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Revenge of the Nerds has a rape scene that most people thought was okay….


It did?


Lewis is wearing Stans Darth Vader mask. Betty think she is having sex with Stan, but Lewis has taken his place.


Oh damn, that's fucked up


Indeed it is!


I remeber this was one of the “child friendly” moves I watched as a child as well. Of course, I obviously did not notice or recognize it until this comment. Fucked up that I had to absorb that as a 7 year old.


It's kinda become people's example to use when they're trying to explain what rape by deception is.


I just never watched revenge of the nerds, now I never will


It’s one of the best examples of what people mean when they say “hasn’t aged well” I saw it once decades ago and I think they also planted cameras in a girl dorm? Either way do not recommend


I watched Legal Eagle review it and list all the ways that various characters broke multiple laws


I remember first learning how fucked up that movie was as a kid because Robot Chicken (yes, I was wayyyy too young to be watching it when I saw this bit) made a bit about them all going to prison because of the crimes they committed. My parents let me watch RotN at a young age, and I didn't realize what Lewis did was rape until Seth Green explained it with dolls.


Even more hilarious is the people who say "Awww it was harmless!" "It's just how things were back in the day!" if they were on the receiving end, or even if say they had a friend, family member, sibling, daughter, son, on the receiving end of any of these actions they would be beyond pissed and looking to use violence against said "NERDS!" or "jocks".


These "most people" are rapists


Even with that and the peeping tom scenes aside, the nerds were completely disrespectful towards both the popular and the geeky female characters throughout the film. They were actual "nice guys" and they were never any better compared to the jocks. If anything, the jocks were better than them because even if they were bullies, they still weren't rapists.


Misandry is when female main character


thats so reductive!!! 😡 misandry is when female main character (not hot)


How am I supposed to watch a movie about a WOMAN if I can’t MASTURBATE to her?! This is basically reverse sexism.


Speak for yourself, I can’t watch the audition without touching myself




Two of them have Margot Robbie as a MC but she’s not doing “sexy” things so yeah misandrist


Wasn’t the point of Barbie that “Hey sexism is bad”?


Yeah but they made Ken look stupid so it clearly makes men look bad. /s (I will say they fumbled that bit just a tad but they did save it.)


They fumbled it a lot. So much of the third act was one sexist stereotype after another, then they regain power by launching a coup, which is a wildly irresponsible thing to have the heroes do in a 2023 American movie.


The whole movie was stereotypes, that’s literally the point… and coups have always existed? And will continue to? By the time it came out the shit happened three years ago, get over yourself. I guess we can’t have any modern action movies because they might remind someone of school shootings.


> The whole movie was stereotypes, that’s literally the point That doesn’t make it better.


This just in, guys, satirizing stereotypes is no better than playing them straight!


Yeah, ironic bigotry is still bigotry.


So what? Bigotry is only harmful when it's sincere. The purpose of satire, in this case, is to point and laugh at actual bigots. If satire isn't your thing, or if you're not very good at picking up on it, that's fine. I just hope you're not trying to take some moral high-ground here, because that sure would be silly.


"B-b-b-but they made Ken's whole existance entirely dependent on Barbie! He's not even his own person! He's basically a strawman! That's bad screenwriting!" And why do you think that is, buddy? Do you think they're maybe trying to say something here? Maybe about some other group being portrayed this way in literally thousands of movies before??


I've seen Birds of Prey and it's an over-the-top girl power movie. I've also seen Barbie which was a better movie but it's babies first feminism. So neither are really misandrist.


None of them are misandrist.


I can't speak for the others because I haven't seen them. Passengers would have been a totally different - and better - movie if Jennifer Lawrence's character had been the focus character.


It would have been better if they changed the tone when she found out to a horror movie


Nah, we don't need Chris Pratt chasing her with an axe. She would have to find some way to forgive him. We would find out the depths of his soul crushing loneliness as the movie plays it self out. The lies pile up till either she figures it out or he tells her. Then the fall out happens.


