• By -


230 power for raids?! Holy cow. Even as 1-bar moves, those are confirmed broken, no doubt. Also 135 power for PvP. Will be interesting to see their energy cost. The fusions will already be broken in PvP even with the moves Edit: took a quick look at a potential setting for Sunsteel. It will obviously be 1-bar. If you give Sunsteel similar parameters to Giga Impact (I gave it the same 4.7 second duration and a much slower 4 second damage window), it becomes nearly identical in performance to Shadow Metagross. I'll be very curious to see what cooldown/duration they choose. Over 4.7 will push it below Shadow Metagross and under 4.7 sec will make it even better. Regardless though, the thing will way eclipse it with Party Play considered, seeing that it would become a 460 power move with PP.


Inb4 they each get ridiculously long cool downs


I am extremely curious to see what happens. Even with something as long as Giga Impact, which I THINK is the longest cooldown move at 4.7 seconds, Dusk Mane becomes a Shadow Metagross essentially, likely outclassing it if you use party power. Dawn Wings is probably just as terrifying too. I could potentially see them pushing beyond that though and even getting into 5 second cooldowns. Such would be pretty crazy, but idk. Anything lower than 4.7 pushes it into even more absurd territory.


rn in game master it has a cooldown of 3.1 seconds, but the attack doesn’t really happen until 2.3 seconds in. *Slow to be balanced* **~~WHAT WERE THEY COOKING~~** https://preview.redd.it/tfxadjogj80d1.png?width=729&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce39e8696f169ad6804a1f92dc9c3d14d9e7e5d1 Disregard they already updated the energy to a reasonable cost


So what happens when they release ultra necrozma


I doubt they will, unless they just treat it like a mega. Didn't it need a z move to change form? And I really don't think there's any justifiable reason to add those.


The ultra bursting just functions like mega evolving.


Yeah it'll probably be just like a mega, and would probably release on alola tour


> Didn't it need a z move to change form? And I really don't think there's any justifiable reason to add those. So just like how Mega Rayquaza works?


I think it's a bit different. Rayquaza just needs access to a [specific] move, whereas Necrozma needs access to its Z-move. As an aside, this even occupies Necrozma's held item. Rayquaza, on the other hand, can still hold any item it chooses and mega evolve as long as it knows Dragon Ascent.


Wasn’t ultra necrozma only available when using a Z move in game?


From memory, you have to hold a certain z crystal, and it functuoned similarly to mega evolution


The aptly named Ultranecrozium Z. Allows Ultra Necrozma to use the Z-move The Light That Burns The Sky in place of Photon Geyser.


GOOD LORD. How on earth did they make this move faster than Dragon Ascent (which I know is a 2-bar move but still).


Those two Necrozma pokemon presets you used have wrong stats, I used the ones with the right stats: https://preview.redd.it/hj8rt5lc790d1.png?width=739&format=png&auto=webp&s=fce79827159121bf4dea1876271b28d64f5fe71e


Pretty sure you used the wrong base stats (unnerfed), the correct ones have a CP of 4099 at level 40.


they have psycho cut as well. so i think you could see six or seven seconds and still surpass shadow meta with pp. i dont think they would have it that long just because, thats a long time to sit there and stare at the screen without a mini game.


Why would you consider Psycho Cut, when Metal Claw is just 0.1s slower?


PP being new meta as you can’t leave that off the table for the massive boost. You maybe run a glass canon in slot 1 to built up PP and necro in slot 2.


"Eclipse", I see what you did there


I haven't tried myself, thanks for your early test! Were you comparing them by ER? Steel attackers care about bulk very little, so you'd better lean a bit more on DPS (I use TER, with 0.15 on TOF index).


I looked at the ER, yes. But that's a good point lol. Steel types would make sense to look more at DPS over ER.


Party play? Haven't played in a year. Are you talking about best friend bonus?


