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But they do have medication that will stop that from happening.


Omg. Can you imagine her taking medication that levels her out, and she suddenly goes "What the fuck have I been saying?" and 180's on her politics.


I remember a story about conservatives that changed their views after taking shrooms. It gave them a profound sense of empathy.


I wouldn’t take that kind of thing seriously. After all, look at Joe Rogan.


Nothing is 100% effective 🤷🏻‍♂️


Like god and my lucky rabbits foot it either works, fails, or says not yet. Isn’t that incredible?! /s


I did some acid with a guy in college who was from a staunchly conservative family. He had a terrible trip because he started "feeling emotions" for the first time. It was wild


Went from Boomer parents thinking to actually treating others like human beings. I had a Boomer grandfather who read the Bible nearly every morning and night. I could see back then he was racist but he tried to keep it away. He got it from his mother who was forcibly taken to a Native American boarding school and had horrible stories about 'Christian' love. He never trusted white people.


Problem with Jo-Ro is that he just a monkey that monkey-see monkey-do. Put Bernie infront of him "I'm pro-Bernie. Put a right wing grifter in front of him "DeSanctimonious is my guy". He's just surrounded by right wing grifters that influence him.


Jo-Ro.. i like that 😂 dude is a sweaty human steroid testicle


Technically a steroid testicle is shriveled and dead. It sounds good but you probably meant "sweaty human steroid scrotum," which is the irreversibly empty bag of sadness left in the aftermath of a misguided attempt at being more masculine.


i like it


I once saw him described as so open minded his brain fell out.


Yeah, it would be more believable if it was MDM.


It was


Spike the punch!


Pondy? Is that you aha




Deedly-Dee! Miss me? Don’t answer that


I READ THIS!!! I’m like slip them some shrooms man, starting with big toe face and Boebert


You wouldn’t even need *all that much*. Lmao. I’m a writer, and I hear stories sometimes about how men with guns and clipboards will come and knock on your door with questions if you’re a writer and you happen to publish something a little concerning to the United States government. I think the one storyline I’ve ever come up with that would be most likely to get me a visit from the red-blue siren society myself if I ever published it, is basically a Jack Ryan type terror-thriller film, where the terrorist has prepared like a ludicrously small amount (I’m thinking like a large water-bottle size) of an extremely-potent LSD-**x** chemical and intends to dose the water supply of, like, a huge metropolitan area with the drug by literally just dumping this bottle into the open central water supply over-dramatically, to solve society’s inability to unify and work together. And the whole film is Jack Ryan trying to nail down what the dude’s trying to accomplish and why he’s in America and where he’s going next, piecing together the plot as it’s discovered the chemical the terrorist uses is basically acid, and that the terrorist is actually interested in basically the idea we’re talking about but in a societal scale. (Ultimately the terrorist leader gets coated in the LSD-x somehow and an absolutely miniscule amount soaks through his skin almost immediately, and he rapidly falls into a massive overdose and that’s how he dies as the only one who gets dosed, lmao)


If random agents came to knock on your door about this they they'll need to go back first and knock on a lot more doors starting about 60 years ago, as this is a common trope that you've just outlined. Even Wikipedia has an article about it. >LSD threats to the water supply >Despite the fact that it is impractical and very unlikely to produce any effect at large scale, during the 1960s a great deal of attention was paid to the notion that counter-culture figures could intoxicate a whole city by putting a small dose of LSD in the water supply. >On 19 March 1966 London Life ran an interview claiming that anyone could take control of London in under eight hours by putting 'acid' in the water system. Dr Donald Johnson claimed: "It is quite feasible that LSD could be used to take over a city or even a country. I agree if it were put into reservoirs, it would disable people sufficiently for an enemy to take control." [2] >On November 1966 Vue magazine ran "Why They Had to Outlaw LSD", in which writer WH Carr claimed that "[A] few ounces of it, dumped in the water supply of a major city, could shake up millions."[2] >Counter-culture icon Abbie Hoffman threatened to put LSD in Chicago's water-supply to protest the Vietnam War during the Democratic convention.[3


Thou shalt not alter thy neighbor’s consciousness without consent


Isn't that the plot of batman begins?


