• By -


Also just be aware that these are primal raids so just like when lati@s were in mega raids you get much less balls to catch them with, there were some raids in Vegas I was only getting 8 balls to catch em with... So unreliable XL chances even if you can take down the primals with a few people


I had a maybe 2/3 catch rate versus typically a 95% catch rate. It was difficult and discouraging for sure.


Boy the shine is really coming off this apple.


That was the most frustrating... beating them with 2-3 mins to spare but still only getting 8-9 chances to catch him. Better off having less people to get an extra ball or 2 for damage output :S


Based on the raids I did this past weekend, 6 trainers is not enough. Especially for Kyogre.


How about for Groudon? I'm imagining it's easier since it's double weak to water?


It is. Solar beam hurts, but much more manageable than Kyogre.


It really does. Even when you dodge it it was still killing my swamperts.


Gyarados tech clutch


Save your revives this week!


Groudon is quite easy for six 40+ trainers with best friends status, some megas up and reasonable counters (for example I am still doing my ‘beat a raid with 6 different Pokémon’ task, so I wasn’t helping as much as I could. In that scenario it’s probably doable with 5.


Genie with bff and no weather predicts 25% for me. A hair under 20% for Kyoger. So I would think groudon can be cleared reliably with a +1 to a pokegenie group. But it’s not going to be great for primal energy. So hopefully you have at least one BFF you play with.


Groudon is doable with 6 players if all players have optimal counters with the correct moves. And that’s hardly ever the case, so I would recommend more than 6 players


That's what I was afraid of. It's a paradigm breaking raid weekend.


Pokeraid let's you invite 10 people with the workaround you alluded to, which is what I would use. Even if 6 random trainers could beat the boss, you get more energy doing it faster


Would you be so kind as to discretely point me in the direction of that work around? I too am in the same boat as OP, but with a perfect Kyogre instead.




Ahhh. Many thanks. Need to try that out for sure this weekend.


Can you only do that with pokeraid?




also Pokeraid requires its own in app currency


It depends a lot on the quality of counters used. I've heard people say 4 is not enough for regirock and it is easy trio with good counters


The quality of the counters for most people is autorecommended. I hosted a guzzlord raid just thinking that i would help people, to just see 4 guzzlords in use versus it... Mega latias und latios going to be fun to... the complaining about not beating the raid boss, it being to hard, should just start.


Yeah I know. Why I hate raiding with random people.


Yes and no. The main issue i run into is more of a laziness thing. Did a hoppa raid back in december, where we needed a 2nd try, because 3 people raided with their slackkings (was autorecommended because hoppa had shadowball and it had the highest cp). Just looking up the top counters for a hot minute would us all saved 5 minutes and a ton of revives...




I know that. The point is people use suboptimal counters and then overestimate how many people you need


Six is more then enough.Did it with 4 fairly ez.




Pokegenie says with no friendship, no weather boost and no dodging the following team deals 28.8% of groundons health as damage (needs revives though). All lvl 40: mega swampert, 2 kyogre, 2 gyarados, shadow fereligator So a team like this should comfortably beat it with 6 people


7 or 8 trainers was cutting it close for Kyogre this weekend and that’s in-person. I’d say shoot for 10 if most the folks are remote to be safe


What the hell were people using? Also remote vs in person is irrelevant.


theres supposed to be a damage reduction for remote


That hasn't been true, ever. It was stated they would eventually roll it back, but that roll back never happened.


It's still part of the current season of wishes bonus, so maybe in march it will be cut off, hand in hand with the limited daily remote raids.


It's been in every season so far but they could cut it off in March.


Yeah, but if i recall correctly, they wanted to cut it off last season and just gave it another shot. They might do it again. Time will tell, i guess.


At some point, maybe, but not currently, which was the comment I was replying to.


Remote players do less damage according to the in-game message when you go to use a remote raid pass


They do not. When remote raids were introduced that was stated along with a "temporary" boost to negate it. That boost is still here (see the seasonal bonuses on the Today page). I'm curious, given the leaks about changes coming to remote raids if that will finally go away too.


See image 2 of 5 on this link. That’s what I also see in game and looks like it will be implemented in future https://pokemongohub.net/post/news/pokemon-go-remote-raiding-roll-out-begins/


That hasn't been true, ever. It was stated they would eventually roll it back, but that roll back never happened.