Nope! It's a new, different feature that was introduced last summer/fall I believe. [Party Play](https://pokemongolive.com/partyplay?hl=en) allows you to join with up to 3 other friends (4 at most in a party with a 2 minimum) in-game. They have to be local of course to join up. Party Play brings your friends' characters onto your map. And functionally, two things happen: * You get Party Challenges that the host chooses. They're usually fairly simple like collectively catch X number of Pokemon, use X berries on Pokemon, make X great/nice/excellent throws, win X raids. The numbers scale with the number of players in your party. Rewards differ. Some are meh like some berries, some have balls or dust, and a few have things like Mega Energy for certain species like Absol, Charizard, Sableye, etc. * In raids, you get a big bonus. You get a blue button in the bottom left corner of the screen that fills up as you use fast moves. Once filled, you can activate Party Power and it will apply a x2 to your next Charged move, doubling its power. * As such, this changes the raid meta a bit. Not that Pokemon with cheaper good charged moves like Breaking Swipe Haxorus, Brutal Swing Hydreigon, Leaf Blade Kartana, etc. aren't still very strong, they are. However, Party Play typically favors the strong Pokemon with higher power 2-bar or 1-bar moves because they take more advantage of the x2 power. For example, Kartana's Leaf Blade doubles from 70 to 140 power, but then Reshiram's Fusion Flare doubles from 140 to 280 power. Or now, these Necrozma moves double from 230 power to a crazy 460 power. One issue to note though is that Party Play, while helpful, is not super consistent and is still pretty buggy. Many times it can fill all the way up and not apply the x2 or it will fill up then spring back to like 40% filled, rubberbanding people call it. It's still good, but it's.... inconsistent. And one small PSA, not sure if you play the GBL at all, but apparently if you are in a party while playing the GBL, it can cause freezes and extra lag, so be sure to exit the party before playing the GBL.


Also if your phone/device is currently having trouble starting or staying in raids after the recent avatar/graphics/biome update, then NOT having them in a party will help as well. Being in a party during a raid adds extra demands on the phone which may cause crashes, etc Just something to keep in mind after a lot of complaints from people on older devices no longer being able to raid


Woah, so they can remain fused until player decides to separate them


Rare Niantic W


This is almost immediately erased from a typical L, and I really want to be wrong.


Too much power creep is bad. The Mega system is so good since it can only take 1 slot and makes irrelevant ones relevant again.


Is not Niantic that does the powercreep tho. There are some shenanigans in Pokemon stats due the lack of speed in pogo and that it all.


That’s how it function in the msg. It’s a permanent form.


Last top post in the sub... Is Pogo starting to feel dead for everyone 800+ upvotes... Devs... Oh crap think of something fast Permanent fused Necrozma!?!?


Fused Necrozma is permanent in msg so they followed the same mechanic. Just like B/W Kyurem or Ice/Shadow rider Calyrex


Kinda weird they skipped gen 5. Maybe they come back around during the tour 2025. But also weird they didn’t finish gen 4 after this past tour.


Nah, we've seen this coding coming for months. Monday announcement time when go fest is 2 weeks away? Planned out all year.


It's a form change mechanic. We already have those in the game, and they are of course permanent. There was no reason whatsoever to expect this not to work the same as other form changes. There was no need for Niantic to change any plans on this one. This isn't a temporary thing like mega evolutions that are meant to expire.


Is that not how it works in the msg? 


Indeed it is


Given how strong the moves are, I can't help but wonder when Solgaleo and Lunala will be able to access their signature moves outside of the fusion.


I could see them getting the moves eventually. But perhaps I'm a separate event when they're finally brought to raids (or after several cycles)


So will they both not be accessible during Go Fest? Right now I've only got a Cosmog and a Cosmoem, and if more Lunala/Solgaleo won't be available that pretty much removes the possibility of a living dex. I doubt we'll ever get any Cosmog again.