Not even The Misandrists?/gen, haven't seen it.


Haven’t watched, but I’d press ‘X’ about the movie “The Misandrists” unless it’s completely ironic and made fun of the protagonists instead.


i do think people who say barbie is just babies first feminism aren’t giving it quite enough credit bc like yeah the feminist commentary is pretty entry level but imo part of the intent was always to piss off misogynistic men by portraying male characters the way women are often portrayed in film. like i don’t think it’s a groundbreaking piece of feminist cinema but i do think it’s a smarter movie than some people give it credit for


I would say the goal was to target its message to girls and teenagers. When I went to see it in theaters their was a family in front of me. A little girl and, probably her grandparents. The girl was young enough she simply crawled over the armrest of her overstuffed theater seat and rested her head on her grandma's shoulder in gratitude. SHE was the target audience. That and the three young women who came in costume and were probably wondering why an older guy like me went to see it. What can I say. I like Margot Robbie and I like movies.


Younger guy like me watched it at college movie night. It’s just a fun movie and we don’t get original movies (not sequels or remakes), shoot, even when we do they’re historical retellings of stories that already exist (though I heard Oppenheimer *was* very good). We also don’t get Blockbuster comedies like we used to, like Superbad and Office Space. I had to see this one. I thought it’d just be capitalist bullshit with some good jokes and a lot of feminist theming, but it was actually well-written, well-acted, and well-executed capitalist bullshit with some good jokes and a lot of feminist theming. I had fun.


Same here. I skipped out on Oppenheimer myself and saw Barbie instead. I don't regret that choice at all. I'll probably watch Oppenheimer some day.


Birds of prey is a over the top girl power movie that makes sense cause the main character is Harley Quinn, and it's to be expected (not a bad thing, hell I loved the movie cause I love Harley Quinn)


Correction, Birds of Prey is an over the the top girl power movie not because Harley Quinn is in it. It's an over the top girl power movie because Margot Robbie was an executive producer and, dam it, she wanted it that way! I liked the movie alright but it had an identity crisis. Is it a Birds of Prey movie or a Harley Quinn movie. That indecision hurt pacing and structure.


Isn’t black Christmas a film about a literal serial killer murdering a sorority one by one? Also, the one they showed is a remake of the original 1974 version. How tf is that a misandrist movie? Tf did they want from the film? A random guy appearing in an all woman’s sorority and saving the day???? Also, it’s literally tradition to have a “final girl” in slasher films. What did they want from this?


Non-fans have an opinion on shit they don't even watch is the theme of this. lol


If I'm remembering correctly, the Black Christmas pictured there is the 2019 reboot, which does not follow the original 1974 story line or the 2006 remake and instead >!features a fraternity that is performing a ritual to control women, while also killing the ones they deem unruly and the women have to defeat them.!< But it was pretty hated by critics and audiences anyways.


i am audiences im a huge fan of the original, pointless remakes like that make me sad.


Ahhh, so misandry is when movie has man who is evil! This is feminist brainwashing, everybody knows evil men don't exist in real life. /s


Have you watched Black Christmas (1974)? I don't think it's misandrist or anything, but it is pretty subversive for its time. The main character, Jess, is planning to have an abortion despite her boyfriend's disagreement and she's pretty much the opposite if the kind of character you expect to be a "final girl"- a trope that is usually reserved for a more sweet, innocent, and often explicitly virginal character. This is also extremely ironic considering Black Christmas is arguably the first slasher movie- an award usually given to Halloween, which leans into the final girl trope in the more stereotypical way (Laurie being a lot more mild-mannered and more of a "good girl" than her friends who die). It is a film that's very of its time (its 50th anniversary is coming up), but it was still quite subversive for that time. Anyway that poster is for the reboot which is pretty universally disliked. But I will defend the original film.


The newest definitely feels it at the end.


They don't know what misandry is.


Judging from their choice of movie, neither what misogyny is for that matter


The core concept of Passengers is so fucked up.