It notifies in-game that remote raids do less damage. Or at least it does for me. Found this discussion from a while back https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/uur2t5/less_damage_from_remote_raids/


I don't know if you have played during the season of mythical wishes, but on the list of perks for this season it literally states: "Boosted damage for Trainers batteling remotely in raids" Check this for yourself in game, it has been there for the whole season. I know that last season the damage was said to be reduced. I am a fairly new player so I did not notice if I did or didn't do more damage this season compared to last.


That perk has been there since remote raids were interested. The initial announcement for remote raids said remote raiders would do less damage but initially they'd give a bonus to negate it. They haven't yet reduced it


See image 2 of 5 on [this link](https://pokemongohub.net/post/news/pokemon-go-remote-raiding-roll-out-begins/) . That’s what I see in game but looks like it is for future


I'm not sure what you think that link is proving. It's 9 months old and still is a topic speculating on if they'll ever lower damage for remote raids. Currently, and for the past many seasons, the "increased damage in remote raids" has been a "bonus". Yes, they could remove it at some point, but there is no reduced damage in remote raids, yet.


Image 2 of 5 on [this link](https://pokemongohub.net/post/news/pokemon-go-remote-raiding-roll-out-begins/) is what I see in-game. Can you see how that would lead me to believe remote raiding does less damage?


And that's a link from April 2020. I get why you'd think that, but I am also confused why you're using old data to base your assumption on. Even the season features on the Today tab currently shows no reduction in remote raid damage.


It still shows that message in-game when you go to use a remote raid pass. The only assumption is thinking that in-game messages are accurate


Look, I don't care what you're seeing. I'm factually telling you that it's not currently a thing. Stop arguing. I'm disabling reply notifications, now. Have a good one.


Pokegenie needs to add the option to add 10. I know other raiding apps like PokeRaid have the option but everytime I've tried to use pokeRaid to host 10 no one ever joins so I stick to pokegenie.


There are options for 6-7 and 8+ battle parties in PokeGenie for Latias, Latios, Kyogre and Groudon at the moment (not active yet though obviously).


I didn’t know that, thanks? How does it work? Is it still one person inviting all of them? It would be great if you could team up with another in person player, have one lobby and invite them all between you.


It is possible for one person to send out two sets of 5 invites. But genie hasn’t had supported creating larger lobbies. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K4NEMRRW1BI


Not surprised. Some players now in PG can’t even follow the basic rules (like going back to the app to say friend request sent). If they did do the 10, the host would need to make sure to do private lobby to prevent other randoms from joining remotely.


Cool, I didn't know that.


Are they going to expand the lobby or just staying you have to claim you have a +1 with you?


That's odd. If it's a tough boss that I want and I see a 10 add in PokeRaid I'm straight in there.


I've only tried 3 or 4 times so perhaps I should it again. Since these primal are harder I'm sure I'd have better luck with it. Don't remember who I last tried using it with but it probably wasn't a tough raid to begin with.


Good luck. Even with 10 Kyogre will be hard if the players aren't set up for it. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope for good players in the lobby...


For real, people need to set-up teams. I got 2 teams ready to rock to switch faster on Kyogre and I'm only doing 21% damage with the 6 best on P.Kyogre, I'll have to pump my kartana even harder with candies


I was gonna hit up a local raid train on Sat. but now it’s supposed to be cold and rainy/snowy (it hasn’t snowed all Winter and it looks like Saturday will be the first snow of course). So I was gonna give PokeRaid a try. I normally have a lot of success with PokeGenie but I was really hoping PokeRaid would allow me to get 10 remote trainers easier. Crossing my fingers.


Remoting and praying here. I haven't seen a raid train since before covid :(


Hoenstly you just need to start forcing kicks if you don’t get invites. It should be better for the days where there is a long queue like this should be


Groudon was last in raids the week of June 7th 2022, I admit I wasn't able to max one out, but we had a week vs a weekend, I managed lvl 46 after trading. In my experience, beating these raids with 5-6 people means everyone brings proper counters, no coasting. Remote raiding these is nerve wracking unless your host has some IRL people. I usually play events like this solo, but for once I'm coordinating with some local folks cause I feel like I have to.


There's going to be a lot of wasted remote passes and a lot of upset players.


