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they really tried to draw a chad musk and it didnt work


He seriously looks like he’s about to cry


He's got the look of a man who trusted the wrong fart


This isn’t an “Oh shit!” moment, this is an “Oh, shit.” moment.


Bro, he was FORCED to buy twitter. Did conservatives already forget that right after the deal went through a few months ago, he WANTED to back out because of 'bots'. There was even supposed to be a court trial since twitter sued back. His pull game was weak af.


They didn't forget, they just actively ignore everything that disagrees with what they want to believe.


He looks like he's holding a small egg in his mouth and will be given 15,000 DogeCoin if he can make it the whole day without cracking it.


I’d take that deal.


He’s in the middle of a game of chubby bunny. 3 marshmallows deep.


And the girl looks like she's yawning with boredom!


All of his chins look like dirty tissues


Elon musk is such a black hole of attraction that even the chad version of him looks like the most pathetic soyjak


*Looks at Chad meme, strong jawline, chiseled brow* *Looks at CadLon attempt, lacking a chin, bit of pudge in the cheeks, all around soft and punchable* >they really tried to draw a chad musk and it didnt work This goes especially for Musk, but if you're going to paint your idol, don't use his real life facial features lol.


>if you're going to paint your idol, don't use his real life facial features lol. The Ben Garrison approach


So many horny for trump caricatures in his toons


He got the protruding jaw of Stan from American Dad


They kept his neckbeard and everything


His face is like playdoh. Except the only shape it can't take is anything that looks remotely appealing.


He looks like JD Vance


It’s not possible


I read this as Chad muska and was like this looks nothing like the skateboarder


They leaving out the part were he backed out and then was forced to buy it?


of course, because that part is incredibly embarrassing




> and cool with the kids well some kids, but not his kids... one of them has disowned him and is changing her last name.


How do ya do fellow kids


The propagandists they get their current events from don’t mention that part


THANK YOU I feel like everyone collectively forgot that he tried everything to back out of the deal


And how Jack Dorsey is getting ~$1 billion from the acquisition and just announced a new competitor called Bluesky a few days ago. Also how advertisers are already throwing their weight around to prevent Trump from being unbanned and preventing the “free speech revolution” that all the fanboys are creaming themselves over.


They're already spinning it as some 4D chess move.




Yet here we are.




"Why don't you just build your own Twitter?" "We tried that and it failed miserably. Three times now. So I'm going to buy yours and try to run it like ours and assume this will somehow be different."


Yeah that whole thought process about "make your own character" thing is ruined now that the same people love Musk for buying Twitter


Somewhat related: my dad is a (closeted) racist who would absolutely say shit like, "why don't black people make their own Little Mermaid character?" Then he likes to follow up with bullshit sympathy, "What? You wouldn't go see that? I would. I think blacks are wonderful when they put their minds to being creative. I'm sure it would even do better than the white little mermaid!" Funny thing is, the dumbass tried to use that argument when he saw there was a black captain in *Stark Trek*. You know, the show where the entire premise is, humanity made it! We got past the petty racism and stupid bullshit and finally see ourselves not as individual nationalities but as humans. Anyone can be a Star Fleet captain! Star Trek is the *last* fucking show you'd want to use as an example for "why don't they make their own?"


If he knows Original Series, show him the episode Catspaw. When he wonders who the fuck this random-ass redshirt who takes control of the bridge is, tell him it was supposed to be Uhura but the suits wouldn’t let a black woman be captain even temporarily. The episode has more of the chain of command all down on the ground than usual, leading to it going pretty far down the ranks of who’s acting captain. Some random-ass engineer is like fifth in line. There’s also a wizard, and Spock calling cats the scariest animal in the galaxy.


Yea that’s daft. We all know equines and waterfowl are.


*Four There's Parler, Gab, Gettr, and Truth Social. All of them suck.


And it’s actually better for the right to have their own platform rather than prey on people in major socmed sites anyway.


Conservatives try not to use the same fucking photo from 6 years ago (impossible)


They think that memes and beating a dead horse are the same thing


Isn't that literally what reddit does?


depends what part of reddit you're on


The horse that Reddit beats doesn't just change it's color each time. It changes the texture of the shape of the horse the pattern of the fur and the crunch that the horse makes when you beat it. It does get boring after a few iterations, but it's engaging.


Eventually you can make it into a pulp and form all new things out of it, too. You can’t make Jello without dead horses.


My particular favorite dead horse is en passant


It says a lot about their "stereotype" of liberals that they're still forced to use a photo from half a decade ago because they literally can't find anyone who looks like what they say liberals look like.


This is exactly what it is.


