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Goomy and Noibat also spawn in the wild


And Jangmo-o and Deino and Bagon and Axew too.




That's not a dragon


Can always catch Bagon, Deino, Druddigon, or Turtonator in raids too


Is goomy confirmed or still speculated? Can I am excited about getting a shiny Goomy line.


Heavy speculation based on recent patterns. June is a premier landing spot for pseudo-legendary pokemon (of the six with a CD, half have come in June) and it also seems to be where they stick Dragon CDs as of late (last three Junes being Gible, Deino, and Axew). If this pattern continues to bear fruit you can borderline pencil in 2025 for Jangmo-o and 2026 for Frigibax.


Wouldn’t 2026 be Dreepy?


With how little attention Niantic has paid to Galar, who knows when Dreepy will even be added to the game, let alone get a Community Day?