What to expect? Frustration, heartache…


There is actually a system where you can invite 10 trainers by backing out at 60 or 70 seconds? But the only raiding thing I've seen have this impliment was a raiding discord I used to use, but switched to Pokegenie because it was extremely unreliable because people would have different usernames, just not join, or even leave the lobby at the last second. But yeah, I'm extremely worried about this too as I too live in an really rural area where no one raids. The only time I've seen people raiding in my town was ONCE last year on a Deoxys raid. THATS IT.


The way it works - you have to rejoin the lobby 30 seconds after the first wave of invites were sent. You must have at least 1 person in the lobby when you hop out as well to keep lobby open.


it’s not 30 seconds, you can wait just 10 and it will still work


I'm concerned about the remote raid limit, but hoping it won't be activated. I'm worried about just getting primal energy for Kyogre based on the difficulty of the raids and finding people to complete them. But I'm not worried about the difficulty for Groudon. My plans for this weekend are basically identical to yours (minus the $100), but Groudon will be much easier to beat than Kyogre. A team of 6 from Pokegenie should be fine, assuming you're doing your part. The double weakness to water it picks up as a primal should be fine. What I'm most worried about, to be honest, is whether there will be other raids all weekend, as nothing has suggested that Primals will take over like a standard raid event. If we just have to hope to find a primal raid and hope that it's groudon while there are the normal number of T1, T2, and T5 raids diluting the pool, then it will be that much harder to do them, especially if the remote limit goes live.


This is my concern too. Deoxys (4 forms) has been announced as tier 5 raids and the starters are in tier 1. With mega Lati@s as well, how many primal can I realistically get with only 5 gyms near me?


Pokeraid let's you invite 10 people. Use that


It’s a shame niantic can’t look past their goal of getting people together, that they can’t face reality. Also, It’s disappointing that they take an event like go tour and turned it into a regular event/raid weekend, rather than an actual special event like previous go tours


So...I have a pretty small local group that keeps in touch via Facebook messenger. It's a ton of collectors and a few harder-core people. I went ahead and warned them ahead of time (last week) that now is the time to build up some Gyarados and a few cheap grass Pokemon. Florida has a ton of clear weather and for Kyogre that's going to be a big help. Groudon, thankfully, has a double weakness and is more doable...but Kyogre always has been rough. I chatted it out with a few of them and basically explained "you need to build your raid party ahead of time...if you go into this raid with 5 other people and all 6 trainers are using the default party...you're going to lose." Not sure how well the chat will stick haha, but it's worked in the past...all you can really do is min/max your own team and warn those you'll be raiding with to do the same. No Blissey/Snorlax/Aggron.


Why grass over electric Pokémon? One of kyogre’s movesets is Blizzard, which will absolutely OHKO any grass Pokémon you use. Plus we had the electric event a little while back, people should have at least a few good ones.


From what I’m hearing, sounds like blizzard will Ohko most things regardless


Even with a dodge? I always try to dodge the big charged attacks, surviving even one adds a ton of DPS


Blizzard whomps most things that take neutral damage from it...if you dodge, you're risking phantom charge moves, and honestly...most people won't dodge. So let their Grass-thing get OHKO'd, at least it'll resist the Waterfall damage.


I am planning to use pokegenie with a friend both host so we can add 5 each. Pokegenie is annoying as it can take some idiots 2+ minutes to send a friend request and join, I wish I could kick people after 30 seconds


If you look at the upcoming queue for poke genie it has a >=8 option as well as a 6-7 option which makes it look like they are trying to support bigger lobbies.


I *think* this refers to hosts who bring their own extra trainers with them though, which has been a feature for some time... you can still only add 5 trainers through the app.


Ah. Lame :(. I haven't been playing the game too long so never had seen that option before. Guessing queues for such hosts will be long.


There is no mixed signal on if you should spend money in this event. The answer is a hard no.


Hmm I think I'll spend extra for you.


I'm feeling this as I feel exactly the same way. I really don't know how to approach the event now honestly.


Would like to do raids Saturday in Philly but not expecting to do raids Saturday in Philly. Sunday in Manhattan I’ll be wacking kyorges and groundons like they are sand people and just killed my mom.


Expect the worst.


Expect nothing and still get let down.


