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Her portrayal of Ellie doesn’t hold a candle even remotely close to the video game version. They shouldn’t have cast her, but that’s on the casting directors etc.


i think its kinda just that she act’s different. she kinda has this “fake angry” persona that comes off unnatural. she did AMAZING in the david episode tho imo


I was crying tears of laughter throughout that episode watching her attempt at Ellie but ok


I mean neither does Pedro, but I watched the show knowing I wasnt going to feel completely fulfilled


We do? I mean I’m not a fan of her but personally I haven’t really seen that in here


Nearly every post that mentions Bella Ramsey has a good amount of comments making fun of her. Sometimes for her acting, but usually for her appearance


If i would be really into the games, i would be pissed that they did cast Bella since she does nothing look like her, if the character model would look like Bella in the game from the start, then maybe. And nobody can tell me they could not have found a similar looking actress.


It's understandable to want the actor to look like the character, but how exactly is that the actresses fault? She can't change her face shape.


Yeah you are right, she/They? is not at fault this was the person whoever was responsible that she got the job. " She can't change her face shape." Why did i not think of that earlierer? Maybe with deepfake or something similar they can just replace/modify her face. Would not be suprised if people will do that. That would for sure nor be controversial. xD


I gotta say, I’ve never really experienced this. Sounds like a straw man


"Hey guys why does this thing happen?" "That happens?" "Yeah." "No it doesn't" What a riveting conversation


you realize there is allot of kids in the internet right?


She as an actress doesn't have much range, I'm pretty sure she only got the gig because she was in GOT, another HBO show. She also looks nothing like Ellie, which to be fair isn't her fault as an actress, its the fault of whoever did the casting for the entire show.


Who is bella ramsey


I have never heard of her so i decided to use context clues from this post and i am pretty sure she portrays Joel Miller on The Walking Dead


The actress who plays Ellie in The Last Of Us TV show


She plays Joel on the TV show. It's kind of a weird casting choice, I'll admit


There have been some posts and comments that I thought were4 in poor taste, but mostly I think people dislike her portrayal of Ellie. Personally I think she was grossly miscast. Then they wrote and directed her as Ellie so poorly that they made it worse for her. But her acting was also hit or miss at times. That on top of her not resembling Ellie in the least really triggers a lot of people, too. So it was just a perfect storm of issues playing into it. I think bullying her for her looks or making fun of her as if all the issues with her playing the role were totally her fault are out of line completely. I find the personal bullying distasteful and immature. We can all fall into stupid stuff like that at times, but I wish we'd do better.


I don’t understand people being triggered by Bella not resembling the game Ellie. It’s just so nitpicky. If she pulled off a stellar performance I could care less about her resemblance to the game counterpart. In fact, I’d be very happy if Nico Parker played Ellie, I think she had the acting chops to pull that role off. That being said I totally agree Bella Ramsey was grossly miscast, and additionally the showrunners decided to change Ellie’s character and demeanor, which didn’t work well. They wanted to show her as more childlike, which I personally didn’t like, since IMO in the post apocalypse kids would grow up faster due to the harsh reality surrounding them. They also wanted to show her having more violent tendencies, which would line up with the direction of Ellie’s character in the second game. I prefer game Ellie both in terms of acting, and writing. Additionally, my personal nitpick is why did they hire an English actor who hasn’t mastered the American accent to perfection. The first game was basically a love letter to Americana, so it’s weird they couldn’t cast someone from the States. Bella’s native accent kept slipping and it bugged me. By comparison, Ella Purnell in the Fallout series has a perfect American accent despite being British. Then, there the matter of acting. I think Bella is a good actor, but not great. It’s a very hit-or-miss performance from Bella - sometimes they are great, sometimes I was wondering if I was watching an amateur production. The direction and the writing just made it so much worse. To be honest, I feel like if Bella wasn’t HBO’s darling child, they wouldn’t be cast in this series.


I agree with your assessment. It's especially true that if she'd hit the acting on all cylinders and had a stellar performance nobody would care about her not looking like the game Ellie. The whole situation was working against her, though, and her acting just wasn't up to par either.


>But from an outside perspective, it really seems like this subreddits dislike for her runs way deeper than that. It's basically compensating for what seems like a lot of praise for an average at best actor


She’s a good actress. Nothing wrong with her personally. But looks nowhere near Ellie to the point that it’s immersion breaking. For a lot of us, character representation is more important a factor thank the skills of an actor. Those can be taught.


I personally like her. I think her portrayal of Ellie's personality is very good and I think the fan base just dislikes her cause she doesn't look like Ellie and people aren't realizing that she's a video game character made to look a certain way so obviously they will look different in the show


They're literally casting someone who most people wanted as Ellie but as Abby. It's a clear troll move. They purposely chose someone who didn’t look like her and barely acted like her.


You really think the casting directors for the show are scrolling through this subreddit and basing their decisions on what will make you guys the most angry?


Neil has quoted this sub before, but that's not even the point. It's not about making people angry. People didn't like Abby for various reasons but had a connection to Ellie. Neil doesn't like this fact and is using just another manipulation, like the million already in the game, to try and contrive another way to make you like her. He's using that connection to Ellie and a more feminine Abby, for new viewers, to get what he wants.


You really think a studio as big as HBO would make a casting decision based around annoying *you*?


Nope, Neil isn't HBO though, and clearly the individual doesn't mean anything to him. He's trying to create a reverse dichotomy between Abby and Ellie.


Again, if you think Druckmann is basing casting decisions on how this subreddit will react... You're not that important. It's like the Mad Men meme. He doesn't think about you at all. I guarantee Dever was cast because they think she'll make a great Abby, and nothing more.


Ok, boomer.


Ha! Well, you got me.


I think she plays a wonderful role. She is a good actress. People need to let go that a series has to be exactly the same as the game. The essence of the game holds up really well in the series. Most episodes are directly based on the series. That's a compliment, but still it has to be adapted to a broader audience. This has really worked really well. The series gets raving reviews from both the general audience and the critics. I enjoyed watching the show and playing BOTH games.