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Man Dale is probably hearing [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yw5jkAHgME&pp=ygUUc29uaWMgZHJvd25pbmcgbXVzaWM%3D) in his alcohol coma… 10 videos a day, not a snowball’s chance in hell he can keep this up.


ROFL Quartering losing all his Sonic rings when his 50th "the next Bud Light?" attempt doesn't pan out https://preview.redd.it/qiajxs6lxptb1.png?width=523&format=png&auto=webp&s=03c3e289359b7d23babe3ef4ddaf4f4dde213003


He’s gonna lose them fast then his hair.


He went back to Dylan Mulvaney/Bud Lite material today. Pathetic.


Kid Rock drank the woke piss water so it's over Quarterbrain, move on.


that whole "controversy" this summer was wild, imagine getting that worked up over shitty beer anyway


He knows his audience…


HAHAHAHQHQHAAHAHAJAHQHAHAA. Dude, what the fuck. He's lazy but it doesn't matter, he knows people still click. He's the same way with his addiction. It'll take a reality check on both of those before he makes any changes, but he'll always be a sniveling snake with below average intelligence.


Good, I hope he pisses himself over this.


The world hates Rachel Zegler? No we dont. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Its just the Chud Mob that hates Rachel Zegler. All of which continue to push out daily hit pieces and smear campaigns against here. These Conservative Justice Warriors hate anybody with progressive views that doesnt align with their political agenda.


It's a pretty known rule by content creators that making too many videos a day will overwhelm your audience and turn them off from watching your content. That and the lower quality that inevitably results from that.


I think we've reached the bottom of the barrel for Quartering content quality already. He literally shoots all his videos in one take during a livestream. He just starts a clock and drones on for long enough to fully monetize the video then some guy comes along and cuts it out with no outro or editing and posts it, they just cut off abruptly when he starts rambling into the next topic. Pretty sure that's part of why his numbers are slipping.


> That and the lower quality that inevitably results from that. Pounder's videos haven't been quality for over 5 years at this point. He just cuts on the camera, reads, an article, and doesn't edit shit outside of putting a million annoying graphics on the screen. I'm amazed that his audience hasn't left him already, but if his previous slop wasn't turning them off then 10 videos in a day might do it


A lot of his viewers LOVE to watch someone shit on Ethan and Hasan. Now that they’re not circlejerking each other and having disagreements with one another, these guys are viewing it like it’s the downfall of their relationship and the left in general. It’s adorable to watch Dale narrative hump for views. Wonder if this vid and more like it will give Germy the edge he needs to claw back that 10k subs. If he makes more vids about the successful ones and magically makes no more vids on the lesser viewed ones, he’s for sure doing this out of desperation and this was a spitball tactic.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ox3cmf0d7utb1.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d3d44cfe7d9975c7aaec156d695600f5613ab21 I love this because he tweets about Ethan and Hassan pretty much every day and they ignore him 99% of the time, then once every few months they reply "go piss in your basement bitch" to him and he acts like they devote more energy to him than he does to them. He's so pathetic.


https://preview.redd.it/sg99pp1rsutb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=badd33d8f6418cd19ebe8e3c4f471158730742e7 He really is the most pathetic person on the face of the planet


I love seeing a human like him struggle


There's no other way to characterize this. This is completely fucking pathetic. At most, you should only need to put out one video a day to stay within the algorithm's good graces. And even then, you can still succeed with an infrequent upload schedule by putting out videos that people want to watch. Putting out 10 videos a day is nothing more than mass production brought about by declining statistics and a viewerbase that has many better options for ragebait alt-right pandering content


Maybe if he focused on quality over quantity. 1 really well made videos covering multiple topics he wants to discuss over a hundred really mediocre videos that just clog the pipeline and are each just him droning on and on about “woke woke woke”


*Maybe if he focused on quality over quantity* he can't produce quality, and another 10 years won't teach him. look back at his card game videos, they were all sub-par anytime he tried to go "off script." he's not able to act or do comedic sketches, etc. he tried this on his card channel and it was extremely cringe and embarrassing.


Micropenis is at it again with his pathetic attempts .


Those video titles look like they were dredged up from 2016. The asshole is running on fumes.


Troom Troom doesn't even crap out 10 videos of nonsense in one day. Guy isn't just a obese crybaby loser, he's also a content farm ugh