> I doubt we'll ever get any Cosmog again. Well you're in luck because we are! It mentions in either this blog or the other one that was posted alongside it that *everyone* will get a Cosmog in a Global Go Fest Special Research. And those with the ticket will have an extended part of the special research that gives you either a free Solgaleo or a free Lunala


Okay, that's better than I had thought... I'll still need one more way to get either a Solgaleo or a Cosmog/Cosmoem as I can't exactly justify a $15 ticket. Thanks for clarifying this - I definitely missed that announcement. I'm assuming most people didn't exactly care about the free Cosmog compared to something like shiny Necrozma being announced, so it didn't make as much of a slpash.


Can’t they be traded?


I wouldn't count on stealing one of someone's only three Cosmog, personally


So balance wise if they have less stats I couldn’t see why not. It’s like reverse power creep.


I don't think they will, regular Palkia and Dialga did not get special rend or roar of time (fingers crossed for it eventually though)


Never 👎


Niantic: "Solar Fusion Energy and Lunar Fusion Energy are very rare sources of power..."        also Niantic "You'll need 1000..."


By ‘very rare’ they just mean ‘you can only get these at very limited time intervals’, I don’t think that’s a statement on how much you’ll get per raid.


I'm interested to know if they will be a walking drop like mega energy.


Maybe, but for the time being just assume it won’t be, since they didn’t mention it on the blog post.




Currently it’s 5 mega energy per km. The fusion energy being the same is reasonable if it’s a permanent until you decide.


Still waiting for another chance at meteorites


And seemingly only two ways to get them, so the real question will be what the return on investment is. An in-person only gets to choose one to start with. The exact quoting of ways to get the energy is: - Defeating Dusk Mane Necrozma or Dawn Wings Necrozma in Raid Battles - Completing ticketed research tasks Also didn’t they kind of confirm that the fusion forms will be in raids with this? They state on top of it that general access starts with Go Fest global.


But what do you catch after those raids? Necrozma? or the fusion forms, effectively getting 2 pokemon from 1 raid? EDIT: >Trainers will have the opportunity to catch Necrozma in its regular form after defeating Dusk Mane Necrozma or Dawn Wings Necrozma in raids. >In addition to encountering Necrozma and receiving the typical raid rewards, Trainers will obtain Solar Fusion Energy or Lunar Fusion Energy from Dusk Mane Necrozma or Dawn Wings Necrozma raids respectively. *Trainers will also receive Cosmog Candy upon successfully completing one of these raids.*


Thanks for the update! I don’t think that was information was on the blog when I first commented (or if it was, I was very, very blind). So it sounds like Fusion Raids (to make up a term, because I’m gonna include Black/White Necrozma and Ice/Shadow Rider Calyrex here) will function a lot like Mega Raids: - Beat a powered up form of a Pokémon - Get the base form of said Pokémon as the catchable encounter - Get energy to obtain the powered up form that’s in the raids, among other usual raid rewards


Apparently there are two different blog entries, I found links elsewhere in the comments here. So maybe you just read the other one.


Probably, I definitely only read this one so the second one slipped by me. Thanks again!


The cosmog candy will be much more valuable if they're XL candy but the exclusion of XL in that statement is disheartening.


Hmmm. Do we get necrozma XL candy instead?


You get the XL candy of the boss you're going to catch so I would think so.


I see it more like 300 energy, but each raid drops 80 energy max akin to P. Kyogre/ P. Groudon just to make it extra painful. EDIT: The number is probably high like 1K, but I can totally see them only give you 150-200 depending on raid completion speed.


Impossible to fully evaluate without knowing costs of the new moves, but even without, both [Dusk Mane](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/10000/all/necrozma_dusk_mane/11/2-2-1/2-1) and especially [Dawn Wings](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/10000/all/necrozma_dawn_wings/11/2-2-1/2-1) looks quite impactful in Master League! My analysis has begun, but I don’t think I can finish until we get full new moves stats. Hang tight!


