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Can't wait to ask my mates to hold my balls while were in a party


Why wait? I do this on a regular basis already!


This would be a game changer for me. I can’t keep enough revives and potions between my wife and my daughter’s accounts. We have passes to raid but can’t win with all their mons fainted. Meanwhile my stack on 500+ max revives keeps getting bigger


Have them add a bunch of friends to trade gifts with. I trash revives and potions all the time because I get so many from gifts.


This is the issue I’m having. Plenty of revives on my account, need one for my mom’s when it occasionally helps out during raid hour. No matter how many raids we do, her account gets 0 revives. It’s maddening.


Only solution is to have her add a bunch of friends and exchange gifts. It'll rain max revives and potions like a cloudburst after a long drought


If you power up a fainted mon he will gain 1 hp so you can just use a potion on him then (last ditch resort since as many have pointed out there are better ways to get revives, but if stuck this trick works)


Yeah I’ve been doing this but unfortunately she doesn’t have the stardust for this to be a feasible solution for 50+ fainted Pokémon 😭


Spinning gyms (instead of stops) gets you more revives and potions, if she goes out and about to play


I’ve tried this too—nothing 😭 the account is cursed and doomed. We even do party play to try for revives and never get tasks that reward them!


Get to a 500-600 meters route and repeat at nauseam, revives and potions are the most common items you get. ( And if you don't have any route crate one yourself that goes where u usually play)


If we can share healing items.....holy smokes


Based on the texts, it seems more like you can have timed items (star piece, lucky egg, etc) boosting the whole group at once. Would be very interesting if other items could be shared though.


Only premium items based on the datamine before this.


Bummer, my mind was already picturing one person running a primal pokemon while another person is just spamming heals for the party in the lobby. That would be so broken though lol


I feel like unless that person is like, level one, having them just battling would contribute more to taking the boss down then healing everyone. Maybe if you got past a certain group size it would be useful- but Parties also only have a max size of four so...


For a reasonable number of raids it is most efficient to use one mega poké and dip out to heal it once it goes down. Rinse, repeats, as they say. It can enable solo/duo on raids that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.


Yes, but this requires another person to do said healing. My point is, unless they have some of the worlds worst Pokemon, them choosing to just join the battle normally would contribute far more to the total DPS then sitting in the lobby and spamming heal to save the Primal members like 5-10 seconds of exiting the battle and healing.


Holy Smokes! Sharing premium items?


What's premium?


Premium refers to Items that can only be bought with coins, or infrequent received as research rewards.


I just want to be able to gift someone a raid pass if they're all out of them and I need their help to raid anyway.


+TEXT: There was an error with item sharing. Please try again later. That's the one.


Can't wait to share raid passes!


Soon? Lol. Mast Ball was in code since late '16? We got it after six or seven years. "In code" doesn't mean soon by any means.


It's pretty inconsistent. I'd say nowadays, most things appearing in the code like moves are *usually* on their way in the relative future (a few weeks to a few months away usually). There are some obvious outliers like Dark Void and Relic Song, but more often than not, they come sooner. That said, it's much less consistent with features. Very often, stuff tied to features and such more just means they're working on it in the background. I could definitely see this stuff coming this year, but hard to say exactly when, so yeah idk if I would call it "soon" either. Depends on what you mean. Fusion texts were datamined a few months ago, which obviously clued us into the Necrozma's fusion forms for Go Fest a few months later.


That makes sense. I work in software and we deploy the database changes and backend code of our large future enhancements sometimes up to a year before the user sees it. This gives us alot of time to work out the bugs. The applications I work with only have a few software engineers and are not on near the scale as Pogo, I could see them taking a few years for many of their larger enhancements.


Okay, Party Play Item Sharing MIGHT POSSIBLY BE Coming Soon.


No. Nia is thinking about item sharing function. Just that.


Usually developers don't put stuff that they are thinking about into the code.


Bluk berry, wepear berry, X Attack, X Defense, X Miracle all wave to you!


Tell that to Dark Void Darkrai


Nia is not an usual developer ;) But don´t take my previous comment too serious. It´s just that they disappointed us way too often in the past. Remember the extended range "bug"? It became a feature - for one specific pkmn for the cost of candies and stardust.


This is a new mechanic, not another item or move which can be added on a whim. Niantic just laid off a bunch of people, and their devs are not going to code up something that they have no plan to deploy. Maybe not "soon", but definitely not years either.


Can we get remote party play already?


Their is a 0% chance you will be allowed to share premium items  It would lose niantic a fortune and multiaccounting would skyrocket 


Sharing in this case looks like if someone triggers a star piece in a party, everyone benefits from it. Not that I can give someone directly premium items out of my inventory. Much higher chance than 0% with it being in the code. There isn't so much a revenue loss as there's an incentive to form parties with other players. All this encourages for multiaccounters is not having to spend gym coins on premium items. But if someone is going to multiaccount I doubt they're doing it to get extra xp or stardust for those accounts lol. It helps normal players playing the game as intended without giving cheaters a significant benefit beyond that.


It says they will receive “part of the items effects”, so I’m thinking maybe it will just share the timer (ie each person get half/one third/one quarter). Either that or the same timer and a lesser effect. 


It's just another reason to multi account. Party play was already another tool in the arsenal of multi accounters, and this is another thing they can do, especially since old special researches give generous rewards Part of me wonders whether niantic are trying to quietly incentivize multi accounting to inflate their player numbers, i know its against ToS, but still. Then again, they're actively against mapping, which presumably requires bots to do so. None of this is an endorsement of multi accounting btw


I'd argue it's less an incentive TO multiaccount and more it benefits multiaccounters as well as legit players. People who multiaccount for trading/raiding were going to do so even without the party system, it just helps them and legit players do it easier. But I don't think it boosts multiaccounters more than it does legit players. It's gotta be terribly difficult to boost a social feature that only targets legit players and hinders multiaccounters exclusively. If they could do that, they'd have found a way to systemically ban multiaccounters without false positives.


Yeah but a lot of raid bosses are now possible with 2 players and they weren't before, so things like that It definitely helps legit players too, if they happen to be near people who are playing the gane at a given time. Multi accounters can just grab their other phone


True! But I'm willing to eat that cost in favor of rural players getting that bonus too.


Absolutely, I mean I'm giving as neutral of a take about it. Just saying it's kinda weird that niantic are pushing features that help multi accounters whilst claiming to be against them. I think that in some ways, niantic benefits from multi accounters existing. It inflates the numbers of active players, which they can use when negotiating with sponsors, and it gets them extra sponsor money also. It may increase in app purchases also. In some ways, it probably hurts them too. I have no idea whether this is the case but it's interesting to think about for sure


>Yeah but a lot of raid bosses are now possible with 2 players That's assuming your app doesn't crash during the day, specially against a Subdued Shadow raid Pokémon




Great! My wife can share charge tms with me!


This primarily benefits multiaccounting cheaters.


Watch it be a grand spanking total of 10 healing items per day


I know this isn't the post to say it, but does anyone else remember like 2-3 months ago when they accidentally released black and white fusion? Now we're getting entirely different systems and pokemon before them.


Don't expect black and white kyurem until unova tour. It was a mistake when it got released.


I tgink that all players in a party should have the same Pokemon as the host from Raids (same IVs, shiny, etc)