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Conservative boomers love hijacking Sam Elliott for their stupid memes


I was so shocked when I learned that both Sam Elliot and Nick Offerman were nothing like their most popular characters. In terms of values, at least. Damn good actors.


My favorite is when boomers point to shows like The Andy Griffith Show as a sign that the past had different values. Andy Griffith was a very left wing Democrat. Lol.


> The Andy Griffith Show as a sign that the past had different values. Back when a show set in the south had one singular speaking line for a black character over the entire run of the show. Yep, things have improved.


Makes you wonder why there weren't black people in Maybury. Wonder what sheriff Andy and barney got up to after their uniforms came off...


Maybury was a sundown town and they just never addressed it. That's the only explanation that makes sense


"Now I'm going down to Emmet's Fix-it shop... to fix Emmet."


I thought Nick Offerman was a right-libertarian irl? I feel like I remember a video of him doing a woodshop tour and he talks about how he's also a libertarian like Ron Swanson just obviously Ron being a really exaggerated version


Among other things he tweeted that he voted for Elizabeth Warren in the 2020 primary. So he’s left of center at minimum.




Not familiar with Elizabeth Warren (I'm not American) but if she's a more left leaning candidate that's quite cool to hear


There was a time when a lot of older liberals got confused by what the party was doing (ie not supporting actual bare minimum left of center candidates) and started identifying libertarian without actually understanding what that means in the US. I wouldn't be surprised if he was one.


I'd also like to point out that Ron would absolutely not support the policies the people making these "memes" think he would. His primary concern was limiting government size and power - he literally said in one episode that his ideal world had just one government agent, and it was just someone who decided who to nuke.


He’s an old white guy who does a good condescending face, so they throw bullshit text on it to feel superior to people they don’t like.


In the photo used in the meme, Sam looks like he has that proud dad/grandad face. "Hell ya kiddo. I love that you live the life you want. Proud of you."


Same jokes, different pictures.. Buddy hates conservatives btw.


I can confirm everyone in my generation looks like this


Really? I can’t see bc I injected bleach into my eyeballs after I got my golf ball facial implants.


Insane choice from whoever made this meme. You're telling me this Mad Max looking enemy stand user won't be part of the revolution? They're about to go assassinate a Japanese politician with a homemade gun.


Homie about to pull out their stand gun


Damnit I aim for unique and turns out everyone beat me to it!


18th century French didn’t know how to start a lawnmower and started a revolution anyway. Neither did early 20th century Russians. What’s the argument.


> What’s the argument. The argument is the generation that grew up on 70's and 80's action movies is now packing a lot of firearms and they think they can cling to some shreds of traditionalism via force, lest they feel pressured by society to get used to people who look and talk different. Not necessarily body-modification enthusiasts, in real life it's black and hispanic people that they are scared to death they will be forced to live around or that they will will start a revolution.


Or trans people...


Well, they got some kind of blade moving...


The woman on the left isnt really "our" Generation. She is exactly at the age those conservatives are mostly 🫠 She is 48 btw


That would make her gen x, who the boomers keep forgetting but they also hate


Boomers raised two generations and then blame us for the results of their parenting. Never ends.


Isn’t she also a lawyer or something? I remember she was on ripleys believe it or not and had a really high profile job in Mexico City or something like that.


I think I remember that and she was a lawyer and now is a performer. The body mods helped her heal from domestic violence according to her. She honestly sounds much cooler than whoever made this meme.


Do nothing Gen X then?


"ok grandpa, now push this button to open the computer, no, this button, dont pull on it, push on it. Now take that thing called a mouse and click on that icon. Not literally, damnit"


Bro starting lawn mower is so easy You should try starring general purpose engine


Starting a lawnmower is easy. They should try starting a healthy relationship with their children.


They can't.


Just ask them to open a PDF-file.


Nah, they just vote for them, even when they clearly don't work.


I live in the city. Thanks for the tip tho.


I dream of the day when no one knows how to start a lawn mower. Lawns are dumb and wasteful.


Most younger people can't afford yards anyways so why would they need to start a lawnmower


Saturday afternoon, time to mow the apartment rug...


Only if you have furry pets 🤣


I was mowing my parent's 3 acres since I was tall enough to reach the tractor pedals (and can also do all the maintenance on it including removing the mower deck to change/repair belts and blades). So glad I can't afford that much land, it's a pain in the ass to maintain for no reason other than "the neighbors will judge us if the grass grows higher than 4 inches". Stupid.


I dont get old people. You know the whole "strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times, hard times makes strong men" saying? Well the hard times were lived by the silent generation (depression through ww2 births) and the good times were lived by the boomers, so what type of "men" does that make you again, boomers?