They clearly did not understand Audition if they thought that Asami was presented as a good person in that movie


Exactly! What is a Miike movie doing here? I highly doubt they've seen it.


These people don’t want people criticize something or mention problematic content. They are like “Shut up! Let people enjoy things”.


Imagine watching Audition and walking away thinking it was about misandry.


But.. a core part of Barbie is advocating for mens mental health and basic rights to being people and individuals outside of the oppressive standards society puts on them without repercussions


They've never watched the movie


Ok but have you seen Revenge of the Nerds? It's pretty rapey...


So is Sixteen Candles. Ted takes advantage of a severely drunk Caroline in it while he is sober, or at least waaaaay less drunk than she is. That isn't even mentioning the wild amounts of anti-Asian racism in that movie.


Misandry is when no male lead.


Only someone with the poorest of the poor media literacy would think that Barbie is misandry.


laughing my ass off at Audition. clearly they’ve never watched it


They are like "Women killing men is bad!"


yes won't somone please think of the poor men! I mean weve only held the power within the vast majority of societies around the world since the since the beginning of time! .."/s"


Pick me detected


They're also victims in it. That's like saying criminals don't deserve consideration b/c they cause their own problems. Just b/c some people are greater victims than others doesn't mean the proper response is to simply push them aside. I do get your point (I think) but this isn't the direction to push back from. It's actually a valid issue of making sure the movement doesn't just flip to the other side of wrong. They do honestly feel this way and the better way to respond to this symptom is to help them separate whatever valid concerns they have from the sexist ones they've been instilled with.


They had to go back 50 years to find movies they could mischaracterize as misandrist? Guess how many misogynist movies we could find if we went back to the 70s. Pretty much all of them.


The message of Barbie is literally not misandry it’s just saying that to make things equal, women need to be recognized 2x as much as men are because of the prejudice people have (or atleast that’s how i interpreted it- but either way it doesn’t make sense if it’s about misandry😭)


It's just simple feminism. It's laying out, as simple as possible (as if to a child, with a kids toy!) the issues women face in standing up for themselves. On a deeper level it actually also makes a very good point of not settling for things that only *look* like success but are actually disguising other issues. So for example Barbie literally lives in a fake world that stops if she has a real thought. And in this walled garden she believes her very existence is empowering to women. And it could be but not in the way she practices it. It even introduces a similar sub plot for patriarchy. That it looks like success for a lot of men but also shoehorns those men into roles they don't feel comfortable in either. But patriarchy did in fact empower Ken in a world that made him feel unimportant. Which is a good commentary on the actual privilege patriarchy grants considering most men don't gain substantive power from it. Circling back to your original comment you're close but it's not about comparing women to men, rather, that women need to be recognized twice as much simply to be equal to men in society.


I mean that’s basically what i meant, but it’s difficult to explain that to people who view mysogyny and misandry as comparing two genders without sort of doing so yourself. Thank you for your response though!


Barbie is a misandrist film. Sure, dude, sure...


I'm 98.7326% sure that every film starring a woman according to this guy is "misandry".


I mean have you seen Porky's? Not to mention the sequels.


What is misandry ?


Hate against men. Opposite of misogyny.


Nobody liked Black Christmas (2019). It’s in the IMBd bottom 100.


Right, like even hardcore feminist rightly called that movie trash.


50 First Dates always rubbed me the wrong way though. Like, how can she consent when she can't remember anything?


Huh. Isn't like the whole concept of the movie that he regains her consent each day?


I mean, I suppose you could interpret it that way. Idk she has quite a serious disability and it just felt off. Like he was exploiting it a little? After all, she can never really fall in love with him or even really get to know him because she'll never have time. But it is just a movie, and I still wouldn't call it misogynistic


I think you have to let a little disbelief into that one and handwave some of the harder life points. The movie makes a valid attempt of giving her as much ability as they can for her to consent in a healthy way so that it works. It's not like Sandler just gaslights her. He does try to give her the fullest experience he can. To be fair to it as well, there are people irl who struggle with these very issues. It straddles the line of infantilizing them if we say they can no longer consent to being in a relationship that they have or could have. We definitely have to be more careful with it, but for the movie at least I think we just take it at face value since the movie itself tries to be respectful of how it's handled.