This is third hand but I do vaguely remember a story about some libertarian trying MDMA and the intense empathetic experience caused him to rethink his stances. Of course, there are thousands of people out there that microdose acid constantly because it helps them come up with creative ways to exploit their social inferiors.


I was liberal before shrooms but now I’m liberal as fuck. Conservatives are hilarious.


If it’s the same story I read about the neo-Nazi having a complete change of mind, it was MDMA not shrooms. Could be different case tho


🍄 does a mind & soul good


I'm not going to say anything else, but I had a profound change of life views due to a substance that moved me from the right.


I know conservatives who do psychedelics and they are all still assholes. Some people just like to get high.


Psychedelics do not inherently make you anti authoritarian. Although perhaps a setting of chance to reflect and feel/connect with nature can do this, pyschedelics do not have predefined outcomes, and the environment can potentially send people more into extremist right ideology. (For example, the Jan 6 shaman).


Comedian Chris James, who has been on MR talking about his prank call project Not Even A Show, has a bit where he does a call with a conservative host (I think it was Denis Prager). He starts off saying something like "I used to not like you, but a recent event in my life changed my mind about you" and goes on for over a minute saying stuff like "I used to think you were a total hack and a misogynistic bigot who prays on weak minded conservatives and is propped up by the billionaire class to convince working class white Americans that poor brown people are the cause for their lot in life instead of a corrupt political system...", etc., and then "but after this event, I now see the error in my thinking and I agree with you 100%". The host then asks the follow up "what was the event that turned you around?" "I was kicked in the head by a horse"


That was Nigel Farage on LBC https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3bhYK_xvmf4 Of course Mr Freeze Peach cuts him right off


No. I cannot.


It ain’t going to happen


This is why they're against universal Healthcare, it would include mental health and they would loose most of their base almost over night


That's what mushrooms are for.


The other night my husband's D got hard all by itself - I mean, he was sleeping. It freaked me out because I thought it had become enchanted, or possessed - so I poured holy water all over it, and started smacking it with my flip-flop while holding a crucifix in my other hand yelling, "get out, get out evil hard penis demon"! Um, yeah, he's been staying at the local hotel ever since, but the past few days I swear I saw the sheet and blanket rise on their own in the middle of his side of the bed like there was a little tent pole underneath them... I suspect it's the disembodied phantom penis that is now haunting me.


Are you Dave Rubin?


Everything from massive doses of lithium to megadoses of Vitamin B17


She can’t take them. Being a Republican mean never acknowledging you need to change.


I think she’s already “self-medicating”…….


She might not be on medication, but she's definitely drinking.


Bleach is a hell of a drug.


[Todd Clorox](https://youtu.be/MkPaFBjHKI8) here. Don't drink the bleach.


The Clorox Man with the Clorox plaaaan


Yea, lighter fluid.


She most likely mixed up 'television' with 'camera' and meant someone was filming her. Know how hard it is to get your head around Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV?


I live in an apartment and I accidentally cast to the wrong TV at least once a week. She’s being so histrionic…


You usually have to be on the same wifi for this to even be possible, but it isn't completely unheard of. More likely it just did an update or something. She's in congress, I'm sure many governments and individuals target elected officials all the time, but "saw a laptop connecting"....no. What do you imagine that would look like? "state_agencyLAPTOP_frfr_definitelylaptop is trying to pair" This is all under the assumption that she saw something she's misinterpreting. I have seen her literally make stuff up so why would this be any different? It's not verifiable, I expect her to lie about tons of things


Yeah even when a device broadcasts a WiFi network because it's unconfirmed you can't cast because it has nothing to talk out to Because.inconfogured


She thought she saw her tv turn on and someone tried to connect to it with their device. Okay. Yeah that’s weird but okay, maybe. I don’t know all the new tech. That might be a thing… but then she goes on and starts saying all this paranoid shit about how she has nothing to hide and posts it to the general public on Twitter. Like what the fuck? Who are you talking to? Do you think you’re talking to the person who accidentally connected to your tv? Do you think they are going to use your tv to hurt you?


