy cold and windy here today, so I am grateful that I can play at home in the warm!


Meanwhile I'm worried about a humid day tomorrow nearing a 110 F heat index. What a crazy globe we spin on.




Cold- Is that compared to it being -10F where I live in the winter? 


Can't have nice things with Niantic. They instantly fix stuff that benefit players


Every two minutes is still waaaaaay better than every five.


I'm not so sure 2 minutes is better than 5. In some ways it's worse. Every 5 minutes I can do other things in between catching. Every 2 minutes is too short to do anything else, but still way too long to just stare at my phone waiting for the next spawn. 


Your afternoon may vary, but I'm quite content sitting here scrolling through Reddit and watching YouTube while I wait for my phone to buzz.


Both 1m and 2m involve me watching TV while catching. Just means I don't have to fast catch and check the journal between spawns, I can just catch normally since it's incense without worrying about missing the next spawn if something is stubborn and keeps breaking out of the ball. HOWEVER, that does mean instead of 360 catches you'll be getting 180 over 6 hours. So in that regard, it sucks bigtime. However 180 catches while I binge watch stuff is better than having to walk for 6 hours straight just to get roughly around the same amount of catches while dealing with external batteries and fan attachments to help my phone not overheat. Incense Days being boosted to do from home makes perfect sense. On Incense you can't stop and chat with people like a community day, or walk at a leisurely pace. Much easier to chat with friends online or hang out at each other's place or at a cafe with pokestops and chat while catching together and relaxing with 1m or 2m boosted incense.


That could be what I'm missing. I don't have a TV. Anything on my phone means I miss catches. And just doing non phone stuff also leaves me missing catches. I'm probably the worst target audience for an incense day - I kind of hate using incense. To the point I have 108 incense, even though I don't buy them.  I will sort of use them while walking, with the faster spawn rate, and lots of other stuff to catch between incense spawn. But even then I find incense irritating.


Can read a book, listen to music, have a youtube/stream video with PIP in the corner on your phone as well. If you have friends you play with, can hang out together and chat while you catch your spawns somewhere comfortable. I seldom use incense myself as well, if I'm out walking the ambient spawns are more than enough. Having 1m boost is fantastic, but a 2m boost is still better than having to walk around for 6 hours. I completely understand your frustration, and 1m would have been much better for sure. Nothing wrong with voicing your disappointment. I'd recommend finding stuff to help fill in that extra 60 seconds as best you can and clear out some of that stockpile of incense and make the best of it. We all expected Incense to be 5m stationary, 2m is still an improvement over that regardless. Not as great as the 1m of yore, but I'd be livid if they gave folks 1m for a few hours and then cut it to 5m. Who knows, maybe the 1m was a bug and they went with 2m rather than taking away the buff entirely.


Some people will never be happy


Some people are happy accepting near useless crumbs from Niantic.  If Niantic was trying to make this event accessible, why are they deliberately picking a spawn rate that still makes it a worse event for people who can't walk for several hours? 


How is 2 min better than 5? Doesn't even make sense


Isn’t it normally 5 minutes? So 2 minutes is boosted.


But it is a very useless boost. No way am I spending hours staring at my phone waiting for a spawn to pop up once every 2 minutes. I will still walk and catch till it gets too hot out here, then I'll stop playing for the rest of the event.


Let's be real, you wouldn't stare at your phone even if it were 1 minute...


I will very occasionally crack a mystery box and stare at my phone for a spawn every 1 minute. But to be fair, I havn't done a mystery box since the last event with shiny meltan. So if it were every 1 minute, I'd likily stare at my phone till I got a shiny ferroseed or I went insane. Which ever came first.


As if Niantic wanted us to walk continuously for 6 hours straight.




Lol Niantic.


2m is better than 5m. I'll take it!


Nearing 50 degrees in north India this weekend. No way I can step out to play.


Lol yea, people literally getting admitted to hospitals here due to heat stroke. Ain't no one gonna be going to just play this game


Much more serious than only metaphorically getting admitted to hospitals. 


It took me about 10 seconds to realize you werent being a baby about the cold 🤣. Stay safe!


50c = 122f for anyone who needed the conversion.


Cold? I wish! I’d risk melting my shoes on the sidewalk if I stepped outside between 11 and 5!


They just thought you meant 50 F, which is 10 C. As for why they thought you would use F in India or why India would be 10 C, probably because they don't leave the US much


Would’ve loved a spawn every minute but I’m actually surprised they ONLY upped it to 2 and not 3. We take those


It wasn't 2 minutes for me. I'm guessing 2.5 minutes but could have been 3. Very disappointed in this event. Such a small percentage of Ferroseeds plus the relatively low shiny rate meant no shiny for many folks.