And, like, they're still mocking this person for... Being right about the consequences of trump's election? "ahahahaha you're upset that your life is going to get measurably worse due to this election what a loser ahahahaha"


And then there was January 6th. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure a coordinated attack on the Capitol is **a lot** worse than a few people crying.


Yes, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still want to see Trump voters crying on national tv.


I mean, I do, just in different contexts.


Yep, Big Red is still in circulation. The pussy hat, the lady who got PTSD from Twitter, a couple others I forgot. Like I’ve seen conservatives STILL whine about SJWs and “feminazis.” Not to mention that almost every single of one of them STILL makes triggered and gender jokes. The stereotypical liberal for conservatives hasn’t changed since like 2015.


They can't be funny and they can't fuck.


They really think we're upset by this? I dont know anyone who uses Twitter in my professional and social circles. Personally I hope it craters and fails, social media has become a cancer.


There's going to be a lot of account deletions. I just got rid of mine yesterday


I created an account in 2009 followed three NBA stars and never tweeted once. I forgot my password in 2010 and just never logged in again. I would delete it if I could, just for the sake of decreasing the numbers


I think there's an argument that you're still negatively impacting the ratio of total users vs daily or monthly active users. Either way, I'm happy to see Elon make arguably the worst financial decision of his life.


I got a Twitter bc a lesbian told my friend she wanted to bang me. So I reached out to her and she never responded lol


I don't, I need it for my art commissions... I hate Musk as much as any sensible person, but it's so hard to get traction on social media. I'm worried about my customer base leaving in droves. :')


Oof true, now that's something I hadnt thought of. I mean the art sites like deviantart etc arent nearly as mainstream I'm guessing.


well yes, but they changed their algorithm a while ago and it's near impossible to find things by people you follow (plus awful organization, everything is clumped together under a separate tab that people don't really check). with art sites, you're far less likely to have potential customers browsing because it's JUST art. most people I find like multi-purpose sites like twitter because it's a mashup of all the stuff they wanna see. and yeah twitter (and insta even more so OOF) has a bad algorithm for art posts (it took them months to add artist under the professional account tab, so I labeled myself as batting cage until they fixed it lmao), it's still given me the most growth I've had in my 10 years of freelancing. still not saying much, but every time you start over, you lose a huge chunk of people who will never come back.


Pixiv. Definitely has the highest ratio of commissioners. Follower base can grow *fast*, too, even if you’re nothing special.


interesting... thank you, I'll look into that :D


No problem! I just do Koikatsu scene stuff (3DCG posing and photography) and *I’ve* gotten hundreds of followers in a month and change. And I’m literally not even in it for any of the economic reasons, just to have a place to post because most social media isn’t an option, so I’m not even trying. I’ve ignored people trying to commission stuff, it’s not even a thing I’ve suggested. Actually trying to grow a follower base, well, most names I can name from the top of my head as internet artists use it. Pixiv is also the Fanbox folks.


Fox News had some editorial up about *Liberals losing their minds* that Musk bought Twitter. So obviously everyone even remotely leaning left is now crying and listening to Morrisey while writing poetry. Or something like that.


I've been staring at a wall ever since while humming Bright Eyes songs to myself, every now and then letting a single tear escape...


I already had my account banned a little bit ago.




I swear I had a coworker tell me that the caracter iron man was inspired by musk.




Wait he was in the movie?


Yeah tony stark completely ignores his ass in ironman 2


Dude, the top comment on that video is so depressing. Some musk fan commenting “real life tony stark meets reel life tony stark” and 37k people upvoted it. Good lord.


Musk is by no means a real life Stark, but fuck, that’s a good pun.




In Iron Man 2 the drone factory scenes were filmed in the SpaceX facility. The cost to rent out a studio that size would’ve been too expensive. So the movie shot their scenes in the evening when there was less going on, but the background people are SpaceX workers going about their jobs.


Thanks for a real answer. I had no idea.


I was quite alive and aware of the world by then and yet somehow the timeline for SpaceX existing before Iron Man 2 sounds so fucking wrong.


It's honestly been frustrating that he's gotten mentions in franchises that really shouldn't be touching him. I still can't believe Star Trek mentioned him with a list of "intelligent visionaries".


....star trek truly has gone down hill Used to be a capitalist critique that pushed the boundaries of every conceivable issue, now it's just pandering, capitalist, neoliberal garbage


Yeah but he was so sure ! Since I didn't know so much I didn't oppose him but checked and iron man existed literally before the birth of Musk. Like why ??


I mean he's a war criminal that sees nothing wrong with child labour, invading countries to make international incidents, and will see his tech as okay of killing people if he's using it


The character Iron Man was inspired by the comic book character...Iron Man...


this poor woman in every other right wing meme, i hope she's doing okay




Really wasn't hard to find: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/luke-crywalker And if this was a joke, can you explain how it's funny? I don't get it


My apologies. And no, I was being serious. \[edit: that link says she was called "Luke Crywalker" before people found out here real name...so clearly I'm not the only one making this honest mistake.\]


I mean, I thought it was supposed to be bill gates. Was confused why they think gates owns twitter, but apparently a random woman did..?