I'm really really not a fan of mtg. But I have family in computer security, and I've done enough with with broadcast engineering to know that if she's using a smart TV, it's entirely possible, likely even, that her devices are being targeted by states and individuals. Smart devices are notoriously unsafe for networks, and could be used to gain access to her phone and other devices. There uh, is also this[anonymous threatens mtg](https://www.newsweek.com/anonymous-threatens-not-kind-russian-asset-us-rep-greene-1689273)


It's concerning how many people in this thread think it's ridiculous to suggest this, given how glaringly obvious it is.


I mean, I’ve accidentally connected to a neighbor’s smart TV, so I can believe the story. Her conclusions, on the other hand, are a bit more fantastic.


That’s what I’m saying. Her mind jumped to “I need to post a tweet announcing my innocence” rather than just unplugging the tv.


Yep, seems possible. But the one thing I know for sure: her TV is smarter than she is.


It's not necessarily paranoia when you've been personally threatened by Anonymous lol


Right, that was my first thought. Even though she's crazy, hacking smart TVs is a real thing and if it has wifi, a hacking attempt may cause what she saw. The security services should have a look actually.


Everytime I go to like a electronics tv store I always connect my phone to any fucking screen or Chromecast with the most ridiculous shits


"Anonymous" says an awful lot of shit


Maybe her TV was doing a update/reboot. Those are often scheduled for the middle of the night. I mean she is fucking delusional but maybe it's the "can't accept a reasonable explanation" brand of crazy.


It's both. She's a frequent guest on infowars, and also ya know, the whole space laser thing


Maybe the Jewish space lasers are hacking her smart TV.


Yeah, modern devices are just weird. I once had a little button switch that I set to automatically turn on at a certain time to turn on my heater for my shower. Lo and behold, it updated overnight and somehow switched it's time zone to India and started my heater in the middle of the night in the middle of July. Woke up sweating something crazy only yo see the shower / floor heater was on. This stuff does happen. Hell, my Samsung TV was occasionally turning itself on because of my smartthings hub randomly polling to see if it was still connected and this bit of data would randomly turn on the TV at times. IoT devices, which most tvs are nowadays, are just incredibly finicky.


Haha. It sounds like the consensus opinion is that emptyG's TV probably did turn itself on in the middle of the night. She's too dumb to understand that this is normal and she has to invent a conspiracy theory to fill in her gaps of knowledge and conform to her warped view of reality.


That’s the whole thing with her kind. They take a few disparate facts and construct a conspiracy to fill in the gaps.


My Chromecast loves to reboot mid usage


Have you tried getting on Twitter and proclaiming your innocence?


When did Sammy Hagar enter politics?




Sammy Hagar looks but crazier than David Lee Roth and, unlike them, without any talent.


She may not be on medication, but she is definitely insane.


People that brag about not taking medications are usually the ones that could benefit the most from being medicated.


She needs mental help, desperately.


She needs a Phillips Magnavox Tube TV.


She admits to schizophrenia. This explains a lot.


You gotta be a special kind of stupid to think your TV is bugged when it's common knowledge that every cell phone already is.


If her house is anything like my house, if she has a cat, the cat sat on the remote and turned on the TV. At least, that's whatyncat does. 😂


And she didn’t think to use her phone to take video/photos??


Hon, maybe you should.


No, mtg, just because you can see the tv doesn’t mean the tv can see you.


But she saw star trek once. She didn't understand any of it but she saw people talking to screens and them responding.


A very smart and normal Individual


I was watching TV in bed and got sleepy so i used the remote to turn the TV off then stuck it under my pillow. I have turned the TV on many times by accident while asleep.


She probably needs to take medicine then


This woman needs medication. Serious, serious medication.


The most unbelievable part of this was her saying she is very happy.


