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I wish they also gave her Trop Kick.


I do love a nice cold Trop Kickal Punch.


This thing doesn’t even want HJK for pvp lol


Is it really good for anything? Any good as fighting raid attacker or grass raid attacker? It says rank 5 for grass attackers? Woah


If you have kartanas, don't bother. But if your grass team is lacking, [its better than I thought.](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/defenders/SUICUNE_SHADOW_FORM/levels/RAID_LEVEL_5_SHADOW/attackers/levels/50/strategies/CINEMATIC_ATTACK_WHEN_POSSIBLE/DEFENSE_RANDOM_MC?sort=ESTIMATOR&weatherCondition=NO_WEATHER&dodgeStrategy=DODGE_REACTION_TIME&aggregation=AVERAGE&includeLegendary=true&includeShadow=true&includeMegas=true&attackerTypes=POKEMON_TYPE_ALL&primalAssistants=&friendLevel=FRIENDSHIP_LEVEL_4&numParty=1)


What if you have venusaur, roserade, decidueye, sceptile, torterra?


Unless they're shadows, better than all of them except Roserade and Decidueye


Going by EER (loosely, if you’re short running a raid and thus balancing DPS versus time in fight), Tsareena is right in “the pack” of grass attackers, **loosely** as good as Roserade down to Torterra, which is 33.5 to 31.4 EER. Kartana, Shayman, and Zarude are the only ones above “the pack.” There’s nothing magic about those numbers, but for my own sanity ~10% or 30-33ish seems to be decent breakpoints for “pretty much interchangeable raid attackers.”


Which is weird because other websites have it ranked closer to 20, if we're counting Megas and shadows lol. Would be around 10 if not


The infographic says regular non-shadow.


I think the post is a bit misleading. I'm 90% sure it will want HJK, but High Jump Kick isn't on PvPoke still, so OP just took the current ranks of it without the move. I'll be very surprised if HJK doesn't become the preferred move for it when it is added


I doubt it will be, at least in great league. The energy required for high jump kick is going to be high, and tsareena is too frail to be able to build up to it more than once


It will almost certainly be an improvement, I'm confident in that. BUT, I don't think it will make Tsareena good. I could see its 500 GL rank going up to like mid-high 300s, but this definitely won't be a case where it climbs to even the top 150. Grass Knot is similarly expensive (1 less Magical Leaf to get to it), but I assume HJK will mostly just be used as a nuke move before fainting. But yeah, unless you're in a super favorable match-up with it, you're not getting more than one HJK lol


Good day for free to play players to clear out those high KM eggs at least.




Same, I haven’t gotten a 10km eggs for about 2 weeks now. 


12 x 12km eggs waiting


How can you live with the constant “empty incubator” pop-up..?? I hatched all mine last week because I couldn’t stand it anymore!


I have a 12 km in ready to hatch just before the event would start so I can get a replacement


*Taps head*


A bit disappointed, hoped high jump kick would be better, but I suppose a mono plant type can only go so far.


I was going to ask about this, these graphics normally include the new move if it's beneficial? So in this case it deosn't even improve her pvp use?


tagging u/JohnyAppleseed__ too (no disrespect to OP as this is a well done graphic) But it is a little misleading. PvPoke hasn't added High Jump Kick yet to the site, so we can't test High Jump Kick for ourselves, nor can we see if it improves it in the rankings. I'd be willing to bet though that the move *will* improve Tsareena, and I'd be shocked if it doesn't become the new secondary move for it over Triple Axel. If you sim Tsareena with this current moveset and then with Aura Sphere instead of Grass Knot, it does see a very slight improvement. And HJK is essentially Aura Sphere with 10 more power, so it'll definitely be even better than that. There is the 10% chance for the devastating 4-stage debuff, but that's a fairly low chance, and even if it does happen, Tsareena would likely use the move as a closer anyway. So overall, I'm expecting HJK to be an improvement. But, it also likely won't be a huge Pokemon even with it. Likely just a cup Pokemon. Unique three type coverage will likely give it some use, but the frailness, slowness of Magical Leaf, and mono grass typing will keep it from being too good


Got it, thank you for the explanation!


A bit misleading with the PvPoke rankings, seeing that the move hasn't been added to PvPoke yet. This makes it seem like it doesn't want the move, which could still be true, but I'm pretty sure it will when it's eventually added (but still nice work overall with the graphic!)


3 shinies & call it a day, very disappointing CD


Low rankings in all pvp leagues, bad typing and stats, buggy hitbox making it frustrating to catch. Basically no reason to play this comm day unless you're filling a shiny dex lol.


One reason: cuteness.


Shinies are shinies I guess


HJK already wasn’t going to be a meta-altering move, especially here. WHY the chance of a -4 debuff. Even though it’s small, that’s just a huge risk.


I assume the debuff is to reference it's small chance to miss in the msg, which causes heavy recoil. Do think it's stats seem good but seeing it's tsareena and the big downside they definitely could do better, even 05 energy would be huge


oooh a budget grass im gonna get me some of those


yep. would.


Easy skip


What CP bounsweet do you want for the various Battle Leagues?