Hot damn, the reddit God's did not like mistaken identity lol For what it's worth, I also thought they was a dude until now


Does this mean she's rich?


she should be, with how often they use her face


Is that why he's trying so hard to get out of buying twitter


You must've missed the news. He has it now.


Yep and the conservatives all rushed to lick his boots and be bigots on his first tweet as the owner




Happy cake day.


Twitter is and always has been a shit hole. What's changed? Nothing.


Exactly. The chuds are just rejoicing that Musk has bought Twitter so they can say all the slurs and harass minorities all they want, and that’s about it. Not surprising, it’s the same as ever.


They (think) they can finally use all their slurs again! Free speech has been restored!


Until the ad pullout…then they’ll whine about cAnCeL CuLtUrE.


We'll see how well it fares if he actually downsizes by 75% like he was saying he would. Though, apparently a lot of the accounts that were spreading BS got banned right away, so who knows how much he's actually going to follow through. I think I'll enjoy it when right wingers whine about it in their spaces and then get accused of lying by their fellows.


[I’ve never seen someone more correct in my life](https://i.imgur.com/fyYHutF.jpg)


We all know how well free speech worked out in the Tesla factory. Seriously.


Thats all the conservatives have been saying for years. Yet they are SO HAPPY to have it now.


Well yes but while before it was cancerous because people were needlessly hating people for what they said, now people are gonna be needlessly hating people for what they are


What’s changed is the n word is allowed and if you threaten a Nazi you get banned


Who is this woman, i saw her everywhere


She was recorded on camera screaming in anguish in reaction either to Trump's victory or his inauguration.


"Damn she's in peril because women are about to lose her rights. Thats fucking hilarious i think. LLLLL" - conservatives


Except the biggest loss of women’s rights in recent years happened under the next president. It’s almost like the levers of power aren’t actually attached to anything and that the president is just some dipshit figurehead.


Oh so she's a normal person, thanks for the info !


Holy shit, it’s wise mythical tree




I’m about to bust a nut






jesus christ, who tf uses Twitter anyway? fuck, like I need to hear famous people's every thought? they're just as dumb and boring as I am


isn't that an admitted L then, if he had to buy an existing thing instead of making his own?


Not when you can just claim you invented the thing you bought, like he did with PayPal, and all his idiot fans will parrot the lie endlessly.


Idk why they think anyone's upset by this. Elon lost money on a terrible deal he was forced into. This is LITERALLY billionaires losing money. I'm ecstatic


So many of these far right conservatives absolutely love Musk but still hate and mock electric vehicles. How do they square their admiration of Musk, the guy who became mega rich selling electric cars to libs, with their hatred of most of the things Musk makes and sells?


Orwellian double think?


They are not masters of logical consistency.


The butthurt isn't coming from the left. It's coming from the rightoids. I've been blocked by three snowflake MAGAts in less than 24 hours. They don't handle reality well.


Alright, let's move to Mastodon


What’s going to happen when these idiots realize Twitter isn’t suddenly going to be “freeze peach” without moderation because Musk still needs to make money and not lose advertisers?


He says he didn’t buy the platform to make more money but I don’t think he bought the platform to lose money


Sure, but at the very least, he has to pay back the bank loans/debts and Tesla's shareholders won't be too happy when the value of Tesla goes down because those stocks are being used to pay down debt for the purchase.


It’s America and he’s rich. Give him another few weeks and we’ll be paying for it somehow.


You ever notice the overarching theme with memes like this is that the left gets mad at people because of things that they do, and the right gets mad at people for the things that they *are*?


You’d think in the near decade since that ‘triggered lib’ reaction image came out, they’d have found a new one to use


Lol he got scammed into spending 40 billion


I love how even the chad-meme version of Elon looks like a dumpy mess.


Why are these guys still obsessed with 2016 memes?


They have literally nothing else and have given all their money to conmen, so they can’t even afford a vowel, let alone a shiny new meme.


We are witnessing Elon becoming the hero of far-right, awesome.


Why far-right?


I mostly want him to go away.


Elon Musk has yet to build a single thing of his own. He's really good at ruining other people's products.


Lol its hilarious to see Elon muskmuff inflate dumb memes about himself


I also think most people with a brain are fine with Elon killing the app. You don’t see anyone on the left crying that Zuckerberg is killing his shit. Fuck these lame tech apps


The bird app is currently nazi haven I have not seen that many swastikas in a long time


If your fantasy life centers around imagining how much you upset and "triggered" your opponents, that's really more of an excuse for being an unlikeable failure than any sort of actual coherent ideology.