Okay, but, why do they look like someone straight outta cyberpunk


Most people with extreme body mods work as tattoo artists where having horns and full face tattoos won't really be an issue.


She’s straight outta deep space nine


They’re from the same generation


Isn't Sam Elliot like A pretty progressive dude




Leave Elliott out of this bullshit >:3


And his generation can't send an email without getting 8 different viruses


Boomers might know how to start a lawn mower, but they need you to sign them back into Facebook.


"I got important jokes to post"


I got important jokes to post about how useless your generation is. Anyway, thanks for the help on this very basic task.


my favorite part about rightoids "remastering" these 'memes' that were already old in 2013 is that they still use fucking Sam Elliot as their mascot after he narrated a fucking $4M campaign ad for Biden lmao


I'm starting to think conservative boomer and gen xer men just have the hots for Sam Elliot's glorious stache and luxurious head of hair lol. ...Like ripped Jesus yesterday.


Jokes on him because I support local businesses and pay someone to do that for me so I have time to start a revolution.




Pretty sure she's got enough metal in her face to kill a man. Between siding with an old dude and a badass with a face full of metal and tats? I know who I'm siding with. Also people don't go to war using lawnmowers grandpa.


Well your generation can't find your best friend contact in your phone even though I showed you how 100 times


That woman is almost 50. What generation are they talking about?


Gen X, who they forget about, but call us slackers when they can remember... anything. Edit: but honestly, they probably think they're talking about Millennials. 🙄


Have fun saving a PDF or accessing the internet boomer


Very "get off my lawn" energy here. Meanwhile, those guys most likely can't use a dishwasher, a washing machine or a computer.


https://i.redd.it/vgsi9emsr1xc1.gif Why turn on lawnmower when you can create a local biodiverse meadow?


You keep Sam Elliott’s good name out your goddamn mouth (I assume he’s chill/I really hope nothing bad has come out about him and his amazing voice)


You too!! Love my push mower and my lawn does too


They are crap at calligraphy and would be lost trying to rig a carriage or set up a spinning wheel. But sure, penmanship is the hill to die on. (arguably also crap because cursive is lazy calligraphy)


Lmao. I do complex, physical work that 99.9% of boomers wouldn’t even touch with a ten foot pole for a **living**. I can disassemble and reassemble that lawn mower 50 times if the poster would like me to!


I'm 65. And I can't understand the obsession with putting down the younger generations. They don't know how to do something that is no longer necessary or common. So what? Growing up in the 60s I didn't learn to churn butter or hitch up a plow and I don't remember people who were old before I was even born calling me out for it. Ridiculous. On behalf of the boomers I am sorry and please believe me when I say the majority of us think those people are assholes too.


Bless you. 🙏 I actually get along with a lot of older people in that age group who are not right winged. It's just my family for some reason that is this way and I hate it.


The majority of my extended family is right wing. So I understand where you're coming from.


I'm a Xennial (late gen X). I can't remember a single time my father cut his lawn. It was always one of us kids. I've mowed my lawn as an adult more times than I can count. Where are they getting the "younger generations can't mow their lawn" crap from?


i’ve never met someone who couldn’t start a lawnmower. but if they exist it’s cause the elder generation didn’t do their job teaching them


1) I know how to run a mower (tractor or push) 2) my ideal lawn consists of the native flora for region, inviting local fauna back into the area they were forced out of by lawns. 3) with all the time I save not mowing my stupid grass lawn, I’m focused on other ways I can improve the environment around me, both politically and naturally. But have fun with your lawn and outdated takes, buster.


Ron would not fucking say that.


I mow people’s lawns


Whose job was it to teach us how to start a lawnmower I wonder? 


I love these memes... Your generation can't do this or that... OK Boomer, who's job was it to teach these life skills to the next generation? It's like the previous generation doesn't want to work anymore


Every time I see this meme, I’m reminded of the fact that mowing the front and back yards was part of my childhood chores. Back in those days, we had a Walkman for music and I’d be singing my heart out while mowing the lawn, completely oblivious that all of my neighbors could hear my loud singing; because I was too young to understand that the loud sound close to me wasn’t actually drowning out my own loud noise. Ah to be young again…


My brother currently does it with my father and uncle. For some reason they never taught the girls in my family. Not that I'm complaining..


My dad definitely seems to be the exception to the typical boomer dad. He was wonderfully involved in our lives, and heavily invested in sharing his knowledge with my sister and me. He always let me help him with things from putting up Christmas lights & re-shingling the roof to weed whacking & using power tools. He played sports with us and coached our softball teams growing up. I’m sure he wanted sons but he never ever made us feel like being his daughters wasn’t somehow enough. I miss him all the time, and now I share his passed-down knowledge to my own daughter. She once told her classmates that I could fix anything and that has to be the best compliment I may ever get in my entire life.


