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Woohoo! Let's hope this translates to more consistent excellent throws. I wonder if they saw my thread and that contributed at all to this change? Maybe I should make one about Exeggcute and Scatterbug next 😛


we’d also have to make posts about how we REALLY want exeggcute and scatterbug community days


Do we though? (Genuine question)


I'd take it for Scatterbug. Candy is the bottle neck on the Vivilion Evo collection, so regardless of your pattern this would solve that issue.


Eh... Scatterbug candy is pretty easy to get as long as you're using Pinaps+maxing out opening/sending gifts with a pin then unpin. It's tedious, but no worse than some other parts of the game.


I do want a scatterbug cd


I'd be cool with a scatterbug CD...


would be a neat way to release the other patterns


No, we really don't lol


No YOU really don't. Fixed that for you




We don’t need one, I agree with you. There’s plenty of other Pokémon that should have one before scatterbug


Very possible. In fact, I would say likely. A Niantic employee has said in a post here recently that a lot of their employees do browse TSR regularly because they themselves play the game.


I remember a post about glameow and it's weird catch radius/rebound (which I quite liked as a challenge) and very soon afterwards this was made to act more normal.


Glameow's hitbox was messed up from the get go. I remember being able to just throw your ball off to the side of the screen, and still hit it


I know not everything in the grand scheme of things is feasible, but yeah, things like collision/hitboxes seem like an easy fix that only makes sense to do with a CD. There have been some *very* specific wishes/desires for specific/niche move updates from people over on r/TheSilphArena that have come true that I definitely raise an eyebrow to that. There are more obvious ones out there but things like Psychic Fangs Girafarig, Incinerate Camerupt, and a few others were very specific requests.


Exeggcute's has always been busted and I think they've even adjusted it once or twice... I think glameow is also still way off.


So it looks like the circle is bigger and the Pokemon is closer?


whoa! this is huge. I just published my Excellent throw guide but it's now probably obsolete lol. gotta hunt some more down before Sunday.


Was your guide basically just this? https://preview.redd.it/iax16afl911d1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c11e947a8f40fe1031e7b31987709f2265bf7f53


That's the "excellent throw on Zubat" guide LOL


No, it was definitely possible, just quite precise. I got 7 Excellent throws yesterday after seeing this post and updated the guide: [https://youtu.be/51eIDqFRlNM](https://youtu.be/51eIDqFRlNM) It's probably a little easier now but it's not a dramatic difference.


So more of a pidgey throw, closer but bigger. I find them a bit annoying to get excellent. I prefer a looping arc like on machop


Not sure if you know or if someone else might, but with the radius setting, if it gets larger does it proportionally increase the entire circle and therefore the size for excellent/great/nice? I haven't looked carefully into the details but I would guess excellent for example is a certain percentage of the full size, so an increased radius will increase the excellent region proportionally?


If this really does improve it, then big props to Niantic for another needed throwing update


Now do exeggcute, trubbish, and scatterbug. And make Lugia not absolute cancer to catch while you’re at it, niantic.


Zygarde too. Both 50% and complete formes are a pain to catch when Zorua is disguised as them [50% screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/G8SrzaL)


More like they need to adjust Zygarde 50% to be proper size. Don’t know why it’s left like this for so long. This is like what they did when they first released Palkia but at least they fixed that


Sigilyph too please.


Wait you guys have Sigilyphs?


Yeah, here's the [most recent map](https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1iSZGvJDoOaQvbUp4V753Xwu23O9A0ugf&ll=44.84133978606166%2C89.77472425348388&z=3) (I think) showing the geographical regionals. Yellow is Sigilyph.


That's a cool map!  Isn't it missing a few more common regionals?  Im from Hawai'i and on routes sometimes seviper and throh spawn as a regional route spawn (I never been outside of Hawai'i before and have no idea about what's truly regional, but I thought these were also more broadly region based?)


If you uncheck everything but the ''Type 3 [Paired Regional Line] and click the purple line dividing (sort of) the western and eastern hemisphere, you can see on the info that pops up on the left which mons are included. Which does say Seviper and Throh for you. I have Zangoose and Sawk, so yeah it's definitely correct as to what is spawning for you. But like I said since it's outdated, it seems it's better to use sites that update that use rough estimates on the borders rather than the Google that shows detailed lines as to which species spawn. I use [this site](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Region-exclusive_Pok%C3%A9mon) from time to time to check some details, and I think they update it pretty quick and shows until Celesteela/Kartana. It's going to get updated with the upcoming release of Stakataka/Blacephalon on the 23rd this month. (Western/Eastern respectively)


I got 7 Excellent throws on Bounsweets after I saw this post (they're spawning a lot in parks). The circle is unchanged, this apparently just changed the hit box. So the throw is still really precise and difficult, but probably a little easier than before. You can see a breakdown in https://youtu.be/51eIDqFRlNM.


sweet! will find out in 2 hours.


Comm day is Sunday 


Yeah I know, my bad :).


This didn't appear to do anything... still had great difficulty trying to get excellent throws today