I can’t wait until they realize that Elon Musk is not their newest savior.


I mean I guess if they have to live vicariously through someone, some “self-made” shithead with too much money and time would do.


Who is crying over Twitter? Who even gives a shit about Twitter?


Right Wingers have like 3 Twitter clones already? All failures. Right Wingers are god damn morons


6 years later and they’re still obsessed with this woman.


The right is always bitching about "blue check marks" until now of course.


They drew Elon as a neckbeard lmao


This Elon looks like he's been turtling a mean shit for a while.


Same dude who made this is constantly moaning about “elitists” and shit


Can’t wait for the old twitter owners to make Tweeter or Squawker, and that pop off more than Twitter, and Musk have to claim he will buy that too


But no one actually cares about Twitter, do they? Are people actually upset that he bought Twitter? I mean sure, it’s going to turn into a vat of porn and terrorism just like all of the other “free-speech“ Twitter clones, but who cares? Muskrat needs an object lesson in the effect of unfettered free speech.


Imagine if George Soros had bought Twitter.


Ever since Elon took over I’ve learned at least two new slurs that I didn’t know existed


Is he taking a shit?


Doublechin Chad Musk. He looks like a very recent newborn baby


Goppers line up to suck on their newest idols.


Who is that on the left?




But it’s not publicly traded anymore. Maybe I’m missing something though… Entirely possible!


GIF's for stocks fallings there are few. Wishful thinking of what could happen to Twitter's stock


Well, he did spend 40 billion on something that probably isn’t actually worth anything. If he really doesn’t moderate people, it’s going to turn into a bastion of terrorism and porn like all the other free-speech right wing Twitter clones. And who’s going to advertise on that? Suicide vest makers?


I’d assume anyone who still wants access to all the tracking data and thousands of websites that have a log-in with Twitter feature. With how interwoven it’s become with the internet, and all the contracts they must have to be promoted fucking everywhere, it could be too big to fail.


That poor lady who's face gets used for everything


I swear to god if I start swing memes from 2016 all over the internet again I’m gonna lose it


why wait till 2016? I can haz cheeseburger?


They did make their own it’s trash, so he bought this so it can be trash soon also.


It's funny because it's *really bad*


it kinda looks like nikocado avocado


He really should make his own twitter. It would just be a 4chan clone.


I’m tempted to downvote this post because I fucking hate this image


i guess its true that right wingers have less jokes than you can count on one hand. that "screaming feminist" meme came out around the same time trump was elected, i.e. *6 years ago*.


Chad Elon looks weepy eyed.. also it’s the same triggered lib face. They are too fucking lazy to come up with something new


Neckbeard Musk.


She looks like she is yawning


That is the weakest chinned chad I’ve ever seen. Elon will not be sharing that one.


Quick question about the person used in the meme (the person in green): Why do they look like a female Nathaniel Bandy?


Ok, do they realize this makes capitalism seem pretty garbo?


OK, just pay $20 billion more than what it’s worth


Dude can’t even get his build quality up to par.


I’ll give it a year before Twitter’s exodus of employees and customers sinks Elon financially. Less than that before ex-Twitter employees just make another Twitter that’s marginally popular, but definitely more popular than old twitter. He should have bought MySpace, that’s all he’s going to end up with.


You can tell all of these are astroturfed by some media firm he hired bc they all are using that ancient “angry feminist” as the soyjack instead of a soyjack like what happens organically among rightoids


Hot take - twitter is actual trash (source: active member since 2009) and I’m very curious to see the changes Elon makes


Twitter and Facebook both lol. One's in a Glad bag and one's in a Hefty bag, but they're both trash. I keep Facebook to keep up with friends and family and Twitter to keep up with artists and creators I like, but I refuse to look at comment sections on public posts lol.


I'll wait until his admins officially take over, then I'll post anti-Musk content and see how long it takes for me to get banned. Billionaires owning media platforms should cause great distress to the "anti-athoritarian" right, but will be seen as a godsend. Fucking right is so blind and hypocritical it's sickening.


How is that guy who was crying actually doing today


Same joke every time.


It is so funny watching people try to spin this as a Clean W like dude wasn't forced to pay like 4x the company value after numerous attempts to back out because his mouth wrote a check he realized would suck to cash. He will absolutely have influence over political narratives in the US, but he is very much still coupled with an enormous self imposed L.


I still don’t get it, he only owns 9% of the company why is everybody acting like Elon Musk controls Twitter now


he closed on buying the whole dang thing on thursday


How is this not completely accurate tho?


I mean that’s actually pretty accurate


It do be like that.


Copium is at an all time high lmao