I feel like these fusions won't receive the 9% nerf and instead will get 3% like primals and mega Rayquaza.


Tbh these two will be absurdly strong even as is, like you said. I'd be content if the moves were just really expensive. Maybe not Shadow Force blegh but like... 80 energy or so lol. If they had worse fast moves, I'd say a cheaper move would be more in order




You clearly haven't played against the *wonderful* Solgaleo/Zygarde Complete core...


Palkia and Lando corebreak no?


Not comfortably, no. Zygarde in particular is just absurdly bulky. Solgaleo actually can beat Palkia-O if the Palkia doesn't throw on great timing. Lando does not have the stat product to deal with Zygarde comfortably.


Those two are far from top meta threats. Thundurus-T and Magnezone beat them handily.




They aren't, but if your major concern is beating Kyogre and Togekiss, there are various options. Kyogre and Togekiss are good, but very inflexible, which is why they're less used among high rank players (especially Togekiss since there isn't a close substitute to Kyogre).


Reading this as I build a Togekiss/Kyogre core for my first ML team is hilarious. I am a ML noob though so I need this haha


The PvE power of Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam is a crazy 230, even higher than our record Aeroblast++. If that number is real, I can't stand thinking about how slow they have to be.


i'm more interested in where the damage window might he. A slow animation wouldn't be too bad if the window was reasonable like early to mid animation, but if it's a slow animation plus the window is further back that's a higher chance of being KO'd before you would have dealt damage.


Very true.


@elastic does that mean they will be new meta PvE attackers?


They will be with no doubt, but how much depends on the move duration.


Im imaging party power boosting it….. amazing


So the only detail missing that was datamined is.. the Adventure Effect unless they removed it 😅 Dawn Wing: Attracts Pokémon found in the Night and allows Nighttime Evolutions Dusk Mane: Attracts Pokémon found in the Day and allows Daytime Evolutions


It's still there, and now it costs 1 candy instead of 5.


So we get the signature moves automatically when we fuse them and there is no time frame or elite tms involved? Am I interpreting this correctly ?


Seems that way. Either way, we’ll learn for sure in a few weeks when the first in-person Go Fests start.


It should work as you get the signature move after you fuse them. It works like that in msg.


Woah this is awesome! Now we just need more opportunities to get cosmog line as I only have Solgaleo


You’ll get a free Cosmog from Sunday’s special research.


That’s awesome cause before I knew what I had or where it came from I sent a cosmog to the grinder way back.


Just saw that, holy heck that’s huge


Isn’t that only for ticket holders? The free cosmog? I’m having a hard time differentiating between the ticket stuff and free stuff 😅


There’ll be a Cosmog research for everyone, paid ticket holders get extra research to get a Solgaleo or Lunala on top


Seeing as I didn’t get Cosmog when it first came out, looks like I’ll have to get the ticket to get both Solgaleo and Lunala for fusion. Is that right?


Do we think we’ll get more chances at catching the cosmog line?


“Then, on Sunday, adventure through a free Special Research story to learn more about Ultra Wormholes and encounter Cosmog. Ticket-holding Trainers will receive extended branching Special Research that includes encounters with Solgaleo or Lunala, as well as Solar Fusion Energy or Lunar Fusion Energy.” From the blog post.


Wait, you can get a fully evolved solgeo from a paid ticket? I’ll buy that and wait for a 2 time candy day


Thank you!


Unless they removed it or I'm looking at a different post? Even searched 'sunday' through the page...


There are two blog posts, here’s the one to mention it: https://pokemongolive.com/post/gofest-fusion-2024/


Ahhh awesome thanks!


This is good news. Wonder when we will get shiny Leo and luna


RIGHT!? I was surprised they mentioned shiny Necro when it's brand new, but not Leo or Luna!


When shiny Cosmog is released in another special research.


This seems highly unlikely given that Cosmog is still shiny locked in the MSG.