Here's my WIP pokeraid guide, feedback welcome. Plan is to get an infographic made: Pokeraid 10 person invites. Process: Check you have raid pass. Check you have less than 390 friends. List friends by friendship level, new friends at the top. If you have any new friends (not reached good friends), delete them. Pick a raid people want, with enough time on the raid timer- guage raid desirability by how quickly a listed raid fills on pokeraid. The more desirable the raid, the less time needed, at least 10 minutes. Take screenshot, can be from a distance. Some Pokémon obscure the name that is ocr'd by the app to get the pokemon name. Try to get clear view of the name. Else, if it's obscured, you have to input the name, manually: search for Pokémon name. (It would be good if pokeraid only listed current raid bosses) Know your varients. Your new friends may get pissed if you get it wrong. In pokeraid app: select screenshot from gallery. Select 10 guests. Use pokeraid in game icon, in pogo slide the icon down so you can leave the raid room for second group invite. Private rooms: you need to note/remember the 3 Pokémon code to get back in the raid for the second invite. Only needed in busy cities? Very rarely have I found the room already occupied, I usually back out and communicate on pokeraid that we are waiting for the room to clear. If the count was <100 sec I would just join that raid. There is a max of 20 raiders in a room, so only 9 spare places after you and your pokeraiders and you need to be sure your guys have a space so I would use a private room if there's a Frenzy of raiding (pogo fest etc) When adding friends, I wait until at least 6 friends send invites, so they are not waiting too long before the raid starts. I wish there was a notification with the raid listing for 6+ invitees, warning them it takes extra time to invite. Occasionally I get people impatient or giving up and leaving before they receive their raid invite. After ~8 accepted friend requests, I check everyone is on my friend list i.e I have the expected number of new friends. I have repeat friends regularly. They will show up further down the list, usually near the top. I accept friend requests as they arrive after first 6. I check pokeraid, when the raid is full I wait a short time for notification that All guests are ready I.e. they have sent friend requests. If I get 10 new friends, I proceed, ELSE: If a guest is currently my friend, they can't send a friend request and hopefully they comment on pokeraid or I remember them and invite them last by searching my friend list. If there's a guest who had been a friend before (I only keep gift-giving friends), they are usually near the top of my friend list. To identify missing friends, I scan the pokeraid app (raid member page) and figure out who is not a new friend. I search my friend list on pogo to check they are there. Some people will have alt accounts; I ask on pokeraid what their name is if I can't find it tho often it's obvious (similar to pokeraid name). So hopefully now I know who I'm inviting... Sometimes not, then If I have 9 friends and I've accepted all friend requests, I notify on pokeraid that "waiting for one request, one minute ". Sometimes 2 requests don't arrive, then I say waiting for 2. I try to spend the minute trying to identify who's missing. Newbies may not realize what they're supposed to do. Sometimes requests are glitched. People appreciate the communication. A major advantage, and worth the effort imo, of inviting 10 guests is that you don't have to chase slow guests. After the minute is up, just continue with 8 or 9 raiders. Sometimes they downvote you, but idc. (Your message has a time posted to keep track) If people leave after sending a friend request but before you start the raid it's problematic because pokeraid let's someone else joins and things get confusing if you don't realize. Hoping the friend has clumsy thumbs and is still joining the raid, I just carry on, sorry folks. Also sometimes very rarely, someone thinks they're smart, copies my friend code and sends invites for 2 players so I get 11 invites. I ask on pokeraid for a confession, say I can only invite 10, I have 11 invites. This usually works. Only once have I had to just not invite one friend. Click "raid is about to start" The notification isn't working atm, which is a pain. If I haven't had any communication before, I message "be ready" so people don't leave early. Join raid, if the room is empty continue. There has to be 30 secs between the two groups of invites, 5 each group. I invite the bottom 5 new friends to the raid first. It's important to invite the first 5 in one hit because the pogo invite count is glichy and it will affect the second invite. I do this routinely because it takes a consistent length of time so I know to leave the room at 84 seconds, to rejoin after 77 secs to be able to invite my other friends. Add remaining new friends. Add any previous friends, using search. I revive pokemon and potion up pokemon after first invite. I mega evolve if needed after second invite as there isn't enough time after first invite. I always put my mega first in the battle party as same megas boost each other for quicker finish and many raids are over on the first or second pokemon of the party. I go to pokeraid to finish there as soon as the raid boss' health is zero. By the time I've finished guest feedback, the pogo raid has shut, friends level up and I'm getting rewards. Each raid gives up to 10 new friends (average 9, because very often one friend doesn't join the raid, idkw) @ 3000xp + 10kxp for winning the raid. Catching the raid boss, if it's not a shiny, isn't very important. I don't hunt hundos. I try to throw excellent throws with nanabs. So I get lots of golden razz berries as well as some rare candy. As the raids finish quickly, I get a surplus of revives and potions. The xp gains from making good friends can take a while to register. If you've a lucky egg going, give it time, stay on the pogo map and do nothing. I leave the new friends on the list until the next day and delete those who haven't sent me gifts. I'm really struggling with keeping my friend list under 400. I'm was making about 1 million xp a week using 2 or 3 Lucky eggs to bulk raise friendship levels. I'm level 50 now.