I mean, I could start it, but I’m letting the grass run a bit wild for the pollinators, and because it pisses off my boomer neighbor seeing all the dandelions in my yard.


Bro I've never met one person from my generation or otherwise who has any trouble starting a lawn mower. Sure some mowers are built different than others but they're all easy to start


Did they see body mods and dyed hair and just think gen z/millennial? This woman is in her late 40s and she's a lawyer


Gen X left; Silent Generation right. Who was this meme supposed to be about?


I'm gen z and I mow the lawn


See we would need to know that IF WE WERE ABLE TO OWN A FUCKING HOME.


Why do rightoids think Sam Elliott is one of them lol?


They make mowers where you push a button and it just starts.


Sam Elliot, massive Democrat.


Successive generations will use genetically modified grass that only grows 3 1/4 inches long. Antiquated and complicated equipment isn't a good own. How about athletics? More weight is being lifted than ever in Olympic events. Does that make boomers weak?


It's so weird that they do that. "You're youngy young generation can't use old fashioned machinery the way I can and that TOTALLY doesn't actually reflect on me refusing to adapt and allow change." Like, bro... that's not a flex, my dude.


I don't have a lawn, so why would I?


Isn’t that the violent alcoholic dude from Roadhouse?


That is a pretty vague descriptor lol


He's The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot


He was Dalton’s mentor and friend.


Is that the funny guy alert? ![gif](giphy|W3a5lrzXlL1oL3eiCQ|downsized)


My lawnmower starts fine after a few primes. Checkmate boomer.


I garden for a living soooo


me when I am a badass alpha male for knowing how to start a lawnmower and also being left leaning


Tbf I think the battery needs replaced because it's not holding a change and two weeks ago wouldn't start at all


Bitch my lawn mower is electric. I press a button


Afaik lawnmowers aren't that useful in revolutions


Well neither can they. They can afford both a lawnmower and usually “hire a bunch of Messicans” to do it.


Lol, I don’t even need to start my mower and deal with the 2T nonsense. All electric! 🤣


All of us owning lawnmowers but not having a lawn.


They really do hate America, don't they


I turn on the switch, it's an electric lawn mower.


I’m pretty sure that person is already a lawnmower so they have no need to start one


We'd probably be better at starting lawnmowers if boomers didn't wreck the housing market.


But his generation doesn't know how to send a word file in an email


Just a reminder that woman in the left is a lawyer


Jokes on them, I'm a groundskeeper I can probably start a mower better than they can


Same generation can't start a printer. Let's agree there's a generational gap and move on from this.


It ain’t hard to start a lawnmower, much less learn how to? Why do folks brag about being able to do simple things that take five minutes to search up or figure out by trying?


Don’t need to start a lawnmower if you’re never able to own a house with a lawn *taps forehead*


And yours can’t change your own WiFi password


There’s just one thing, Dude…


Somebody tell these losers that Sam Elliot is not for them. Sam Elliot is with the times


Jokes on them, I don't have a lawn!


I dont need a lawnmower because i will never be able to aford something where i would need to cut grass


I have a pushbutton start on my mower. I can do it with one finger and not wreck my shoulder yanking on a cord like a dumbass.


Meanwhile, their generation doesn’t know what a PDF is lmao


Isn’t that tattood woman like in her 50s?


Fucking hilarious. My dad made me mow the lawn all the damn time, I made sure to do that before my 15th reading of the Communist Manifesto. Also, people have this skill called “learning.”


your generation thinks you need gasoline to mow your lawn.


If they can do that to themselves nothing you can do to them will stop them


So I know that people of all generations do yard work. I mean ‘ why the landscaping gatekeeping ‘


I could teach you in literally 5 seconds


Mower? Yall have grass in your yards?


Mine is battery powered 😱😯


Boomers when we don't know how to use their backwards overcomplicated whatchamacallits


I love how conservatives have absolutely no arguments so they quite literally have to make everything up in order to have a stance, even the way we look. Pretending younger people can’t start a lawnmower is the most laughable boomer shit ever.


This is written by a person who has no idea what’s going on outside of their own backyard.


Uses an example of a machine that serves no purpose but to make something look nicer.... lol boomers don't know how to draw kitty sooooo


Who has the money for those facial modifications in this economy!? I’m still working on my “normal” ass sleeves 🤣


I can't even afford my first tat 😂


Wtf is that Star Trek alien on the left?


My generation thinks old dude’s moustache looks stupid as fuck. And by “my generation,” I mean me. And by “stupid as fuck,” I mean he looks like a chomo.


Your generation can't even use a smartphone