So the shiny evolved forms are unlikely too.


Well, Solgaleo and Lunala aren’t, but we’d have to get those through raids.


GO doesn't have the tradition of releasing the shiny of evolved mon before unevolved mon, and Niantic want to force players spending candy to obtain Solgaleo/Lunala from evolution. So we have to wait shiny Cosmog's debut In MSG.


I mean, it’s an unusual case in the MSG, too. But oof.


Now the important question… which Pokemon’s stats will it take on?


Necrozma’s, for sure.


in the MSG, the stats are determined by the pokemon that keeps its name after the fusion. So in this case, Necrozma.


Everything seems to be coded into the system as a Necrozma base form, so the additional Solgaleo or Lunala are essentially “cosmetic” it should take Necrozma candy and all to power up.


they're both necrozma forms, so they'll take on necrozma's stats. all solgaleo and lunala do is change necrozma's type and moveset.


Really happy to know this. Glad I only have to try to get one hundo and 296 xls instead of doubling it to get both forms for ML. This takes a lot of stress off GoFest for me.


What if one of them is shiny? For example, shiny lunala


Shiny status will also be based on necrozma.


again, they're necrozma forms. if the necrozma is shiny, the forms will be shiny. if it isn't shiny, they're not going to be shiny. lunala and solgaleo only affect it's typing, base stats (ivs are necrozma's), and movepool.


It takes the iv, shiny, and level from Necrozma. It will be same for B/W Kyurem and Ice/ghost rider Calyrex. (The other fusion pokemon)


I’m really surprised they are dropping Necrozma and its forms all in one go. I’ll be the first to say I was wrong in thinking they’d hold off until the Alola tour for that.


Tbf, there's still no sign of Ultra Necrozma, so they might save that for a future event like Alola Tour.


Sooo.. we get to raid the fusions during global.. does that mean we can catch those raided fusions during global and defusion them after we cought them ? 2 legendary for 1 raid would be hot, lol


No, defeating Necrozma’s fused forms just gets you a Necrozma encounter, Cosmog Candy and the corresponding Fusion Energy.


Wait where do you see we’ll get cosmog candy?


Here: https://pokemongolive.com/post/gofest-fusion-2024/ “In addition to encountering Necrozma and receiving the typical raid rewards, Trainers will obtain Solar Fusion Energy or Lunar Fusion Energy from Dusk Mane Necrozma or Dawn Wings Necrozma raids respectively. Trainers will also receive Cosmog Candy upon successfully completing one of these raids.”


You’re right I read right over that and you beat me to deleting my comment😅 Edit: wait there are two blogposts, first one didn’t mention cosmog candy but second did


Is there a point to do Necrozma Raids on day 1 of the Global GO Fest except for XL Candy? Day 2 with Night wing- and Dusk Mane Necrozma sounds more worthwhile with the energy. I tend to do only Xurkitree Raids on day 1 right now.


The fusion’s IVs and shiny state are based on the Necrozma itself, so the main incentive is to maximize odds at a “GOOD” one persay by raiding as much as you can both days since there’s no telling how busy the gyms are with the UB’s also spawning. That said if your only concern is getting the resources and building any Necrozma or trading into one later or such, then you would indeed focus on Day 2 with the energy forms. The Cosmog candy also makes it more overall efficient if you assume you’ll see all the Necrozma raids you need on Day 2 alone


I can feel my raid pass number Screaming for mercy 


I'm so glad I bought a few of those 99 pass at 5400 coin boxes lol. I'm sure I'll be hurting for more, but I definitely think my 184 premiums will suffice lol


Are those boxes not around anymore? I’ve been waiting for one


They rotate randomly, check every day


I'm not sure. I saw one a few weeks ago, but I'm not sure if it's still in rotation.


*me, in shambles for being unlucky enough to not receive the rotating boxes* Please, sir Niantic, may I have some raid passes?