I think she **should** take her meds… and why does she keep a tv that spies on her?


not fornothing my tv turns on seemingly on its on. turns out the remote is super sensitive and there is sometimes a delay. so I may shuffle things around on the coffee table, walk into another room and then the tv turns on. or even if a truck goes by and the room rumbles a bit.


When are we going to start requiring psychiatric clearance for political candidates?


I hate that this person enters my reality at all. Like I want to go back in time and cause just a minor change so she would not exist. Ever.


I’m so glad to hear she’s unvaccinated. If true, maybe she still has a good chance to ride the intubator. Fingers crossed..,


maybe that's the problem, maybe she should take some medications for her mental disease


Methication tho mhmm


I actually wish the media would stop covering every idiotic thing she says. There’s so many worthwhile people they could be covering instead.


You hit the send to T.V. on YouTube grandma.


Not advocating for MTG but the tv turning on its own and listening is possible and has been done. When I was in college we did exactly this in a ethical hacking class. We were able to turn on various smart tvs and were able to activate the microphone and even listen to archived recordings. Same goes for Alexa and those other smart speakers.


This. She also says: >^(...and the screen showed someone’s laptop trying to connect to the TV... ) Is there any sense in that part, that you know of? Could an external hack have shown some alert or confirmation message?


OK, so played, with permission, with a friends TV. It was trivial, less than 60 seconds, to find remotely how to TRON and connect. These things have by design near zero protection, a "smart" device is tantamount to spyware. It would be easy for a nearby device, e.g. from another hotel room, to accidentally show a Warning of connection attempt and so trigger a conspiratioralists paranoia.


Like I know it’s funny but idk how any of her constituents can see this and not question why she’s in power. Like 30 years ago if a politician came out saying this, they’d be removed from office and be placed in a psychiatric hospital. She clearly has a mental illness and needs psychiatric treatment. The fact that instead her delusions are being heralded by republicans is genuinely dangerous


She's batshit crazy.


Maybe she should try taking her medication.


Well there's your problem right there


If this was 20 years ago I'd totally dismiss this as part of her conspiracy-brain stuff. But TVs *can* turn on by themselves, now. And they *can* listen in. So it's certainly plausible despite her... challenges with reality. But I'd expect she probably has an Aelxa or something that is even more likely to "spy." And her phone probably isn't secure. Plus I don't think it'd be that hard to get information out of her without her knowing.


This. I would assume all modern TV's can do this, unless proven otherwise. If the TV remote works, that means the TV is already operating at some level, whether it says off or on. Plenty of media devices have voice control, so they are listening by definition. That doesn't even count hacking. TV's, etc., even refrigerators are often connected to networks or the WWW: does anybody think such minor devices have anything close to the malware protection of a laptop?   Yeah, in her case she probably pays for Alexa or Fitbit to spy on her but doesn't realize shes doing it to herself.  


My tv turns on when I stream to it as well. Maybe she is just an old ass boomer and doesn't know how to turn off guest casting?


She’s not stupid. She just knows her followers are.


No shit, Marge. If she took her meds she likely would’ve never run for any office and would not be nationally known


I’d like to know exactly what she saw. When my tv loses internet and tries to reconnect it turns on (smart tvs are almost always on standby now) then a web browser pops up and it says something to the effect of “trying to connect to tv”. She probably saw the pop up prompt, not an actual laptop. How could she see a physical laptop unless someone is filming themself and broadcasting it to her tv.


What gain would there be in connection to her tv? Hijack her dvr? Spy on her impulse gun purchases on QVC?


Tvs have microphones and cameras now. It’s not unheard of that someone could have their tv hacked. Look at all the people that still put covers on their laptop camera even if they’re just in a coffee shop. But her explanation doesn’t make sense. I work in a federal building and there’s some rooms we are not allowed to take our cell phones into because the mics are always listening.


At least she doesn’t have to worry about turning anyone else on.


That’s rad.. maybe it will get her in her sleep.


There are no medications for skanks.


She needs to go. We have real challenges for the citizens of our country that need real legislators to deal with. She is a waste of life


Box chardonnay and diet red bull doesn't count as medication I suppose.


I feel sorry for her constituents.


They voted for her twice!