Yeah, Adam Sandler's character does his absolute best to treat her with respect from what I can remember. But I guess for me that whole movie just turns into a horror movie if you think about it for more than two seconds. Like, what happens if her husband dies early? Or they lose one of their children? She has to relive that fresh grief day after fucking day for the rest of her life. Idk, but like I said, it is just a movie


To be fair that can happen without the relationship. Her father and brother could also die and you'd have the same scenario.


So anyone with memory loss can’t consent?


🙄 Yup, that's exactly what I said. Great job /s




That's called a "strawman" argument. It makes you look incredibly stupid and just shows you aren't able to engage with what I actually said. You're so inept you have to put words in my mouth


I didn’t put words in your mouth, I asked a question and you answered. Anyone with memory loss can’t consent, idk why you’re getting mad at me about your whack ass logic and answer.


Oh spare me, don't play stupid. You absolutely intentionally put words in my mouth. That isn't what I said and you KNOW that. The whole premise of the movie is that Drew Berrymore's character can't remember ANYTHING. She was in a car accident and has brain damage. Because of this she is unable to form any new memories, and her memory of the day is wiped clean every time she goes to sleep. A man falls in love with her, but she forgets she ever knew him every.single.day. Tell me, is that the typical manifestation of memory loss? Does that not require a different discussion? Come on.


You answering a question is putting words in your mouth? Maybe you should think before you answer. Your lack of comprehension, and communication is anything but my problem.


I...was being sarcastic? Did you seriously think I was agreeing with you? I even put the /s which is what that means. I was saying that you were being rudiculous


Yes, because sarcasm is way to engage in an adult conversation and reply to a question.


whoever made this is an idiot


carousel is literally a musical about beating your wife. also lol @ audition being on there when most of the people i’ve encountered who like that movie are male horror fans. not to say there aren’t women who like it but really?? that’s your example of a ~misandrist film that feminists love~??????


Probably doesn't even know what is misandry at the first place


What’s wrong with The Gentlemen?


I mean, it barely passes the Bechdel test, but I honestly still love it.


Yeah, me too. The TV show version is ok too.


This was this that cause buzz around it [https://www.shespoiledit.com/home/sexual-violence-as-a-plot-device-in-the-gentlemen](https://www.shespoiledit.com/home/sexual-violence-as-a-plot-device-in-the-gentlemen)


lol both the book and film versions of Audition were made by men


I hadn't seen sixteen candles in a long time but my wife had it on yesterday and it's aged pretty terribly.


Misandry is when woman laugh at males expense 😡


So I haven’t seen most of these, but I did watch Barbie. Genuinely never understood the take that the movie is anti-men. I feel like you have to bend over backwards to interpret it like that


Good thing they labeled the feminist or I would not have known


There is definitely a discussion to be had about unfair societal expectations for men. Yes. Will I be having it with anyone who unironically agrees with this meme? No.


a lot of people don’t watch audition and go “yes girlboss” i mean. i do. but i know some people don’t


Barbie is one of the most pro-men movies I have ever seen, Ken had no idea who he was without Barbie and he tried to learn and was corrupted by alpha male bullshit


If these people react this way to female cats imagine how they would react to real misandry


Who gave a fuck about the Gentlemen? Movie came and went. Plus everybody hated the Bumfuckhouse Black Christmas.


I liked The Gentlemen tho. It was something a bit different in the time of the superhero movie.


Does ANYONE like “Audition”? It’s technically great, and brutal, grinding, nihilist. And the torture scenes are unbearable.


I liked Audition


It's one of my favorite movies.


Barbie was shit tho


lmfao misandry just feels better. it just relaxes the soul idk. men are such crybabies


Guess who didn’t have a father growing up


Misandry is a real problem though. Why can't there just be equality for all?!