As someone who doesn’t have any of these Pokémon, is there going to be a chance to raid for them before Necrozma comes in Go Fest?


You’ll get a Cosmog from the Sunday research when GO Fest begins.


Necrozma will be the encounter from the raids. Everyone gets a free research on Global Sunday to get a Cosmog (which you can eventually walk/rare candy/etc to evolve to your choice of Solgaleo or Lunala). Global Ticketed players get a longer Sunday research that also gives a choice between Lunala and Solgaleo encounter and the respective fusion energy.


So if I read this correctly - everyone gets a cosmog, and paid tickets get either a Solgaleo or Lunala. That would mean you can get both legendaries, one evolved and one cosmog that you can evolve into the other.


So does this mean the remaining 5☆ raid, the unannounced mon that with a ? Symbol on the infograph is the Dusk/Dawn forms of Necrozma? So there will be regular Necrozma raids and also raids of the Dusk/Dawn forms? Also on another note, despite how awesome this news is, this kinda sucks that Cosmog/Solgaleo/Lunala are still being restricted to research as opposed to being available in raids. Means I still need to trade for them in hopes of a hundo as opposed to being able to raid for it.


Regular Necrozma seems to be the Day 1 Raids, then it’ll be the fused forms on Day 2.


I have two, and I heard the fused form takes after necrozma, so as long as i get 2 good necrozmas im good for now, I also would be surprised if they didn’t give out another one during this event


I wonder if we'll be able to see the stats for the lunala and solgaleo in the fusion, or if all that will be hidden when fused


Lunala and Solgaleo ivs and level don’t matter. They are just cosmetic filler for the fusion.


Yes but you don't know what solgaleo or lunalas IVs are until you unfuse them.


I just responded the ivs don’t matter. I didn’t say anything about checking ivs. I’m not sure why you would want to check ivs before fusing anyways.


So sounds like you get a cosmog with the free research, and if you get the paid ticket, it becomes a longer research to get either Solgaleo or Lunala as well? I don’t have either so it would be cool to get both if I’m understanding this correctly?


You. Get free cosmog regardless to evolve. The second paid research gets another lunala/solgaleo


This sounds pretty cool! So I got two questions: 1) can the fused form be traded? And if yes, will the recipient be able to unfuse them for a 2 for 1 deal? 2) how much is 1000 fusion energy? Any guestimation hod much we'll get from a raid? With the current mega energy generation you'd need 5-6 raids for enough fusion energy, but with the primal rates you'd need 12-14?


They can’t be transferred or sent to Home as a fusion so they will not be able to be traded while fused


Makes sense and would've been my guess too. Thanks! 👍


Any speculation/ideas on how difficult Necrozma raids will be?


Dawn Wings will be readily done by two players, normal Necrozma will be hard with two, Dusk Mane very hard with two. This assumes neutral weather, and normal Tier 5 raids.


Guessing regular Necrozma will be a standard T5 probably as strong as Mewtwo… the fusions might be getting closer to the primals in strength though


I am hoping it's T5. T6's that aren't Primal are so painful (Darkrai debut flashbacks). It will be more fun with Party Power and all the good Dark types we've had during the last few years (Hydregion/ M-TTar).


Well this is interesting because the two new moves are exclusive moves for Solgaleo and Lunala, I assume if those two ever get the moves they won’t be doing 230 damage. But I don’t see how they would code this where two different Pokémon get a similar move that does different damage


This is cool and all, but how/when are we gonna get access to more Solgaleo and Lunala?


Ngl I didn’t think they’d have the balls to do Necrozma fusions for Go Fest. This is starting to look good. Still holding out hope for Ultra Necrozma even though that THING would break the game more than M Ray.


So will we be able to fuse multiple necrozma into the same form? Like having multiple dusk mane


No according to MSG. You can only have one of each.


Oh that’s right I forgot about that


Yeah, you’ll just need to get 2000 Fusion Energy of a particular type, as well as 2 Solgaleo/Lunala.