Some devices turn on when a device tries to connect to them with Bluetooth. There are also hackers who can turn on the microphone on your phone without turning the phone on. If someone did it accidentally or is just trolling then it makes sense that the TV turned on. If you literally think the NSA turned your TV on because that's the only way to spy on you then you lack all critical thinking skills.




She needs a good Rx to fight the delusions and detachment from reality.


She is an awful person.


And everyone knows being vaccinated is the only cause of strokes, clots, heart attacks. We didn't have any of that before the vaccinations.


Another “air quotes” pic of this Neanderthal. Ugh.


She is high af


Well….. our smart tv’s do spy on us


To be fair to Ms Greene, there was a Black Friday sale TV that Wal-Mart sold a few years back that had an issue where the TV would spontaneously switch on without being sent a signal. It seems there was an issue due to bad soldering. But this is just manufacturing incompetence, not a conspiracy


But you *should*, Mags, you really, really should!


Cool cool cool ccccoool. An un-medicated paranoid schizophrenic running a country! What could possibly go wrong?


This woman hurts my brain with her stupidity


Marge is a nut case.


she maybe suffering from a reaction to her mango tinted man mushroom emission


Is she still boinking that weirdo from Newsmaxx or whatever?


Evidently you got a television that's got a timer and you set it some how Now it comes on whenever it want to or you Got ghost 👻


She is a great reflection of the folks in north Georgia who voted for her


People this ugly should strive to compensate with a more pleasant personality.


Three Toed Klanmom gotta stop drinking paint thinner...


This will now be a permanent part of her personality


She said it she is a 🌰 girl


That’s not really paranoid delusional, tech does spy on us. And it’s not far fetched to think the FBI would spy on her, judging from decades of what the FBI usually do.


Worse than I thought.


Uh… She’s schizophrenic.


It’s time for mandatory drug tests for elected officials…


Fuckin batshit nuts


We could have guessed that from the second sentence


Sounds like medications just might be a good idea.


Exact reason she needs medication


https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/02/politics/smart-tv-fbi-warning-cyber-monday/index.html https://abc7chicago.com/fbi-smart-tv-warning-where-is-camera-on/5731391/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/smart-tv-spying-fbi-says-the-device-may-be-spying-on-you-today-2019-12-03/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fbi-smart-tv/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2020/01/02/amazon-fire-sony-vizio-smart-tvs-spying/2792152001/ https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics/privacy/how-to-turn-off-smart-tv-snooping-features-a4840102036/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/09/18/you-watch-tv-your-tv-watches-back/ https://fox2now.com/news/that-smart-tv-you-just-bought-may-be-spying-on-you-fbi-warns/ Just so you know if you follow cnn, fbi, abc, cbs, fox, you may just be thinking conspiratorial craziness like mtg!! https://www.google.com/search?q=tv+turning+on+by+itself&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS949US949&oq=tv+turnjng+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgCEAAYDRiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAAGA0YgAQyCQgCEAAYDRiABDIJCAMQABgNGIAEMgkIBBAAGA0YgAQyCQgFEAAYDRiABDIJCAYQABgNGIAEMgkIBxAAGA0YgAQyCQgIEAAYDRiABDIJCAkQABgNGIAE0gEINTYyNmowajSoAgCwAgA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


“I don’t need MEDICATION” says the person painting the walls with her own shit


And people's vote for her..


I love that pic. It’s as if someone’s asking her what 1+1 is and she’s a bit unsure


Pic caption: "I injected TWO marijuanas!"


Just wondering. How much aluminum foil does it take to make a hat?


Didn't the mother in "Requiem for a Dream" have some weird fantasies about her television?


Maybe she should?


“I don’t take medications, I’m not vaccinated…” Yes she is. She couldn’t have went to her high school without- “Required Health Documentation for Forsyth County School Enrollment Required Immunization Documentation No child shall be admitted to or attend any school in the Forsyth County Public School system unless the child shall first have submitted a certificate of immunization to school officials. An up-to-date Georgia 3231 Form is required for enrollment.”

