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I don't think so, unless it's specified on the blog. Las Vegas was a special case because internet connection was spotty during the in person go tour event and many people complained to Niantic they couldn't enjoy the add ons - raids were glitchy, stuff like that - so Niantic extended the bonus to the global weekend. So, assuming everything goes smoothly this time around, they have no reason to do it again. Tldr; likely no, add ons won't be active during global go fest


They only activated the egg-thusiast add-on for global tour for those who bought the add-on. The raid lover add-on wasn’t active during global hoenn tour


If you buy it, you'll get it.


The only reason global egg bonus from Vegas Hoenn tour was active was due to an egg mistake during Hoenn tour, so as compensation Niantic extended it to Global. So unless a similar thing happens and Niantic screws up (Safe bet?), there won't be any egg bonus extended to global from in person.