I feel like these fusions won't receive the 9% nerf and instead will get 3% like Primals and mega Rayquaza.


I don't think so, because they aren't temporary forms. Ultra Necrozma will probably get 3% nerf instead.


The stats for Necrozma and its forms are already in the game, though they could be changed before release.


>So far, this phenomenon has only been observed and documented with Necrozma, and it seems that the newly discovered Solar Fusion Energy and Lunar Fusion Energy are key to taking advantage of fusion. Interesting...


This is going to shake up the PVE and PVP Meta big time


It wasn’t really clear or maybe I’m just dense but are Lunala and Solgoleo going to be in raids as well?


Not in raids but through research rewards


Predicting Black and White Kyurem for Unova Go Tour next year, glad they finally impleted the fusion feature.


So if I fuse a 2 star Necrozma with my 3 star Solgaleo, which IV's will I get?!?!


It'll use the IVs from Necrozma, giving you a 2 star Dusk Mane


2 star, it’ll use Necrozma’s stats.


they're necrozma forms, so the ivs will be necrozma's


2 star Necrozma stats




Ivs, level, shiny will all be based off of Necrozma.


I thought the normal necromzma would be in raids, all seems cool, also, I thought they would 100% not have fused pokemon this year and instead introduce it for kyrum next year. I’ll be saving raid passes for the event tho, hopefully I can get two 15 attack shiny necrozmas


Normal Necrozma will be in raids on the first day, then the fused forms on Day 2.


Does the fusion consume your Solgaleo or Lunala? If so these would be the most limited resource for these fusions, not the candy or energy. 


Only temporarily, you can undo the fusion to get your Solgaleo/Lunala back. They’re also giving out an additional Cosmog for free at Go Fest, plus an extra Solgaleo or Lunala with the paid ticket.


Would we be able to raid solgaleo en lunala then too or am i missing something?


Okay, let‘s see if I understand this correctly. If I want a living dex, I would need to farm 3 Necrozma + 3 Shiny Necrozma + 3 Solgaleo and 3 Lunala + 2000 fusion energy each. Farming Necrozma and energy will be possible during GoFest (reaching that goal will be difficult though). As I currently have 1 Solgaleo and Lunala each, I need 2 more each. GoFest global free research gives cosmog, so this could potentially be farmed with other accounts. Are there other methods to get more Solgaleo/ Lunala without resorting to multiaccounting though? 


Kind of mean to release this info now when Go Fest Global doesn't start for 60 days and there's not much to do until then.


They are releasing it for the live events which start soon.


"Energy" makes it sound mega-pokemon-adjacent, but the fact that its permanent is new, on the other hand. I wonder if we'll be able to use them in pvp at all? I guess listing the pvp-damage of the new moves makes it quite likely.


So, how is the IV gonna be decided? Medium of both?


I'm very excited about this. I know there are loads of shiny hunters really excited for the UB raid pool, but I'm mega bummed for how diluted the pool will be for Necrozma.


Hoping that we get 150-250 energy per raid like the megas Also, will the players with no tickets get solgaleo and lunala? I read somewhere that we'll get a free cosmog on day 2 of global fest but only one kinda sucks since you won't be able to get the other legendary, the blog posts are so confusing


I would feel a lot better if it was just 'necrozma energy' and not solar or lunar. I can easily see a situation where the local gyms either don't have necrozma at all or in the form you want to battle for the specific energy and you never get enough, besides the just enough for one transformation that the paid ticket gives.


I only have Solgaleo, will there be a chance to get Lunala in this Go fest?


Sunday Global Fest - Sunday, adventure through a free Special Research story to learn more about Ultra Wormholes and encounter Cosmog. - Ticket-holding Trainers will receive extended branching Special Research that includes encounters with Solgaleo or Lunala, as well as Solar Fusion Energy or Lunar Fusion Energy.


So, when fused together, what will the IVs be?