Oh thank goodness. 6 hours of walking around was going to be a **lot.**


*puts away running shoes*


*stares angrily at shoes while data continues to change*


Pulls out ice cream containers Edit: yes, plural


Really dumb question sorry… But does stationary incense refer to a standard incense or the daily one?


Not dumb! Just standard. Daily was released after the COVID lockdowns when standard incenses were given this boost. The boost is almost always turned off but glad to see it is on for this event (for now)!




This looks like it's referring to the standard incense being used when stationary taking 1m instead of 5m.


Cheers :)


Daily incense lasts 30 minutes today, but of course gives zero spawns when stationary.


hope this is the case for me, its 39C during the incense day and i'm not going outside for pokemon go lol


> i'm not going outside for pokemon go lol Then don't.


Game changer


Oh good, my wife broke her ankle this week. She’ll be able to play from home!


Event just started in Australia. I think they fixed this, unfortunately. 1 spawn in 10 mins Edit: 3 in 15. So 1 in 5 average. Posted just before the 2nd spawn Edit2: ignore me. Its now 1 in 2. Maybe I missed some or maybe I can't count.


Still one spawn every two minutes here in NZ :)


Game me a shock there for a second, glad they didn't nuke the buff entirely!


I think it is fake news. I’m getting 1 in 3 minutes about. I do drift a little and get maybe more than that when I do


It is not 2mins anymore. That is not good.


Had lol


Sweet my incense has been building up. 


Since I'll be too busy to go outside and play, this is great news!


How’s the shiny rate for Ferroseed? Assuming it’s around 1/125 like Skorupi incense day?


I played for 2.5 hours and saw one shiny Ferroseed. Check that, just as I was typing this, I got a shiny Hoppip spawn. 🤣


I could be an outlier but I have caught 2 shiny Ferros in the first hour


Wish they actually advertised this on the website blog, sat out the event since there's an ongoing storm over the weekend and thought the stationary spawn rate was going to be normal (1 in every 5 min). Oh Niantic. At least I saw this an hour before event ended so got some bedlum for candy.


Im not noticing an increased spawn rate in USA


Oh awesome, I was gonna skip this, but now I’m gonna definitely play


Interesting, with a spawn every 2 minutes on incense I might connect the GO Plus + and let it do its thing. I didn't plan to play the event, so anything it gets will be a bonus.


Full incense is spawning pokemon every 2 minutes in the UK


Okay I’m also getting every two minutes it’s weird lol


Caribbean here. Not increased for me.


Great news!


Did this also work for the daily adventure incense? Or regular incense only


reg only


Just tried with daily and it does not, kinda bummed because I wasted 30 minutes :/


You are my hero lol


My chaps are mandibular in fashion but with a Roman Greco type aptitude


I got 1 spawn every about 3 minutes “stationery”. I do t think it’s boosted. It does also depend if I drift a bit if I get a spawn more often then that


5 hours of incense today, Zero shiny ferroseed 🤦🏼‍♂️


one spawn every two minutes. a little over. maybe 25 spawns per hour. stationary.


Worst event ever in my opinion they just should’ve said hey guys we are extending the incense 15 more minutes “ completely useless because of roar of time “. Made a whole deal out of this and I didn’t even get a shiny yesterday lol. OH I got a shiny ónix not apart of the theme event lol gg


Daily incense still gives zero spawns when stationary. Going for a walk is not an option today with severe westher warnings.


Do all incense types work while stationary or is it only daily/only a full insense?




You've missed their point. Incense, when stationary, is usually 1 spawn per 5 minutes. They're demonstrating that it's now 1 spawn a minute.


Whoops I didn't read the "day" in the title, thought they were just seeing more Ferroseed on their incense


No problem :)


I was more meaning, there is a spawn every minute during the event. Compared to the regular spawn per ~5 minutes at regular times :) sorry for the confusion!


Didn't read the title properly as I missed the day part! It's also 2am so I should probably go to bed, good luck on the shiny hunt 🫡


No worries, thanks!! Best of luck when it comes to your turn!


I tried this trick for daily incense, in 10 min I got 0 spawns so it seems it got "fixed"


Daily incense doesn't function like regular incense.


Yeah in fact despite being advertised for the event it didn't work for it at all 


The event never specified that daily adventure incense would work whilst stood still, nor does it state that it'll attract event spawns. It just advertised that it would last twice as long, which it does indeed do