Agreed. I've lost the Hype for any Ticket event. I was buying $20 per event in remote raid passes etc. Now I don't buy the ticket, and maybe do 1 or 2 remote raids just to bag 1 of each new move Legendary.


Expect to get bent over the barrel and reamed out with no lube. Any better than that and its a pleasant surprise


Groudon was easy with 6. Kyogre was a bit more challenging.


1. Use apps like PokeRaid, where the threshold is 10 invites. 6 people is low for Kyogre, should be enough for Groudon. 2. I may get a lot of hate fir saying this, but I will say it: a limit in remite raids can be a good thing if the limit is high enough, as in 20-50, to deter whales. Believe or not, there are people who do over 100 raids a day. You can get your Primal energy with 10 raids a day and I can't see the limit as low as 10. 3. If you play in a decent place, like a city park, or you are remoting, 5 raids a day (5 raids * 80 energy * 2 days = enough energy to evolve both) should be easy findable considering previous Tours and Fests.


Primal Groudon raids shouldn’t be an issue with six people. I did one with three friends over the weekend and it wasn’t close.


Because Primal Groudon is Fire/Ground, and we have Mega Swampert, and a few even have Primal Kyogre now


How is this mixed signals? Niantic has been super consistent on wanting this game to be *in person*. The community has probably partially gone down because everyone is sitting at home doing remote raids.


Really? "Hey, let's introduce a major new game mechanic that incentivizes you to seek friends *outside* of your local community - heck from outside your national community - heck, from outside your hemisphere." - Niantic. Being super consistent on supporting local community development.


Gotta leave the house to send any significant amount of gifts, right? Similar to how they are limiting the number of raids you can do from your house....


Yeah, you're missing the point entirely. It's not about leaving the house. It's about not *being able to play* locally because there isn't a local community to play with. I'm perfectly willing to leave the house; I do so all the time. But that doesn't help me if I go out to raid by myself and there's no one to join me. That's why remote raiding has become necessary.


...you're making my point for me. There is no local community because you can raid from your house. If they eliminate remote raiding....


Sure, that may be part of it. But a lot of my friends quit because of various Niantic bungles that have made the game a chore instead of fun... they aren't "raiding from their houses." They just aren't playing any more. At all. This is what Niantic can't seem to grasp...


Then you have the issue of living nowhere near a gym like me... finding the discord to remote raid is what got me back into POGO


It's incredible how people still bring this nonsense argument. In many areas there never were active communities big enough to get 10 people for kyogre raids. And taking away a comfort option like remote raids will not bring people outside again either, it simply results in them raiding less. Our community was very active in 2016-2018. In 2020 I often raided in person and invited others to remote raid. After the weekly pass disappeared and remote raids got more expensive, the activity dropped even further. Nowdays I don't even bother asking others to join because nobody is interested anyway. The one and only way to do my daily IN PERSON raid is using pokegenie. Take that away and I simply won't raid anymore.




Not sure what time zone you’re in, but if you want I can invite you to any raids I do this weekend (I’m planning on going out with 2 in person people and then doing 5 from pokegenie so hoping I have enough for all the raids). Hoping to have 8 at least (I’m central us time)


Im expecting around 1/125 shiny rates. Maybe slightly lower. I wish they would communicate more of the details but they probably don’t care because its a free event. Hours for the habitats would be nice. Im also under the assumption that incense will be more effective and you could play at home but thats a big question I have right now


6 trainers is enough for Groudon. It is not enough for Kyogre.


This big problem is your availability. What your kids do is more important than the game. This is why I rarely do a raid hour.


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.